Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 8: Diligent and studious, Master Shen!


Although it comes from a modern society with highly inflated information, seeing a phoenix without warning is so curious! So Shen Qianling was dizzy and dreaming all the time! Not only was he running naked in the wilderness, but there was also a phoenix chasing after him while breathing fire! After finally running to the crowded market, he thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, he was hit by a big red hydrangea falling from the sky, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Shaoyu wearing a red wedding dress, so coquettish and coquettish, he finally succeeded in being frightened awake! This is simply too thunderous! ! The whole person is going to be scared to pee! !

"Ah, young master is awake." Baodou hurriedly helped him up.

Candles were already lit in the room, and Shen Qianling was sweating profusely, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"It's terrible, it's been several hours." Baodou wiped his sweat for him, "The owner, wife, and several young masters all came to see the young master, but after the doctor said that the young master is not likely, everyone left one after another. .”

Only parents and brother? Shen Qianling was extremely weak, "Who is that?"

"Young Master, you are asking Palace Master Qin?" Baodou was very clever, "The Palace Master went out before, but has not come back yet, Young Master misses him?"

I miss his whole family! I have something to do with him, okay! Shen Qianling waved his hands weakly, "Okay, let's not mention him, tell me about the phoenix in the backyard."

"My lord was joking, how could it be a phoenix?" Baodou said seriously, "The phoenix is an ancient god that only exists in legends, so how can you see it casually?"

Fuck, it’s not called Phoenix yet, so tell me what is called Phoenix! ! Whose black-bone chicken can stretch its wings three meters long! ! Shen Qianling really wanted to roar and flip the table! ! !

"That black-bone chicken has been raised by Shen's family for hundreds of years, and it is said that it is the savior of our ancestors." Baodou explained, "Although they are both big birds, but the phoenix is said to be able to rise to nirvana in the fire, but the black-bone chicken is very afraid of fire, it's different. "

"Savior?" Shen Qianling once again felt that his cognition had been refreshed! What kind of logic is this family! Shouldn't the savior be properly enshrined? There's no reason why he should be chained in the backyard! Not to mention killing someone's son and making soup casually, what a strange way to repay his gratitude!

"I don't know about this matter, anyway, young master, remember not to provoke it in the future." Baodou reminded, "The black-bone chicken has a bad temper. Even though it is bound by iron chains, its wings can still kill people."

You think I want to provoke it! The problem is that I ate its son, this beam has clearly formed, okay! Shen Qianling burst into tears, "Hurry up and find someone to strengthen the chain." It's so useless!

"Young Master, don't worry, the chain is made of black iron. It has been exposed to wind and rain for hundreds of years, and it is fine to be pecked by divine beasts every day." Baodou said, "It will definitely not break."

But these words obviously did not have a consoling effect. Shen Qianling burst into tears when he heard the words. It has been hundreds of years, young man, are you sure it is not rusted? Born in time travel and died in bird food, life is really a big coffee table!

"I ate the little beast, so I won't be punished by the gods?" Shen Qianling was trembling, he didn't want to be struck by lightning while walking.

"Of course not." Baodou looked at him with puzzled eyes, "Why would you think so? Master, wife, elder master, second master and third master, everyone has eaten it."

"What?" Shen Qianling's eyes widened, and she felt her head was twisted a bit!

"The black-bone chicken is a combination of male and female. It lays hundreds of eggs every spring, but most of them will be kicked to pieces by itself. One can be hatched in three to five years. It is a nourishing product. The first one was stewed for the young master, and later It is the second young master and the third young master, even if it is the turn, it should be the young master's turn." Baodou's tone was full of meanings like "Actually, we have suffered a lot, okay?"

Shen Qianling felt that she was going to cry again, "Then why did everyone have such... weird expressions when mother mentioned black chicken soup?" You have already eaten it! ! Also shocked a wool! It made me think it was a great favor! !

"Because the young master had a good relationship with it before, he often brought soybeans to feed it." Baodou said, "In fact, the young master and the young master both wanted to give the soup to the young master, but the young master not only refused to drink it, but even made a big fuss over it. After a few times, I swore that I would rather die than eat."

