Evil As Humans

Chapter 152: bad news


Yin Ren has regained most of his human form, with countless translucent wings still remaining at the top of his head and under his knees. His whole body seemed to have been emptied out, and all the bones in his body were soft.

But Yin Ren's humanoid body seemed to be solidified, frozen in mid-air without moving up or down.

He stared at the newly born Zhong Cheng and said.

It looks right, smells right, and there are no traces of magic anywhere. He chewed over the other person's eyes, posture, and subtle movements of facial muscles countless times in his memory.

It was Zhong Cheng who said... It was the Zhong Cheng who separated from him.

The ecstasy turned into a hammer and slammed into the back of Yin Ren's head. The Ghost King's vision shook twice. When he was fighting just now, the question "How to recover according to Zhong Cheng" was weighing heavily on his heart. He didn't think about it, but it was weighing on his heart all the time.

Now that the heavy pressure was gone, Yin Ren felt like he was almost floating.

Unfortunately, it was only for a moment, and the heat of ecstasy turned to ice.

An unprecedented form of regeneration. Yin Ren has exhausted all his knowledge accumulation in this life, but he can't think of any spell or evil object with a similar situation. Zhong Cheng said that the abnormality of the head growing back was still imprinted in front of his eyes, and Yin Ren could not explain it at all.

In an ordinary hotel room, the bathroom is filled with water vapor. He accidentally broke the door and saw Zhong Cheng's body for the first time.

To maintain a healthy body, therefore eat properly.

Now it seems that this sentence can have a second interpretation.

The corpse that Zhong Cheng mentioned just now was too horrible to look at. The legs and feet of the body were broken, the chest was turned out, the back was sieved by bullets, and there was nothing above the neck. Not to mention these major injuries, Zhong Cheng said there were countless minor injuries on his body.

Under the torn pieces of cloth, only the new skin that has just grown back and has not yet had time to be stained with dust can prove that everything just now was not an illusion.

In a daze, Yin Ren suddenly remembered a long time ago.

[Now it seems that, strictly speaking, I should not be considered a human being.]

Yes, I found out that Zhong Cheng said there was still "life" and he was only focused on rescue at that time. At that time, enemies were surrounding him, and Yin Ren had no time to think deeply.

Zhong Cheng replied like this.

[Everything is fine with me.]

In the quiet confrontation, only the details of the two people's previous relationship kept emerging. With darkness ahead, Yin Ren couldn't help but think of the moment he saw Zhong Cheng say for the first time a long time ago.

The person opposite him sank into a deeper unknown sea.

But if Zhong Cheng says he is not a human being, what is he

Although the body was so damaged, Zhong Cheng said that there was no evil spirit or evil power in it, and it was as clean as a complete mortal.

[Everything is fine with me.]

Based on the situation just now, maybe his throat really sealed some impurities.

It's just that the object of observation is "Zhong Cheng talks about himself."

In the secret compartment of the basement, there is an uninterrupted diary that records countless physiological information such as height and weight. Looking at it this way, it looks like a zoologist's observation diary.

But now they are all gone. Zhong Cheng said that apart from losing his glasses, even the length of his hair has not changed.

In order to maintain a beautiful figure, she exercises diligently.

The chaotic memories fluttered and ended with the conversation not long ago.

At that time, Yin Ren had just come into contact with the real world and was completely unaware of those subtle unnatural things. Thinking about it now, that rainy night was enough to send chills down the back.

Yin Ren didn't get up. He weakly supported his upper body, and the red gauze clothes were hastily draped around him, frozen in place. A pair of red eyes stared blankly at Zhong Cheng through a thin shadow.

Before using his mobile phone to illuminate himself, Zhong Cheng said there was no lighting around him.

It was a rainy summer night when I entered the world, a night of lightning and thunder.

The pants Zhong Cheng said were a bit baggy and had already been damaged to the knees. There was not much fabric left on the upper body, only the remains of a fishing net torn apart.

But apart from that, there is nothing else.

When he found himself, Zhong Cheng said he had to apply the emergency brake. The man was obviously riding a bicycle earlier, and the speed was not too slow.

The street lights on his street were out of order, plunging the entire street into darkness. Zhong Cheng said he met him on his bicycle and called the police seriously. After calling the police, Zhong Cheng said he turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and illuminated himself.

[What exactly are you? ] Yin Ren remembered that when he found Zhong Cheng, he asked this question in a panic.

The two of them were surrounded by darkness and ruins. The remains of the sniper were scattered in all directions, and they were still frantically decomposing into a rich evil spirit, making the surroundings even colder.

But when it was time to think, Yin Ren couldn't concentrate on reasoning.

[have no idea.]

The hair that is half long but not short is refreshing and clean, as if it does not exist here.

As beautiful and strong as then, with elegant and smooth body lines. There are still hideous scars as before, and the anatomical scars still linger on Zhong Chengshuo's body.

Did Zhong Cheng say that he was manipulated after being brutally killed and regained a new life? Or was that person not a "mortal" at all from the beginning, but he just didn't know much about his own situation

In order to maintain a good state, work and rest regularly.

[Everything is fine with me.]

[Everything is fine with me.]

Yin Ren raised his eyes blankly, and the lightning in his mind was buried by the thick diaries.

"Yin Ren." Zhong Cheng said, standing on the spot and calling softly. His voice was a little hoarse, as if there was some tiny impurity stuck in his throat.

Can a normal human being really ride a bicycle quickly on a dark street where he can't see his fingers

Physically exhausted, mentally shattered. Yin Ren sat there without saying a word, his head silently shutting down.

