Evil As Humans

Chapter 144: Desperate situation


Time goes back to this morning.

Somewhere underground, Zhong Chengshuo tightened his grip on the front of the human guard.

The zombie guard fell to the side, watching helplessly. Zhong Cheng said he didn't know how to use magic, but he was very familiar with scratching the corpse talisman with his fingernails.

The movement node and the sound node were destroyed, and the zombie guard suddenly transformed into an unconventional humanoid frame, which was placed horizontally in the corner by Zhong Chengshuo.

The eyes of the human guard who was grabbed by the collar rolled around. Zhong Cheng said he didn't care about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. He tightened his fingers and asked again: "Where are the body's belongings stored?"

Dead people always hate having their things taken away. This truth is true everywhere.

The human guard kept his mouth shut. He had given up on escaping, and looked at the door from time to time, hoping that someone would find the broken light—

I don’t know what this thing is. It only uses physical attacks. The more people it sinks, the more strength it will have!

Although the thing's hands were so cold that it made him uneasy.

After Zhong Cheng asked the question, he stopped in place and waited quietly for thirty seconds. Just after the thirty second passed, he stretched out his other hand and began to unbutton the human guard's uniform.

The human guard reflexively protected his chest: "Holy shit, what are you doing?!"

Click, click, click, there were only two people's footsteps in the corridor, one light and one heavy. Zhong Cheng said that he kept puffing up his chest without really breathing. On the contrary, the guard's breathing became heavier and faster.

"I know that some practitioners' belongings may react with the body and cause problems." Zhong Cheng continued to answer with a leaky throat, his tone was so calm that it made people cringe, "But considering the convenience, there is a gap between the warehouse and the corpse warehouse. It can’t be too far apart, at least no more than thirty minutes in a straight line.”

Zhong Cheng stopped unbuttoning people's buttons.

I hope it's just a lonely ghost who wants to find his private property, otherwise this matter will never end well.

Human guard: "..."

Time is running out, Zhong Cheng thought.

[Technical Department 2-Zou: Something happened to me and it’s inconvenient to speak]

This thing decisively killed Minister Zou and eliminated the zombie guards in one fell swoop. He originally thought that it would rely on its strength to cause a scene at the entrance of the underground charnel house. Unexpectedly, this evil creature was extremely calm and completely undetected—

Compared to the bleak and dim cadaver area, the walls here are painted with a layer of light green paint. At first glance, it looks a bit like a hospital, and there are much fewer messy side roads.

He will definitely not be able to go to the so-called boss meeting. Mr. Zou's colleagues will notice something unusual within half a day at most.

"Then give me this person's belongings first."

According to the guard, the items here have to be "transported out" after they are determined to be OK.

Zhong Cheng said slowly taking it out and was pleased to find the face unlock option.

This guy not only wants his stuff back, he also wants to escape.

The guard took advantage of the chaos to escape and ran away with Tang, but he did not dare to deliberately provoke this evil thing. At this point, we can only hope that the Sinking Association will take the initiative to discover that something is wrong.

Perhaps some god who was not quite right heard the guard's thoughts. The next moment, Minister Zou's cell phone rang.

He didn't even dare to take a breath in the middle, and by the end of the sentence there was a whistle in his voice.

[Technical Part 2-Zou: Good]

The zombie guard was unabashedly relieved. It dutifully stood in place and decorated the "peace" here. Before the corpse talisman was repaired, it could not speak or move, and unlucky colleagues were mostly responsible for the blame.

[Technical Department 4-Han: The boss came for a meeting in the morning. Hurry up, there's something important.]

Zhong Cheng said that he could see the longing in his eyes, and the guards probably wanted to trigger the alarm device of the sinking club.

In other words, it's not easy to escape here.

The guards almost walked away from each other.


It watched Zhong Chengshuo and the human guards walk away with almost pity.

The pale lights receded one by one, and the gray corridor had a low ceiling, almost the same as a tomb passage. The human guard and Zhong Chengshuo walked side by side and walked out of the underground charnel house. The nearby corridors were as complicated as a spider web. The guard specifically chose some main roads that looked "right" at first glance.

The Sinking Society can completely take precautions and security measures and build a separate laboratory near the charnel house. It insists on building the laboratory outside, which only shows that there is something fishy about this place itself.

