Evil As Humans

Chapter 150: heal


The moment Yin Ren landed on the ground, his black hair danced, blocking the entire gap that had not yet been closed. However, like trying to block a burst water pipe with bare hands, countless evil forces squeezed open the gap and sprayed out. The power full of resentment and pain was like thick acid, burning Yin Ren's wings with severe pain.

After finally reaching the sinking meeting, we can no longer be passive.

Before these evil forces turned into a torrent, Yin Ren blocked the gap at all costs and quickly checked the surrounding situation.

He smelled the breath Zhong Cheng said, as well as all kinds of corpse odors. There are all kinds of cold and weird evil spirits in it. Compared with the ant nests underground in Gengsheng Town, this ghost place is even worse.

A huge and dangerous charnel house.

Zhong Cheng said it was once "stored".

Having been in contact with modern times for a long time, Yin Ren probably knows what the conditions are like where corpses are stored. When he thought of Zhong Cheng's plan to drag the mutilated body out of here, Yin Ren's anger was no longer suppressed.

He didn't want to press either.

In the midst of the flash of lightning, Yin Ren's evil aura surged around. Numerous morgues responded with rapid, thump-dump-dump sounds.

In an instant, a sharp spell alarm sounded through the darkness.

They gradually filled the corridor, they raised their heavy and deformed heads, and their bones made a dry turning sound.

Yin Ren turned around, passed the corpses without looking back, and headed straight for the exit.

Some corpses lost arms and legs during the process of breaking down the door. They simply stuck together to form a tall fused corpse monster. A strange fishy stench spread in the corridor, and the thick evil aura rippled.

Click, click.

Only Yin Ren's heavy seals were woven into red clothes, emitting a bright shimmer in the shadows. The corpses lined up behind Yin Ren extremely obediently, as solemn as a funeral procession.

Perhaps for a single person, this is an unsolvable maze. But when all the corpses were out, the only entrance disguised as a door seemed so distinct.

Amidst the almost piercing alarm sound, Yin Ren finally let go of the gaps that reached the limit.

The first ones to break out of the door were two hundred-year-old zombies that looked old at first glance. What followed were all monstrous corpses that had been polluted, mutated, and had horrific shapes due to the evil force. They swayed their extra limbs, opened varying numbers of eyes, and let out wail-like screams from their throats.

Cold, stiff flesh slapped the floor.

The inventory of the Sinking Society was of extremely high quality. Countless corpses were used as flood sandbags, and the evil power full of malice slowed down a bit.

The dark corridor was crowded with shadows, and the corpses were all naked. The mutilated internal organs swayed slowly, and the deformed skin was glowing with water. Countless deformed bones bulged, and turbid yellow corpse fluid dripped onto the ground. The green-white color of the dead flesh and the brown-yellow color of the mummy are mixed together, lining the gray corridor, and everything seems to have faded away.

Behind him, countless corpses rushed towards the torrent of evil power. In the twisted space, the corpses were either minced or devoured. However, they still rushed forward unconsciously, and all kinds of sinister corpse techniques rained down on the pure evil force.

Snap, snap.

Even if the mantis arm is used as a cart, if there are too many mantis corpses, the slimy corpse pulp can make the wheels slip a bit.

There is no better scene than this.

Yin Ren scoffed.

The next moment, the evil force in the previous transition space spurted out. A dozen corpses bounced out from behind Yin Ren. They stood in front of him, stretched out their arms rapidly, and instantly formed layers of dry, hard skin.

In the torrent, Mr. Qiu's remains were scattered everywhere. Any corpse that comes into contact with solid remains will expand and burst within a second, with bones and minced meat exploding into fireworks of flesh and blood.

There is no need to reveal the evil body, the "Great Heavenly Master" is well versed in the three branches of ghost master, corpse warrior, and spiritual craftsman. Since waking up from this era, Yin Ren has never found such a suitable place for "corpse service".

Just as Yin Ren blocked the entrance of the evil force from outside, the corpses of the evil spirits around him broke open the hard metal door and staggered towards Yin Ren's back.

about there.

The sharp sound of alarms, the sound of walls collapsing, and the bursts of corpses exploding, made the quiet corpse warehouse feel like the Chinese New Year, and it was extremely lively.

Yin Ren dragged the suitcases to the left and right, doing the same thing on each level. Even if they are consumed crazily by this weird and evil power, there will only be more corpses running out of the corpse vault, and they will never be exhausted.

If he wasn't being chased so hard, Yin Ren would have loved the smooth chopstick feeling of a mouse falling into a rice vat.

Zhong Cheng said he was sitting obediently in the half-open suitcase. His body was surrounded by wings, his hands were on the edge of the suitcase, and he didn't know what he was feeling.

Not long after, Yin Ren rushed all the way to the third to last floor connected to the elevator.

However, amid the piercing sirens, the elevator was completely blocked.

Once again there was no escape.

As soon as Yin Ren had this idea, his wings were pinched by Zhong Chengshuo again. He was typing in a hurry, and Yin Ren simply grew eyes on one of the wings and was distracted to look at it.

[You will trigger a spell alarm and can escape up to three floors. The elevators above the third floor must be the most defensive and difficult to break through. To eliminate the breath, you can use the bottom of the elevator to gain strength.]

Yin Ren reacted instantly.

There must be some gap below the elevator shaft. He could take Zhong Chengshuo and hide in, completely block the aura, separate a part of his hair and drill upwards - when the fierce mudslide catches up, he can help them break through all defenses.

After most of the evil power has poured out, they can use the remaining corpses as a consumption cover, which can indeed take them by surprise and avoid the dilemma of being attacked from both front and rear.