So what surprised everyone was not the black-bone chicken at all, but the original Shen Qianling's oath in the second year of secondary school, right? Shen Yingdi's head was buzzing, and he felt as if he had been cheated.

"My lord, don't take it to heart." Seeing his different expression, Baodou only thought he was sorry for the beast, so he comforted him, "Even if you don't eat it, the little black-bone chicken won't live long, and the master tried to keep a few more I only raised them, but unfortunately they failed to do so.”

In the final analysis, this matter is not a big deal at all! Shen Qianling lay on the bed and comforted herself, even if she looked radiant, she was nothing more than a strange old bird, and even if she retreated 10,000 steps, she was really a divine beast, everyone in the Shen family had already eaten it, and even if it was to be punished by God, everyone would be together ! After thinking about these points, Shen Qianling immediately felt relieved and rolled on the bed!

"Ma'am is awake." There was a greeting with a smile in my ear.

Shen Qianling pulled the quilt over her head.

Out of sight is pure.

"Angry?" Qin Shaoyu sat by the bed, "I heard Baodou said you were looking for me?"

"No." Shen Qianling muffled.

"Young master was clearly looking for it earlier." Baodou retorted from the side.

"When did you come in here!" Shen Qianling sat up blushing, "And are you my book boy or his?!" How can you speak to outsiders, negative score and bad review!

"What's the difference? After all, it will be sent to the Shadow Chasing Palace as a dowry." Baodou muttered.

Shen Qianling was choked back by success.

A bit of pursuit, boy!

"What do you want from me?" Qin Shaoyu pinched his face.

Touch your sister! Even if there is a marriage contract, they are not married yet, okay? Chop your hands again! Shen Qianling rolled back into the bed, "It's okay, I can leave." In fact, he was fainted by Phoenix just now and felt that this world is so weird that it is unimaginable. According to this trend, boys and girls are not impossible, so he wanted to find Qin Shaoyu to plan Let's talk about future miscarriage plans! However, after the conversation with Baodou just now, he has calmed down a lot, and he has successfully recovered his previous pure and natural arrogant attitude.

"Okay, then wait until you want to talk." Qin Shaoyu didn't embarrass him, "Mrs. Rest early, I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Don't keep running towards me! Shen Qianling earnestly suggested, "A man should put his career first!"

"So Madam is finally willing to start learning how to run an escort agency?" Qin Shaoyu was pleasantly surprised, "If the owner knows, he will be ecstatic."

Shen Qianling closed her eyes calmly, "Pretend I didn't say anything just now." Run your sister's bodyguard agency!

Qin Shaoyu laughed very awkwardly.

Shen Qianling raised countless middle fingers in her heart!

"Young Master, you should treat Palace Master Qin better in the future." After sending Qin Shaoyu away, Baodou said earnestly, "So as not to marry and be angry in the future."

Who said I was going to marry him! Shen Qianling disdained, "I've already forgotten him!"

"But Palace Master Qin treats you better than before." Baodou complained for Qin Shaoyu, "He has never been like this before, and he comes to visit you from time to time."

So I should still be grateful to Dade? Shen Qianling twitched her lips, Master is not rare!

"And the Palace Master told the Villa Master today that he wants to take the Young Master to the street tomorrow morning." Baodou said, "Does the Young Master know how busy the Qin Palace Master is?"

I don't care how busy he is and no one asks him, and don't talk to me in such a "really ignorant" tone! Shen Qianling pinched his bun face and gritted his teeth, "Little spy!"

Baodou burst into tears, "It hurts."

"He wants to take me out tomorrow morning?" Shen Qianling withdrew his hand.

"If you don't want to go--"

"Of course I don't want to go!" Shen Qianling was extremely cold.

"Then we have to go to school." Baodou reminded.

and many more! Shen Qianling frowned, "Where are you going?"

"School." Baodou said, "Young master has always been unwilling to practice martial arts, so the owner of the villa has visited the world and invited many strange people and strange things, and opened a school just for you to explain the affairs of the world."

