Evil As Humans

Chapter 153: Three days


As the rear commander of the Emergency Management Department, Hao Wence was so close to the "front" for the first time.

He squatted in the flower bed area next to the abandoned building.

This is a place for inpatients to walk. It has good greening and a small pavilion in the center. At present, in the evil night fog, the originally lush green plants are all gray and withered, turning into a complete horror movie set.

The pavilion is filled with equipment with bright screens, and countless lights illuminate the fog. In the middle of the mist, a man and a cat were nestled in a pile of equipment. Hao Wence's fingers flew out of the afterimage, and the cat pressed his head against the machine. The data switching speed on the screen was no slower than Hao Wence's.

Shi'an responded quickly this time, and with Fu Xingchuan's help, all the evil pollution was controlled inside the abandoned building.

Thanks to the sniper who opened the gap for a sneak attack, while investigating the attacker, Shi An spent great efforts to perfect the defensive measures. This technique is still in the experimental stage and has been put into use. Fortunately, the current intensity of the evil force is still within the controllable range, and the readings in various areas are relatively stable.

"Li Nian, the latest pollution distribution map has been uploaded. I gave the concentration flow prediction. You can look at the plan."

Hao Wence kept talking without stopping. In front of him were more than a dozen overhead views of the hospital, each with completely different drawings and labels.

Black Cat's forehead continued to be close to the chassis, adjusting the parameters in the picture from time to time.

"I got it. Zhou Gong will weaken the protection by 17% and pay more attention to the operation of the magic of evil objects in all directions. Qiao Shang, your Yin soldiers will advance about twenty meters further, and the evil spirits near the abandoned building must be controlled. The rest , you know.”

Hao Wence hummed, his face not very pretty.

Abnormal data changes can only be "external interference", which can affect the divine descending to a certain extent - even if it is just a small divine descending - the degree of danger is self-evident.

"One time is deeper, the other time is shallower. There should be an active segmentation of the transition space... If you can make this kind of arrangement in the transition space, it will probably be a sinking meeting."

Hao Wence muttered irritably.

A few more seconds were gained.

Judging from the current concentration of evil power inside the building, the probability of five people surviving is less than 0.01%.

That was the sealing and isolation technique left on the shroud.

"Hold on!" Fu Xingchuan yelled at Fu Tianyi.

Hao Wence breathed out.

Everything is just a moment.

Ge Tingting reacted very quickly. She made a mistake with her hands, and just before she was sucked into the corpse cage, the corpse cloth was accurately wrapped on the surface of the corpse cage.

"But the Sinking Society needs to be able to control the divine descending. There is no need to use radical means like 'slicing space' to protect themselves. Don't worry, they won't be that far ahead of Shi'an."

In Fu Tianyi's eyes, the corpse cage pushed by Huang Liang almost fell in slow motion. The ugly corpse was pressing towards him, and Fu Tianyi only thought about it for half a second.

"God's descent is a one-time destruction. The evil power just broke out twice."

Huang Jin tore the wound, and the blood soaked all the Pure Heart Talisman.

An unprecedented situation - this is not a game, there is no backup, there is no solution, one wrong step will lead to an abyss. He has studied countless difficult cases in Shi'an, and none of them involve "facing the divine descent head-on."

Countless pure heart spells were turned on at the same time, and they flew around on their own, spinning inside the protective spell. Under the excessive use of the Pure Heart Charm, everyone's heads felt as if they had been dipped in ice water.

Almost instinctively, he opened his fingers and activated the corpse cage.

Fu Tianyi stopped breathing. His blood seemed to be frozen and burning.

"The question is what is behind the descent of the gods. We need more detailed data - what is the probability of survival of the five humans inside?"

Fu Xingchuan's explosive technique temporarily pushed away the evil force of the bursting of the embankment. But he was protecting the four of them, so he was bound to be the first to come into contact with the torrent. And at the same second, Ge Tingting retracted the shroud composed of corpse fragments and blocked it in front of Fu Xingchuan.

