Evil As Humans

Chapter 137: protector



There was a feeling of broken neck bone in his hand.

Zhong Cheng said he was holding on to the body in his hands but did not move immediately. His bare feet were close to the ground, always alert for possible alarm vibrations.

The small room was filled with pale lights, and a headless male corpse had its arms trapped in a sinking club employee wearing a white coat. The two of them stood still in the middle of the room like sculptures, and the image could be used as a promotional image for a horror movie.

Zhong Cheng said to wait patiently, even though he already had the answer in his heart.

Most of the corpses stored in sinking societies contain strong evil spirits, and precision electronic equipment is very likely to be affected. There is a high probability that there will be no equipment such as monitors arranged here, but only layers of monitoring techniques.

After all, corpses under unknown spells need to be guarded against more than intruders.

The original designer probably could not have imagined that there was such a corpse. It did not use any magic to revive it. Even its attacks were purely physical attacks - its movements were fast and precise, and it was fatal with one blow, leaving no reaction on anyone. time. Two minutes passed.

After making sure that the alarm was not raised, Zhong Cheng said that he would strip the Sinking Club employee naked. He carried the naked body onto the morgue where he was, and pushed the body from the shoulders down into the freezer, leaving only one head exposed.

Zhong Cheng said, holding the head in place with both hands and waiting anxiously.

The suturing was a bit painful, and the disinfection procedures were not very thorough. However, based on his current condition, there seems to be no need to worry about infection.

Zhong Cheng nodded his neck with satisfaction. He wandered forward, groping around the dissecting table, and finally touched the bone saw. The sharp edge pressed against the corpse's neck, and Zhong Cheng said that he whipped his arm without hesitation.

Zhong Cheng said he hesitated for a while and wrapped the bandage a few more times to close the wound of rib valgus.

If we say that in the previous twenty-eight years, he had sunk in the water. At this moment, he finally jumped out of the water. Nervous, restless, anxious. Fear gives rise to countless emotions, each of which is new and confusing.

The dead man's head was carefully sewn around his neck. After wrapping two rounds of bandages, Zhong Cheng said his hands were finally freed.

This feeling is amazing.

In addition to biology, Mr. Yama is also well versed in anatomy. Not long after, Zhong Cheng saw off the man's head entirely. The remaining part of his neck was just right and could smoothly connect with his damaged spine.

At the moment, Zhong Cheng said he could only hold his head with both hands and wait for his body's instinct to take effect. The second seemed to be stretched to an infinite length.

Will it fail

In the void, a little light gradually appeared, and there was a faint blood red in the new vision.

There was no head or heart, but his thoughts were racing and his chest was filled with worry. Fortunately, they were not strong enough, more like new shoots that grew after the rain, so that they did not immobilize him.

According to the description, two of the corpses had even been stored for more than three hundred years.

He saw his surroundings for the first time.

The broken, cold sections hit fresh flesh and blood, making a squeezing sound that made one's teeth sore. The blood slowly slid down Zhong Chengshuo's collarbone, and it felt like a thin snake swimming by.

A fresh and complete head... an integrated receptor with five sense "peripherals".

This head only gave him the most basic five senses, and it was very difficult to control his facial muscles. Zhong Cheng said that he just felt like he was operating a computer that was half a century out of date, and all the responses from his head were half a beat slower.

Under the low temperature, the body quickly became cold and stiff.

Zhong Cheng said carefully keeping his head and neck in contact and turned around.

All he got was a simple work card.

Zhong Cheng said he tasted blood.

The tight-fitting morgue was very smooth, with only his morgue still partially exposed. The Sinking Club employee he killed lay in it, and the blood from the neck section slowly flowed down the metal.

The metal surface of the morgue illuminated Zhong Cheng's current appearance.

Zhong Cheng said, clasping his hard-won head with his fingers, repeating it in his mind. He had been exposed to tense and critical scenes before, but he had never experienced such rich emotions.

Worse, he can't tap into the brains of the dead. Zhong Cheng said he knew nothing about the deceased's name, how he worked during the sinking, or his daily habits.

The head looked about thirty years old, with ordinary features and slightly chubby cheeks. The two eyeballs were bulging, and the shock and fear of death still remained on this man's face.

