Evil As Humans

Chapter 154: Warm memories


Yin Ren asked the question, but unfortunately, this sentence failed to successfully enter Zhong Chengshuo's mind.

It's rare that Comrade Xiao Zhong was distracted.

With the memories of the past three days still swirling in his mind, Zhong Cheng said it was difficult to describe his feelings.

He has always lived a cautious life, trying to minimize contact with others—dirt and contact, as well as bad living habits, can easily cause illness. To be honest, Zhong Cheng couldn't tell whether his condition would infect ordinary people with the same disease, and what the consequences would be if he was infected.

He could only try to "feed" himself scientifically. Contacting people was too exhausting.

Perhaps because of his background, Zhong Cheng said that he never had much identification with "human beings" and had no emotional needs. He knew very little about his own physical condition and had to be very careful when interacting with his adoptive parents. Friends were naturally unnecessary, and he would not seek a romantic partner.

He had thought he had no physical desires—after all, he had never met anyone of his kind.

Zhong Cheng said that he had never thought that there would be a "person" who made him instinctively fearful, who was as shy as he was, but who attracted him everywhere.

The first few days, he felt more like a kid who hadn't had ice cream.

If you haven't tasted it, you won't crave it.

The weakness was exposed and his instinct gave a warning, but the intense sense of security became more and more overwhelming, almost overwhelming Zhong Cheng.

But a strand of black hair was always wrapped around his fingers, never letting go from beginning to end.

The last drop of sweat was wiped off, and Yin Ren's eyes curved slightly with a smile. This time, the thing that rubbed against his cheek became Yin Ren's hand. Although his body was shaking, his caressing movements were extremely gentle.

Zhong Cheng said he lay on his lover and carefully analyzed his memories.

The wings fluttered slightly on Zhong Chengshuo's back, like a tease, but also like a hug. At that time, Yin Ren bent down with difficulty and looked down at him. That beautiful face was so close that it was unbelievable.

The wings swayed with the rhythm, and Yin Ren unconsciously straightened his waist. He didn't know when he had a mint face towel in his hand, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was no obsession or distraction in those inhuman red eyes, only the joy of recovering what was lost, and a reassuring carefreeness.

"Yes, that's right. I remember you very clearly." Yin Ren's face didn't even turn red. "Does Mr. Zhong have any comments?"

The sensory and psychological stimulation came at the same time, and Zhong Cheng said he didn't want to stop at all.

"… The fake Fang Yuanyuan that was used to assess the employee code of conduct when I joined the company?" Zhong Cheng recalled in less than half a second, "I remember it was a kind of spiritual weapon. Its breathing and heartbeat were no different from those of a living person, and ordinary evil things could not tell the difference."

Yin Ren chuckled twice, his eyebrows curved.

There was only the rich, pleasant scent of Yin Ren himself.

Perhaps they had never been this close to another person before. Their movements were violent yet peaceful. All the anxiety was released with those biting kisses, and the worries were spread by the skin touching each other, gradually disappearing without a trace. Zhong Cheng said that the instinctive vigilance kept sounding the alarm until it became numb.

"Sweating is very human-like."

Sharing secrets with another person, creating secrets. The novelty of "sharing" has not yet worn off, and it is an even greater shock.

The thousand-year-old evil spirit muttered softly amidst his rapid breathing.

From the cheek, back to the throat, it was exactly the place where Zhong Cheng said the head was severed.

As a fierce being, his skin was slightly cold, probably because he had specially controlled it, and there was no sign of sweat.

That is something that only high-level spiritual craftsmen can make. As the "Yan King" of the night walker, Zhong Cheng said he had always heard of it.

"Do you still remember Fang Yuanyuan's 'meat figurine'?"

It was a shocking shock to myself alone.

His monster accomplice was equally unfamiliar, but extremely skilled in "how to adjust the status". Yin Ren was still the calm Yin Ren, and the great master from thousands of years ago never looked away.

Zhong Cheng's fingers traced the soft wing mass, passed over the strong and smooth skin, and finally penetrated deep into the swaying wings. When Yin Ren breathes out rapidly, those soft wings will tighten accordingly, and some will tremble slightly.

The slightly cool wet towel gently brushed across Zhong Chengshuo's throat and went all the way up. Compared to the burning skin, it was as cold as ice, licking away the sweat on Zhong Chengshuo's cheek.

