Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 85: The proud Lord Ye Gu!


Because Guzhu Ye is too arrogant, Shen Xiaoshou had no choice but to temporarily abandon his eldest brother and change to a topic that the people like to hear, "Why don't we go eat first?"

"Hungry again so soon?" Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head with a smile, "Little pig."

Shen Qianling: ...

I just want to adjust the atmosphere of the scene, okay

Really very wronged.

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll ask someone to secretly buy it and deliver it to your room." Qin Shaoyu said, "You're still pretending to be dizzy and can't go out to eat, and Ye Jin's whereabouts are kept secret, so you can't go out either."

"Then let's solve it ourselves, you and your eldest brother should go to dinner earlier." Shen Qianling obediently compared that.

"Hmph!" Ye Jin was suddenly angry.

Shen Xiaoshou was almost speechless and asked the sky, I didn't talk to you, what's the matter with you, wouldn't it be okay to just call him big brother!

How can you be so arrogant.

It's simply the proud emperor!

"I'll eat in the room with you." Shen Qianling said, "Qianfeng has something to do at noon, so he's going out soon."

"Where are you going?" Shen Qianling was curious.

"Today, Yin Wushuang is going to force Yin Luoxue to poison him." Qin Shaoyu said, "Although everything is kept secret, Qian Feng is worried that if the news leaks, someone will take the opportunity to make trouble, so he wants to help."

"Hypocrite!" Ye Jin interrupted coldly.

Shen Qianling: ...

If it weren't for the fact that you are here to help, I really want to tape your mouth twice!

"Will it be dangerous?" Shen Qianling asked.

Ye Jin: "Ha, ha, ha!"

Shen Qianling was dizzy, even if my brother was really in danger, wouldn't your ecstasy be a little too much!

"If you interrupt again, you'll go to sleep with Qian Feng tonight." Qin Shaoyu said coldly.

Ye Jin immediately put her hands on her hips and scolded the street, "Who wants to sleep with that eunuch!"

Shen Xiaoshou gasped. Although he didn't quite understand what it meant, it seemed that there was a lot of information.

"Who do you say is the eunuch?" Shen Qianfeng stood at the door and asked coldly.

"Ah!" Ye Jin quickly ran behind Qin Shaoyu.

Shen Xiaoshou looked at him speechlessly, he had spoken so boldly earlier, he thought he was so powerful... And don't just hug other people's arms, that's my man!

"I'm going to Qianwu Water Village, come to me anytime if you need something." Shen Qianfeng didn't even look at Ye Jin, and only talked to Qin Shaoyu.

Palace Master Qin said, "You also have to be careful."

Shen Qianfeng nodded, turned and walked out.

Ye Jin poohed silently behind him.

Shen Qianfeng turned around, "Ling'er remembers—"

Ye Jin quickly withdrew her tongue sticking out, crawled under the table and hugged her head, her speed was as fast as lightning, and she was very experienced at first glance.

Shen Qianling almost wanted to worship him.

"Remember, eat more vegetables." After Shen Qianfeng gritted his teeth, he went downstairs. If he was not worried that something would happen to Yin Wushuang, and that Qin Shaoyu's finding someone to impersonate Shen Qianling would be exposed, he really wanted to make Ye Jin tied it up and stuffed it into a pickle jar to pickle.

"Fuck you." Ye Jin squatted under the table, Ah Q was incomparable.

Shen Qianling 囧囧 had a godly way, "You should come out first and then talk about it."

"How many things happened between you?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"Don't you know everything?" Ye Jin crawled out from under the table, and calmly patted the ashes on her body.

Qin Shaoyu's eyes were filled with the four characters "I don't believe it", "If it's only about the business name, why are you so afraid of him?"

"You've seen it all." Ye Jin looked proud, disdainful and casual, "It's my fault that I didn't think about it for a while, and put him to sleep!" You can feel it.

Shen Qianling looked at the door in surprise, "Brother, why are you back?"

Mother! ! ! Ye Jin's face turned pale immediately, and he jumped towards the window in a panic!

Qin Shaoyu carried him back, dumbfounded, "Ling'er lied to you."

Ye Jin: ...

"If you know you're afraid, don't talk nonsense." Qin Shaoyu let go of his hand, his tone full of contempt.

Ye Jin was still in shock, and sneaked a look at the door. After confirming that Shen Qianfeng was indeed not there, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and glared at Shen Qianling by the way—you are scared to death, okay

Shen Xiaoshou looked at the sky innocently.

"I don't care about the matter between you, but this time we must focus on the overall situation." Qin Shaoyu said, "Don't make mistakes."

"How could I make mistakes, I'm so reliable!" Ye Jin said boldly, "It's Shen Qianfeng who makes mistakes!"

Shen Qianling: ...

This thickness of skin is really amazing.

At the same time, the atmosphere in Qianwu Water Village was more serious.

Yin Wushuang helped his younger brother to sit up, and fed him a bowl of medicine.

Yin Luoxue's eyes were half-opened and his face was a little gray - after so many days, he had obviously reached the limit of his body.

"Qian Feng and I are just outside the house." Xiao Zhan said, "You just need to heal his wounds with peace of mind, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes outside, I will block it for you."

"Thank you." Yin Wushuang nodded slightly, "If everything goes well this time, I, Luoxue Palace, will owe you a favor."

"Palace Master, you're being polite." Shen Qianfeng said, "The four sects should work together as one, so why talk about human feelings?"

"Call us if you have anything to do." Xiao Zhan also said.

Yin Wushuang nodded, watched the two of them go out, then calmed down, and slowly raised her palm to press on the top of Yin Luoxue's head.

