Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 89: sorry!


In the barren hills on the outskirts of the city, Taxuebai led the two of them galloping all the way, and dozens of black mourning birds screamed shrilly, chasing closely behind.

"Don't be afraid." Qin Shaoyu hugged the person in his arms tightly.

Shen Qianling grabbed his sleeve tightly, feeling helpless like never before.

A big black bird swooped down suddenly, Qin Shaoyu cut it in two with a backhand sword.

Amidst the screams, blood poured down like rain, and the warmth fell on the two of them. Shen Qianling's back felt numb, and she involuntarily closed her eyes.

Seeing a deep canyon in front of him, Ta Xuebai raised his front hooves with a long hiss and stopped on the spot.

Feng Jiuye stood on the rock in front, looking at the two of them playfully.

The mourning bird rushed over like a flood, Qin Shaoyu didn't have time to think, he jumped up with Shen Qianling in his arms, and swung his sword to cut a bloody path.

Feng Jiuye shook the golden bell in her hand, and called the bird of mourning back to her side.

Qin Shaoyu protected Shen Qianling, and looked at him with a sword in one hand.

"It's rare to see the two of you in such a mess." Feng Jiuye's tone was full of mockery.

"What are you trying to do!" Shen Qianling glared at him fiercely.

"Of course I want you to go back with me." Feng Jiuye raised an eyebrow.

"Dream." Qin Shaoyu's tone was cold.

"I'm afraid it's not your decision now." Feng Jiuye's tone was slightly raised, obviously provocative.

Qin Shaoyu suddenly picked up Shen Qianling with one hand, and killed Feng Jiuye with lightning speed.

If there is nothing to worry about, you can still have a hearty battle with him. But now with Shen Qianling by his side, and those mourning birds, it would definitely not do him any good to fight hard. The only hope is to rush into the canyon—due to the terrain, the mourning bird can't follow in, and he can have a little more chance of winning.

Feng Jiuye sneered coldly, and actually held his three-foot sword with his bare hands.

Qin Shaoyu took advantage of the momentum to turn around in the air, and brought Shen Qianling to a high place.

Black marks appeared on Feng Jiuye's palm, and ghost claws attacked the two people's faces.

Qin Shaoyu kicked the huge rock away, and rushed Shen Qianling into the deep mountains and dense forests.

Feng Jiuye whistled, and dozens of mourning birds waved their wings and rushed up again, launching crazy attacks on the two of them again and again. In order to protect Shen Qianling, Qin Shaoyu also got a hard claw on the shoulder, his skin was turned over and his flesh was bruised deep enough to see the bones, and blood flowed profusely in an instant. Shen Qianling was shocked, grabbed his clothes and said anxiously, "You let him take me away, I still have his things, he won't do anything to me."

"Shut up!" Qin Shaoyu gritted his teeth and chopped off a big bird, and continued to flee with him up the mountain.

"You can't beat him with me!" Shen Qianling roared angrily.

Qin Shaoyu hugged him even tighter, and fought with Feng Jiuye who was chasing up with one hand, but he was obviously unable to do what he wanted.

Fighting and retreating all the way, there is already a cliff behind.

"You still don't admit defeat?" Feng Jiuye looked evil.

Qin Shaoyu had just hit him with a palm, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

Shen Qianling supported him, but his hands trembled involuntarily.

"Come back." Feng Jiuye reached out to him.

Shen Qianling's eyes were full of vigilance and distrust.

"I'll take you back to the Holy Cult." Feng Jiuye said in a soft tone, "He is already dead, but you still have a lot of wealth and glory to enjoy. Don't tell me you want to be buried with him."

Shen Qianling's palms were cold and she still didn't move.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Feng Jiuye still smiled patiently, but murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he attacked the two of them like lightning. Qin Shaoyu pushed Shen Qianling aside, and slapped him with all his strength, and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his heart, his eyes turned black and he was shot off the cliff.

"Don't!" Shen Qianling was hysterical, and rushed over like crazy to grab him, but only had time to wipe his fingertips.

The person I love the most in this life is about to disappear in front of my eyes, Shen Qianling didn't hesitate for a moment, and jumped down with him desperately.

If you can't live in the same quilt, then you will die in the same acupuncture point, which is better than staying alone in the memory and living alone for the rest of your life.

Feng Jiuye obviously didn't expect Shen Qianling to be so crazy, and he didn't realize it for a while. When he regained consciousness and wanted to catch it, there was only a vast sea of clouds in front of him.

The two fell off the cliff quickly, Qin Shaoyu gritted his teeth and tried his best to catch Shen Qianling and hug him in his arms. With the sword in his right hand, he pierced into the crevice of the stone, and after a series of dazzling lightning flashes, he barely stopped halfway up the mountain.

Shen Qianling's face was as pale as paper, and she couldn't speak a word when she looked at him.

"Little pig." Qin Shaoyu was smiling, but his voice was a little hoarse, "I said you have what he wants, why bother to die with me."

Shen Qianling shed tears and hugged his waist tightly.

"Don't cry." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly with one hand, "Ling'er is good, don't cry."

There was still a cliff that could not be seen below them, and the two of them were hanging on the mountainside only by the sword edge stuck in the crevice of the rock, and they might fall down at any time.

"This is the first time you haven't passed out at a high place." Qin Shaoyu teased him.

Shen Qianling hugged him and said nothing.

