Evil As Humans

Chapter 145: Signal for help


As the night deepened, the room became darker and darker, the gaps merged into the night, and the air became as thick as the bottom of the sea.

Fu Tianyi didn't even dare to breathe.

The moment he saw the hamster's key chain destroyed, his sympathy just emerged, but was overwhelmed by endless fear.

Yin Ren turned around and retreated back into the protective shield, with no special expression on his face. However, in this short moment, the murderous aura around that person suddenly stopped - Fu Tianyi had already felt that this person was "full of murderous aura", and only now did he realize what true murderous intent was.

Nothing but pure malice.

It came down like a tsunami, leaving no room for resistance.

Fu Tianyi had come into contact with many dangerous evil things and boasted that he had seen things in the depths of darkness. But compared to Yin Ren in front of him, those things were just little clowns on the stage.

Fear almost instantly gnawed Fu Tianyi into a skeleton. He almost forgot how to move his body, but he didn't dare to stop inputting strength. The corpse cage emitted a gray light, madly draining his strength.

Fu Tianyi felt as if he had turned into a dried cicada that could be shattered into pieces by a gust of wind.

It can't stop. It absolutely can't stop.

Yin Ren was shocked now, who knows what would happen. This thought was so heavy that his self-esteem, belief, and hesitation were all crushed to dust. Fu Tianyi didn't care whether he would be attacked by a sniper or not. In his gradually confused mind, there were only four words left: "Can't stop".

The bullet was made of unknown material, but it blew off Yin Ren's entire forearm, leaving a translucent, sticky black ash at the cut. Something was moving in vain on the cut surface, but it was unable to reconstruct the arm like before.

It hurts so much.

A long black hair peeked through the cracks and stuck to the dark red coffin like a spider's thread. It was immersed in the thick night, with a soft halo flashing around the edges.

Outside the window, a dark cloud obscured the moon, leaving no light at all in the room.

Lu Xiaohe didn't dare to think about it.

That was Yin Ren's voice, and goosebumps instantly appeared on her back.

Yin Ren didn't say anything else. He used his remaining left hand to pull off the "ball chain" on the phone and threw it towards the window. As the little ball cried "Pu-hua-", Yin Ren turned to the side at the same time.

No one knows what the transition space in the gap will look like. The lucky spot may be an ordinary open space or room, but the possibility of being in the sky, underwater, or even in magma cannot be ruled out.

She quickly outlined the model area and turned the screen around—her hands were so cold and stiff that she could barely hold onto the computer screen.

"I understand." She responded reluctantly amid the buzzing sound.

The space outside the protective spell continued to shake, but the sound of gunfire disappeared.

There was something oddly soft in his tone.

Lu Xiaohe was so frightened that Tianlinggai almost exploded.

During the break, Yin Ren dived into the front yard of an abandoned kindergarten.

It won't cause any trouble to anyone, it's a great place.

There was only a dull "swish" sound.

Even Lu Xiaohe, the scientific research post, felt something was wrong and exhaled slowly. It was clearly autumn, but the white mist she breathed in felt like the coldest days of winter.

But I have to do something. If I don't do anything, Yin Ren...

She tried to sound optimistic about the slim hope, completely ignoring the fact that her voice was shaking and out of tune.

Lu Xiaohe knew that Yin Ren had no hostile intentions, but these two words still made her shudder.

The gap was torn open again, and the rift was bigger than ever before.

Yin Ren lowered his right hand, which was destroyed by the explosion, and slowly moved his head. In this quiet place, another existence stood out—

Lu Xiaohe heard a chuckle.

Lu Xiaohe gritted her teeth and quickly activated the emergency program, trying to send a distress signal to the main processor of the security department. However, the attacker outside did something unknown, and her distress signal could not be sent out at all.

She rarely said anything, but gradually increased the speed of her typing.

Yin Ren's right hand also did not recover.

Like all gaps, this "transitional space" was devoid of life. The paint on the slide was peeling, the gate was covered with thick rust, the gray windows were cracked, and the inside was pure black. The outside of the park fell into a chaotic and blurred color, and the dream was still unreal.

