Evil As Humans

Chapter 123: I don't understand


In the ancient ancestral hall, huge trees closed their eyes.

The mist here lingers and the air seems stagnant. Unlike the outside world, this atmosphere is like an old record, everything that happens here will leave deep or shallow scratches.

For example, that conversation not long ago.

"Fu Xingchuan." Fu Wuya stopped his grandson by name and surname, "I know what you are thinking, but my corpse cage technique is not that simple. There is..."

"There are 'those things' inside that exude evil power."

Fu Xingchuan did not look back.

"Minister Jiao also mentioned them... Well, there are also such creatures in the 'Archives' for mentally ill patients. I know that they probably belong to 'that side'."

Fu Wuya is a Charon after all.

Unlike Jiao Lian who physically walked back and forth, Mr. Fu was used to forcibly merging the spaces on "this side" and "that side" and twisting out a "junction door" first. His door is not big, making it difficult for people to pass through, but it has a powerful effect of distorting space.

And in this process, there will always be unlucky people on the "other side" who are attracted and then rolled into the junction.

An old man's hoarse reply came from the phone.

In the thick darkness, those eyes were extremely dazzling. But there was no fighting spirit or malice in it, just a strong sense of powerlessness.

"This is a risky move. You may anger him." Fu Wuya's voice was a little unhappy, "And if that person is really Zhong Yi, what you did is disrespectful..."

Shi'an can allow Yin Ren to come into contact with "unknown creatures", so it's hard to say that Sinking can't do it. It is better to give this person a "vaccine" in a controlled environment and see Yin Ren's possible reaction in advance.

Zhong Cheng said he was relieved. Sure enough, the dog can convert his invisible things into visible text messages, and the sound can also do it.

Zhong Cheng lowered his gaze, and when the light swept across it, there was nothing on Yin Ren's smooth ankle.

Fu Wuya was silent for a long time. He stretched out a trembling branch and pressed the mute button on the TV remote control.

Fu Xingchuan once donated five corpse cages for Shi'an's research. Unfortunately, after these things escaped from the corpse cages, they really could not survive stably on "this side", and the research hit a bottleneck.

Fu Xingchuan didn't say any more.

He understands the truth, but that might be Zhong Yi. Fu Wuya ended his memories and continued the corpse cage technique melancholy.

"Ancestors forgive, ancestors bless..." The evil tree muttered, its branches digging into circles on the nearby stone wall.

At the same time, the Fu family's main residence was underground.

Maybe it was his misunderstanding, but Fu Wuya always felt that since Fu Xingchuan knew how long he had to live, he had the temperament of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Those little things are the least destructive, and we have tried it ourselves. The game design is not just for him. If something goes wrong, we can intervene immediately... It is better than having something go wrong in a serious battle. "

Fu Xingchuan still didn't look back. He scratched the back of his head, and the tassel earrings on his ears swayed with his movements.

The old man sounded bewildered.

"If he is really that Zhong Yi, he will at most be displeased with me and will not extend his hostility to the entire Shi'an."

"I don't know, but there are a lot of strange things on the ground... The auras don't look like evil things, the white silk is pulled everywhere, the eyes are like flower bones, they keep repeating 'I don't want to die' 'Someone is waiting' 'Someone wants to see'... What is this thing, what should I do?”

In the flickering light, Zhong Cheng said he looked at Yin Ren, who was staggering toward him, and took a few steps back.

"What happened to Yin Ren?"

"Lu Tanfei, please answer when you receive it." Zhong Cheng said, raising his voice.

"... rustle... you can hear it... Sorry, it's my first time making voice sounds, so I'm not familiar with it..."

Zhong Cheng said that the evil force detector on his body did not warn, so the person should not have lost control. But Zhong Cheng said that he could tell that the other party was in a trance, and Yin Ren looked at him with a pair of eyes that were completely lifeless.

Zhong Cheng said that he fastened the dog's things tightly in the nylon belt pocket and plucked out the rice grains.

"If that evil thing is really Zhong Yi, maybe there will be some extraordinary new discoveries."

The unknown in combat is the worst. Commuting with a nuclear bomb is not scary. What is scary is that this nuclear bomb will explode as soon as you lift it.

Determine whether they can work "deeply together."

"Disrespectful? I don't think so."


The unlucky ones are of a very fixed type, not only small in size, but also pitifully weak. When the corpse cage technique expires, they will instantly dissipate into the air, leaving only a little bit of evil power remaining.

Not being able to see is still a bit troublesome.

As a competent veteran, Huang Liang immediately noticed something was wrong with Yin Ren. It allowed Zhong Cheng to hold it without making a sound.

By what

Zhong Cheng said he made a decisive decision and threw away his extra luggage and jumped out like a beast. While Yin Ren was still in a daze, he snatched the cell phone from Yin Ren's hand.

"Yin Ren's condition is not right. Lu Tanfei, are you still there?"

Whether it's a physical reaction or an emotional reaction. They will all become valuable basis for judgment—

"They, they are wrapping around Xiao Yin's feet, and they are still climbing up!" Grandpa Lu reported in real time on his mobile phone.

Thinking that Group Nine had ever entered the archives, not to mention Fu Xingchuan, Fu Wuya was a little frightened - most metaphysicians would only suffer a brief psychological trauma when exposed to those things. As a powerful evil creature, Yin Ren knows what special reaction he will have.

Zhong Cheng said that he decisively launched the Coffin Nail APP and turned on the voice call mode.

As the former leader of Huajisi and a serious thousand-year-old fox, Fu Wuya understood what he meant.

Yin Ren's condition is not right.

Zhong Cheng turned around the button magic weapon on his clothes, and the levitation technique suddenly failed. He landed on the ground with both feet, arched his back, and looked at Yin Ren warily.

Zhong Cheng said and flicked his hand from his waist pocket. There were only two blows, and a folding baton engraved with curses appeared in his hand. A chain hung from the end of the baton, and the metal grip on the chain swayed slightly.

It was the mildest weapon he could muster.

"Yin Ren!" Zhong Cheng said trying to wake up his lover, "Yin Ren, can you hear me?"

However, Yin Ren's eyes became more and more distracted, and his breathing gradually became disordered. He looked Zhong Cheng up and down and said that the sweat on the latter's back was soaked through the clothes on his back.

Hearing Zhong Cheng's call, his steps paused slightly. Unfortunately, in the next second, his hands reached out to Zhong Cheng, and the nails on his fingertips had turned ominous black.

Surrounding them were brown and red walls, covered with broken holes of various sizes. Zhong Cheng said that he knew that as long as he turned his back and disappeared into the darkness, he could at least escape quickly.

When faced with an unknown situation, fleeing is the most foolproof approach. but…

The King of Hell's naked feet were on the dirty corpse, motionless, and he didn't even have the heart to be upset about it.

"I've climbed to my knees, and those eyeballs are still dripping... Just like crying, I'm so scared." Grandpa Lu said, "Xiao Zhong, do you understand this? What should I do?"

"First find a safe place to hide and continue reporting." Zhong Cheng said that his whole body was tense and ready to exert force at any time.

One step, another.

Those hands are getting closer and closer to me.

As an evil creature, Yin Ren can teleport. This slow and struggling way of progress should be the result of Yin Ren's strenuous struggle.

Yin Ren is still awake.

Zhong Cheng said that he grabbed the metal handle upwards and hoisted himself up to the ceiling. Yin Ren caught a moment and raised his head blankly. But Zhong Cheng said that he had already swung the thin chain behind Yin Ren.

As soon as he landed, Zhong Cheng lowered his center again and assumed a fighting posture.

"Zhong Cheng...said..."

Yin Ren spoke in a confused voice, illuminated by the light. The red eyes were wide open and unblinking.

"Why... should... go...?"

Lu Tanfei was floating high in the flesh cavity, sending thoughts toward the coffin nails: "It's up to the waist, it's up to the waist! Xiao Yin is as if he can't see it, it's fatal!"

"Why...?" Yin Ren was still murmuring, his fingers twitching, and the black hair on the back of his head was about to move.

Zhong Cheng leaned his back against the wall as he spoke. He forced himself to adjust his breathing and his head was running rapidly.

Being attacked by a "non-evil object" with a weird shape and having no awareness of the attacker... The mood is suddenly extremely chaotic and unable to think normally...

I have seen symptoms like this myself.