"Are you afraid?" The wound on his right shoulder was torn again, and Qin Shaoyu's arm gradually became numb, but he still coaxed him softly, as if they were talking to each other in bed.

"Not afraid." Shen Qianling looked at him with red eyes, "I'm going to die together."

Qin Shaoyu kissed his forehead, tears fell unexpectedly, "I'm sorry."

"Let go." Shen Qianling buried her face in his arms, and quietly closed her eyes, "I'm really not afraid."

The sword finally couldn't bear the weight of the two people, and slipped out bit by bit. Seeing that the two were about to fall again, a clear cry suddenly came from a distance.

A huge colorful bird flapped its wings and was flying towards this side.

"Phoenix?" Shen Qianling was surprised.

"I haven't seen it before." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly.

The big bird flew closer and closer, and finally landed on the stone wall not far from the two of them, pecking at the red wild fruit in the crevice of the stone.

"Hold me tight." Qin Shaoyu whispered.

Shen Qianling hugged him tightly as she said.

Qin Shaoyu kicked his legs hard on the stone wall, and with the last bit of strength, he rushed towards the big bird and landed on its back with all his strength.

The colorful bird was startled and flew into the air, rolling back and forth in the air, trying to throw the uninvited guest off.

At the moment of life and death, Qin Shaoyu hugged its neck tightly, forcing himself not to let go with strength beyond the limit of the human body.

Shen Qianling also imitated him holding the bird's neck, his mind was so blank that he couldn't think any more, and he just tightened his arms with his survival instinct.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the burden on his back, the colorful bird neighed angrily, and rushed down the cliff with the two of them.

Shen Qianling felt the wind blowing in his ears, as if even his clothes were about to be torn by the wind.

Seeing that the ground was getting closer and closer, before the colorful bird turned over and slammed its back against the stone wall, Qin Shaoyu jumped up with Shen Qianling and rolled into a rice field.

The plaster was finally thrown off, and the colorful bird shook its body in satisfaction, and flew towards the blue sky again.

Qin Shaoyu was lying in the field, looked at Shen Qianling with a pale face and smiled.

Shen Qianling helped him sit up, still in shock and wanted to cry and laugh, "We didn't die."

Qin Shaoyu nodded weakly, opened his mouth to speak, but his head tilted and he fainted in his arms.

Shen Qianling struggled to support him to sit on the ridge of the field, stood up and looked around, and saw a village not far away, so he stumbled and ran over to ask for help.

The village was originally praying for rain, but suddenly saw a young man running over covered in blood, and was immediately shocked.

"My elder brother is injured." Shen Qianling didn't have time to explain, and grabbed a person who seemed to be the leader and begged, "You guys, go and save him."

"Who are you and where are you from?" The man was astonished.

The colorful bird flapped its wings and flew over the village. Shen Qianling pointed at it, "It brought us here!"

The villagers at the scene exploded in an instant, and they all looked at Altman with their eyes!

"It's true." Shen Qianling was almost incoherent, "Brother and I were chased and killed by bad guys on the mountain, this big bird brought us here, please save my brother."

"Did the bird bring you here?" The village head was very surprised.

Shen Qianling nodded vigorously.

"Really!" Someone in the village had sharp eyes, "He still has the feathers of a divine bird on his head!"

Shen Qianling raised his hand to touch it, and sure enough, he touched a colorful gilt bird feather, which probably fell off accidentally when the big bird was struggling just now.

"Go and have a look." The colorful bird is a divine bird in the village, and since it brought people, it must have been called by the gods. So the village head made a decisive decision, took people with Shen Qianling to the field ridge, and brought the unconscious Qin Shaoyu back to the village.

"The owner of this room has gone out of the mountains, so you can stay here temporarily." The village chief said, "I don't know what to call you two?"

"Is there a doctor?" Shen Qianling looked anxious and had no intention of being polite to him at all.

"Yes, I am." The village head volunteered.

"He was injured by bad guys." Shen Qianling made room for him beside the bed, "Please save him."

The village chief opened Qin Shaoyu's eyelids and looked, "It seems to be poisoned?"

"Injured by the poisonous palm, and the shoulder was scratched by the mourning bird." Shen Qianling asked anxiously, "Can it be cured?"

"Yes." The village chief took out a small bottle from his waist and poured some liquid medicine into Qin Shaoyu's mouth at a faster speed than that.

Shen Qianling was surprised, "What did you feed him?"

"Detox water." The name is really very simple.

"You didn't even ask me what kind of poison he was poisoned with!" Shen Qianling was anxious, holding Qin Shaoyu to make him spit it out, antidote is so easy to eat!

"Young master, don't worry." The village chief quickly explained, "The people in our village have been detoxifying like this for hundreds of years, and they are very spiritual."

There is not only one kind of poison in the whole world! Shen Qianling forced herself to calm down, "Where is the way out of the mountain?"

The village chief was surprised, "Master, you want to come out of the mountain now?"

Qin Shaoyu was unconscious, and Shen Qianling naturally didn't dare to leave him here alone, but he couldn't understand the poison, so he could only beg the village chief, "Can you find someone to come out of the mountain and help me bring a message to my family outside the mountain?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." The village chief looked embarrassed, "Our ancestors have never been out of the mountains for generations, and the only contact with the outside world is once a year for business, but this time the caravan and guides have already set off. I don't know the way out of the mountain." "Is there anyone who can get out of the mountain?" Shen Qianling was taken aback when he heard this.

The village head nodded honestly.

Really not...