Evil As Humans

Chapter 128: Confused


"A powerful ancestor predicted that the coming of Yuanwu into the world would be a bad omen for the destruction of the human world... Ah, appearing in a place like this doesn't count as coming to the world, right?"

Sanjay's voice was gradually drowned by the bubbly noise. Strange silver stars appeared around the scene in front of Yin Ren. He instinctively said to Zhong Cheng, who held his shoulders.

The surroundings were very quiet, no matter whether it was evil spirits or anger, there was nothing unusual.

What happened just now...

[Don’t rush, take your time, what happened next?]A strange voice sounded in the depths of Yin Ren's mind, as misty as smoke.

Who is speaking

Yin Ren shook his head vigorously, and a vague double image appeared in the dim space in front of him.

He blinked and everything in front of him returned to normal. Luo Wanxiang's hair was pulled up a little by the goggle straps. The decorations on Sanjie's body shone with tiny lights, and his cloudy pupils looked at Yin Ren steadily.

The subtle voice in my head disappeared without a trace.

"Are you not feeling well?" Zhong Cheng said, still holding the cell phone that was recording in his hand.

"It's okay, maybe I'm a little hungry."

From the perspective of the outside world, its size is far from being called a "gap", but for them at this moment, it is already huge enough.

Every time he gave Yin Ren food, Zhong Cheng said he would look over at him without blinking, with the pure "Here you eat" in his eyes. Yin Ren couldn't help but think of a long time ago - a long time ago, he had met countless animals whose language he couldn't understand. "Sharing food" is undoubtedly their highest criterion for expressing goodwill.

Yin Ren thickened the layer of evil energy on his body to ensure that he would not touch those monsters. Sanjay cut his wrist and his blood dripped on the human bone necklace. She held it high and chanted something like a song.

His body didn't feel anything strange, it might be the remnants of some kind of environmental spell. The top priority was to deal with the battle in front of him. Yin Ren concentrated on preparing to summon the ghost.

At the same time, in the larger and more unpredictable esophagus—

The skull cavity of this corpse was completely opened and empty.

Yin Ren touched his lips. Seeing Zhong Cheng's gaze fixed on his face, he couldn't help but want to kiss him.

"Let's go!"

The little white monsters accumulated in piles, moving tremblingly, tears splashing on the eyeball structure. They seemed to be avoiding the orange cone, and they seemed to be deliberately leading it in the direction of the people in Shi'an.

A sickening murmur came from the cone, making people's heads go numb.

They... They advanced along the esophagus without any danger, and encountered Shi'an's arrangement in the throat.

Complicated runes floated on the rotten flesh. Under the guidance of the radiance of the runes, all the "loving" monsters that had left before gathered here. The white mycelial limbs were overwhelming, and they penetrated deeply into the decayed muscle tissue, tightly blocking the skull passage of the corpse cage.

"We have come so far. It would be too inefficient to look back. Encounters are inherently about adaptability." Zhong Cheng said as he stuffed a chocolate bean into Yin Ren's mouth.

These scenes were clearly burned into his memory.

The sweet and bitter taste was very familiar to him, and it always made him feel at ease. The melted cocoa butter slides over the tip of the tongue and is swallowed into the dark esophagus.

Yin Ren smacked the chocolate beans in his mouth. It was indeed his favorite brand.

Zhong Cheng said let him think of them.

Wait, lying on the ground

here we go again.

"Yin Ren, Yin Ren!"

said Luo Wanxiang, who was lying on the ground.

Yellow-white bones are exposed behind the flesh, and half-rotten brains flow slowly. Above this stinky waterfall, the skull curves into a huge dome. Looking "downstream", the mucus flows silently, covering the huge teeth like rocks.

Luo Wanxiang's mechanical balls were hung at the highest point of the skull cavity, emitting strong light and illuminating the hellish scene.

Anyway, he accepted the kiss, and Comrade Xiao Zhong, as a mysophobic, didn't seem to be disgusted. When the person in Linnan doesn't pay attention, he must kiss him properly while he is awake.

The runes flashed, and the little monsters piled up crazily. Along with the unpleasant sound of space squeezing, a crack gradually appeared in the void.

"You're right, we shouldn't take this road, it's better to be more stable." Yin Ren couldn't help but murmured, "How about I go talk to the people in Linan and we turn around."

He hesitated for a few seconds, took the next step slowly, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Zhong Cheng. Zhong Cheng said that he was a little closer, and his eyes behind the lenses were a little softer.

