Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 70: What did you give me!


In all fairness, many sects are actually investigating Yin Luoxue's disappearance these days. Everyone chattered and chattered, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became lively, and the previous embarrassment was also diluted.

Shen Qianling didn't know much about Jianghu affairs, even if he could not understand them, he simply stayed out of the situation and devoted himself to fighting against the vixen with the actor's aura throughout the whole process. He was extremely dedicated!

"What do you think, Mr. Shen?" Halfway through, Jiang Jiaolong turned his head and asked sincerely—Shen Qianling is from Sun Moon Villa after all, since he is here, even out of courtesy, he still wants to ask.

But Shen Xiaoshou didn't respond at all, because he didn't hear it at all, and he was still imagining himself as a small white flower blooming in the winter snow!

Noble and glamorous, proper.

Everyone looked this way.

"Ling'er." Qin Shaoyu stroked his head with a gentle voice.

"Huh?" Shen Qianling recovered.

"Master Jiangzhai is asking you what you think about this matter." Qin Shaoyu said.

Shen Qianling: ...

Damn, what can I think, my only opinion is that Yin Wushuang is a vixen, but I can't say that! So I had no choice but to say obediently, "I am naturally the same as you." Fu Chang Fu Sui must like it!

Everyone at the scene immediately clicked their tongues in their hearts, and sure enough, as the rumors said, they were showing affection all the time.

Simply blind.

"I heard that Palace Master Qin is sending people to search the blue and white fields outside the city?" Someone suddenly asked loudly.

"That's right." Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Earlier, the old leader of the Taihu Clan, Hong, was poisoned by Laoshan White Snake Grass. The person who poisoned it had to pick a lot of fresh blue and white flowers, so I thought of sending someone to search for it."

"Has there ever been a result?" the man continued to ask.

"No." Qin Shaoyu shook his head frankly, "People from Chasing Shadow Palace have searched almost the entire outskirts of the city, but there is no trace of damage to the blue and white fields. I am also puzzled."

Everyone sighed when they heard the words, so many sects gathered here but still got nothing, the righteous way of martial arts is really embarrassing!

"Everyone, don't be discouraged." Jiang Jiaolong adjusted the atmosphere, "It's better to rest for a while and have some melon and fruit snacks before continuing."

This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone present, because holding a meeting is really hard work, especially this kind of meeting without a clue, it is simply a headache!

The servants quickly offered fresh fruits and refreshments. Qin Shaoyu took a lychee casually, peeled it off and handed it to Shen Qianling's mouth, "Take a look, spit it out if it's not sweet."

Xiao Zhan got up and went to the outside of the courtyard, out of sight.

Yin Wushuang drank tea coldly, but also didn't say a word.

The lychee meat was cold and sweet, and Shen Xiaoshou felt relieved in his balls—in fact, he was probably the only person present who felt relieved!

"Spit it out." Qin Shaoyu put his hand to his mouth.

Hey! Shen Qianling wondered, "It's sweet." It's not that you vomit because it's not sweet!

Qin Shaoyu laughed, "Spit out the core, be careful not to choke."

Shen Qianling: ...

Why do you make me sound so stupid!

The people around were silently filled with emotion, they were afraid of choking on a lychee, and they were spoiled by flowers!

"I'll go out for a while." After sitting for a while, Shen Qianling wanted to shush! Because I drank a lot of tea just now!

"Together." Qin Shaoyu took his hand and stood up.

Shen Qianling, who was well-behaved on the outside and messed up on the inside, went out with him.

This feeling of holding hands and peeing together is like going back to kindergarten!

Do you want to be a hero of the rivers and lakes in the future!

After watching the two disappear, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became more enthusiastic, because everyone was eager to gossip!

The shadow chasing palace guard said disdainfully, "What is this, our palace master will send people to collect the dew on the petals every day, because the lady wants to take a bath."

"Wow!" Everyone was shocked by success!

"The blankets that make up the bed in Shadow Chasing Palace are all made of peacock feathers, otherwise Madam won't be able to sleep!"

So everyone sucked in the air conditioner on the first floor again, because it was very expensive!

"In the bedroom prepared by Shadow Chasing Palace for Madam, even the floor is covered with pearls!"

"When the palace lord went to the Shen family to hire, there were seven nine-foot-high blood jade corals alone!"

"Madam has a bad appetite, so the palace lord invited eight royal chefs from the palace for him!"

The dark guard's tone was cold and disdainful, and the nonsense was extremely realistic, and he successfully said "Mr. Shen is difficult to raise, only our Palace Master can afford it. If anyone covets him, you should give up early. Of course, our Palace Master only has the only one in his heart." Mr. Shen is the only one who is willing to raise him so meticulously that no third party can get in." These two themes were conveyed to everyone, and Palace Master Qin would be very satisfied if he knew about it!

Yin Wushuang looked indifferent, flung his sleeves and went out the door!

The hidden guards curled their lips in their hearts one after another, the fierce ones are not attractive at all, they are far worse than Madam!

And our wife has a trembling little round tail, which is not at the same level as yours, is it so cute!

You still go to love others!

"Why is the hut so far away?" Shen Qianling complained as she walked.

"Can't hold it anymore?" Qin Shaoyu asked, "Then let's find a tree."