The number one ghost will grit his teeth and chew his fingertips to bits. The blood turned into thousands of spells at the same time, imprinted on the surrounding walls at an invisible speed.

"This is not a typical divine visitation."

The black cat twitched its ears.

Fu Xingchuan used all his strength, and the surrounding protective spells were like explosions. Ge Tingting took back the corpse piece embroidered with the sealing technique and subconsciously wrapped it up towards Fu Xingchuan. Lu Xiaohe hugged the laptop full of data to his chest and protected it with his body.

In that ice-like calmness, even the pollution of the evil power was weakened a bit.

"Two space vibration traces, the coordinates are inside the gap."

Fu Xingchuan was the first to react.

Li Nian gave the latest instructions within ten seconds.

"What do you think?" He glanced at the black cat from the corner of his eye.

Countless complicated thoughts disappeared like a tide, and only six words were left in his head: "Do your best and obey fate."

The black cat flicked its tail: "Yes, the first burst has the same characteristics as the divine descending. The second change is a bit deliberate."

Fu Tianyi has already activated and maintained the corpse cage, so the rest will be easy to handle. Fu Xingchuan threw it with an "open" command, and entered the corpse cage with four people and a ball.

The second time the evil force broke out, Fu Xingchuan and four members of the C-level investigation team completely lost contact.

No wonder they have been unable to find the Sunken Society's stronghold - the transitional space is like the "inner world" in many works. Without special detection, there is basically no possibility of finding traces.

"Hey!" Fu Tianyi roared out at the same time as the corpse cage was activated.

It took just a few seconds for the evil force to engulf everyone.

The round yellow beam popped out of the coffin, and the boss screamed reluctantly, and flicked the corpse cage towards Fu Tianyi.

Hao Wence did not show a very relaxed expression. They all knew that there was only one problem left.

Dr. Cat’s tone is very confident, and it’s not clear whether his confidence comes from “cat nature” or “doctorate reserve”.

Hao Wence did not answer.

One layer was not enough, countless blood spells deepened the spell over and over again. Fu Xingchuan's movements became more and more determined and skillful.

After taking one look outside, this person remembered it.

Ge Tingting fell on the smelly meat floor of the corpse cage and stared at Fu Xingchuan. Her face was pale and dirty, and she looked miserable. However, her hand that was pressing down on the wall slowly clenched into a fist, and her eyes became firmer.

Lu Xiaohe and Huang Jin fell together.

Lu Xiaohe still protected her notebook. Huang Jinze stood up, stretched out his hand that was still bleeding crazily, and began to print the improved Pure Heart Charm on the blank space.

He was in a daze, and it was hard to tell whether he had thought deeply or was just persistence.

The originally dry and gray wall was soon covered with the blood spells of the two men. More than ten seconds passed, and the torrent of ferocious power still did not flow in.

Fu Xingchuan ran out of blood and used a slower but stronger cutting technique. The sealing technique was strengthened again, and the incomplete runes were immediately completed and adjusted by him, gradually glowing with a faint golden light.

Without Fu Xingchuan's help, Fu Tianyi supported the operation of the corpse cage alone.

Having been crazily squeezed by Yin Ren, at this moment, he can really hold on -

On the edge of life and death, there was a little more brilliant light in his eyes.

Outside, strong evil power washed through the broken space and rushed into the gaps in the shroud. The corpse cage was exposed to the evil force and quickly melted and disintegrated, turning into black and red foam.

But at the end, the green and black heart floated. It was small enough to be wrapped in a shroud. And in the shroud, a light brilliance covered the heart. The evil force that seeps in can only stay outside and cannot be immersed.

The dark red shroud was swaying, pushed by the torrent of evil force, and drifted towards the outside of the abandoned building.

Quiet streets.

Yin Ren, who had changed his appearance, grabbed the suitcase - at this time, the suspicious man was carrying an oversized suitcase alone. He was really afraid that some enthusiastic citizens like Zhong would call the police.