Zhong Cheng looked at Yin Ren in shock, and his earlobes were stained with a little pink again.

"I am the Great Celestial Master of Huajisifeng after all. It's just a spiritual craftsman's job, so I can still do it. Three days... well, it takes a top spiritual craftsman about three or four days to make this kind of meat figurine. It's just the right time."

"You were distracted just now." Yin Ren pointed out sternly, "So are you confident in playing the role of Phantom?"

If there was a word to describe the intermittently absurd times in the past, he would choose "safety."

And whenever he stopped to think like this, Yin Ren would always give him a kiss—whether when they were naked or now.

He waved his hand, and a figure who looked exactly like Zhong Chengshuo stood beside the sofa. The phantom was neatly dressed, expressionless, and wearing the loose clothes that Zhong Chengshuo often wore.

Zhong Cheng said that for the first time he truly felt that this person was not good-looking in the eyes of ordinary people.

"I can simulate this state." Zhong Cheng rubbed his ears and turned his gaze to the phantom, "But this is a phantom. If I touch something, I might be exposed."

And mint.

Yin Ren looked at the phantom beside the sofa and made quick calculations in his mind.

The red eyes emitted a faint light, like wine illuminated by candlelight.

The ocean of wings surged in the room, and strange limbs that did not exist in the world swept across people's fingers. Under the fingertips, there were slightly dark red marks. Yin Ren lowered his head, and his soft hair spread on Zhong Chengshuo's chest.

This feeling may be what ordinary people call "happiness".

All that remains is desire and attachment.

Even if this is the most dangerous situation in his life.

What the book says is not entirely true, Zhong Cheng thought.

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

Although it was embarrassing to go back on his word about "self-sealing", he still didn't want to stay outside for too long.

When the evil force erupted, he left Huang Liang outside and made all the necessary preparations. With Fu Xingchuan guarding the scene and the incident taking place in the hospital, his colleagues were not wiped out on the spot.

But there will always be pollution.

If the pollution is not handled properly, it may leave sequelae. Putting aside the undesirable things, he did not want Group 9 to suffer from disability after all they were colleagues.

Even if Fu Xingchuan and Group 9 really met with misfortune... The world cannot be in chaos, and as a fighting force, he must also stay safe. That night, two people wearing the same clothes knocked on the door of the two elders of the Zhong family.

It was Cheng Xuehua who opened the door. Seeing her son and his boyfriend coming at the same time, the surprise on her face instantly turned into joy.

"Oh, why are you here so soon? You didn't even tell me in advance!" Zhong Youde said in a loud voice, "I'm cooking plain noodles with your mom... Mom, hurry up and get the mutton out. There's still time to cook it!"

"Don't bother, I'll just order takeout and add extra dishes."

Smelling the familiar smell of fireworks, Yin Ren held Zhong Chengshuo's hand tightly.

Seeing the two of them intertwining their fingers, Cheng Xuehua smiled until wrinkles appeared on the corners of her eyes: "Why order takeout? The oil and ingredients used outside are not good. How can you be as reliable as home-made ones? I just tried roasting mutton a few days ago, and it's a good opportunity for you two to try it - you two don't move, just wait and eat!"

The old lady took out a glass container full of food from the freezer. It looked like it had been carefully prepared for a long time. The amount of food inside did not look like leftovers at all. Even in the frozen state, the tempting aroma of meat still whetted people's appetite.

"Xiao Zhong, what's wrong with you? Your phone has been turned off for the past few days. Your dad is worried to death!" Cheng Xuehua glared at Zhong Cheng while heating the mutton.

"Something happened these days, and I didn't have time to prepare a mobile phone."

The two suspects colluded with each other in their testimony, and Zhong Chengshuo answered in a very precise manner.

"Yin Ren was busy too, so it's our fault."

Cheng Xuehua: "It's your fault, don't blame Xiao Yin."

Zhong Cheng said silently and took two steps back, letting Yin Ren half-block him. Cheng Xuehua smiled and shook her head, then started to work again.

Yin Ren: “…”

Maybe Zhong Cheng said that he didn't realize that since he stepped through this door, Comrade Xiao Zhong has become more ordinary than ordinary people.

