Evil As Humans

Chapter 142: trap


In the early morning, Qiu Fang stayed in an alley without cameras.

Unlike the people around him who were looking down at their phones, he had nothing in his hands. The simplest white T-shirt has no pockets, and the jeans are tight and there is nothing inside.

Qiu Fang's face was considered clean for the time being, and he was a relatively conspicuous person walking on the street with this outfit. It's a pity that the dark alley only contains smelly trash cans, rats scurrying along the walls, and unconscious gangsters.

There were deep red blood stains all over the ground. Three or four young people dressed in shabby clothes fainted and fell to the ground, with several teeth falling apart in a pool of blood. Qiu Fang stood against the wall, not a single drop of blood on his body.

He looked at the people on the ground with disgust, like a mortal looking at a few cockroaches with their bellies turning.

Qiu Fang just watched those people struggling to breathe and stood motionless for half an hour without moving their bodies, until—

At a certain moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Haigu People's Hospital.

"The gap is vibrating." He murmured to the air, "There really is someone there... who is destroying the gap?"

Then he was quiet for a while, as if listening to someone's reply.

"It's definitely not you, nor Ms. Qi... Mr. Le is not nearby either... The Sinking Society doesn't have this kind of power yet. Did they have any research breakthroughs?" Qiu Fang frowned.

Minister Zou's head was also cut off more precisely by him, and it was more familiar the second time. This time Zhong Cheng said he was more skilled in sewing.

Qi Xin grabbed a stone from the top of the wall and weighed it in his hands.

Qiu Fang raised his head and saw Qi Xin in a gray and black suit. The woman seemed to be smiling but not smiling, looking down at him with downcast eyebrows.

Qiu Fang had no choice but to look up to Qi Xin, and he did not hide the disgust on his face.

"Is this good?" Qi Xin smiled more and more meaningfully, "Thanks to humans, you have been able to grow rapidly in the past few thousand years and be on an equal footing with us. Human beings themselves also like to say that we must have a sense of reverence for food."

"I didn't provoke him." Qi Xin said lightly, "Didn't I advise him not to fall into the trap?"

"I have never been a 'just partner' with you. I just promised not to cause trouble. Don't use your tricks against me."

"I understand." The female voice said, "The Haigu branch of the Sinking Society is just below the hospital. It is also built in a shrinking gap. You should be more agile and don't touch the Sinking Society for the time being."

"I can't aim and force you to show up at close range. This is obviously a trap. Mr. Qiu, although I understand your 'nature' of provoking disputes, attacking Fu's house is still too reckless. What do you think?" Her tone was also the same. It's light, and it sounds very uncomfortable.

"I'm not going." Qi Xin straightened his temple hair and narrowed his eyes, "If I want to follow, I'm going to defeat Mr. Qiu's interest. Besides, I'm not interested in this kind of fighting and killing. If you win, There’s nothing left to eat.”

"Yes." Mr. Qiu saluted the shadow on the glass.

The shadows on the windows sighed together.

Qi Xin was unmoved at all, and his facial expression was so distorted that it didn't look like a smile: "Besides, you are obviously the most human-like among the four of us, aren't you?"

After making sure that there were no monitoring appliances on the upper floors, he moved much more calmly.

Zhong Cheng said that he had time this time, so he returned along the same route and handled Minister Zou's body more carefully.

Then he was quiet for a while, as if listening to something.

"If the 'ending' we want is not too troublesome, I can just let them die cleanly. Before, it was just for fun, and I didn't need you to bother me."

On the dusty glass of the alley, the shadows of the two people spoke at the same time.

He made a pistol gesture with his hand and pointed at the hospital, but made no next move for a long time.

He walked out of the alley quickly without even looking at Qi Xin.

"I really don't need an old guy like you to take care of a few pieces of garbage." Qiu Fang snorted.

"Mr. Qiu has been working very hard to drive away possible intruders. His previous behavior is also natural. Don't provoke him."

"You go with him and fight quickly." The shadow on the glass moved his lips and made a voice that only the two of them could hear. "Everything starts with closing the space."