The situation Zhong Cheng mentioned, let alone Shi'an, could not be explained even by him, the thousand-year-old ghost king, and it was really not suitable for public appearances.

I have to find a place to rest and make plans later.

However, now the two of them combined can't put together a real set of clothes. Hotels that require identification are definitely not acceptable, and all-night restaurants and black Internet cafes are too eye-catching. The dog is still pretending to be dead next to him, but they can't just run to the store and swipe their cards.

They need... wait, their current situation doesn't seem to require much dietary supplements.

There really is a place that is hidden and where external information can be obtained.

Yin Ren looked at the old city in front of him and his eyes lit up. He pulled his heavy suitcase and plunged into the alleys of the old city.

Near the secret base Zhong Cheng mentioned, surveillance is still working diligently.

Yin Ren slipped into the basement with ease and slammed the door. He leaned against the thick door panel and slowly slid to the ground.


Zhong Cheng said that he unzipped the suitcase from the inside, moved his joints, and sat up from the suitcase.

The lights in the basement were bright, Zhong Cheng said, squinting his eyes and silently looking at this familiar room. Everything is still the same, even the secret door where he keeps his diary has been restored to its original state by Yin Ren.

He looked carefully at Yin Ren, who was slumped at the door and draped in metaphysics red gauze, for a while, and then stood up a little awkwardly.

Tired, Yin Ren tried hard to observe his mysterious lover, Zhong Chengshuo, and walked to the shelf in the corner. He took off two sets of identical shirts and slacks, and thoughtfully attached disposable underwear.

Then Zhong Cheng said he took out a can of apple juice from the refrigerator, wiped it carefully with a wet wipe, and held it to Yin Ren with both hands. After doing all this, he took out the remaining wipes and tried to clean the dirt on his skin.

Zhong Cheng said he seemed to be very familiar with this process. Five minutes later, the person being wiped became the Ghost King.

Comrade Xiao Zhong, who had a new look, stretched out his hand. The wet wipes exuded a nice mint aroma, and the force was neither light nor heavy. The warmth of the other person's fingers soaked into the wet towel, and it felt like being licked by something.

The instinctive feeling of rejection has resurfaced, but compared to the loud warning last time, it seems weak at this moment.

"How much do you know...about your own situation?"

The lack of emotions such as fear, the eccentric and withdrawn personality despite having a healthy family... After knowing that Zhong Cheng was not an ordinary person, all the unnatural details were suddenly completely explainable.

After all, anti-social people will pretend to be amiable. What Zhong Cheng calls "unable to integrate" is actually something more abnormal.

What was even more unusual was that Zhong Cheng silently folded the dirty wipes, replaced them with a clean one, and carefully wiped Yin Ren's collarbone.

"I have been investigating the descent of the gods before, and I haven't started to study myself specifically." Zhong Cheng said that he could get in and breathe a little bit. "So far I am only sure of one thing - I am not affected by metaphysics, and the principles are no different from other people's."

The warm breath brushed the mint on his skin, and the warmth and cold mixed together, causing Yin Ren to get a thin layer of goosebumps.

"For those who don't believe, the gods will not bless you, and all evil will not invade you." Yin Ren murmured subconsciously.

"I just don't believe in this." Zhong Cheng explained seriously, "If there is a curse in the cat community that 'if you don't lick your paws three times a day, you will be bitten by a dog,' it will be difficult for people to empathize with it - it is not a matter of belief or not. , more like having nothing to do with oneself.”

Indeed, in many cases, "indifference" is further away than "belief or disbelief."

Yin Ren slowly took a sip of apple juice.

The sweetness is just right, with the unique sweet and sour aroma of apples.

"That's it?" Yin Ren asked vaguely after Gudu swallowed the juice.

Zhong Cheng stopped talking.

After more than ten seconds, he raised his head: "More than that... in the process of studying the descent of gods, I actually thought about the difference between metaphysics and science."