"Otherwise, it will be stained with blood later." Zhong Cheng said calmly, and he half unbuttoned his uniform, his movements as cold as skinning some kind of animal.

It was an internal communication group called "Technical Departments 2~5".

"We have to change to another area," the guard said hoarsely. "This area is where corpses and specimens are stored separately. I really didn't lie to you..."

The evil thing that escaped was not only very powerful, but also very difficult to fool.

"How far is the relic warehouse?" Zhong Cheng asked as if chatting.

It's cool to make a big fuss, but the Sinking Club can't move even if it uses a sea of people tactics.

Zhong Cheng said with a heavier step, which frightened the guard to bounce in place. He took Zhong Cheng and said that he went up and down and took maybe eighteen turns, and finally arrived at a new area.

He must have been here less than seven days, and the hamster mobile phone chain must still be there. But the very fact of packing and transporting it was enough for him to sense that something was wrong.

Human guard: "That's right. Your belongings will be sorted and stored in the relics warehouse here for seven days and seven nights. After making sure there are no problems, they will be packed and transported to the research department outside for identification. I know the way to the relics warehouse. You need me. Lead the way?"

He stared at the human guard with Minister Zou's dim eyes.

The human guard tremblingly took out Minister Zou's cell phone and hurriedly handed over his own. Zhong Cheng stuffed both cell phones into his pockets, picked up the zombie guard with one hand, and stood him back at the door of the underground charnel house while it was dark.

He simply refused to answer the call and quickly replied with one hand.

The guard lowered his head and did not dare to say more.

Zhong Cheng said he just followed quietly and wrote down all the scenes along the way. Whenever the man tried to walk the same route again and again, he would stop quietly and look at the buttons of the guard's uniform with an expressionless expression.

There is a fence wall with an open door between the two areas, and the detector next to the door flashes bright green light.

Zhong Cheng said, stopping cautiously.

"This is the storage area, and we guards have authority." Seeing Zhong Cheng glance over, the guard quickly explained his necessity, "The relics warehouse is as big as a maze, and it is hidden deep. It is difficult for you to find it alone. ah."

Zhong Cheng said, supporting Minister Zou's heavy head: "Let's go."

The moment the two of them passed through the narrow gate of the fence and stepped into the storage area. In the corner they couldn't see, the bright green flash suddenly went out.

This scene is being projected on a display screen in another underground building in real time. I don’t know if it’s due to poor signal, but the picture flickers and is blurry.

Wei Huaqian sat at one end of the long table, and there were three people sitting sparsely around the huge table.

One of the skinny guys had sweat all over his face and wiped it with a tissue over and over again.

"Minister Han, is this what you mean by 'nothing'?" A woman with round and gentle features spoke, her voice a strange mixture of coquettishness and contempt. "The meeting is about to start, and he follows the guards to the storage area?"

"He said... something happened to him. Maybe he was just looking for something." Minister Han was like a fish out of water. His mouth was long and closed, and he couldn't suppress the guilt in his voice.

"Come on, can't he still walk? Can the situation be so urgent that he can sink his property for private use?" the woman sneered.

"The boss has a sharp eye, and he guessed that something might be going on right away." The only remaining old man did not forget to flatter him.

Wei Huaqian didn't even look at the old man. His eyes were locked on the bloated back on the screen.

The other three ministers didn't know that Minister Zou had secured this meeting by begging his grandfather and grandma. Gengsheng Town made too many mistakes at that time. Before the trap was repaired, Mr. Qiu did a feat of disturbing Shi'an by one person, and indirectly brought the sinking society to the bottom.

At this critical juncture, Minister Zou planned to use the corpse mentioned by Zhong Cheng to win back the victory, saying that he was going to announce an important plan - why it was too late, that person still had the numbers.

Just half a minute into the meeting, Wei Huaqian directly asked people to call the surveillance cameras near the charnel house.

"Evil things don't appear out of thin air. The employees under Lao Zou must have made a mistake." The middle-aged woman reacted first, "There are two dangerous corpses that are more than three hundred years old. I remember that the characteristics are... "

Wei Huaqian: "Long nights and many dreams. Isolate the storage area and blast it away with magic."