Zhong Cheng said he blinked hard. The eyes on the dead man's head didn't work very well. It was like looking at the world through a dusty lens. There was only the soft sound of blood dripping in the new ears, and the sound quality was as bad as headphones costing five yuan a pair on the street.

Don't fail.

This room is not big, and the four walls are covered with morgue cabinets with a metallic luster. There is a serial number and rough description on each cabinet door. Except for the scientific post that Zhong Cheng said, all the other corpses are dangerous goods stained with special magic.

Finally, when Zhong Cheng said he was so nervous that his neck hurt, sensory feedback appeared.

Is it rejection? Zhong Cheng said thinking uncertainly.

In the blurry image, Zhong Cheng said his limbs were as strong and slender as ever. His body was clean after being sunk, but his chest was blown into a mess, the wound was still wide open, and the originally smooth chest line became horrible.

There was an anatomy table in the middle of the room, and a dazzling array of medical instruments on the movable table next to it. The care potion that the man brought was sitting open on the table, emitting an unpleasant smell.

The sound of metal and bone rubbing against each other was chilling.

A light rusty sweet smell.

His newly installed head drooped slightly, and he was still a little stiff when moving.

Zhong Cheng said that he endured the repulsion and pressed the dead man's head hard on his neck.

Zhong Cheng said, holding his head and moving to the table. With one hand free, he struggled to pull the tool box. He was lucky, and the suture equipment was fully stocked with needles and threads.

The flesh and blood on the neck showed no signs of fusion. It was distinct from his body and could not become a part of his body.

Never fail.

If it fails, the dead man will not go back on his own, and the Sinking Society will definitely find something wrong with him. They would turn him away from here and his situation would become quite passive.

"Technical Department 2-B2219-070: Zhang Wei"

Perhaps for confidentiality reasons, Zhang Wei didn't even have a mobile phone on him.

Zhong Cheng said and started to put on the man's clothes slowly. The clothes smelled like sweat and hair oil. They were a little too big, clinging to him as wrinkled as pickle skins. Hidden by the white coat outside, he could barely see through.

Zhong Cheng said, adjusting his collar so that it could block the gauze wrapping his neck.

As long as he hid his bluish and thin hands and maintained the expression on his dead face, he still looked... quite human.

"Ah... cough..." The voice was still his own, with a breathy sound.

Zhong Cheng said he rubbed his face with both hands, but the corpse's head was still cold and his face was extremely stiff. Worst case scenario, the head will rot away over time, and his time is very limited.

Zhong Cheng said that he put on an "expressionless face", quickly cleaned up the blood on the ground, and pushed Zhang Wei's headless body into the morgue.

Before leaving, Zhong Cheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at "himself" on the morgue again. He thought for a few seconds and finally realized something was wrong -

He worked hard to inflate his chest and pretend to have a normal breathing rate.

Half a minute later, the heavy metal door slowly opened and there was silence.

Zhong Cheng said, sticking out his newly acquired head and turning his face stiffly from side to side.

He was standing in the middle of a long corridor. The corridor has no windows, and all sides extend into deep darkness, with no end in sight.

An unknown place, a dull five senses, a throat that cannot speak freely. Coupled with this unfamiliar face and a suit of clothes that don't fit well...

His mission of "returning to Yin Ren" began somewhat awkwardly.

Haigu People's Hospital.

Huang Jin purchased half a cabinet of wood chips and leather. He made an exquisite leather case for the carving knife and hung it on his body at all times.

He couldn't afford better-used jade and animal bones, so he had to resort to the route of large quantities and full control.

Huang Jin traced the pure heart charms on the market one by one and posted a row of them on the wall. The calculation paper beside him was piled up in a pile. He tapped the carving knife lightly on the wood pieces and frowned so hard that he could kill a fly.

He thought about several ways to improve the Pure Heart Curse, but with little success.

The situation is not optimistic.

The Class C investigation team was attacked, and the game of the Class B investigation team had to come to an end. The National League has not been cancelled, but it has not said how long it will be suspended. In the past twenty years, there has not been such a big accident in Shi'an.

The other two foreign masters are still staying in Haigu City. It is estimated that they will not leave until the truth of this incident comes to light.

But all this is a fight between gods and gods, and has nothing to do with him, a nobody.