"...Forget it." Shen Qianling said seriously, "We can't boo anywhere, we need to be civilized!"

Palace Master Qin calmly reminded, "Vase."

"Shut up!" Shen Qianling was furious!

What's so good about taking it out again and again is simply annoying!

Qin Shaoyu smiled happily, if he was not afraid of being seen, he would have wanted to hug him and make out.

"Take me to the latrine!" Shen Xiaoshou patted him, unable to hold back!

"It's right in front." Qin Shaoyu pulled him a few steps closer, "Did you see it?"

"I see." Shen Qianling trotted all the way.

Qin Shaoyu grabbed him, "I'll go in first."

Shen Qianling was sad and indignant, "You still want to fight me at a time like this?"

"What are you thinking!" Qin Shaoyu couldn't help but pull him to open the door, "I'm afraid there will be an ambush."

"Who would be so prescient." Shen Qianling untied his belt, "Turn around!"

Qin Shaoyu turned around knowingly, and Shen Xiaoshou booed heartily, it was so refreshing!

After solving the problem, Shen Qianling lifted up his pants contentedly, and was about to pull Qin Shaoyu away when he caught a glimpse of something strange from the corner of his eye, turned around to take a closer look, and immediately screamed out.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shaoyu was startled, turned around and hugged him into his arms.

"There is someone below!" Shen Qianling pointed to the pit with a pale face.

This hut is very clean, there is a piece of dry land underneath, just now I was in a hurry to relieve myself so I didn't take a closer look, but now I found a person lying on his stomach in the corner, motionless, I don't know whether it is life or death.

Qin Shaoyu frowned, "It looks like someone from Heifengzhai."

Shen Qianling was still in shock, holding on to his sleeve tightly.

After a while, everyone from all corners of the world also rushed over after hearing the news, and He Feng, the owner of Heifeng Village, was even more surprised.

"It's He Feng's second apprentice, He Yan." Hua Tang whispered in Qin Shaoyu's ear, "The complexion is pale, and it should be hopeless."

"Who is the next murderer?" He Feng asked angrily.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. Just now everyone was discussing matters in the courtyard. He Yan seemed to have said a few words, why did he suddenly die in the hut

"Second senior brother just said he was in a hurry, so he left early." Another young apprentice in Heifengzhai also had a sad face, "It's been a while, I thought he had a bad stomach, but I didn't expect to be poisoned." .”

"Who was here just now?" Jiang Jiaolong's face was extremely ugly - guests had accidents in Qianwu Water Village one after another, it was clear that someone didn't want to give face to the master.

"Back to the village master, the old man is here." An uncle sweeping the floor tremblingly said, "I only saw this man trotting into the hut before, and then I went to sweep the floor elsewhere, and I didn't hear anyone fighting."

"Could it be that my senior brother died suddenly by himself?" Someone in Heifeng Village was dissatisfied and shouted, "You old man looks confused, you have to think about it before you talk!"

"Why can't he die suddenly?" Shen Qianling couldn't see the old man being bullied.

The man was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Shen Qianling to speak against him, and he said after a long time, "But my senior brother has always been in good health."

"So what?" Shen Qianling looked at him coldly, "When someone dies, everyone is naturally sad, but what's the matter with this old man, you can speak ill of him!"

The other party stopped talking, and He Feng's face was frosty, "Young master Shen is impulsive, please don't mind. But today's matter, He will never let it go!"

"Master He, please put out the fire." The incident happened on his own territory, Jiang Jiaolong could only admit that it was unlucky, "My two brothers will also try our best to help each other to find out the real culprit."

Qin Shaoyu winked at Huatang.

Huatang understood, and said to He Feng, "I wonder if you can let me check it?"

"No need." He Feng said coolly, "I will solve the affairs in my gang by myself, so I don't bother Chaying Palace to intervene."

"Since that's the case, then I can only ask He Zhaizhu to mourn." Qin Shaoyu didn't force it, "If there is a place where I need to help, but it doesn't matter."

"Thank you." He Feng looked gloomy, and the commander carried He Yan onto the stretcher.

If something like this happened in the middle, the meeting would naturally not be able to go on. Everyone clasped their fists and said goodbye, Shen Qianling also planned to go home with Qin Shaoyu, but when he looked up, he saw Xiao Zhan looking at him.

"... What's the matter?" Seeing that Qin Shaoyu didn't speak, Shen Qianling had to rely on himself.

"Was the thing I gave you useful?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Shen Qianling looked blank, what

"If you think it's useful, let me know, and I'll get some more for you." After Xiao Zhan finished speaking with a blank expression, he turned around and left with others, dressed in black very chicly! Shen Xiaoshou was left alone with foggy eyes, hey, when did you give me something? How can you talk nonsense like that!

"What did he give you?" Qin Shaoyu narrowed his eyes.

Shen Qianling suddenly felt wronged, "There is really nothing, he must be talking nonsense!"

The hidden guards were all astonished, and Emma's sense of rhythm about the sweet bickering was simply amazing!

"Let's go back and talk about it." Qin Shaoyu took his hand and walked back.

Shen Qianling: ...

Even if I go back, there is nothing to say, because he really didn't give me anything!

How can you not believe it!

It's just annoying!