The other three were silent for a moment.

"S-severe." Minister Han was the first to react.

The valuables have long been moved to the closed area. The ones delivered in the past seven days have all been minors, and their belongings are not of high value. The value of the corpse warehouse is infinitely higher than that of the storage area. The only business is to eliminate the abnormality as soon as possible.

He whipped out his cell phone and quickly issued instructions.

From beginning to end, Wei Huaqian just looked at Minister Zou on the screen, tapping his fingers on the table.

Not even ten seconds after Minister Han put down the phone, the screen suddenly switched. Thick metal plates were lowered on both sides of the original fence wall, completely dividing the storage area and cadaver into two.

On the other side of those flickering blurry blocks of color, Zhong Cheng said and the guard stopped together.

A sob escaped the guard's throat.

He was able to work as a guard in the corpse warehouse at the Sunken Society's Haigu branch, and at least he understood the unspoken rules of the Sinking Society. At this moment, all the ways out are completely blocked, and the Sinking Club has no intention of getting back alive.

Next, there will definitely be a "big cleanup".

Zhong Cheng said with a decent sigh: "Sooner than I thought."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding light green walls all lit up, and the ominous light illuminated the corridor as if it were daytime. Zhong Cheng said that he kicked down the stunned guard and threw himself on the man.

The bright green light shrouded the two people from head to toe and stayed on forever.

Even if Zhong Cheng said that most of the radiation was blocked, the guard's limbs were still exposed to the green light. He made an inhuman groan, moved his body slightly, and his limbs stayed in place - they were like decorations made of sand, and instantly dispersed into flesh-red powder.

There was no blood in the fracture, and the guard twisted his body in a daze, as if commanding his missing limbs.

He didn't even realize that less than half of his head had been lost, and the cross section was only a splintered wound covered in powder.

"Ah... ah..." the guard murmured, "Why... I am only half a practitioner... How could it be so serious..."

He rolled his remaining eyes: "Why are you... okay... why..."

Before he finished speaking, the guard started coughing loudly. Flesh-red powder mixed with blood splashed onto the ground.

Zhong Cheng said it was like a dead umbrella. He silently held it on the guard, creating a small shadow in the green light that was better than nothing.

"I will leave." Zhong Cheng said in a calm tone, "You can tell me the direction of the relic warehouse, or you can just remain silent."

The guard looked at him in fear and despair, his remaining eyes filled with tears.

"The guards of the corpse vault of the Sinking Society are usually held by practitioners who have been in the society for more than ten years and have ordinary abilities. You know they are the type who will experiment on people, and they are still willing to help guard. Tragic death is a very common outcome."

Zhong Cheng lowered his eyes, and there was a thick darkness in the middle of the corpse's cloudy pupils. His voice, with the noise of breath and liquid leakage, became lighter and softer, as if he was lulling a crying baby to sleep.

The guard shook his head hard, and piles of sand fell from the gap in his head. He shook like a leaf in the wind.


Zhong Cheng said quietly chewing on the fear, frozen in place like a plant.

Time passed by, and finally he slowly leaned down and said something in the guard's ear.

This time, the guard burst into tears. He also moved his lips and gave an answer.

After finishing speaking, a miraculous calm appeared on that face full of despair.

Outside the screen in the distance, Wei Huaqian narrowed his eyes and stopped tapping his fingers on the table.

They could only see "Minister Zou" standing up slowly, but he did not leave immediately, but stood quietly in place. The guard on the ground who had lost his limbs and part of his head was completely exposed to the light. He squirmed like a slug sprinkled with salt. In less than a minute, a living person was turned into powder in the radiance of the spell.

Minister Zou then straightened his clothes and walked in a certain direction.

"The spell is invalid, is that thing not evil?" Seeing that Minister Zou had no reaction to the green light, Minister Han was shocked, "How is that possible!"

"That's Director Zou himself. Strange, his belief is so firm? That guy would hang a safety charm on the car." The middle-aged woman frowned, "But he specifically protected the guard... the guard's authority. Those are the places he wants to go, and the level cannot be higher.”

The old man nodded in agreement.

The woman turned to Wei Huaqian cautiously: "Boss, do you want to continue to observe his actions? Maybe there will be more..."