Yin Ren heard a rare hint of caution in his tone, like the tip of a beast's nose that was ready to snap away at the slightest touch.

Zhong Cheng said he was trying to open up.

Yin Ren remained motionless, and even his breathing became much more steady: "Say."

"Those are two ways humans deal with fear."

Zhong Cheng said softly.

"Faced with the fear of the unknown, some people will explore to the end and embark on the path of science. However, human beings will be limited by time and life span. Whether it is the 'right direction' or the 'essence of things', countless people will be required to go forward. Try to explore. For individuals, this is an almost endless road." Even though he has only been in this era for a short time, Yin Ren can still understand this.

He took another sip of apple juice, looked relaxed, and motioned for Zhong Cheng to continue.

"So some people will sum up a whole set of 'rules' out of thin air and explain everything at once. This way everything is traceable and they won't be driven crazy by the unknown."

Zhong Cheng said, gently grabbing a strand of Yin Ren's hair and watching the strand of black hair wrap around his finger.

"In fact, these metaphysical systems and beliefs can be regarded as some kind of living things. If the cognition of 'people who believe' is regarded as a 'cell', the 'creature' of metaphysics is their aggregate."

"Assemblies are passed down or distorted or changed based on information. This is their metabolism. The same is true for religions. Many dogmas and concepts will change with the times. What's more, religions themselves will disappear for various reasons. This is their metabolism. die."

This time Yin Ren was really attracted. He held his breath and looked at Zhong Cheng without blinking.

Zhong Cheng spoke in a gentle tone, like flowing warm water.

"So the characteristics of various legendary evil creatures and demons will have significant cultural and regional differences - in the final analysis, these non-scientific phenomena are all 'creatures' domesticated by different groups of people. People use them to fight against the unknown and maintain mental stability. "


"My spirit doesn't need protection."

Zhong Cheng lowered his eyes: "I have never seen the same kind of people, and I am used to facing the unknown all the time. I have never had a feeling of 'safety', and there is no such thing as 'fear'. So fundamentally, I don't need those non-scientific things." explain."

Yin Ren leaned against the cold door and exhaled slowly: "But now you have learned to be afraid."

"Yeah, but I'm only afraid of the unknown related to you."

Zhong Cheng said, clenching the hair at his fingertips, his tone slightly sad.

"Because you made me feel 'safe' for the first time."

Yin Ren slowly raised his hand and covered his eyes with his wrist.

For a fierce evil spirit, this may be the most ridiculous thing in the world. Thousands of years of loneliness, the feared end of the world, turned out to be such a small basement.

Zhong Cheng said that he told himself that he made him feel "safe".

"But my instinct is to reject you, do you know?" Yin Ren still covered his eyes with his wrist, but he did not hide the truth. "Even now, my head is telling me to stay away from you. There may be a conflict between us."

This is not a pretty thing to do. If it were anyone else, Yin Ren might suppress this discovery deep in his heart.

But at this moment, his mouth seemed to be out of control and he had to pour out all the uncertain things.

"Actually, I am too, feeling a strange sense of wariness."

After saying this, Zhong Cheng seemed to realize something and spoke faster.

"But it doesn't make us injured, weak or sick. Instinct is instinct, thinking is thinking. We can study it together."

He put the emphasis on "common".

Yin Ren just had a mixture of emotions and burst into laughter. His hand no longer covered his eyes, and he gently touched the side of Zhong Chengshuo's face. His palm slowly slid down and stopped on the man's neck.

Under the warm skin, blood vessels are pulsing regularly deep in the muscles. And Zhong Cheng said that the tragic break on his neck is still tumbling in his mind.

"Afraid that I will alienate you because of 'rejection'?"

"Yes." Comrade Xiao Zhong always speaks directly, with a look of unskilled worry on his face.

Yin Ren couldn't hold it back, he stretched out his other hand and pulled Zhong Cheng's face hard.

What does it matter if the species is unknown

He himself is already a truly dangerous monster.