Now there is no hamster phone link that can be used as a positioning, only the brief records of Yin Ren's previous attempts are left. If we rely on them to calculate, the error will be very large.


Another shot blew up Yin Ren's right shoulder. He didn't try to dodge, as if the injury wasn't to himself.

Yin Ren glanced around and leaped into one of the flashing spaces without hesitation. The next second, the gap closed quickly, like a frightened clam shell, closing tighter than every time before.

Lu Xiaohe's straight body relaxed slightly, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Why is Yin Ren laughing

"Huang Liang, I'll throw you out of the building in a while, and you go find the security personnel in the ward area." Yin Ren instructed dreamily, "Fu Tianyi, continue with the work at hand, it's okay."

"Give it to me." Yin Ren repeated.

The attackers' bullets hit the protective barrier one after another, causing the entire space to shake. They were like three poor bugs squeezed into a submarine on the seabed, waiting for the submarine to be destroyed and buried in the endless darkness.

Everything was eerily quiet.

Could it be that Yin Ren is getting too upset?!

Her fingers trembled in mid-air, unable to type on the keyboard for a long time. Fu Tianyi was the first to react. He gasped twice: "Look!"

"The scope is too big now!" Lu Xiaohe almost shouted out loud, and her laptop was almost broken by her. "According to the calculation just now, that scope contains at least hundreds of 'transition spaces', you can't find them all!"

"Lu Xiaohe, give me the approximate range first."

"The protective spell is still there." Fu Tianyi had two streaks of black and red blood under his nose, and his tongue was obviously not working properly. "The spell is still there, so he's alive."

"I, I can figure out the approximate range." Her voice was so hoarse that it startled her. "Even if there is no hamster, as long as you fight for a little longer."

Zhong Cheng said it hurt like that too.

Bang! Bang!

Half of Yin Ren's head was shot off, and another bullet pierced his abdomen. Gray and black wet fragments splashed onto Yin Ren's face and slid down his face like tears.

Yin Ren still stood there quietly, motionless, his clothes torn.

Not far away, the enemy withdrew his hand.

Did the evil creature give up completely after seeing its hope destroyed? He wondered suspiciously.

But whatever that evil creature was, it was able to eat four of his guns, which was quite impressive. It was a pity, if it was willing to go crazy outside and stage a good show of torturing and killing colleagues, that would be more to his taste.

Qiu Fang shook his head, twisted his shoulders, and raised his hand again—

The figure in tattered white clothes was no longer in sight.

He saw black.

Yin Ren's broken body was like a leaky bag, with countless translucent black wings bursting out from it. They spread out as fast as a natural disaster, and just when Qiu Fang realized something was wrong, several wings had already slid past him.

Like a dark avalanche.

Those black snow waves appeared from nothing in an instant, surging in all directions. In the center of the surging black waves, a huge vortex appeared. The vortex kept twisting, and it seemed that something around it wanted to form, but then disintegrated powerlessly. Deep in the vortex, sad whispers came and went.

Is that "Yin Blade"

Qiu Fang was stunned for a moment.

Those translucent black substances gushed out between heaven and earth, covering the sky and the sun.

"Qi..." Qiu Fang's blank face suddenly showed a trace of fear. "That bastard..."

He tore a gap reflexively, trying to escape to another transition space. Yin Ren's situation was really wrong. Even before the enemy was attacked, his instincts sent out a faint warning.

It was a vague and extremely unfamiliar feeling of oppression.

The same breath.

It was a scent of his own kind that he had never encountered before. Although it was awkward and clumsy, he would never misjudge it.

A cub, and a very dangerous one at that.

The one with the surname Qi did it on purpose!

The enemy fired several shots, and he moved towards the temporary gap behind him. He instantly sank into the dark seabed and almost lost his human form.

This time, the "transit space" was the depths of the ocean where there were no living creatures and no light. Qiu Fang carefully sealed the gap and let out a harsh cry.

I should kill the two security guards first, and then report the incident to "that person" as soon as possible. Qi Xin, that idiot, is indeed treacherous, and this cub is also very wrong... Hmm

Something cold wrapped around his ankles.