Zhong Cheng said that he stayed behind dutifully, his whole body tense, ready to fight at any time. Realizing that Yin Ren was looking at him, Zhong Cheng tilted his head slightly and winked at him.

The next moment, Lu Xiaohe's voice rang in his ears. Her cheerful voice was full of urgency: "Be careful, don't touch those things directly!"

The place where the brain should have been is surrounded by many unknown things, and it looks like a tree root. They are soaked in gray and putrid brain matter, forming an ominous swamp. Unknown insect corpses overturned on the "swamp" and turned into hills.

The overwhelming white monster crawled all over the skull cavity, and in the middle of the empty skull cavity, floating a huge orange cone full of holes. Countless eyeball structures protrude from the holes, each looking in different directions.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Yin Ren was shocked.

They had seen it in the archives, and it had floated with great fanfare through the streets of Guo Laifu's consciousness. Yin Ren searched for memories in a daze, he couldn't remember how it appeared at all.

[What happens after that?]The wonderful voice passed through my mind again, as blurry as an illusion.

what happened

The sharp corner of the orange cone pierced the crack and squeezed in. The sharp cone point pointed directly at the four people.

Yin Ren subconsciously looked at his lover. Under the man's gentle gaze, everything seemed to have returned to normal.

The moment of trance was like dew on a lotus leaf, disappearing in an instant. Yin Ren took a breath and looked at the seemingly endless dry esophagus in front of him.

It was like waking up from a dream, the unique flavor of chocolate still lingering on the tip of his tongue, but what he saw in front of him was no longer an esophagus clearly illuminated by the light, but a huge rotten skull cavity.

No, no. He remembers—

Why didn't he remember just now? What's going on with this weird feeling of fragmentation

The absurd feeling like waking up from a dream came over again, and Yin Ren was stunned on the spot.

The surrounding environment became much darker. Yin Ren patted his cheek hard, but still didn't find anything wrong. Not to mention the influence of the evil force, there are not even any traces of magic around.

But he seemed to be "broken" again, and a large section of time was missing again.

Is it the ability of that cone monster? …Why does everyone else seem to be fine

No, the others are not “okay.”

The cranial cavity was still the same, and Luo Wanxiang was indeed lying on the ground. But her mouth was full of blood and she couldn't even shout. Her eyes were no longer clear, as if they were affected by something. Even so, she still raised her arms and tried to attack the conical monster with laser.

Sanjay covered his ears and fell to his knees. Tears kept flowing out of those blind eyes, and the bone staff was inserted deeply in front of her body.

The situation was so weird that Yin Ren couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back.

Fortunately, Zhong Cheng said he was still standing behind him, and his breath was warm and familiar. "Don't be dazed, Ge Tingting also encountered a cone monster over there!"

In the single earphone, Lu Xiaohe gave the prompt in a hoarse voice.

"Fu Tianyi's situation is not good, it's best to let them come and join together. Yin Ren, Hu Tao is over there, you have to order her to cooperate!... Damn it, I should have followed Xiao Zhong's suggestion just now..."

[Hehe, I thought that boy from the Fu family was so powerful, but he turned out to be just a three-legged cat, and he couldn't recover even after his spiritual weapon was almost used up.]

At the same time, Hutao's message jumped on the screen. She didn't hide the gloating in her tone.

[It's not impossible for me to help meet up. The cat said it would take about five minutes... These people are too cowardly. They have to run for their lives at this level!]

[Lu Xiaohe’s judgment is correct. You should also be careful and don’t touch those things.]This time, before Yin Ren could finish thinking about the current situation, the reply in his hand was sent out without authorization.

what happened

The whispering voice came close and far away, lingering in his ears.

[What happened next?]

[What happened next?]

[What happened next?]

The weird sense of reality being torn apart came in waves, and Yin Ren's thinking was half a beat slower than his movements.

He wanted to turn around and call Zhong Cheng, but he couldn't move his body no matter what. As the tearing feeling intensified, he was like a ghost attached to his body, watching his body move, fight, and talk.

This time it was Zhong Cheng who said take a step forward and walked to Yin Ren.

"I can't continue to be lazy. My grades will be affected." Zhong Cheng said in a low voice, "That thing won't affect me. I can cooperate with you."

No, it can't be like this. Yin Ren thought.

The situation was weirder than he imagined. If it was just Shi'an's arrangement, it would at most be the level of "releasing monsters to affect his emotions" - what he was feeling now was too weird and definitely not a normal "attack".