Yin Ren's hands turned into cups, and he approached the body with difficulty, his face stopped for a moment in front of Zhong Chengshuo.

After making sure that the other party was not struggling at all, Yin Ren kissed him.

There is a hint of sweet apple flavor in the light mint aroma. Zhong Cheng's lips were as soft and warm as ever. This touch made Yin Ren's eyes feel a little sore.

Zhong Cheng said he was just stunned for a moment.

He held the back of Yin Ren's head and ran his fingers through his long hair. Zhong Cheng said leaning forward, almost locking Yin Ren on the door.

He deepened the kiss.

The panic of almost losing, the future shrouded in fog, and the inexplicable feeling of rejection. They are like spicy condiments that change the taste of a gentle kiss.

A gentle bite, followed by a slightly painful bite. The surrounding temperature gradually increased, and the soft and gentle breathing like a tide turned into a tsunami.

The kiss that Zhong Cheng was talking about was filled with confusion. Compared with the passionate impulse, it was a clearer and more determined desire.

"You... uh uh... you said something wrong..."

Between the sticky kisses, Yin Ren let out a little smile.

"No instinct is instinct, and thinking is thinking... Zhong Cheng said that the only things that can overpower instinct are other instincts... "

Yin Ren's hair got into the other person's collar, and the smooth hard buttons came off the shirt smoothly, revealing the warm skin underneath. Zhong Chengshuo's ears and cheeks turned completely pink. His palms pressed against Yin Ren's shoulders, and the place where the skin met was numb, as if there was an electric current flowing through it.

Instinct repulsion, instinctive desire, or both.

The creepiness is mixed with burning desire, like licking a hard candy with sharp edges, or being tipsy after drinking.

"Can you?" Yin Ren bit Zhong Cheng's earlobe, and his wings rolled gently on the ground.

"I have been involved in previous cases and I understand it." Zhong Cheng said that his cheeks were a little hot, but he still looked directly into Yin Ren's eyes, "What about you?"

"I've read some books before." Unexpectedly, Zhong Cheng would ask back, and Yin Ren's wings froze on the floor.

Zhong Cheng said he caught one at random and bit it.

Warm and soft, it was still his favorite touch.

Yin Ren's whole body trembled, and he took a hissing breath.

Feeling numb and irritated at the same time, Yin Ren wrapped his hands around Zhong Chengshuo's neck. He relaxed his shoulders and touched the back of Zhong Cheng's neck with his fingertips. The repulsion was mixed with desire, and the fatal numbness became more obvious.

"Come on." Yin Ren whispered.

A bunch of wings slid across the wall, and the light switch was pressed, and everything sank into ambiguous darkness.

In this regard, Zhong Cheng said he did not express an opinion. The tip of his slightly cool nose touched Yin Ren's neck, and he fell into a subtle state of contemplation.

"How long?" A few seconds later, Zhong Cheng asked seriously.

Yin Ren: "..." Can this be customized? Why is it different from what he knows

Forget it, never mind.

"Until the feeling of rejection disappears." Lord Ghost King replied lazily. He raised his hand and the interrogation chair in the corner slid aside.

I don't care to pay so much attention - there are a lot of clutter next to the sofa and it is difficult to move. There is no bed here, at least the chairs are soft and there are even straps on them to help fix the body.


The chair slid and knocked open the apple juice bottle next to it. The round bottle rolled along the floor, and the fresh sweet and sour smell swayed in the air. It came across a pile of clothes placed not far away - Yin Ren needed to wipe his body just now, but he hadn't had time to change into it yet.

Only the "red clothes" surrounded by talismans hung loosely to the ground, and then turned into light spots and scattered and disappeared.

Yin Ren originally thought very clearly that he was exhausted and could just use the "leisure activity" of making out to restore his physical and mental strength.

It turned out that he was naive.

After about three days, Lord Ghost King successfully changed from the state of "not wanting to move a finger" to the state of "not wanting to move a hair".

To be honest, it was quite enjoyable even though it was tiring, Yin Ren thought seriously. In all aspects, Zhong Cheng said he was a genius.

For three days on and off, all the complicated emotions during the separation were vented. After all, the interrogation chair could not withstand the torment of the two monsters, and tragically broke into several pieces. The heavy table in the room fell aside, and the metal cans on the shelf were slightly messed up.

Countless horrifying specimens were swaying here and there, floating in the specimen fluid, and the room felt like it had just experienced a hurricane.

At this moment, Yin Ren was lying on his back on the sofa, with a thin layer of fluttering wings underneath him. He held Zhong Cheng in his arms and said that the two adults worked hard to fill the sofa.

Several apple juice jars were dumped not far away. A trace of black hair crawled in and took a few shaky sips.

Very good, the person who lost his power... No, the monster who lost his power changed from one to two.

Zhong Cheng said his eyes were closed, his breathing was slow, but his heartbeat was still a little fast, and he was obviously not asleep. There is an inexplicable calmness in the air, which makes people relax from the inside out.

Yin Ren couldn't help but blow a breath, watching the other person's soft hair swaying in the darkness.

His lover kept his word, embracing each other countless times and stimulating him countless times. The instincts of the two of them seemed to be completely numb, and they no longer frequently warned and disturbed their minds. It only leaves them with the "spark" of skin-to-skin contact, and nothing else.

"Zhong Cheng said."

"Um… "

"It's okay, I'll call you." Yin Ren squinted and looked at the dark ceiling.

Zhong Cheng moved his body and buried his nose into Yin Ren's neck. The soft hair rubbed Yin Ren a little itchy. Compared to before, this person's aura had changed slightly, like a crack opening in a perfectly hard clam shell, revealing the soft soul inside.

"Yin Ren."

"What's the matter?"

"What are your plans next? We have to consider our next move."

"..." After the joy has passed, we still have to face reality. Yin Ren sniffed and sighed melancholy, "I haven't thought about it yet."

He said that the worst he could do was lose his face and declare to Fu Xingchuan, "I have figured it out and decided to start a new relationship, so I won't seal myself off for now"... Just thinking about it made him so embarrassed that he couldn't breathe, but let's forget it. The solution is that only his self-esteem will be hurt.

To be honest, Yin Ren was quite worried about Shi'an's colleagues. Now he has told Zhong Cheng that he still owes the nine groups three wishes.

But Zhong Cheng said he must never show up.

Even I, a thousand-year-old ghost, couldn't figure out where this person was coming from. If Zhong Cheng showed up alive and kicking again, Shi'an wouldn't be able to let this go easily.

The truth is cruel. Zhong Cheng said that he was shot in the head in front of so many Shi'an masters. The excuse of "misunderstanding" cannot be used.

After the incident, Fu's house was investigated over and over again by Shi'an. All the remnants of spells in recent years were dug out and investigated. The term "illusion" is simply untenable.

To say that he had been transformed, Shi'an would definitely not be able to find any clues about Comrade Xiao Zhong's wonderful physical condition. The worst possibility is that they will either rub oil on their feet, or go hand in hand to become neighbors with Shi An Ji Sha.


But if he just puts it off and doesn't deal with it... he cuts off contact. Zhong Cheng said that he has not shown up for a long time, and the incident in the hospital has become quite big. With Zhong Cheng's parents' keenness, they would surely discover the truth soon. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man twice, and it was hard to say whether the two elderly people could hold on.


Yin Ren slowly turned his head and looked at Zhong Cheng's unscathed face. Zhong Cheng said hold his breath and blinked innocently.

"I have a somewhat wicked idea."

Yin Ren rubbed his face, his eyes wandering.

"Zhong Cheng said, are you confident in 'keeping a straight face'?"

Zhong Cheng said, raising his body slightly: "?"

"I might need you to, uh, play Phantom for a bit."

Volume 8 birthday gift

(End of chapter)