Huang Jin put down the carving knife and wood chips, rubbed his sore eyes, and turned away.

Ding Lizi completely got rid of the impact of the original case, and the unlucky guitar was completely separated from her body. After her body was completely stabilized, she was transferred to Haigu People's Hospital for rest.

She was holding the guitar and humming softly just now. When she heard the soft sound of the carving knife colliding with the table, the melody stopped immediately.

"What's wrong?" she asked curiously, with carefree thoughts still swirling around her, "is your new job not going well?"

"It's okay." Huang Jin said vaguely.

"Something happened, but there's someone on top." He thought for a moment and then added sincerely.

Ding Lizi scratched his head: "Well... if it's really dangerous, why don't you stop doing it?"

Huang Jin stood up and rubbed the sharp blade of the carving knife: "Once you know something, you can't just retreat if you want to."

Since joining the unlucky nine groups, he has written at least a dozen applications. It has almost become Huang Jin's daily habit to write an application for group transfer every time he is beaten by reality. After Zhong Cheng said it, Huang Jin instinctively wanted to write another one. Who knew that this time, he couldn't write even a word.

He doesn't like the Sinking Club, he doesn't like the Night Walkers, and he doesn't like Shi'an at all.

But when Shi'an's "absolute safety shield" was easily penetrated, Huang Jin didn't want to go anywhere. If he only thinks about himself, he doesn't mind living an ignoble existence in the fight between gods and gods, and it doesn't matter if Haigu City turns to scorched earth.

but now…

He stared at Ding Lizi, who knew nothing about the tragedy.

Yin Ren's change of state is still vivid in his mind. That evil creature was very good at dealing with emotions, and it didn't take long for him to be with Zhong Cheng. Based on Huang Jin's understanding of evil creatures, Yin Ren might just want to try "falling in love with a human being" and will get out of this relationship within two days.

But Yin Ren didn't come out.

If Yin Ren was just a lazy candle before, now the man's aura is comparable to the raging flames, so vivid that it makes people frightened. Even Huang Jin, who was not a close friend, could feel the burning and suppressed pain.

Huang Jin sighed quietly: "I'm going to work."

"so late?"

"Well, it'll be fine soon."

He patted the sawdust on his body and walked to the nine group wards. Arriving at the door of the room, Huang Jin took a deep breath and opened the door -

With a crash, a stack of paper documents fell from the side and hit Huang Jin hard on the temple. The pile of documents was of good quality, and Huang Jin's side face felt like he had been punched hard.

Huang Jin: "..." Whoever wants to do shitty work can do it. He really doesn't want to do it anymore!

Even so, he still hung his head and tried hard to cross the mountain of documents on the ground.

In the center of the mountain of documents sits Yin Ren.

Before, Yin Ren was always the most positive one when he returned home. As long as there are no tasks, this person will definitely rush home with Zhong Cheng in his arms as soon as it is time to get off work. As for now, Huang Jin doesn't know how long it has been since he went back. Yin Ren's luggage was all placed beside the hospital bed, as if he wanted to take root here.

He didn't even eat much, and there was no trace of food near the table.

Huang Jin walked slowly through the mountain of documents and tried to speak calmly: "How is the progress?"

Ge Tingting buried himself in a pile of paper documents, with only one head showing and his eyes dull. Seeing Huang Jin enter the door, she snorted and grabbed another page to read.

One of the pieces of paper floated to Huang Jin's feet. It seemed to be a series of early consumption records, all of which were made by Zhong Chengshuo.

Lu Xiaohe's voice was filled with confusion: "...it's hard to tell the progress."

She had never investigated a case like this.

The "sniper" incident is being investigated by the top elites of Youzhi'an. They prefer to conduct research through the remnants of the scene. The dead Zhong Chengshuo and Aunt Tao are not the first focus of the experts' investigation.

Nine teams will conduct an expanded investigation to do their part for the sacrificed colleagues... This is how she originally prepared.

Zhong Cheng said there was a hidden purpose and she could accept it. If you want to enter Shi'an's scientific position, you have more or less personal reasons.

Yin Ren has a special way, which makes Shi'an willing to open high-level permissions to her, and she can barely understand. After all, Yin Ren lost his memory when he first came in, so there's no telling what his background is.