"We were really busy a while ago, so we came to visit uncle and aunt as soon as we had some free time. This was Brother Zhong's idea, and he said he wanted to give you two a surprise."

"What a sweet thing to say, but my son can't think that far ahead."

Cheng Xuehua quietly closed the lid of the pot.

"Don't protect him next time. You young people are really..."

The thousand-year-old man Yin Ren smiled bitterly in his heart. If he told the old lady everything about the "real work" he and Zhong Cheng had talked about, the old lady might suddenly have a heart attack.

But he suddenly discovered a good thing - before, Yin Ren felt a little guilty when facing the two elders of the Zhong family. Now, since Zhong Chengshuo was not a human, he no longer felt guilty about the thousand-year-old evildoer who violated the rules and ate young grass.

Yin Ren sat down happily.

The Zhong family's dinner today changed from "vegetable egg noodles" to "braised lamb noodles with garlic stir-fried vegetables, scallion eggs and mixed tofu", and the small dining table was once again mostly full.

The braised lamb is bright red, tender and fragrant. The emerald green onions are paired with the delicious hand-rolled noodles, and the warm aroma fills the noodles, making people's appetites open at the sight.

"This mutton tastes even better when it's freshly stewed." Cheng Xuehua pulled the meat and sighed, "Next time I'll definitely give you a heads up."

"Going back to work tomorrow?" Zhong Youde casually took over the conversation and pushed a bottle of beer to Yin Ren. "You two are so busy, Shi'an didn't give you a day off? I heard that something big happened at the Municipal People's Hospital."

"Well, we'll go back to work tomorrow."

Yin Ren paused in his attempt to open the beer.

"Uncle, what did you hear?"

"Isn't Old Sun's daughter in the hospital? You've met Sun Qi'an. She was on duty there a while ago. She said that many people in the hospital were shouting that they saw ghosts. There were many suspicious people in the yard, and the abandoned building in their yard collapsed... That was terrible."

Zhong Youde took a few sips of beer.

"Fortunately, that building has been abandoned for a long time, and there are no homeless people in the yard, and no one has died. Zhi'an has been checking there, and there is no sign of you two, so I thought you were carrying out some secret mission there..."

Yin Ren clenched the beer bottle tightly, his eyes slightly lit up: "No one died?"

"We did not participate in the hospital's operational mission." Zhong Cheng added matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I heard that several people were injured and are being treated on the spot." Zhong Youde exhaled happily, "It's good that they are safe... Come on, Xiaoyin, let's do one together!"

Yin Ren felt relieved of a heavy burden and raised his glass happily.

"Xiao Yin, when is your birthday?" Cheng Xuehua looked at the "old and young" with a smile, "Xiao Zhong's birthday is at the end of this month, it's coming soon. If it's close, you two can just celebrate it together and let Lao Zhong make a double-layer cake."

"The 29th day of the twelfth lunar month." Yin Ren looked at Zhong Cheng and said with a smile, "It's still a bit far away."

Zhong Cheng said with a light nod.

"That's troublesome. I have to make the cake twice." Zhong Youde laughed loudly, "Zhong Cheng said that this kid never told you about his childhood. It's very interesting."

This time Yin Ren was genuinely interested: "What happened when we were kids?"

"Yes, this is the first time my silly son has celebrated his birthday properly."

Zhong Youde's gaze stopped at nothing, his face was slightly red due to the alcohol, and there was a hint of emotion on his face.

"At that time, Zhong Cheng said he was so young... We thought that since he had just entered the first grade, it would be a good time to celebrate together, so we bought him a big cake. To be honest, his mother and I had not retired at that time, so we didn't have much time to spend with him."

Lord Ghost King listened with a smile, a strand of his long hair accidentally found its way into Zhong Chengshuo's sleeve and wrapped around the man's arm.

"And then?" Yin Ren asked with great interest.

"And then? Then we put candles on him and sang happy birthday. Do you know what his first reaction was?"

Zhong Youde laughed.

"He asked in all seriousness, 'Are these milk, fat, sugar and wheat for me?' We said yes, but he still didn't stop."

"He then asked, 'Are these candles and songs for me too?' His mother and I were both happy and said, yes, they are all for you. Xiao Yin, guess how this kid responded?"

Zhong Youde put down his wine glass and laughed out loud.

"He said, 'OK, you can make a wish then.'"

(End of this chapter)