"Stop the spell and let the cleaning team go in." Wei Huaqian interrupted lightly.

The woman gasped.

This is not intended to leave anyone alive at all.

The cleaning team is a group of fugitives kept in the branch of the Sinking Society. They are generally uneducated and will basically never leave the branch. In a sense, this kind of villain is a twisted science gang - he doesn't believe in science and is not superstitious, and only thinks about money and face.

They cannot be completely immune to spells, but they are thick-skinned and thick-skinned, specializing in treating all kinds of weak practitioners.

Wei Huaqian didn't seem to hear the gasping sound of his men. He turned his head sideways, supported his forehead with his hand, and stared at the screen with burning eyes.

Minister Han cleared his throat with difficulty: "How much?"

"You can adjust it as much as you can." There was actually a little more smile in Wei Huaqian's voice.

He wanted to see how capable this thing of unknown origin was. Anyway, as long as the body parts are obtained afterwards, they can be handed over to researchers for consideration - it would be interesting to think about letting the people from the second technical department study the remains of their old boss.

In the picture, the guard was no longer there, and Zhong Cheng started to jog.

He tried hard to keep his head steady and ran towards the location pointed by the guard - just like the underground charnel house, the relics warehouse was also on the bottom floor. This is not because it is so important, but simply because the sinking will kill too many "humanoid mice" and accumulate too many various relics.

This is his only chance.

Zhong Cheng said that not long after he ran, there were rapid and chaotic footsteps behind him. The originally silent corridor suddenly became chaotic, and the overlapping echoes made the entire space crowded.

The sounds of chatter and running came toward him from several directions at the same time, with full hostility.

Zhong Cheng said there was no hesitation, he immediately accelerated his speed and rushed towards the destination. He jumped down the stairs at a speed that was close to falling, and the soles of his leather shoes almost rubbed against the ground, causing fire. He rushed towards the tiny mobile phone chain lying on the ground with great concentration, as if it was the most important thing in the world.

It's a pity that he was a step too slow after all.

When he was just one level away from reaching his destination, he was blocked by the pursuers of the Sinking Society.

The elevator in the storage area can go straight to the deepest point. One group even arrived underground in advance and blocked him from the bottom up. Zhong Cheng said that he happened to be surrounded at the corner of the stairs.

This group of people approached from all directions, and they looked at "Minister Zou" with disdain, as if they were looking at a piece of meat on the chopping board.

"A fat pig can't run very fast." One of them mocked, sparking a few scattered bursts of laughter.

Zhong Cheng's eyes quickly glanced at the uninvited guests. The people sent by the Sinking Society this time were dressed in a way that had nothing to do with practitioners.

There were more than twenty people that Zhong Cheng said he could see, and there were more outside the corridor. This group of people are strong, wearing "cloth armor" with strong fiber and hard protection for key parts, and protective helmets like football helmets on their heads.

Pairs of eyes glanced over from the helmet. Zhong Cheng said he was very familiar with that look and recognized those eyes - they had all appeared on Class A wanted posters.


Apparently, Sinking will allow its lackeys to retain a bit of personality. Some of the criminals were armed with sticks, some with butterfly knives, Mitsubishi stabs, and the most exaggerated ones were shovels and machetes. Perhaps because of the problem of accidental damage in the small space, there are no large-area destruction weapons such as shotguns.

Zhong Cheng said as his eyes quickly scanned the nearby lighting and cameras. He moved his joints and lowered his center of gravity without saying a word. If he still had a heart, his heart rate at this time would definitely shatter his ribs.

half a second.

This group of large executioners were tightly packed together, making the originally cramped corridor seem suffocating. The space between them was not even big enough for a child to stand, and he had to find some life in it.

One second.

With just one tiny mistake, this group of people can restrain themselves based on their weight alone.

The next moment.

"Oh, this idiot still wants to move..." Before a skinny man with a butterfly knife could finish speaking, his tongue froze in his mouth.

The butterfly knife in his hand was missing.

Just a few soft bangs were heard, and the butterfly knife was broken into three pieces in Zhong Chengshuo's hand. Before anyone could react, Zhong Cheng flicked the removed handle and blade with his fingers, instantly blowing up the three nearest lights.