"Yin Ren..." Zhong Cheng said calling him for the third time, with a hint of grievance in his voice.

He still stayed in the same place, more like he was at a loss than not wanting to get closer. The facial features Zhong Cheng said were originally gentle, but with such a downcast look, he looked as harmless as a herbivore.

In a daze, Yin Ren gritted his teeth. He stretched out a bunch of long hair, and soft wings quickly formed at the end. It whizzed around Zhong Chengshuo's ankle, tugging and pushing. Zhong Cheng said he didn't resist and was pushed directly to the ground, landing safely on the blanket of remaining wings.

He was falling next to Yin Ren. "I'll wait for a few minutes." Yin Ren spoke with difficulty under the collision of countless thoughts, "Let me wait for a few minutes and then deal with these..."

Zhong Cheng said turning sideways, he hesitated for a moment, stretched out his arm and gently put it on Yin Ren's waist.

Just like they were at home in the bedroom.

But this time, Yin Ren was not as calm as he was on the soft bed.

In a series of battles, Yin Ren lost a considerable part of his flesh and blood. He was so exhausted that he was about to fall apart at the slightest touch. Fortunately, the person controlling the sniper's body didn't add insult to injury.

In this extremely weak state, Yin Ren felt Zhong Chengshuo's warm palm through a layer of sealing red gauze.

A strong sense of rejection.

It is not the fear of facing the superior, but the subconscious rejection - just like seeing the thorns under the leaves or smelling the poisonous flowers. It's almost an instinctive repulsion that screams to stay away or make the other person disappear...


Yin Ren rolled his eyes in his heart, he also turned sideways, hugged Zhong Cheng and said. The Ghost King ignored his instinct to jump like crazy and buried his face into the opponent's chest.

The instinctive warning reaches its limit, as if a razor is scraping across the skin.

Yin Ren didn't move.

Smooth and warm skin, good smell, and the familiar heartbeat and breathing. The biological instinct tells him to stay away, while the human heart tells him to stay here.

"I know what you're worried about."

Yin Ren patted Zhong Cheng's stiff back. This was the first time he had seen such a shy worry about gains and losses.

"In view of your unclear situation and our accomplice relationship, I have to reconsider..."

Zhong Cheng said that the heartbeat under the skin suddenly accelerated, like a crazy stomping rabbit, making his ribs bang.

"But I love relationships and don't want to ruin them at all."

In the rib cage, the "rabbit" that was stamping crazily slowly gathered up again, beating its body gently.

"Yeah." Zhong Cheng said seriously, "I'm just a little scared."

Yin Ren didn't answer, he just moved his weak body and hugged the biggest mystery of his life tightly.

Late at night, Qi Xin stayed in the alley without cameras. The alley is still the same alley, but Qiu Fang is missing from it.

In the broken glass, a figure stood empty.

"You killed the enemy." Reflection's voice was very calm, as if he was talking about today's weather.

"That guy was injured too badly. As I said, he was just a burden." Qi Xin sat at his usual place on the wall. "I'll bite Qiu Fang to death. How do you say that... Oh, it's to relieve the pain." His pain."

If the perfunctoriness in her tone wasn't too obvious, this might be a suitable reason.

The reflection was silent.

"I used him to fill my stomach and regain my strength, and I also used the wreckage to make a small divine drop. Not only can it deal with the 'things that hurt the enemy', Shi'an's Fu Xingchuan is nearby and can't escape. Well, kill two birds with one stone. "

Qi Xin continued coldly.

"This is to maximize the value of Mr. Qiu's waste. You asked me to clean up his mess, and you said I can do whatever you want."

"I also said that you have to give me an answer regarding 'things that hurt the enemy'."

The reflection on the glass responded softly.

On the dirty glass in the alley, it looked almost like a black human figure, with no facial features visible at all.

Qi Xin raised the corner of his mouth and showed an inhuman smile: "I don't know what that thing is, but there is no doubt that it has been solved by me. Is there any problem?"

Reflection: "... solved."

"The concentrated burst of divine drops in a small area is of poor quality, but it can be enough to destroy the target."

The night wind blew by, and Qi Xin straightened the messy hair around her ears. Although the posture of "sitting on the wall" does not match her outfit, Qi Xin has her legs neatly folded, as if she is sitting at a round table at a conference.

"As for what that thing is, the Sinking Society will definitely study the remaining traces. You'd better ask them."

Reflection didn't reply. Qi Xin tilted his head slightly, and the shadow on the glass returned to normal at some point.

This time "the one" left early.

"I'm angry." Qi Xin shook his head, a weird smile seemed to be welded to his face.

She raised her head and looked into the murky night.

"I gave you the chance."

She said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Don't let me down, you two."

Facts have proved that if Ms. Qi Xin could see the state of the two of them, she might be immediately disappointed.

Yin Ren inhaled the unknown substance for a while and Zhong Cheng said that he tried his best to seal his own strength and forced himself to stand up - no matter how weird the situation was, it was never a good idea to stay in the Sunken World.

Without enemy interference, they quickly found the exit of this transitional space.

So, less than an hour later, a shaking figure appeared on the street in the old city.

The man's clothes were in tatters and his face was ordinary, except for the dark red color that was a bit eye-catching. He was hunched over and sneaking along the roadside, holding a bumpy suitcase in his hand.

Yin Ren touched the transformed face, feeling sad in his heart.

Good news, they're out of danger.

Bad news, as two dead men, they have nowhere to go right now.

(End of chapter)