Damn, there's even a tutor? Shen Qianling instinctively took a deep breath, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. There is no mathematics, chemistry and biology here. Explaining the world's affairs sounds even slightly interesting, okay? It might be very worth looking forward to! So Shen Qianling said enthusiastically, "Then I'll go to school!"

"Ah?" Baodou was surprised when he heard the words, "Young master is willing to take the initiative to go to the school?"

Shen Qianling: ...

Could it be that the previous one hated going to school

Well, in fact, he hated it in his previous life, but since he came here, he has to go and see it anyway, and it's better than going shopping with Qin Shaoyu anyway!

So he nodded firmly, "I am very willing!"

Baodou could only sigh in his heart, in fact he wanted to go shopping tomorrow morning.

What a disappointment.

The next morning, Shen Qianling got up early, dressed and ran to school excitedly.

"Sir, slow down." Baodou chased after him with tears streaming down his face, holding the book box, why was he so excited this time, his face was full of resentment every time before!

"Young master." The gatekeeper of the academy unlocked the copper lock for him, "Master Zeng has not come yet, so you can read the book by yourself first."

After Shen Qianling thanked him and stepped into the door, he was immediately greeted by a strong smell of books!

This is the taste of knowledge! Shen Yingdi was intoxicated!

"Young Master, read the book first, I'll go to the kitchen to get some refreshments." Baodou put the book box on the table, "What do you want to eat, Young Master?"

"Whatever." Shen Qianling took out a few books.

Baodou responded, turned around and ran out the door. Shen Qianling returned to the table with the book in her arms, excitedly opened the cover to receive the influence of knowledge, and then... was dumbfounded.

What kind of strange picture is it for two people without clothes to hug each other, and don't draw the bird and butt so lifelike! Obviously other parts are very rough, okay, the face can be replaced by circles, but there are only two black spots in the eyes, the author is too serious to focus on one thing and lose another!

Had I known this would happen, I would have come sooner!

Shen Yingdi rubbed his hands excitedly!

It seems to be back to the wonderful high school days!

Turning to the second page with great interest, Shen Qianling showed a "men can understand" smile on the corner of his mouth. This posture is good! It’s just that the heroine’s breasts are a little flatter, wait a minute, it seems that she has no breasts at all, and wait a minute, it seems that she has grown something that shouldn’t have grown, eh, eh, eh, eh, oh, what’s the matter with both of them having birds? Don't take you to play with me like this! Shen Qianling took a deep breath. As an ancient society, do you dare not take the matter of disturbing the foundation for granted? There must be a limit to heavy tastes, okay

It's scary!

But the more amazing thing is yet to come, because Mrs. Zeng turned out to be a big-breasted and beautiful purple-clothed sister, who looks very ecstasy!

Hehehe, it turned out that he wasn't the old man with long beards in his imagination, and Actor Shen felt that he had earned it, which was a big surprise! It's a pity that the surprise turned into shock in less than three seconds, because Sister Ziyi asked immediately, "How far has the young master's intercourse skills practiced?"


Shen Qianling was dumbfounded, feeling his head was struck by thunder.

Seeing that he just opened his mouth and didn't speak, Sister Ziyi sighed, "It seems that the young master has really lost his memory."

"So Fang...you just made it up to check if I have amnesia, right?" Shen Qianling tentatively asked.

"Of course not." Sister Ziyi frowned, "If you forget, my lord, we will practice from the beginning. In short, we must practice well before we get married with Palace Master Qin. The family can't afford to lose this face."

Shen Qianling's face was pale, what kind of strange words are these!

"However, in order to check how much the young master has forgotten, let's give it a try." Sister Ziyi sat on the couch, "First—"

"Wait first!" Shen Qianling's soul was completely frightened. Don't be so unrestrained, girl, I'm still a pure virgin!

"Still waiting?" Sister Ziyi frowned.

Then we have to wait! Shen Qianling burst into tears.

What kind of mess this has left for me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !