Evil As Humans

Chapter 124: goldfish


Bright red goldfish float in the water.

The young Zhong Cheng said he was lying in front of the fish tank, staring at the goldfish sinking at the bottom of the fish tank. Its tail has a beautiful arc, spreading like red gauze in the water. Through the cold glass, it seemed to be floating in another world.

It's dying.

I don't know why, but it doesn't eat much. Zhong Cheng said he watched it weaken little by little, its dull fish eyes staring at the outside world without blinking, avoiding his sight.

In the round fish tank, the beautiful tail was spread out weakly. Zhong Cheng said that he stretched out a hand and gently touched the water. He thought for a while and then withdrew his hand.

There is nothing he can do.

His adoptive parents are very busy and will not have time to accompany him to see a doctor for a goldfish.

The goldfish showed no typical symptoms, but was inexplicably starving. They had kept it for a short time, and there was no relationship with it. Even if they took it to the hospital, the cost of seeing a doctor would be worse than buying another one.

The fish has no expression and does not make any noise. Zhongcheng said he liked the fact that it meant he didn't have to worry about reacting to the goldfish. If possible, he hoped it would live a little longer.

But if not, it doesn't matter.

A deformed and rough "glass fish tank" appeared in the rotten, dark flesh cavity.

The green firelight reflected in Yin Ren's red eyes, turning into a little light.

He watched the fish quietly. He watched it die. At the end of countless inferences, its outcome has been determined.

"It can't stop Yin Ren. Now Yin Ren is interested in me, so he won't run around."

He only brought a few mediocre items for defense.

A long sigh squeezed out of Yin Ren's throat.

"ah… "

This is the "most reasonable" development, Zhong Chengshuo thought calmly.

In the archives, he used his mental strength to withstand the erosion of the evil force... However, this time the abnormality broke out precisely within his mind. This was the first time he had to deal with this situation.

As the flames waved and swayed, the spiritual weapon needle moved at the sound, and the red ropes intertwined again. This time they returned to their respective positions, causing the "glass fish tank" to become extremely orderly, obviously carefully calculated.

One step, another.

His head was not a mess, it was just that the attachment was too overwhelming and crowded so that he could not think smoothly.

No wonder this kind of underworld competition venue was created... No wonder all the three "No. 1s" in Shi'an were present... Fu Xingchuan, this kid, is quite tough...

The lid of the bucket is closed, and the trash can is filled with stench and darkness, just like this moment -

The thin needle is stacked on the first wave of long needle red thread. Transparent membranes slowly began to form in the gaps between the red lines. They merged with each other, and the texture was a bit like glass.

Zhong Cheng said, taking out a lighter from his pocket, there was a click, and blue flames jumped in the darkness.

Yin Ren tried desperately to stop, but his legs automatically walked towards Zhong Chengshuo.

Lu Tanfei, who was watching the battle, said "Hey" - not only was the evil spirit sealed this time, but the little monsters whispering outside could no longer enter the inner space. Two of them were completely isolated from the world, and their breath seemed to have disappeared.

"Xiao Zhong, why did you lock yourself in there?" Lu Tanfei said anxiously, "It's not easy..."

Finally, Zhong Cheng said he grabbed the beautiful tail and threw it into the trash can. It's even colder than when I was alive.

Zhong Cheng said that he threw out a dozen fine needles again, which were the last of his inventory - considering this was Shi'an's official competition, he didn't bring any evil effects with him, and he didn't bring any high-end spiritual weapons with him.

The "love" he said to Zhong Cheng was amplified hundreds of times, and the vivid state of the other person made him unable to look away. Just like a person who is about to die of thirst sees water, and a person who has not slept for three or five nights sees a bed, it is an irresistible desire.

Fortunately, no matter how crazy Fu Xingchuan is, he will not let his hometown be bombed... The space here is distorted, which is a natural protective barrier. The evil force has little impact on the outside world. Minister Fu must have a back-up plan...

Zhong Cheng said that he has always been clear in his head, and this time he has the knowledge to put his foot down, and he will definitely escape...absolutely...

Immediately afterwards, Yin Ren saw the blue fire and the three-dimensional sealing array all around.

Zhong Cheng said that he also sealed himself inside the sealing formation.

Lord Ghost King was frightened out of his trance. This is the second time that the smart person chose the stupidest path.

Didn’t you just say “I don’t know what to do”? !

The soft white "mycelium" stretched into Yin Ren's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, bringing about inner restlessness. Yin Ren forcibly tightened his hair to prevent them from wrapping around Zhong Chengshuo's legs. The desire to be close and the desire to protect were entangled with each other, and Yin Ren's vision began to blur again.

"You can come close to me." In the haze, he heard Zhong Cheng say this.

"No... no..."

Wrapped in huge emotions, his body was already numb and he was unable to control his strength. Even a hug could seriously injure Zhong Chengshuo.

"Your emotions need an outlet." The blue fire went out, and Zhong Cheng said in the darkness, "Rather than simply suppressing it, you can let go."

"I... don't want to..." Yin Ren was still struggling.

Zhong Cheng said he didn't know how to hide his concern, but his clumsiness had the opposite effect, and Yin Ren's attachment grew like a weed. A lively person, an unpredictable person, and cutely clumsy... I really want to keep him forever...

Yin Ren bit his lip, and in the dull pain, he stopped his thoughts that were gradually getting out of control.

"It's okay, I won't be caught by you, it's just a normal fight - fighting is the best way to let off steam."

Zhong Cheng said he was even bold enough to take a step forward.

A surge of hope suddenly arose in Yin Ren's heart, and he forced himself to hold on to his hot and chaotic emotions: "Do you have a solution...?"

