Evil As Humans

Chapter 136: origin


Yin Ren rarely dreams.

At his level, he has free control over the content of his dreams. In order to ensure the quality of sleep, Yin Ren had turned off the "dreaming" function. Times have changed, and life during the day is rich and exciting enough, so he doesn't need additional dreams.

Tonight is an exception.

Perhaps his heart was more exhausted than he thought - Yin Ren was immersed in the faint smell of medicine and fell asleep on the hospital bed. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling.

Zhong Cheng said the bedroom.

The bedside clock read exactly six fifty-eight. The excellent light-blocking curtains blocked the sunlight, and it was still dark inside.

Yin Ren's heart trembled, and he subconsciously touched his side and touched the warm skin.

Zhong Cheng said he was sleeping soundly while wearing his nightcap. Just now, Yin Ren touched Zhong Chengshuo's shoulder with his claws. The man just said nothing and shrank back into the quilt.

An ordinary morning.

Yin Ren stared at the person beside his pillow. Zhong Cheng said his face was rosy, his skin glowed with a healthy color, and he was full of vitality. His hair was clean and fluffy, with a refreshing mint smell, and not a single white hair was visible. Zhong Cheng's sleep was very quiet, his breathing was lighter than that of a cat, but the quilt on his body still undulated, tracing the outline of his breath.

"Oh." Zhong Cheng said, rubbing his soft hair against him without saying anything more, "What do you want to eat in the morning? My parents' stewed pork ribs are still in the refrigerator. I can cook vegetables and pork ribs noodles."

"Let me hold you for a while." Yin Ren continued to bury his face on Zhong Cheng's shoulder, "I had a nightmare."

Bang-dong, bang-dong. Through the thin fabric, Zhong Cheng's heartbeat could clearly be heard in his ears.

But the person he likes is like a whirlpool.

Yin Ren opened his eyes again, and the sunlight in the ward was a bit dazzling. He covered his eyes with his arms, and his phone vibrated by his ear.

"I see."

He tightened his arms and hugged the warm and strong body.

"I'm dead, you dreamed of me." He revealed the truth seriously, "otherwise you wouldn't have collapsed like this because of a 'dream'."

Zhong Cheng said he just listened quietly.

"But I can give you a good morning kiss," said his dream lover, "and you know I would."

It's like wrapping the person completely up.

"There was something wrong with his mobile phone. He went to buy a new one." Yin Ren covered his eyes and his voice was as cheerful as ever. "Auntie, if there is something wrong, you can tell me first."

Yin Ren: "..."

"Good morning, Yin Ren."

"I dreamed that you were killed by a sniper, right in front of me."

"Wake up."

Yin Ren closed his eyes.

His attention, his kindness, the focus of his mind. Even if the whirlpool goes away, it still pulls them all the time, leaving a part of him stuck in the distance forever, which cannot be retrieved even if he tries his best.

Yin Ren: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Do evil spirits also dream?" Zhong Cheng said without opening his eyes. He relaxed his body and allowed Yin Ren to hold him tightly, his voice still a little confused. "What did you dream about?"

He originally thought that his liking for Zhong Cheng was just ordinary, but he still couldn't relate to the exaggerated drama in those story books and the collapse and screaming in those interpretations.

Zhong Cheng said that he probably woke up due to Yin Ren's torment. He moved in confusion and put an arm on Yin Ren's waist: "Huh?"

Yin Ren smiled hard.

He lowered his head and buried his nose into Zhong Cheng's neck. The pure cotton pajamas were soaked with body heat and exuded the good smell he was familiar with. Yin Ren couldn't control himself, and part of his body instantly turned into a translucent form, scattering under the bed and covering the room.

he said quietly.

In the warm and soft quilt, Zhong Cheng patted Yin Ren's back and touched the translucent wings that were flowing all over the bed.

It was indeed Zhong Cheng's style. This development was so realistic that he didn't even know who to be angry with.

Yin Ren did not answer Zhong Cheng's question. He hugged his lover tightly and continued to whisper in a daze. The emptiness of loss was so real that he didn't know whether to be happy or sad now.

This love and scene is just a dream, and the "Zhong Cheng's theory" in front of him is just his impression of his lover. No matter how comforting the apparition may be, it is nothing but self-deception.