But the current direction of the investigation is really a bit outrageous.

Lu Xiaohe couldn't help but turn his eyes to Yin Ren.

"Progress? We can now confirm that Zhong Cheng's original motive was indeed to 'thoroughly investigate Zhong Chengfeng's death.'" Yin Ren didn't even raise his head, holding a thick stack of police information in his hand.

"Zhong Chengfeng herself has nothing to do with the metaphysical world. She was just affected by the misfortune of divine intervention twenty-eight years ago..."

Yin Ren was still wearing the white sweater Zhong Cheng said, and the tips of his hair were hanging down along the table. Beside him, a map of the country was drawn on a huge display screen. All the places Zhong Cheng said he had visited were marked with red lines. Codes were jumping crazily on another screen. The hamster locator Zhong Cheng said had just been cracked to 61%.

Huang Jin: "I understand."

It's quite easy to understand. When his lover dies, Yin Ren wants to thoroughly investigate everything about his lover. It's just human nature, this can also provide information for the safety aspect, killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Xiaohe: "... No, you don't understand."

Huang Jin pulled up the stool and sat down in confusion.

"I'm looking for a way to capture the sniper alive," Yin Ren said.

With a pop, Comrade Dahuang sat empty. Ignoring the pain in his butt, he looked at Yin Ren blankly: "You, what are you?"

Didn't we agree to find Zhong Chengshuo's body

Yin Ren finally raised his eyes, and there was a frightening concentration in his eyes.

"Zhong Cheng said that he is related to Wei Huaqian of the Sinking Society, and only the Sinking Society needs his body. And the Sinking Society has been developing in Haigu for so many years, and Shi'an has not been able to get rid of it. Its territory must be difficult to find."

As if he had read through Huang Jin's thoughts, he responded calmly.

Snipers are obviously harder to find! Huang Jin didn't dare to show any emotion on his face and roared crazily in his heart.

"The sniper personally took Zhong Cheng away and said he knew where his body was. It would be easiest to ask him."

Yin Ren glanced at Huang Jin and turned over another page of information.

"What's more, as long as I can catch him first, I can... well, do a lot of things."

Huang Jin's eyes scanned the room full of information about Zhong Cheng, and finally stopped on Yin Ren. He was sitting among the snow-white paper, his pale clothes blended in with the surroundings, but his whole person was like a ball of fire.

"So you investigated Zhong Cheng and said..." Huang Jin swallowed.

Yin Ren smiled at him and threw over a stack of police records: "I just want to know why the sniper picked him."

The number of people at the table changed from four to three. Young Ge Tingting was the first to fall asleep and lay back on the hospital bed under Yin Ren's persuasion. Seconds ticked in the room, and soon, the only three people left became alone.

The time is about to reach four o'clock in the morning, and all the human companions are asleep. All the lighting in the room was turned off by Yin Ren, leaving only the dim light of the screen. Even the yellow beam on the mobile phone chain whistled softly and became a puddle.

Yin Ren lowered his eyes and continued to turn the pages one by one. Since dreaming about Zhong Cheng, he has never slept again.

Lines of printed black words poured into his eyes, and the surroundings were eerily quiet, leaving only the sound of him turning the paper.

Crash, crash.

Yin Ren suddenly stopped his hand and raised his left hand forward. The darkness across the table surged, and the familiar figure raised his head and looked over silently.

The phantom Zhong Cheng said was sitting quietly opposite Yin Ren, holding an illusory page in his hand.

At first glance, it looked like they were investigating the same case, just like before.

Yin Ren studied the man's face for a while, then lowered his head and continued to check the information. These words are the most powerful anesthetic, allowing him to hold his breath and move forward with all his heart.

"Your hamster signal is too weak, Shi'an needs more time to analyze it." Yin Ren said casually, "The quality is not up to standard, Brother Zhong."

The phantom looked at him steadily, without blinking.

"Don't think I don't care about your little secret. When I catch the sniper and bring you back, I will turn your past upside down, and then I can..."

Yin Ren didn't say any more, he pursed his lips.

"It's so boring." He muttered.

"It's all your fault. I can't concentrate on anything now... If it were you, where would you start the investigation?"