The darkness this time was even more complete than the corpse warehouse.

The criminals in the cleaning team were not stupid. They took advantage of their position in the front row and rushed towards Zhong Cheng with shouts and screams, trying to suppress him with the crowd tactics. But the fat "Minister Zou" was like a phantom, evaporating on the spot.

What followed was a warm, sticky liquid.

They sprayed everywhere, splashing everyone's heads and faces. By the time the criminals reacted and turned on their emergency lights, five seconds had passed.

There was a dull blood red all around.

The people at the front were all turned into headless corpses—the strong cloth armors and hard helmets were no longer able to withstand a quick and accurate knife on the gap in the neck.

The head fell to the ground with the helmet, rolling around in the pool of blood. The body fell down afterwards with a muffled sound. The ground was stained with blood and was slippery. These people all had sharp weapons in their hands, and their movements invariably slowed down.

"Machete, it's a machete! My brother's machete is gone!"

"Fuck! That man ran down, chase him!"

At the same time, Zhong Cheng said that he had a spare head in one arm and a machete in one hand, and made a sudden stop at the bottom of the stairs.

Destiny plays a trick on people, and he doesn't have time to run very far. There is no elevator or transitional hall at the end of this unfortunate staircase, and there is a large ordinary metal door. Next to it is the damn facial recognition again—this time, Minister Zou no longer has authority.

There's only a door between him and his hamster keychain.

Dozens of people swarmed behind him, and the footsteps descending the stairs were like a heavy rain. There was only death left in front of him. Even though his heart no longer existed, Zhong Cheng said he still felt an almost suffocating squeeze in his chest.

The familiar fear came back, like a shot of stimulant.

Don't want it to end.

It does not use a bank-style "safe" door like the underground charnel house, but an ordinary metal door.

In his hand he held a thick-backed machete, and a hard helmet with a head attached.

He doesn't want it to end yet.

Two seconds later, Zhong Cheng said that he kicked the door lock hard. He paid no attention to the dangerous snap of his leg bones, followed immediately by another kick. After four or five steps, a slight deformation appeared at the metal door.

Zhong Cheng raised his hand and lowered his knife, the blade accurately cutting into the small slit. Then he stuck the head against the door frame and pried it open with all his strength.


The deformation of the door is not that big, but the crack is a lot bigger.

Time seemed to slow down a lot, and countless calculations passed through Zhong Chengshuo's mind. He kept kicking out his bruised legs, creating several gaps in different locations.

Just as he raised his feet again, a dozen gunshots rang out. There was a rush of heat behind him, and his left eye instantly lost consciousness.

His back was beaten into a sieve, and his left eye was probably punched out.

There is pain, but not much. It was more like a numbing dull pain, accompanied by the subtle foreign body sensation of a bullet entering the body.

Compared to the sniper's explosive bomb, this power is nothing.

Zhong Cheng said with a flying kick, the metal door finally shook unbearably and fell to the ground with a bang. There was silence behind him, and Zhong Cheng said he didn't know if the criminals were frightened by his "undead zombie" or if he had other ideas. He just lifted his bent right leg and limped into the relic warehouse.

The hamster mobile phone chain that Yin Ren gave him is here.

It was a little hamster with the words "Thousands of gold in the treasury" written on it. He remembered it clearly.

However, the moment he saw the large warehouse of relics clearly, another kind of fear crept up, piercing his back like a needle board.

This is indeed a "big" warehouse for relics.

This underground warehouse is so big that you can't see the end at a glance, with shelves reaching to the ceiling five to six meters high, and it is filled with messy things. Clothes are the most common, followed by suitcases, bags and other random items. Some broken cameras were lying quietly in the dust, and the cleaning tools used by the cleaners were also dumped in the gaps between the shelves. The skin of various balls is old and damaged, and most of them have shrunk.

Stationery, books, bows…

Water bottles, sneakers, remote controls...

They use metal shelves as skeletons and use broken lives to glue them together to form a colorful but extremely bleak maze.

His hamster cell phone chain is just a drop in the ocean.

Zhong Cheng shook his head and forced himself to stay calm.

His mission is still there, and the theoretical possibility of completing it is not zero.

This is not the end for him.

"How long has he been running away?" Minister Han asked cautiously.