"No matter what I say, it's all an illusion created by your brain." Zhong Cheng muttered, "I'm a scientist, so I can't fall asleep. And I've taken care of everything, and you're very smart, so I have nothing to tell you. "

But at this moment, he thought he really understood the concept of "like".

Zhong Cheng said, approaching seriously and pressing his lips to the corner of his mouth. That was the exact spot where Yin Ren kissed him for the first time.

It's just that Yin Ren has passed the age of self-deception.

It was a voice call from Cheng Xuehua, the mother Zhong Cheng said.

If only everything before was just a long and vivid nightmare and now is reality.

When he is in a good mood, he can be gentle to all humans. And when he is not in the mood, those cares and kindness can be taken away in an instant.

Yin Ren lay back on the pillow without hesitation. He turned sideways, his hair flowing, and pulled the other person into his arms.

This morning is so ordinary and beautiful. He should get up, go to the kitchen with that person and enjoy every second of it. But he just couldn't help but continue talking, vomiting out the words that had nowhere to say.

"If you hadn't met me, you definitely wouldn't have encountered that kind of thing."

"If you hadn't met me, you could be a real Class C investigator in Shi'an. You wouldn't come into contact with Qi Xin because of the execution mission, and you wouldn't be noticed by snipers... You can continue your research happily, you can Live well."

"Xiao Yin, why can't I call Xiao Zhong on my cell phone?"

"It's nothing, I just haven't seen you two for a while. Lao Zhong and his classmate brought a box of good mutton, but we two can't eat it. I just thought about making some braised mutton, and you two can go home and have a meal at night."

"We have to work overtime tonight."

Yin Ren spoke fluently.

"When he comes back, we will discuss it and let you know then."

"...Xiao Yin, did Xiao Zhong make you angry?" Veteran detective Cheng Xuehua paused, "You sound a little sad, tell your aunt?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Yin Ren took a breath and didn't completely deny it. "Sometimes he doesn't like to say hello when doing things. Sometimes I can't find people." "Hey, this brat is always having this problem. You guys find a time to go home this week. Let me talk about him while we eat.”

"Okay, okay, I'm counting on you."

Lu Xiaohe sat beside the hospital bed and looked over with a complicated expression. She had never seen Yin Ren say such relaxed words with such a twisted expression.

Two hours later, Lu Xiaohe's expression became more complicated.

At the request of the nine team members, a large table was added to the empty ward. Various equipment needed for the rear command post were moved in, and the ward was transformed into a temporary office.

On the surface, it was meant to facilitate the psychological treatment of the members of the Nine Groups, but in fact it gave them a certain amount of space to "cross the line" - without being monitored by the Shi'an Park, they could investigate some more sensitive information [gǎn].

For example, "the other shore" and "divine descent".

Fu Xingchuan did not hesitate in this regard. After transferring the authority to Lu Xiaohe, he only said one sentence.

"I'll deal with Li Nian. I'll give you the people and information you want." Fu Xingchuan said, "In exchange, in this case, you are not Yin Ren, the investigator of the ninth team, but the Great Heavenly Master Zhong Yi... these You have to be responsible for people’s lives.”

At the moment, various numbers on the temporary screen wall are flashing rapidly, and the program is deciphering the tracking method of the hamster pendant. The huge table was so densely covered with photos that you couldn’t even tell the color of the tabletop.

Lu Xiaohe looked at the photos spread out on the table in front of him and felt that the newly stitched wound was about to burst. She had received too many shocks in the past few days, and for the first time in so many years, her brain had a tendency to shut down.

"What is this?" she said blankly.

Yin Ren: "The investigation Zhong Cheng said may be related to the murderer."

The hamster pendant is just one of the clues and he must seize every possibility.

In order to protect Zhong Chengshuo's identity as the "King of Hell", Yin Ren did not intend to expose Zhong Chengshuo's secret base. He just took a bunch of photos of the information wall that Zhong Cheng said, and took out the notebook that Zhong Cheng said.

With the level of caution Zhong Cheng said, there should be no evidence in the computer that would reveal his identity. In this subtle aspect, he has great confidence in Zhong Cheng.