"Not long ago, you attacked Fu's house, which caused some people to be stimulated and take revenge during the crazy attacks. If they really got through to our side, who should be responsible for this?" Qi Xin continued unhurriedly, as if he hadn't. See the enemy's reaction.

"Your tone just now was a bit too much." The female voice became gentler, "He is still young, and coupled with the influence of his nature... We are all working together, why do you have to be so harsh on him?"

After hearing the female voice's dissuasion, Qiu Fang immediately closed the whirlpool. He scratched his hair so hard that he accidentally tore off a piece of scalp.

"Maybe I don't like playing 'hero games'."


With two corpses, he could do a lot more—

"Trap? Even if humans dig out their six evil spirits and attack them together, it's just a matter of my fingers. Just how much trouble can they cause? - If that gap is really opened by humans, I will be fucked by this every day The surname Qi makes fun of.”

It was a gentle female voice.

"No, that person's space magic is a bit similar to that of the Fu family, so it's not easy to aim." Qiu Fang put down his arm, "You have to attack at close range."

The smile on her face became more obvious.

After making sure that those broken shadows no longer acted without permission, she clapped her hands lightly and looked in the direction of Haigu City People's Hospital.

Qiu Fang spat.

"It's just a bunch of people."

"I'm really going to order it."

"My opinion is the same as what the guy just said, you'd better not go." A female voice came from above.


Qi Xin flicked his hand, and the stone hit the glass window, and the figure on the glass window shattered instantly.

Qiu Fang's whole body was shaken, his eyes bulged, and something in the shadow was surging rapidly, rolling into dark whirlpools.

Qi Xin glanced in the direction of the hospital and curled up his lips.

Minister Zou is taller and fatter than Zhang Wei. But Zhong Cheng said that he put Zhang Wei's clothes on the outer layer of his inner jacket, probably adjusted the appearance, and used his coat to carry a pocket. The originally strong and beautiful body was covered up, and suddenly he looked much richer, indistinguishable from Minister Zou just now.

I don't know if the nerve processing is more refined, but this time his control of the head is also much more precise, at least his reactions will not be as slow as before.

After doing all this, Zhong Cheng said he stepped out of the morgue again. He followed the route that was clear in his mind and walked all the way to the elevator.


After a long time, the crisp sound of the elevator sounded on the first floor of the charnel house.

The door to the underground charnel house.

"The elevator is ringing," the human guard said.

"Yeah, the elevator rang." The zombie guard picked his nose, "The person who went down just now is back. I almost thought I was going to lose another one. I don't know if he found it. I'll ask him to fill in a brief record later. surface."

Half an hour passed.

The tall and thin human guard: "Strange, why doesn't Minister Zou come out? Is it possible that he can still get lost on the first floor?"

"Who knows." The zombie guard continued to concentrate on picking his nose, "Maybe something happened and his legs became weak." Ding.

In the corridor behind the two of them, there was a distant soft sound, which was the sound of the elevator reaching the first floor.

The two guards looked at each other.


Five minutes later, the sound came again.




In the underground charnel house that was supposed to be deserted, crisp electronic sound effects circulated extremely regularly, with intervals that were almost exactly one second apart. The human guard instantly got goosebumps all over his body. He glanced at the closed door of the underground charnel house and rubbed his exposed forearm.

"Something's wrong, go check the surveillance."

The zombie let out a contemptuous breath, and slowly moved into the guard room on the side, where the screen was full of surveillance footage.

According to the surveillance, it was "Minister Zou" who went in a while ago.

The scene in the picture was near the dim elevator door. The elevator door creaked and slid, and Minister Zou's shadow stretched long in the corridor. When the elevator door opened completely, he first stepped out of the elevator with normal steps, and then walked back backwards step by step.

The indicator light flashes and the elevator goes down.

Five minutes later, the elevator reached the first floor again, the elevator door opened step by step, and the above scene cycled again. If the time on the surveillance screen hadn't kept moving forward, the zombies would have thought it was a looping video.

There are a lot of strange things happening at the Sinking Club, but those evil things come out of nowhere, and there are rarely such...evil phenomena.

After being dead for more than ten years, the zombie guard felt a little hairy for the first time.