"Fifteen hours and twenty-eight minutes." The middle-aged woman turned the pen in her hand and found two empty lunch boxes in her hand. "The boss has told us that if we can't get it done within 24 hours, we can only consider sealing the large relic warehouse - if it hadn't caused too much noise, I doubt he would have done it in the first place."

Seeing that Minister Zou's destination was a boring place called the "Relic Warehouse", Wei Huaqian was too lazy to watch a group of people playing hide and seek and left before noon.

He ordered people to completely seal off the underground corpse warehouse, and wait to determine the condition of the "monster" who escaped before conducting further inventory work.

Once you enter the relic warehouse, there is no turning back—

The large relic warehouse is jokingly called the garbage dump of the dead by the members of the Sinking Society. The gadgets inside are all "item data" that are tasteless and a pity to throw away, and can be fully sealed.

Full containment refers to lowering the compartments to immobilize suspected intruders. Then, several divided rooms within the range are completely sealed, filled with liquid nitrogen, and the physical objects inside are completely destroyed.

It's dark now, and in the picture, "Minister Zou" is still limping away. In the huge "garbage dump", the guy dragged his broken body and fled in pain and embarrassment.

If you can still move after taking so many bullets, you will only be a dead person. As for why this thing can escape the spell, they will soon have the answer -

"Minister Zou" has reached the end of his strength.

He killed more than a dozen criminals, but all their cleaning teams were tough. Even if the crazy Minister Zou cuts him with a knife, one or two pieces of flesh and blood can be torn off. In contrast, Minister Zou could only skin the body and get some clothes to plug the wounds.

He was like a little animal who knew he was going to be slaughtered, and he was running away with a tragic aura of despair.

Poor guy, the middle-aged woman yawned.

"Minister Han, please continue watching. I'm going back first." She moved her neck.

The picture was too blurry, and there were too many obstacles in that damn place, so I couldn't see anyone most of the time. It doesn't matter if we watch for a little longer, it will be over anyway, she thought.

Minister Han agreed submissively.

And where they couldn't see, Zhong Cheng said that through the debris, the nondescript bloody clothes on his body were gradually replaced, getting closer and closer to the clothes of criminals.

Half an hour later, a criminal lowered himself down and sewed Minister Zou's head and another corpse together. Then he stood up unsteadily and covered his neck with the shadow of his helmet.

He played with the Mitsubishi Thorn in his hand for a while, his bloodshot eyes scanning the rows of dusty shelves. Slow motion obscures the stiffness of his movements. The silent criminal, together with the rest of his "companions", continues to wander and explore.

It's just that what others saw was a suspicious figure, but what he saw was the accumulation of dust.

at the same time.

"I know where our battlefield should be." Yin Ren said.

"Wait, wait, wait, don't get excited. Even if the data is correct, I don't know what this coordinate means!" Lu Xiaohe wiped the sweat from his face, "I need to do research, I have to wait until Fu Tianyi gets up tomorrow Again… "

Yin Ren took out his cell phone without hesitation and looked for Fu Tianyi's cell phone number.

Lu Xiaohe: "..."

Not seeing him for one day is like three autumns, and this kid is getting more and more cruel.

"He must have fallen asleep as soon as he got back. It's almost the same now." Yin Ren said while flipping through his address book.

"I'm here." A head with dark circles stuck out from behind the door, his tone a bit resentful. "Miss Lu's running movement was a bit loud. I woke up just now."

"Just in time."

"You still need Dahuang Xiaoge's help, right?" Lu Xiaohe tried his best to pull Yin Ren back, "You also need to rest..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw the gap suddenly widen, like eyes suddenly widening.

This time Yin Ren lasted longer than every time before.

In the darkness of the gap, various chaotic spaces stacked up like bubbles, flashing light with strange textures.

"Fu Tianyi, I need more data."

Yin Ren said in a hoarse voice.

"I just need to find out one coordinate... just one coordinate."

Fu Tianyi was as tired as if his whole body had been run over by a car. It was true that "breaking through the limits" was a training method, but he still couldn't help but hum a few words. But when he saw Yin Ren's expression clearly, he didn't dare to say another word.

