Evil As Humans

Chapter 127: calm


Following Fu Xingchuan's movements, the corpse cage shook slightly.

Those little white monsters were still crawling on the ground, leaving strange afterimages. They seemed to have sensed something and lost interest in everyone present. They slowly receded like a tide and crawled into the depths of darkness.

The shaking stopped and Luo Wanxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

She flicked on her portable light, illuminating her small flesh cavity like daylight.

Luo Wanxiang's short hair was messy and messy, and there were traces of mucus on his goggles. His overall condition was barely okay. Her work clothes were probably made of waterproof material, and the stains were not serious. Zhong Cheng couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The mechanical ball next to Luo Wanxiang steadily broadcast: "The terrain fine scanning progress is 96%... 99%... The scan is completed, and the navigation route map has been pushed."

"We are walking through the esophagus, and my AI can detect abnormal spaces and unknown creatures." Luo Wanxiang announced, passing the map to the other three people. "If there is no problem with the route, we can leave here in two hours."

Yin Ren hummed, noncommittal.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Lu Xiaohe opened the communication and shouted into their earphones.

"How did you do that?!" Lu Xiaohe gasped.

Zhong Cheng said: "The two million bonus is enough for you to eat at your favorite barbecue buffet ten thousand times, and you can eat one meal a day for twenty-seven years."

Zhong Cheng said he had the same question.

"Then the rear commanders in their respective teams are responsible for close intelligence judgment, and I am responsible for information communication and overall route coordination between the two teams. In this way, everyone can get points and there will be no duplication of work."

A thin cat meow sounded deep in his ears, and Yin Ren raised his eyebrows.

The concepts of two people "going home" and "doing things together" are now as natural as breathing... It's amazing.

"Cognitive coordinates confirmed, contact established. Lu Xiaohe, please note the signal band, and I will help you establish communication later." In the single headset, Dr. Qiuqiu's snoring voice was very clear.

As he wrote this, Zhong Cheng's pen subconsciously stopped.

Dr. Cat was well aware of his own advantages and purred twice with satisfaction: "Why do I tell you?"

Yin Ren stood at attention instantly, showing a very serious expression.

"There is a cat meowing in my head..." After being attacked by the white monster, her spirit has not been very stable.

Zhong Cheng said that of course he didn't hear it. He took out his hard-cover book with great interest and recorded the discovery. Luo Wanxiang had no special reaction. The meow was probably only heard by practitioners. When he gets home, he can study it with Yin Ren.

Yin Ren comforted him: "Don't be nervous, I heard it too."

Yandu's Dr. Cat showed off his skills, and there was a sense of urgency in Lu Xiaohe's voice. She took a sip of water and cleared her throat.


"Their close-range data is very detailed, but we have large terrain maps." Lu Xiaohe coughed several times, "Zhong Cheng said, send her the data from my additional scans. Ge Tingting and Huang Jin, I'm very I'll be in touch soon... Hey, what's going on with this signal data?"

A slight grinding sound came from Lu Xiaohe's communication.

"We haven't set out yet, but the three rear commanders are competing against each other." Yin Ren quietly came over, "They are really fighting hard."

In addition to being a person with "infinite" branching abilities, Briquettes is also a real domestic cat in terms of lifespan, habits, and physical fitness. It cannot bear high loads, and it cannot use human magic, but it can influence human practitioners in some form.

"Very good, now the number of people on both sides is equal, and there is a rear commander to follow."

A few steps away from him, Sanjay covered his head, and the ethnic-style jewelry on his body collided with each other, making a soft clattering sound. Her hair was braided into a thick black braid on the back of her head. When she lowered her head, the thick braid slid to the front of her body.

Linnan's AI command: "Roger."

Dr. Cat said disdainfully: "Why are you so nervous? Anyway, even if I can't win, I still have enough money to spend in my lifetime."

Lu Xiaohe took a deep breath: "If anyone has any objections, you can speak up in advance."

Coal Ball: "No objection, your judgment is fine, I'm just not happy to listen to human beings giving orders."


From one earphone, the sound of Lu Xiaohe angrily squeezing the can came out.

Luo Wanxiang leaned against the wall and scratched his hair: "Anyway, that's what happened. Let's follow the big map and leave, and we'll see what we can do..."