"It's hard to defend when you're hiding. I'll forget it. You'll be exposed to those things for a short time."

Yin Ren spoke very fast.

"That kind of evil power is different from mine, it's extremely violent—"

Zhong Cheng said he just flapped his wings and made an OK gesture.

Yin Ren didn't talk nonsense or even hesitated.

After several spells shattered the elevator, he hid at the bottom of the elevator shaft and suppressed all his breath. Only a trace of black hair broke away from Yin Ren's body, exuding his momentum in a flamboyant way, and went up through the gaps between many obstacles.

As a thin and carefree hair, it drilled extremely fast. And as expected, the fierce and evil power fell into the trap, and it chased the hair menacingly. Bang!

Bang! !

Bang! ! !

Huge explosions kept coming from above the elevator shaft, and the ferocious force collided head-on with the heavy protection of the Sinking Society. Countless fragments of debris exploded down like bullets. Yin Ren used his wing ball to protect himself and the suitcase. He was being soaked by the deadly evil force, as if he had fallen into strong acid, and every skin on his body was in pain.

Zhong Cheng said, curling up quietly, like a baby in its mother's womb. Yin Ren couldn't open his eyes and could only hug his lover tightly with his wings.

Amidst the warmth of his wings, Zhong Cheng dropped to the ground and clenched his fists.

At first, Yin Ren didn't understand the meaning of this behavior, but the rhythm of the clenched fist was so familiar that he quickly remembered its origin.

That was the heartbeat Zhong Cheng said.

No words, no heartbeat, no breath. Zhong Cheng said that he was using this situation to tell himself that he was fine and there was no need to worry.

He knew he would be worried.

Burning with pain, Yin Ren curled up the corners of his mouth.

The explosions became more frequent and vaguer. The fierce force that surged upward also became thinner. Finally, a trace of the breath of living creatures seeped down from far above. Screams and another wave of alarms penetrated Yin Ren's ears.

It's now!

In an instant, the army of corpses crowded towards the narrow elevator shaft. Yin Ren protected Zhong Cheng and rushed upward. Behind him, corpses passed over his body, blocking the front as a protective umbrella, and when they encountered the scattered evil force, they exploded in waves.

Yin Ren used the fastest speed in his life. In less than three seconds, he rushed to the top of the elevator.

When he saw something was wrong, he turned around and faced the torrent of evil power.

“The more people there are, the more lively it will be.”

Yin Ren wiped the blood and sweat from his face.

"...I like excitement the most."

As soon as he finished speaking, the torrent of corpses behind him collided head-on with the evil force.

Another burst of corpse explosions sounded, and the surrounding solid barriers collapsed. The electronic alarm changed its tune and blended into a muffled funeral song.

The space is distorted and the corpse is tilted sideways. And in the center of all this, Yin Ren was dressed in red and showed an almost relieved smile.

Looking at it makes people feel cold all over.

The human world, the distant surface.

Wei Huaqian's brows slowly wrinkled.

His personal interface was filled with various alerts, and blood-red warnings kept scrolling.

Something happened in the underground charnel house.

The Sinking Society immediately sealed off the storage area, eliminated the cleaning team, and also separated the large relic warehouse that Minister Zou had sneaked into. Everything is executed with the fastest and most brutal plan. If the risky area was compared to carrion, he had cut the wound clean as quickly as possible.

Why did something happen to the underground charnel house? !

Still the highest alert!

Wei Huaqian tried to call the surveillance camera at the scene of the incident, but no matter which surveillance camera, the picture was completely black - as if there was a bottomless eye pressed against the camera.

Only data was sent frantically from screen to screen.

Fierce power, an unprecedented large amount of ferocious power erupted.

Wait, unprecedented? An explosion of evil force without any source

Wei Huaqian's hand operating the tablet stopped in mid-air, and his back was instantly soaked. He didn't even care about the precious items in the charnel house. He only had two big words in his heart -

God descends.

He pinched his eyebrows fiercely and quickly reviewed the rows of data.

No, no, no, that's not right.

In recent years, the Sunken Society has conducted many human experiments using the power of evil, and has conducted in-depth research on the characteristics of evil power. Wei Huaqian was very sure that the data in front of him was much weaker than the real Shenjiang. This outbreak is not so much a "divine descent" as it is a small-scale, weakened version of the divine descent. The nature of the evil force is also quite different from that of a real divine descending.

When the gods descended twenty-eight years ago, the evil force that erupted was even more... fresh

And the evil force that is destroying everything now is rapidly dying into evil energy, as if it is rapidly decaying. At this level... at this level, the Sinking Club should be able to handle it.

He held his breath and issued instructions quickly.

Quickly separate the transitional space, connect it to the human world, and induce the destroyers in it to stay away!

Sinking would be his most convenient tool. The top priority is to defend the branch. Even if the tool becomes damaged and difficult to use, it is still better than bare hands.

While Wei Huaqian was concentrating on giving instructions, a certain data on the screen suddenly fell off a cliff.

At the same time, in the transition space, Yin Ren's movements suddenly stopped.

The evil power around him was still surging, but something was definitely different. This is a subtle, instinctive awareness—

Just now, the source of these evil forces was completely "dead".

The pain in that power disappeared, leaving only cold resentment and endless chaos.

And when Yin Ren was concentrating on feeling, behind him, in the suitcase.

The headless corpse was soaked in this evil force of death, and the wounds on its body quietly closed a little.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Yin: Blow up the fireworks! I'll empty out your inventory.

Xiao Zhong: Ming Sheng Kang Dafu.

Don’t be anxious, everyone, the worldview will slowly unfold. In fact, this article has been following the main line from the first volume to the present (?)

(End of chapter)