Although he didn't know why he kept these little secrets for Zhong Chengshuo.

Lu Xiaohe quickly looked through the photos and was stunned.

She rushed to the toilet, wiped her face twice with a cold water towel, and rushed back lamely.

"He hid his strength and entered Shi'an. I know he has something he wants to investigate... But this is too exaggerated!" Lu Xiaohe pointed to one of the photos, with a trance in his voice.

"The magazine in this picture has ceased publication a long time ago. If you want to investigate, you can use the electronic version. But Zhong Cheng said that he used the cropped original pages, and there is more than this..."

Lu Xiaohe grabbed a dozen photos on the table, pulled out a piece of pure land, and lined up the photos.

"This, this, and this...the newspaper clippings inside are all of a type that is difficult to search for. There is absolutely no need to look for these physical materials afterwards."

Yin Ren: "So...?"

Lu Xiaohe's facial muscles twitched. She pressed her hands on the edge of the table and looked at the printed photos scattered all over the table. The early morning sunlight shines on the table, creating a neat beam of light on the dark screen.


Lu Xiaohe pressed his temples hard and spoke in a horrifying tone.

"Based on a rough estimate of time, Zhong Cheng said that this kid has been investigating these things since elementary school... Is this something a normal person can do?"

Children at that age can't even recognize the words, and some don't know how to wipe their noses when they have runny noses. Zhong Cheng said he had learned how to flip through magazines and carefully collect the bloodiest murder cases without being discovered by his parents, the police.

Yin Ren imagined for a while the scene of a young Zhong Cheng talking about paper-cutting, and the corner of his mouth curled up for a moment.

"He once told me that he was investigating 'God's Descent'."

Yin Ren lowered his eyes.

"But since he started investigating these so early, the 'Principle of Divine Descendance' is probably not his ultimate goal."

Lu Xiaohe was still in a daze under the shock of "99.99% of her colleagues are abnormal". It took her half a minute to react before staggering to the chair and inputting the cases into the computer.

"No wonder you have to rely on Shi'an's power." Her fingers kept moving, "If I check the connection between these cases by myself without leaving the database, I still don't know that I will find it in the Year of the Monkey, Horse and Moon... There it is!"

There was just a little joy in her tone, and then it suddenly became heavy again.

The origin of the investigation that Zhong Cheng said was finally successfully cracked by Shi'an's most advanced AI. Those vicious cases, large and small, are all related to a minor disappearance case—

Yin Ren raised his head and looked at the stranger on the screen wall. It was a young woman with short hair. Her features were not beautiful, but she looked bright and cheerful, and her smile was full of confidence.

Zhong Chengfeng, criminal police officer. The daughter of Zhong Youde and Cheng Xuehua, the sister Zhong Cheng said he had never met.

Twenty-eight years ago, Zhong Chengfeng disappeared during the "God's Descendance" incident. Her body has not been found and has been deemed "dead".

Zhong Cheng said he waited quietly all night, trying to feel every subtle change in his body.

There was no thirst or hunger, no trace of corruption. His reflexes are a bit sluggish, but his body is functioning reasonably well. What's bad is that despite waiting patiently for so long, his heart and head still show no sign of growing back.

Only a growing fear followed him.

There is only the unknown in front of him, which is the situation Zhong Cheng said he dislikes the most.

Even if he escapes from here... his parents don't know anything about his situation, Shi'an will just pack him up and monitor him. There is only one person in the world who can make him feel at ease. Deducing all possibilities and ending all worries, there is only one destination for him -

Return to Yin Ren.

Zhong Cheng said that the ultimate goal of this operation was quickly formulated.

Time passed in nothingness, and finally, the sound of footsteps sounded again. Zhong Cheng said that he pretended to be a corpse again and was pulled out of the morgue. The man once again maintained the "corpse" while making a recording for the sinking party.

The voice and footwork habits were exactly the same as last time, and it seemed that the same person was responsible for his body.

There are no shifts, which is nice.

Just as the sinking researcher turned around and replenished the body's preservative fluid, the "corpse" behind him silently raised its body.

A pair of cold hands reached the side of the man's neck and tightened suddenly -


(End of chapter)