Zhong Cheng said poking Yin Ren's back.

Yin Ren was thinking about something and didn't respond for a while. Zhong Cheng said looking at the other person's waterfall-like long hair, he decided to use the wonderful contact he had just experienced -

Comrade Xiao Zhong opened his arms, put his hands on Yin Ren's shoulders, and rested his chin on Yin Ren's shoulders. Sure enough, his adrenaline and dopamine were secreted at the same time, once again mixing into electric excitement and resistance.

Luo Wanxiang's face twitched, and she could see that she struggled for a moment, and finally decided to pretend she didn't see it.

Yin Ren was literally surprised: "Brother Zhong?"

Zhong Cheng turned his head sideways, and a small goosebump appeared on the side of Yin Ren's neck, and then gradually turned to light red.

"I have objections." Zhong Cheng said in an extremely quiet voice, "You asked me to be lazy, but I'm a little bit depressed."

Yin Ren couldn't help but stretched out his hand and stroked the other person's warm hair: "... you say."

After being affirmed, Zhong Cheng quickly raised his voice and said, "We can't go through the esophagus."

Lu Xiaohe and Luo Wanxiang said "Huh?" almost at the same time.

"This is not an 'escape game,' but an 'encounter.'" Zhong Cheng said without letting go of Yin Ren. "Before, whether it was bugs or other traps, strictly speaking, they were an inherent part of the environment."

The mechanical ball carrying AI floated next to Zhong Chengshuo, and the flashing red light went straight into his face.

Zhong Cheng said that he subconsciously let go of Yin Ren and wanted to stand up straight and speak like before... No, no, he wanted to be as lazy as possible.

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng said he went back to Yin Ren. He imitated Yin Ren's relaxed look, resting his weight on his lover, and worked hard to implement his lazy plan.

"The previous time was mostly an 'adaptation period' for us to adapt to the environment and try to take action. Now everyone's actions are relatively clear. It's time for Shi'an to take action - in a real encounter, there will definitely be enemies."

Luo Wanxiang shuddered. Zhong Cheng said lying on Yin Ren's shoulder, his eyes behind his glasses seemed to absorb all the light. And Yin Ren's face was abnormally beautiful, coupled with the stench of corpses from all directions, the scene not only didn't look sticky and ambiguous, but was actually very weird.

She had thought that Zhong Cheng was just a tack-on.

Yin Ren has an outstanding appearance and is very capable in his actions. On the other hand, Zhong Cheng said that he only had a miscellaneous fragmentary props on him, and he didn't have much reaction from the spiritual weapons. He was probably in a support position like a "human flesh science encyclopedia".

But now, even as a scientist, she could sense something almost intuitively "off".

Luo Wanxiang: "Are you saying that the mess is just an appetizer for the environment? Next, Shi'an may take the initiative with a 'hostile attitude'?"

Zhong Cheng said it as a matter of course and hummed, as if it was a matter of course that "Shi'an might be hostile".

"It's okay to disperse the action. We are taking the joint route now. In order to ensure the difficulty of the game, Shi'an will probably take the initiative to set up an ambush on the 'main road'."

"Since we are united, I suggest doing the opposite. Let's go towards the abdomen, meet up with the Yandu branch, and concentrate our efforts on digging a hole and leaving."

"But there are too many uncontrollable factors." Lu Xiaohe, who had been listening, did not directly deny it. "Let's not talk about the difficulty of the rendezvous. The corrupt organizations outside are unstable. Without the natural channels of the human body, it will be difficult for us to deal with it if we are attacked... "

"Linan's equipment is very complete." Zhong Cheng said, staring at Luo Wanxiang's bulging pocket.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Cheng walked on Kangzhuang's esophagus with his head lowered.

His proposal was rejected, and the reason for the rejection was simple - Sanjay was blind and it was too risky to act rashly. Luo Wanxiang said he wanted to take it step by step. The owners of the equipment were unwilling to cooperate, so they could only proceed step by step in the direction of the oral cavity.

However, Miss Luo, the mechanic, did not deny Zhong Cheng’s point of view.

She let the mechanical ball patrol in front of her again and again, and only dared to leave after making sure there was no problem. Lu Xiaohe and Mei Qiu were busy setting up the communication over Ge Tingting, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Under the illumination of the mechanical ball, the long and narrow corrupted esophagus looked like a dark tunnel.