Yin Ren raised his head again and looked into those familiar yet unfamiliar black eyes.

The phantom that Zhong Cheng was talking about gradually changed its form. A somewhat scary cartoon rabbit mask appeared next to his head, and the shirt on his body turned into loose casual clothes.

The Phantom holds the fruit of evil in his left hand and a simulated gun in his right hand. A faint light flickered on the fruit, and a string of colorful bubbles emerged from the muzzle of the simulated gun. The illusory bubble floated towards the dark ceiling and disappeared before bursting.

That was what Zhong Cheng said when he encountered a sniper for the first time.

At that time, the sniper killed Bai Yongji, who was half a step away from Charon, and fired two threatening shots at them, like a well-fed cat playing with a mouse.

At that point, it was probably the first time the sniper noticed them.

Yin Ren put down the boring information in his hand and looked towards the opposite side with bright eyes.

"Very good." Yin Ren murmured, "Then the second time..."

The rabbit mask, the evil effect and the bubble gun disappeared at the same time. Zhong Chengshuo's loose casual clothes turned into a suit that highlighted his figure. He was holding a package of unopened chocolate beans in his hand. The smiley face on the package was a bit dazzling.


Yin Ren had read the report of the seventh group. At that time, he himself went crazy in the womb of ghosts and almost turned into a evil spirit. Zhong Cheng said he returned to Guite alone and took him out.

At the time when he was most out of control, the report stated that there was an obvious sense of peeping in the gray-black vortex in the sky.

If that was also the sniper's sight, were they targeted at that time

Zhong Cheng on the opposite side nodded slightly, and the phantom stretched out his hand as if he wanted to hand over the chocolate beans.

It was just a projection of his own subconscious. Yin Ren looked away.

The phantom's movements froze in mid-air, and the brightly colored packaging in his hands evaporated instantly, replaced by dust and soil. Zhong Cheng said that most of his clothes were torn, revealing a lot of scratches.

Gengsheng Town.

Qi Xin told them to be careful of "Mr. Qiu". At that time, they analyzed that Mr. Qiu was probably the sniper.

Qi Xin, whose origin is a mystery, is obviously familiar with Mr. Qiu. As for their contact with Qi Xin, the sniper... Mr. Qiu may also know about it. After all, "Qi Xin" appears in black and white in Shi'an's report, so it's not that difficult to check.

"But why didn't he attack me?"

Yin Ren looked at the scarred phantom and gradually clenched his hands.

"You are just investigating the death of your sister, and your purpose is very simple. The mystery surrounding me is obviously bigger, and attacking me is more likely to cause chaos... "

Do snipers really just kill people randomly

Yin Ren chewed over the information he received.

Bai Yongji, a scumbag who looks very different from the sinking society. That guy had only been exposed to the world of metaphysics for a short time, and he couldn't touch the core things. There's nothing special about him except for the abilities of the "Charon" branch.

But "Charon's" ability allows him to reach the "other shore".

Wait, "the other side."

The Archives is also... The Archives is full of weird elements that are closely related to the other side, and it may be connected to the other side to a certain extent. If he really fell into a vicious state in the archives, it's hard to say whether he would be able to come into contact with the "other shore".

Shi'an's three leagues used Yuanwu as test questions. Fu Wuya himself is an ancient Charon, similar to Bai Yongji, and also closely related to the other side.

"Snipers are very focused on 'the other side.'"

Yin Ren thought.

"This is a breakthrough point. When Lu Xiaohe and the others wake up..."

Before he could finish his words, the phantom Zhong Cheng spoke of changed again.

This time it was an appearance that Yin Ren was not familiar with, and it only appeared in information photos—

The young Zhong Cheng said sitting at the table, arms folded together obediently. He was wearing a solid-color, clean T-shirt, and his hair was hanging softly. He looked like he was still in elementary school. He didn't wear glasses at that time, his brows were soft and delicate, his eyes seemed much bigger than when he was an adult, and they were still extremely dark and dark.

He looked at Yin Ren steadily, his head slightly tilted to one side.

"Yes, if you were here, you would definitely think a little more."

Yin Ren was not very skilled in operating complex machinery. He endured his swollen head and tried to correlate the large amount of information that was pouring in.