It puts its face close to the display and carefully observes the details of the picture.

Minister Zou's face was calm, his movements were natural, and he didn't seem to be controlled or possessed. The clothes were clean and there were no suspicious marks on them.

The weird cycle continues, and this "normality" seems particularly abnormal.

"That Director Zou seems to be possessed. You go in and take a look first. I'll guard the door here." The zombie rubbed the non-existent goosebumps and returned to his post tremblingly.

"You can't say that." The human guard looked serious, "Brother, you are an evil creature, and there is just an ordinary person who is possessed by evil. Can you just go? I am only flesh and blood, and I might end up in the hospital. "

The zombie gritted his teeth angrily and pushed open the thick door.

The corridor leading to the elevator is neither short nor long. The zombies were nervously grinding their nails, ready to hurt anyone at any time.


The elevator door slowly slid open again, and Minister Zou appeared in front of the zombie guard with a calm expression.

Zhong Cheng said and quickly glanced at the zombies in front of him.

Not long ago, he was wearing a staff uniform, and the smell of magic exuding from his body was completely in the style of the Sinking Society. Such zombies are nothing but man-made creations. Their only advantage is their durability, but their strength is not deep.

Guards nearby.

Zhong Cheng said he took two steps forward, but this time he did not retreat into the elevator.

"Are you alone?" Zombie looked behind him, "Didn't you find that Zhang Wei?"

Zhong Cheng shook his head.

Seeing that "Minister Zou" could still react normally, the zombie breathed a sigh of relief: "What happened to you just now? You were going up and down, were you kidding us?"

Zhong Cheng continued to shake his head. He pressed his temples hard and pointed at his neck, making a dizzy look.

"Oh, my throat is injured. Why does it smell like blood?" Zombie came closer and smelled it. "It's okay. There's no evil smell on him. It's not a big deal. I guess he's just got a nightmare. He's going to let people go out." To exorcise you."

Zhong Cheng nodded pitifully.

The zombie was in front, he was behind, and the two of them walked straight towards the door. However, just as they passed the corner and reached the final exit corridor, the zombies' pace became slower and slower.

"That's not right," it murmured, "I just felt that your freshness is a bit too bland, almost like a newly dead person... Ugh!"

It failed to finish the sentence.

Zhong Cheng said that one hand directly penetrated its flesh and lit the corpse talisman in its body that was comparable to its heart. The movement of that hand was as precise as a scalpel, breaking through its most fragile protection and hitting the vital point.

The zombie had never been so scared, it was comparable to a bank clerk with a gun on his back. "You, you, you, you have something to say. Everyone is evil, so there is nothing you can't say."

"I'm not an evil thing." Zhong Cheng said hoarsely and in a low voice, "You cooperate with me and take me out, so that there is still a way to die." He said very strictly.

I felt the hand gently scraping the corpse talisman, and the zombie's teeth chattered.

The human guards soon spotted their evil colleagues.

Looking from a distance through the peep window, the zombie was leading Minister Zou out. Minister Zou seemed fine, but the two of them were holding each other's back, looking a little too familiar.

There was no expression on the zombie's face, and his steps seemed a little stiffer than usual.

"Hurry up and write the registration form and go out." The human guard put his heart back in his stomach, "Really, we still haven't found anyone, it's just causing us trouble."

Zhong Cheng nodded sincerely and glanced at the lighting not far away.

"Okay, okay, come out quickly." The human guard was still chattering, but he saw Director Zou maintaining his "hug" movement on the zombie and taking off his work ID card with one hand.

“Registration is free…”

Before the human guard could finish speaking, the thin work ID card flew past his temples, directly shattering the only light at the entrance of the corpse warehouse.

The nearby area was instantly plunged into darkness.


But in an instant, the guard room on one side was tightly closed.

Zhong Cheng said he was stuck in the small guard room and slowly took off his obstructive white coat.

"Hello. May I ask where the body's belongings are stored?"

He whispered breathlessly.

"I want my stuff back."

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhong: That is a token of love given to me by my lover (referring to the hamster)

Xiao Yin is enjoying the fried fish!

(End of chapter)