It was slightly dry and shriveled, not too rotten, so it was relatively easy to walk on. This time there was no strange monster popping out of nowhere, and it was unnervingly calm.

Zhong Cheng said his eyes swept towards Yin Ren as always, but this time the other party did not look back at him. Zhong Cheng said that he followed Yin Ren's line of sight and found that the man was looking at Sanjie's bone necklace.

Before he could ask, Yin Ren stood next to Sanjie: "Did you also meet that white monster? It was so scary, I almost collapsed just now."

The "remaining fear" in his tone was very real, I don't know if it was sincere.

"We have encountered people from the Sinking Society who can 'resonate' before, and they feel quite similar... That kind of monster also has special abilities?"

Yin Ren's tone was just right, with the casualness of "a casual chat with comrades", making it difficult to refuse.

Zhong Cheng said his eyes lit up. Something close to happiness arose in his heart - before he could figure out how to use polite words, his social master took the lead.

Sure enough, the comrades from the Linan branch fell into the trap.

"It's not a special ability." Sanjie shook his head honestly, "You got it wrong. It's not that they are like people with 'resonance' abilities, but that people with abilities of the 'resonance' branch are like them... There are records at my house, two thousand years ago. They appeared, but the first ones with special abilities only appeared a thousand years ago.”

Speaking of this, she felt a little disappointed.

"The records at my home are too complicated and confusing. It has not been fully recognized by the authorities yet... But my grandpa and grandma will not lie to me."

"Have you done any research on 'those things'?" Lord Ghost King asked, "Your response just now was much better than mine. I don't think they bothered you much... Ah, if it's confidential, just pretend I didn't ask."

Luo Wanxiang, who was walking in front, turned his head and looked at Yin Ren warily.

"It's okay Luo Luo, we are all living beings in the world, there is nothing to say." At this moment, Sanjie's eyes seemed clear again, and his dim eyes turned to Luo Wanxiang.

There was a hint of majesty in her voice.

Zhong Cheng said that he was afraid of missing something, so he quickly turned on the recording on his mobile phone and stared at the girl dressed as a shaman.

"They are neither living creatures nor evil. We are just aware of their existence."

Sanjay introduced with a slightly hoarse voice.

"People with strong psychic abilities or lunatics, there are always some people who can vaguely feel them. They can arouse people's emotions, make people shout and laugh, have great enlightenment, and gain enlightenment and bliss. Some people don't eat, drink, or sleep, just because Improve your spirituality and feel the joy of channeling... But if you do it wrong and come into contact with the wrong 'type', there are also people who become crazy and commit suicide."

Sanjay made a prayer gesture and let out a long sigh.

"An old man said before that if you go to a place that doesn't exist, you will see them. If you dream too deeply, you will see them. If you come into contact with them rashly, your soul will be destroyed. As for the way to resist the influence... "

Zhong Cheng said, looking past Yin Ren and looking at Sanjie eagerly, wishing he could record on his phone instead.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't 'teach' you how to resist the influence."

Sanjie touched the bones of his ancestors on his chest, and his tone became more pious.

"My ability to resist them to a certain extent depends on the protection of the spirits of my ancestors' bones in heaven. I have no right to lend them out."

Oops, this is such a mysterious explanation again. Zhong Cheng said with an expression as if he had been punched.

It's a pity that he can't borrow the human bone necklace to study...

Yin Ren glanced at his lover who had a gloomy face, and continued kindly: "Is that all? It's quite interesting. Let's talk more about it, even if it's just some stories."

After all, Sanjie was a member of the Special Task Force. She shook her head: "Now is not the time to tell stories, but there is one thing I can tell you..."

"They are neither alive nor dead. The older generation over there call them 'original things'."

"A powerful ancestor predicted that the coming of Yuanwu into the world would be a bad omen for the destruction of the human world... Ah, appearing in a place like this doesn't count as coming to the world, right?"

She pinched the corner of her clothes uneasily.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhong: I don’t know how to be lazy

Little bell:

Xiao Zhong: Just imitate Yin Ren.

Xiao Yin:

Of course, if you take inflation into account, you won't be able to eat barbecue for 27 years...! But it’s still shocking to think about it this way. Two million is really a lot.

(End of chapter)