"No!" Zhong Cheng said, turning on the light, confidently, "I'm thinking about it while I'm fighting."

Yin Ren: "..." Wow, I am familiar with Zhong's behavior. I really want to fight with him at this moment.

The thought passed by, and his thinking became clear for a moment. Yin Ren hugged this ray of clarity and let go of the pressure on his legs.

He pounced on Zhong Cheng like a leopard and said. Once again, Yin Ren missed the target.

The latter did not use a chain, but strangely flew up on the spot and floated in the air. Complaining sounds came from behind Zhong Chengshuo—

Huang Liang, the amazing Grade A-A evil creature, shrank himself down to the size of a backpack and was tightly tied behind Zhong Chengshuo with nylon straps. It flew quickly with Zhong Chengshuo and continued to mount the mount in disguise.

Huang Liang couldn't suppress Yin Ren, but when faced with a ghost king who didn't use all his strength, he could still afford to hide.

The twisted emotions suddenly had an outlet.

Yin Ren no longer suppressed his feelings and felt much relieved. He stepped on the corpse and bounced it up, hitting Zhong Cheng said.

The latter smiled slightly and passed by him again. The two people drew two blurry afterimages in the small seal. The two afterimages entangled and bounced with each other, almost winding into a ball, but they did not intersect at all.

Lu Tanfei was stunned.

Forget Yin Ren, is Zhong Cheng really a normal human being

At this speed, a person cannot theoretically see anything, let alone react. But Zhong Cheng said that this guy not only reacted well, but even paused from time to time, as if he was observing something.

Yin Ren's fingertips slid across the fabric on Zhong Chengshuo's waist, and he flipped over while flying at high speed. Zhong Cheng said, flying close to his ear, his warm breath brushing against his ear.

Zhong Cheng's lower lip brushed the tips of Yin Ren's hair as he spoke. He closed his limbs and wandered in the darkness like a fish. When the distance was close enough, he could even feel Yin Ren's heartbeat - it was obviously an evil thing contaminated with death, but the fresh heartbeat seemed to be beating on his heart.

Zhong Cheng said he let go of the baton, and the heavy metal hit the ground with a thud. He took out a few pieces of talisman paper for suppressing evil forces from the middle of his clothes, and held them between his fingers with familiarity.

In the shadows, they looked like two fish entangled together. Zhong Cheng said passing by him again, and Yin Ren suddenly felt a hint of clarity—

There is a charm on his neck that can suppress evil forces!

Zhong Cheng said that he is reducing his mental pressure little by little and freeing up his energy.

Wrists, collarbones, and exposed waist.

The warm and moist paper pressed tightly against his skin, like someone's palm, pushing away those annoying attachments. This is indeed not a solution, Yin Ren tried hard to concentrate - this is not "yet" a solution, but...

But as "accomplices", we should think together.

They are to write down their answers together.

"Brother Zhong... come here a few more times..." His voice was almost blown away by the fast-moving wind.

Zhong Cheng said that he undoubtedly heard it.

"Dog, bite!"

Zhong Cheng said he flew over again, and such an instruction came into his ears.

He opened his eyes slightly and instantly took out the dog thing stuck in the nylon belt, only to see a vicious sentence played on it.

[Siren: That’s a weak person who can’t eat it! ! !]

Zhong Cheng said sincerely: "It said it can't be eaten."

"If you can't eat, why can't you bite?" Yin Ren groaned with difficulty.

As the same kind, since these weak and strange things can survive in this space, so can dogs. Zhong Cheng said he didn’t see their eyes, but dogs did.

"I will give you the power of evil, quickly..."

"Woof!" the dog barked feebly.

Zhong Cheng said his eyes lit up, he held the dog in his hand like a dagger and stabbed Yin Ren directly. Yin Ren broke through the airflow and opened his arms towards the other party in a sticky attachment that was almost out of control.

"Ah... ah... I don't want to die..."

The white monster almost covered Yin Ren's whole body, and liquid kept falling from those bud-like eyes. The transparent liquid washed away the dirt brought by the corpse, and Yin Ren's body seemed to have an extra layer of strange white gauze.

"...I don't want to separate...I don't want to leave..."

It's a pity that these prayers could not reach Zhong Chengshuo's ears.

He rushed straight towards Yin Ren, with the momentum that he was bound to win.

Zhong Cheng waved his right hand, and a translucent black shadow emerged from the phone. It bit the monster on Yin Ren's shoulder. After a sound like cracking silk, a large piece of the thick "white monster" on Yin Ren's shoulder was missing.

They made a sound that was close to a sob.

"No... no... don't..."

"I don't want to die..."

With the tactile feedback of the dog, Zhong Cheng said it was like seeing the monsters. His hands quickly cut along Yin Ren's shoulders to his chest, and most of the white monster was separated, and Yin Ren was like peeling off half of his white robe.

The black thing on the phone spat out monster fragments, making exaggerated retching sounds from time to time.

Half of the monster on his body was lifted off, and Yin Ren was finally able to breathe smoothly.

Seeing that those red eyes had gained some focus, Zhong Cheng exhaled slowly and slowed down his flying speed for the first time. The clothes on his back were already soaked with sweat. However, before Zhong Cheng said he could speak, a hand suddenly grabbed the nylon strap on his chest.


Numerous strands of hair gently came over and hooked Zhong Chengshuo's waist. Yin Ren moved closer and pressed the back of Zhong Chengshuo's head with force.

Zhong Cheng said and opened his eyes slightly in surprise -

Different from that firm strength, Yin Ren just opened his eyes and bit his lip gently.

(End of chapter)