Under the control of the magic, paper documents are automatically transferred without wind. They are suspended in mid-air, connected by red threads of light, and are somewhat similar to the basement intelligence wall Zhong Cheng said.

"That sniper chose to attack you instead of me..."

Zhong Cheng said that killing evil things in the name of school research may not be the purpose, but just a way. He has been studying "divine descent", and he has indeed been to several places that are clearly related to divine descent.

For example, in Luotian City, which is very close to Gengsheng Town, he once solved the underground corpse nest there as the "King of Hell".

For example, in the western suburbs where the Municipal People's Hospital is located, Zhong Cheng said that he had also solved a century-old ghost here.

These places all have the same characteristics - a large amount of residual evil power, abnormal evil index, and are directly related to the "divine descent".

And "divine descent" is not exactly related to the "other shore".

In the connection of red lines, Yin Ren seemed to have caught something.

The sniper wasn't so much "concerned about the other side" as he was protecting it, to be precise. Just looking at the behavior, that guy is monitoring and excluding all humans who may come close to the other side.

Yin Ren twisted his hair and fell into deep thought.

"The difference between you and me... We have both been in contact with the other side. But you have taken the initiative to investigate God's descent. Maybe you have been on the sniper's watch list for a long time."

Young man Zhong Cheng said his eyes were a little more curved, like he was smiling.

"But these are all conjectures. I still need to verify Aunt Tao's information." Yin Ren stood up and placed his hand on the top of the young phantom's hair. The phantom raised its head and looked at Yin Ren's palm curiously.

Yin Ren was silent for a long time and slowly put away his hand.

"When it gets daybreak, I will go find someone to collect the information." He said, "Wait for me a little longer, okay?"

The phantom remained silent.

Sunken Huihai Valley branch, underground corpse warehouse.

Director Zou of the Second Technical Department stood at the door of the underground morgue and wiped the sweat from his head. It was almost dawn, but he still didn't dare to get off work—

His subordinate Zhang Wei went to take care of Zhong Chengshuo's body as required, but he has not returned yet. There are 800 rules in that ghost place. Zhang Wei’s cell phone is outside and he has no way to contact anyone. Fortunately, no alarms were sent back from the advanced cadaver warehouse at the deepest level, so the situation should not be serious yet.

"We saw him go in and never come out." The human guard wiped his nose. "He took care of himself for a long time last time. That place was at the bottom. Maybe he just got lost."

"Can you go in and look for it?" Minister Zou gritted his teeth, "If something happens, I can't bear the responsibility."

"Can't you afford it? If we go in, the defense is lax, and someone who shouldn't be let in breaks in, won't the shit basin be placed on both of our heads?" the zombie guard said angrily with a broken gong voice. "Besides, it's not like you don't know this place. The corpse bank loses two or three people every year - just throw them away. Just don't throw away valuable corpses."

Then he muttered a series of complaints laced with expletives.

"Who would break into this ghost place!" Minister Zou had a headache.

The risk of sinking is no better than that of an ordinary company. If something goes wrong, it will not be as simple as just marking the end of the year. Everyone here is carrying a deal with the top management of the Sinking Society—some people are carrying more than one deal—and if the higher-ups pursue it, "death" is considered the easiest outcome.

After all, when Minister Zou first came here, the zombie guard was not a zombie yet.

Some things involved secrets, but he couldn't explain them clearly to the guards.

For example, the corpse Zhong Cheng mentioned was not only a valuable material, but also a hot potato thrown directly after "Mr. Qiu" provoked Shi'an. It's true that Zhong Cheng said he was a minor character, but it's hard to say whether Shi'an will try his best to track down the body.

Everything related to that unfortunate corpse made Minister Zou very nervous.

What if Zhang Wei is Chi An's spy? What should I do if there is a flaw? Minister Zou was getting more and more confused. He wiped his face and said, "Forget it, I'll go in and look for it myself, okay?"

The two guards looked at each other and shrugged.

"It's not impossible." The human guard said seriously.

"But you know the rules." Zombie chuckled twice, "You can't make mistakes in time, route, and walking method. It's especially strict below. If you make a mistake, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Let me in quickly."

Minister Zou felt annoyed for a while.

"I will definitely find that kid."

(End of chapter)