And there shouldn't be any living things here.

Qiu Fang lowered his head stiffly and saw the space that was violently torn open. Several translucent soft limbs stretched out and tried to probe over.

[Give it back to me.]

The thought seemed to have struck him directly.

[Give it back to me.] That thought was like a noise with strong acid, getting stronger and stronger, and clearer and clearer. Qiu Fang fired two shots, smashing the soft limbs that were passing by, and the broken soft limbs exuded an extremely concentrated and murderous force.

[Give it back to me.]

The thought repeated itself softly, as if it felt no pain.


More soft limbs pierced through the space, and darkness spread like ink on the seabed. Countless wings rose and fell with the current, and the vortex brought up strings of pearl-like bubbles.


The thing that was once called "Yin Blade" stretched out its body and slowly spread out on the seabed in the gap. Although it was already a dark seabed, the surrounding blackness suddenly became heavier.

Qiu Fang knew that faced with such an inexplicable situation, he should probably just run away with his tail between his legs.

But if he left like this, he would undoubtedly fall into Qi Xin's trap, and he was destined to be laughed at by that old man for thousands of years. When Qiu Fang thought of the smug look on his face, he felt his teeth itching.

Anyway, this body is just a tiny part, and he has to teach this ignorant cub a lesson.

Qiu Fang put away his hands and stopped shooting. The next moment, his clothes were gone.

Something in the void broke apart, gradually revealing snow-white bones and dark gray metal. They merged with each other and together formed a giant human hand.

The deformed bones became bones, and the blades became skin. In the gaps between hard objects, "words" of countless languages were scattered among them, filling up every gully.

Various words appeared in ugly black and red colors, twitching constantly, accompanied by various hoarse and unpleasant sound fragments.

It looked like a giant claw that had been severely burned, with its wrists broken and disappearing into the bottomless darkness.

The claws twisted their fingers and reached out to the weak and soft sea of wings with great force. It grabbed a piece of it and squeezed it hard, and a dazzling flash of blood appeared between its fingers.

The shattered wings slipped from its fingers and they came together again, their movements stiff but still able to move.


The giant hand froze.

Several translucent soft limbs had entangled its hand seams and were infiltrating inside. They were like fine and dense teeth, gnawing non-stop. The giant hand thrashed twice like a spider, but those weak soft limbs were like a thorn in the flesh, and he couldn't get rid of them. They gave him a very bad feeling of coldness, and this small part of his body was secretly showing signs of disability.

[What on earth are you?!] The enemy's "hands" swung wildly, his thoughts piercing straight into those translucent soft limbs, [There is no such thing on the other side!]

But his enemies would always answer with just one word.

[Give it back to me.]

Temporary gaps opened up behind the giant hand, slicing open layers of transitional space like a scalpel. The giant hand passed through the gaps at the fastest speed, trying to get rid of these fragile but ominous broken limbs.

All the while, the broken limbs continued to eat away at its "body," almost like some kind of infection.

Every time Qiu Fang tried to stop, the space around him would slowly break apart, and soft translucent wings would emerge. The debris of the wings on the giant hand gradually increased, and the cold erosion became more and more obvious.

The empty blue sky, the stormy desert, the snowy mountaintops, and the dark underground.

The transition spaces were almost reduced to afterimages, and Yin Blade was tearing through the gaps faster and faster. In a trance, Qiu Fang suddenly remembered a scene he had seen in the human world.

That was the animal world being played in the hospital.

The young leopard stumbled in pursuit of its prey. At first, its movements were so clumsy that it was laughable, and it was frightened by the prey and fell to the ground.

However, as time passed, it ran faster and faster, and its bites became more and more accurate.

The actions became increasingly brutal.

This damn cub is hunting itself.

The moment he realized this, Qiu Fang's mind went blank. The sense of emptiness that was being eroded in his body became more and more severe, and he had to think of a countermeasure quickly.

Escape to the human side? No, that would completely alarm the human race and affect that person's plan.

Should he escape back to the other side? No, he couldn't put something so unclear in there...