In the dark waiting room, Yin Ren's eyes were red, like a sharp knife unsheathed. The man deliberately restrained his momentum, and the pressure he exuded was still like a knife cutting his skin.

Fu Tianyi stretched out his sore hands and tried to use his power again.

He only felt that all the muscles in his body were crushed into pulp. No matter how dangerous the mission was in the past, it was never like cutting flesh with a dull knife around the clock.

The internal slander was the internal slander, but he had lost all the strength in his hands. Lu Xiaohe said no more and tapped on the keyboard.

"Xiao Fu, be more stable... I will correct the space folding parameters..."

She didn't even have time to wipe the sweat from the bridge of her nose.

"Yin Ren, tonight I can only try my best to build a calculation model. Now I don't have equipment that can simulate signals, so I have to adjust the gap detector from Shi'an. Promise me, you must go to rest after I complete the model... Yin Ren ?”

Lu Xiaohe screamed, and Fu Tianyi was so frightened that his strength was broken.

Yin Ren pulled off the hamster pendant on his mobile phone without hesitation, and moved his hand in and out of different spaces: "The signal sources are completely the same, is that okay?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Lu Xiaohe swallowed.

Yes, yes, but Yin Ren is afraid that if he makes a mistake, he will eat up both the arm and the hamster.

"There's enough time." Yin Ren's hair moved as if he couldn't bear it, "Trust me."

Lu Xiaohe was just about to leave the chair and sat back down. She sighed heavily: "Anyway, I will rest after I perfect the algorithm and I won't care about you!"

"Thank you." Yin Ren replied to himself.

For the first time in the world, his hands holding the hamster mobile phone chain were filled with sweat.

Finally there is a turning point.

When he found the location where the hamster's mobile phone chain might be, he would use the gap to penetrate the "different space" there. There was no reason for the sniper to throw away a mobile phone chain, so Zhong Cheng said he must be nearby.

The answer he wanted was close at hand, and after days of darkness, a glimmer of light finally appeared.

Yin Ren adjusted his breathing vigorously. He was about to open the gap again, when suddenly the hair on his head stood up -

A sense of voyeurism.

Yin Ren's black hair shot out, instantly pulling past the confused Lu Xiaohe and Fu Tianyi. Sure enough, in the next moment, a bullet passed through the window and hit Lu Xiaohe's original location.

The flickering machine was burnt black, and the squeaking sounds of mechanical shutdowns were heard one after another.

"Don't worry!" Lu Xiaohe's face was as white as a dead person. She hugged the remaining laptop in her arms tightly, her voice barely calm, "My data is all in the private cloud, he can't destroy it!"

As she spoke, she glanced at Yin Ren's hair from the corner of her eye.

"Anyone can come back." Yin Ren said, "As long as you find a way, you can come back again."

He was answered by another burst of suppressive fire. Purely physical bullets poured from the doors and windows, the floor of the waiting room was blown to pieces, and sharp fragments kept flying. If it were a human being, this formation would be enough to beat them into a pulp.

This time Yin Ren didn't hide his clumsiness.

In the darkness, one protective spell after another lit up one after another. They have obviously been modified—the surrounding space is distorted like water waves. They emit a faint fluorescent light, making the view outside the shield seem real and illusory.

The protection gradually shrank and stopped near the coffin where the corpse cage was located, just enough for three people to stand on it.

"Can we continue?" Yin Ren asked Lu Xiaohe.

"It must be possible." Lu Xiaohe smiled miserably, "Unless you can throw me out of the country at once, I doubt he will chase me until I grow old."

"I can do it too." Fu Tianyi looked blankly at the protective spells around him, "I can do whatever you ask me to do."

"Very good." Yin Ren held the hamster in his hand tightly.

While maintaining a strong protective technique, he stretched out his right hand. Yin Ren opened the gap again and used the hamster mobile phone chain to touch the inner space.

This time, as soon as he reached into those illusory spaces, a cold hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Strange hands.

Yin Ren retracted his palm instantly, and the gap quickly closed again. Just before closing—

Boom! ! !

A bullet flew out of the gap that was about to close, hitting his clenched right hand.

Wrong bullet.

Because the moment it touched him, Yin Ren's right hand, along with the chubby hamster cell phone chain, exploded into powder.

(End of chapter)