In the yard, Xiao Zhan and Shen Qianfeng sat on the stone bench under the tree, both looked worried.

Probably feeling that the atmosphere was too heavy, Xiao Zhan broke through the silence and said, "How is Ling'er recently?"

Shen Qianfeng nodded, "My younger brother is very good, please worry about the second master." It's not just good, it's simply not good. Originally thought that even if he was spoiled at home, who would have thought that Qin Shaoyu would have the ability to make things worse, holding him in the palm of his hand and putting it in his mouth, even his own family members couldn't see him.

Xiao Zhan's face turned dark.

Because he was obviously looking forward to Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu quarreling every day, even fighting!

"I wonder if I can tell the truth?" Shen Qianfeng looked at him.

Xiao Zhan nodded.

Shen Qianfeng said bluntly, "Ling'er is not suitable for the second leader."

Xiao Zhan looked cold, "Whether it fits or not, I know in my own mind."

"I've also heard some things. At the beginning, it was indeed Ling'er who wanted to provoke the Second Leader." Shen Qianfeng said, "It is indeed his fault. If the Second Leader wants to beat and punish him, I will definitely not stop him."

Xiao Zhan snorted coldly.

"But his marriage with Shaoyu is a foregone conclusion, please don't be obsessed with the second master." Shen Qianfeng continued.

"Are you afraid that I will rob someone?" Xiao Zhan looked at him.

Shen Qianfeng looked at him, "The second leader has already snatched it once before."

"At that time, I didn't know that he had changed." Xiao Zhan said.

"Indeed." Shen Qianfeng sighed, "If it weren't for his appearance not changing, I would almost think that he is no longer the original Ling'er."

"Then what do you think of him now?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Shen Qianfeng said, "If amnesia can keep him so pure and happy, I'd rather he never return to his original appearance."

Xiao Zhan didn't speak any more when he heard the words, he waved his hand and asked his servants to bring a pot of tea.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was still no movement in the house. The two looked at each other, and before they could speak, a shrill neigh suddenly came from the sky.

Yin Wushuang in the room frowned when he heard the sound, but he didn't dare to move.

The internal strength of the two has already connected, if they were distracted and stopped at this time, the result would be one casualty and one death.

The two outside the house looked up, and saw a big black bird flapping its wings and flying over, almost covering the sky—it was the mourning bird raised by Granny Jinhua that day.

The rest of the people in the village obviously also saw this scene, and all screamed out.

Shen Qianfeng frowned slightly, and several hidden guards flew out immediately, warning everyone to keep quiet.

Xiao Zhan drew his sword out of its sheath, and just as he was about to intercept the mourning bird, Shen Qianfeng jumped up and stabbed at it with his sword.

To his surprise, this time the big black bird didn't show a trace of fear, not only didn't turn around and run away, but speeded up instead. The nails on the two giant claws shone with sharp blue light, obviously poisoned.

Shen Qianfeng knew something was wrong, so he suddenly turned over in the air, changed his angle to avoid the attack, and swung his sword down from above.

The mourning bird was hit by a sword in its left wing, and after a long hiss, it rushed into the sky, and the huge wind brought by the waving of its wings even lifted the roof tiles.

"Master Shen!" After the Jiang family brothers heard the news, they also rushed over with a team of archers.

"Shoot!" Shen Qianfeng ordered sharply.

With a wave of Jiang Jiaolong's hand, hundreds of sharp arrows immediately shot towards the big black bird.

Shen Qianfeng landed on the ground and looked up to the sky.

The mourning bird didn't dodge, its body was full of arrow feathers, but it didn't push back at all, on the contrary, it became more excited. He was covered in blood and rushed towards the roof again, as if possessed by an evil spirit, insisting on crashing into Yin Wushuang's house.

Shen Qianfeng and Xiao Zhan rushed up at the same time, each of them twisted a wing, pulled it up and jumped up.

The mourning bird let out a terrifying neigh, and struggled like crazy. Blood gurgled from the arrow wound, raining blood in the air.

"Is this bird crazy!" Xiao Zhan roared.

"Bewitched!" Shen Qianfeng dodged one of its sharp claws, "It's already crazy, kill it!"

Xiao Zhan nodded, grabbed one of its wings and twisted it vigorously. Amidst the rattling sound, the mourning bird screamed and fell straight to the ground and passed out.

Jiang Yinlong ran over with his men and bound the big black bird with iron chains.

Xiao Zhan patted the dust off his body, went to the crack of the door to look inside the room, and was relieved to confirm that there was no time.

"Find a pig iron cage and lock it up." Shen Qianfeng said, "One wing has been broken, so it shouldn't be messed up anymore."

Jiang Jiaolong beckoned someone to lift up the big bird and went to the dungeon together.

"I knew Feng Jiuye would not be peaceful." Xiao Zhan gritted his teeth.

"Otherwise it wouldn't be called the Demon Sect." Shen Qianfeng said, "If I guessed correctly, that bird was poisoned by the same Gu poison as Yin Luoxue."

"Really?" Xiao Zhan was surprised.

"I have the colorful feathers of the ancient god bird on my body. It stands to reason that the mourning bird should sense the breath and flee." Shen Qianfeng said, "Let's say it is rampant like it is now."

"No wonder he didn't escape after being injured." Xiao Zhan frowned.

"The situation hasn't completely escalated yet, I just hope that Feng Jiuye and the members of the Qiang Gu Gang can be caught as soon as possible." Shen Qianfeng sighed, "It's easy to get rid of a bird with Gu, if there are too many people, I'm afraid ten Neither you nor I can solve the problem."