In the archives, Huang Jin was attacked by a cocklebur, and his symptoms were exactly the same as those of Yin Ren now. Judging from Huang Jin's subsequent descriptions, it seems that a certain emotion was extremely amplified.

But then, Zhong Cheng said that he couldn't reason any further.

Huang Jin would be worried about Ding Lizi at the beginning, and he could understand it logically. But Yin Ren... That was Yin Ren who understood the emotions of mortals.

At this time, if that person was sober, he would definitely explain the source of those emotions with a smile, and then come up with a smooth way to resolve them. Yin Ren seems to have never had any serious troubles. What kind of "emotional weaknesses" might be hidden in that person who has traveled through time for a hundred years

Under the extreme amplification of "emotional weakness", what would Yin Ren do to himself

They had only been dating for a short time, and their relationship was far from life-or-death. Some just approach cautiously and tentatively. Zhong Cheng said that he could not find any special signs and there were too many unknowns.

Zhong Cheng said that he clenched the baton in his hand, and for the first time he discovered that the weapon was so heavy.

The opponent has not released his fighting spirit yet, he should escape, he should nip it in the bud... He should...

Some unfamiliar feeling tied his feet and placed a heavy weight on his heart. Logic and instinct strongly suggested that he leave, but Zhong Cheng said his legs were firmly nailed to the ground.

In the darkness full of corruption, the surrounding things were filled with a strong aura of death, and everything seemed to no longer exist.

Zhong Cheng said he tried to raise the weapon with his right hand, but his left hand moved first. He grabbed at the nylon strap, but unfortunately, the chocolate beans were packed in the luggage bag and not on him.

He couldn't even comfort the man the old way.

"Yin Ren."

Looking at his lover approaching step by step, Zhong Cheng said with some confusion.

"I do not know what to do."

"I..." Yin Ren struggled to pronounce the words, his red eyes already cloudy, "I don't want to..."

"I don't understand." Zhong Cheng said softly.

He couldn't understand Yin Ren's abnormality at this moment, just like he couldn't understand why Yin Ren was angry before... He had read so many works and documents about people expressing their emotions, but none of them could analyze the heart of a thousand-year-old evil thing.

"Zhong..." Yin Ren's hair began to crawl along the ground.

Zhong Cheng moved.

He held the chain in his mouth and threw his hands. Dozens of long needles stabbed in all directions. They stretched out red lines on their own and sealed them in the small flesh cavity. In an instant, the evil energy that was spreading everywhere was blocked without any leakage.

"Those things are almost covering Xiao Yin!" Lu Tanfei was so nervous that he coughed repeatedly, "Xiao Zhong, aren't you impervious to ghosts and gods? Can you tear them off?"

"They have no physical form and I can't do it."

Zhong Cheng said that he kept a close eye on Yin Ren and held the yellow beam as if by magic.

"Huang Liang, I will throw you out later. You will immediately grow bigger and drag Yin Ren down." Zhong Cheng gave quick instructions, "I will contact Fu Xingchuan."

The problem is difficult to solve, so getting support as soon as possible is the "most reasonable" approach.

Huang Liang let out a cry as if he were dead, and his whole body turned black. He didn't know if he was simulating covering his eyes. But after waiting for a long time, it was still held firmly in Zhong Chengshuo's palm.


Zhong Cheng said that he pinched the yellow beam until it was out of shape.

"If we can't come up with a better plan..."

These things appear here because Shi'an did it deliberately. He and Yin Ren are not contestants in the ordinary sense. If the performance is too bad, Fu Xingchuan will definitely re-evaluate Yin Ren's danger and stability.

Yes, "Yin Ren" is dangerous.

Zhong Cheng said he was frozen in place, and he suddenly understood where the "difficulty" in his thinking came from.

"I'm only used to thinking about how 'I' can survive... This is the first time I've tried to think about 'we'."

The red thread on the long needle flickered, and evil spirits rushed back and forth in the narrow space. Yin Ren's godless red eyes were firmly locked on Zhong Cheng, and vague murmurs came from his throat.

Zhong Cheng said, stuffing the screaming Huang Liang back into his pocket. His baton swung in a circle in the shadows, a dim light flashing around its edges.

"Yin Ren, I will come up with a more suitable solution."

(End of chapter)