He wanted to stop Zhong Cheng and say that he wanted to use more strength and leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

But in the rotting skull cavity of the corpse cage, he heard his own voice: "Okay."

His own voice even added happily: "I will be your glasses, and you will be my hair...remember to take it easy."

Zhong Cheng said yes and took out the baton he used when fighting Yin Ren. He shook his hand casually, and the baton staggered away, revealing a sharp blade. The sharp blade was engraved with fine talismans.

It can only cause physical damage to evil objects. It is not such a rare spiritual weapon, so it is just suitable for public use.

The moment the weapon was in place, Zhong Cheng said he rushed towards the giant pot not far away. Luo Wanxiang yelled and forced himself to stand up.

"Okay, you were hiding your clumsiness before, right?"

She shook off the broken goggles.

"It's not about hiding clumsiness." Zhong Cheng said as the blade of the blade swung out in an arc and explained sincerely, "I'm just physically strong. Without mechanical protection like you, I can easily get injured."

"Okay, okay." Luo Wanxiang said, "Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

The two scientific researchers became the vanguard, while Yin Ren "watched" himself and stood behind Sanjie.

Sanjay's hands and wrists were all cut, and his face was pale. Yin Ren watched as he used magic to stop her bleeding: "Use your ancestors to suppress them."

"And you?"

"Auxiliary attack... First, I will help them 'see'."

"There are swarms of beetles approaching from the nine o'clock and ten o'clock directions! Protect the battlefield!" Lu Xiaohe shouted hoarsely in the single earphone, "Holy shit, Shi'an's attack was too harsh this time...!"

"Fu Tianyi and the others are almost here. Shi'an must have a way to drive away insects and monsters. We will adjust our strategy based on our next step."

Zhong Cheng said with a smooth stroke of the knife, the blade brushed against one of the bulging eyes of the cone. Luo Wanxiang's laser shot over without hesitation, and the cone roared louder.

Yin Ren performed his technique in the void, and countless red light spots spread out from his palm and stuck around the orange-red cone.

These light spots are physical phenomena of combustion, which can also be seen at the Science Post. They are best suited for marking slow-moving giants.

The orange-red cone was covered with sporadic red light, and a constellation-like outline gradually appeared on Zhong Cheng's lenses. Zhong Cheng took off his glasses, tilted his head slightly, and gave Yin Ren an unskilled smile.

No... stop...

I don't know why, but this idea seemed to be burned into Yin Ren's mind, causing waves of pain. His internal organs seemed to be frozen, and he wished he could stop time.

Can't go on like this...

Yin Ren tried to make other moves to disrupt the development of the situation. The battle was gradually getting on the right track, but he was eager to let go of part of the evil power, wrap everyone with his hair, and force things to deviate from the established track.

But in that wonderful feeling of tearing, he was just a "spectator" and couldn't even mobilize the evil spirit.

From the scattered light spells to the small flow of evil energy in the body, everything seemed to be proceeding step by step according to the script. The nameless fire in Yin Ren's heart was three feet high, but his body's heartbeat was as normal and he couldn't even break out in cold sweat.

"3 centimeters... 2 centimeters... 0.8 centimeters... People from Yandu are coming soon! Be alert!"

Bang! ! !

A large piece of rough horsehide was wrapped into a package. It smashed through the carrion like a cannonball and hit the ground wetly.

Another cone monster followed closely behind, piercing into the skull like a dart, and was instantly marked by Yin Blade's scarlet light spot. At the same time, the two members of the ninth group and the Yandu group scrambled out of their horses' hides.

Although Huang Jin glanced at the scene outside, he briefly made a move to crawl back.

In front of his eyes, the baton blade that Zhong Cheng said was slashing towards the giant cone, and Luo Wanxiang followed closely behind. The two scientists stood in opposition to the strange monster.

"Where are your battle strategies? Synchronize them!"

"Aunt Tao is not in good physical condition. The Yandu team will deal with the insect swarm first!"

Lu Xiaohe was talking and Dr. Cat was screaming. There was a mixture of sounds in his ears, and the brilliance of countless spells flashed through the darkness. In the smelly and chaotic space, two orange monsters were like warning lights, dazzling to death.

Yin Ren looked at his hands, and flickering black spots appeared in his vision.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't continue...

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time, what happened next?"

Very close to Yin Ren, the voice cautiously guided him.

"Continue to recall, how did your partner die?"

(End of chapter)