By the way, Yin Ren is just a cub!

The cub never knew where his limit was. He could use up this unknown Yin Blade to its limit and let it self-destruct. If that didn't work, he could just abandon this part of his body.

The situation was urgent, and he would accept it even if Qi Xin laughed at him for a hundred million years.

An abandoned factory, a dirty chimney, a quiet classroom with slanting sunlight, and a brightly lit but empty dance floor.

The giant hand was soft and boneless, swimming through the broken space like an octopus. A black tide of wings was chasing it relentlessly, surging like some dead thing.

In a trance, Zhong Cheng said he saw a huge black shadow.

It passed through the large warehouse of relics, faint and illusory, as if separated from this space by a thick layer of water film.

Is this an illusion? Could it be that the head was sewn too hastily and there is something wrong with the visual nerve

It was no surprise. He had been wandering around the warehouse for several hours, and although he had found a few newer shelves, there were no traces of the hamster's phone chain on them. This was already the 382nd shelf he had checked, so it was no surprise that he was visually fatigued.

Zhong Cheng carefully supported his head and continued to inspect the huge shelf in front of him.

"That's fucking weird."

Not far away, a criminal punched a shelf.

"There aren't enough people here, and there's no trace of that bastard. What a coward, wasting my time!"

The shelf trembled slightly, and something gold and red jumped among the junk.

Zhong Cheng said, holding his breath, taking two cautious steps forward. The criminal swept the shelves with his stick as if to vent his anger. In an instant, the messy debris was scattered all over the floor. The golden-red light bounced a few times in an instant and rolled into the chaos on the floor.

Crouching down and rummaging through the clutter would definitely be suspicious. Zhong Cheng said he tried his best to keep his body steady and forced himself to stay where he was.

Have to wait for this person to leave...

"Fuck your mother, what are you looking at?" Who would have thought that the red-eyed criminal not only did not leave, he turned around and pointed the stick in his hand directly at Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng said as he tightly grasped the three-pointed spear in his hand and quickly thought of the appropriate response.

Everything that happened next was like a slow-motion shot in a movie.

A huge black and red hand came out of nowhere, and the solid metal shelves bent like rubber. The criminal's extremely strong helmet was easily crushed, and his eyeballs burst out of his broken skull. The debris on the shelves was like nails in a bomb, shooting out at a deadly speed.

A hammer smashed directly into Zhong Chengshuo's chest, and a fruit knife pierced through his helmet and pierced into his temporary head.

There was an inexplicable scene before him, but Zhong Cheng said that there was only a faint light in his eyes.

He dragged his battered body forward, desperately groping among the debris on the ground. The mountain-like giant hand swept over again, smashing his already weak head right in the middle, instantly turning it into minced meat.

The five senses were lost again.

Zhong Cheng said he didn't stop rubbing. The hard debris scratched his fingers and scraped off the flesh on his fingertips. His body was slowly being destroyed and his sense of touch became increasingly blurred.

Finally, his palm touched something.

Round, slightly cool, and delicate to the touch. The little hamster was adorable, and he had played with that outline countless times.

I'm here.

Zhong Cheng said that he held the hamster tightly and triggered the emergency rescue agency.

Yin Ren, I'm here.

Yin Ren's five senses were already messed up.

It was as if his perception was shattered into countless pieces, and he was suddenly stuffed into a millipede's shell. The feeling was magnified a billion times, which was probably the confusion he was feeling now.

Unable to feel anything, his world was filled with only one goal. The sniper was like a faint ripple, swaying not far from him.

Yin Ren was following the trail completely on instinct, his thoughts were stagnant, his senses were dissipating. His body had become too large, but he had no intention of stopping.

Almost there, almost caught.

His body continued to surge forward, pouring into a certain space again. This space was slightly different from the previous one, with a few more weak reactions, probably living things.

He doesn't care.

He just wants to...

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Somewhere inside Yin Ren's body, the phone began to vibrate wildly. The black ocean suddenly froze in place, and every wing stopped shaking.

That was the hamster's distress signal that Zhong Cheng mentioned.

(End of this chapter)