Evil As Humans

Chapter 156: The scene of the fraud


Huang Jin did not look back.

As long as he didn't look back, he could regard the voice as an illusion. Retain the positivity and relief you felt a few minutes ago.

The deadly evil thing did not let him go - patting Huang Jin's shoulder with one hand, Yin Ren said in a gentler tone: "Originally, I wanted to visit you first, but this saves me time. Do you know where Fu Xingchuan is?"

Yin Ren put his hand on Huang Jin's shoulder. Huang Jin could clearly feel that the remaining evil power in his body was being quickly suppressed and drained away. The coldness in his internal organs faded away and was replaced by a warm current, probably some kind of healing technique.

Thank you, the full-paid sick leave has been shortened again, Huang Jin closed his eyes in pain.

He held the infusion pole tremblingly and turned around like a centenarian to face Yin Ren.

"I don't know where Fu Xingchuan is." Huang Jin said as if he was sleepwalking.

Yin Ren was still wearing the clothes Zhong Cheng said, with his long hair tied casually behind his head. The warm sunshine slanted down, and the white clothes neutralized the enchantment in the man's eyes. Yin Ren's body was quite classically beautiful.

However, in Huang Jin's eyes, the mosaic was still the same mosaic, looking much calmer than before, without any signs of weakness.

Not far from him, there was another person standing. The man's steps were as light as if he had flesh pads. Huang Jin just didn't notice it.

And Zhong Cheng's thoughts about the "meat figurines" turned to "By the way, Yin Ren likes to eat beef dumplings. I will buy more onions and ginger when I go back later." "We can pack more and give them to the elderly"...

Huang Jin withered like a daylily under the scorching sun: "Well, cough, this meat figurine is perfect. I have nothing to add..."

Thinking of this, a smile like a stone Buddha statue even appeared on his face.

Huang Jin almost blurted out the sentence "Can I never have to see you again", but he instinctively kept his mouth shut.

Even though he knew Huang Jin couldn't see his expression, Yin Ren still expressed his sadness dutifully.

Otherwise, you will always be remembered by "something", which is not necessarily a good thing.

"That's great. If I have any deficiencies in the future, I will consult you as soon as possible." Yin Ren forced a smile.

Regardless of what Zhong Cheng said, first of all, he is definitely not a flesh figurine. Yin Ren dared to bring him back in a grand manner, which shows that this thing is either Zhong Chengshuo himself, or it is an evil thing that cannot be detected like Yin Ren.

Huang Jin: "Ah uh... um..."

"very good."

Not only did Yin Ren not leave, he clasped his hands tighter.

Zhong Cheng said that the tragic scene of being shot in the head still lingered in front of him, while "Zhong Cheng Shuo" who had a complete mind in front of him was thinking about the ten ways to wrap beef dumplings and the exact division of labor with Yin Ren. This scene is really divisive, and Huang Jin can't understand it.

Yin Ren's power stabbed his shoulder lightly, frightening him. The pain was so real that Huang Jin couldn't deceive himself anymore.

What are you talking about? The flesh figurine can't think at all.

Zhong Cheng said.

Thinking of his wish, Huang Jin quickly became focused, and his limbs were no longer as stiff as before.

Huang Jin's eyes were blank.

Yin Ren did not let go of Huang Jin, and his words became more and more painful and slow: "Do you really have no suggestions for my flesh figurines?"

If he wishes for a rich family right now, maybe Yin Ren can really find a way to make it come true for him. With the bottomless power of this evil thing, it would be easy to get some metaphysical treasures.

It's up to you to reveal the truth, Minister Fu, Huang Jin murmured in his heart.

Either way, it's scary. Yin Ren came to see him specially, most likely because he wanted to get a vaccination first.

Human thoughts are like human fingerprints. They look similar at first glance, but their characteristics are quite different.

Huang Jin: "..." This dream is so strange that he can't understand it.

Yin Ren let go of Zhong Cheng and said, he took two steps forward, pressed Huang Jin's shoulders with both hands, and added a little more force: "Huang Jin, from the perspective of your spiritual craftsman, this flesh figurine is fairly qualified."

Anyway, there is nothing he can do about these two scourges! No one should get involved in fights between gods and gods.

"Well, I found him." Yin Ren raised his lips, "I made a promise with you."

So that's it, Huang Jin thought peacefully. I'm dreaming, everything makes sense!

You can't just make a wish casually, you must make a wish that is within the scope of human power.

Yin Ren saw through it without saying anything: "Are you scared? This is the flesh figurine I made. I found Brother Zhong over there... part of Brother Zhong."

"I can only bring him back this way." Yin Ren stroked Zhong Chengshuo's face and said with a forced smile, "His parents are both detectives, and the physical 'phantom' is more reliable, so this counts. A comfort.”

Yin Ren touched the face of the "flesh figurine" sadly.

Huang Jin remembers this thought pattern, which belongs to a dead person.

"Can you really make a wish?" He swallowed.

Huang Jin really wanted to cry.

Comrade Huang Jin stood there like a statue.

The familiar rules were running, and the familiar edges were blurred like "diffusion". Huang Jin stared at the man blankly, and only saw a message: "Is today a supermarket membership day? I remember that beef is 20% off. I can make some freshly fried beef slices on the weekend." Slowly rolled by.

Huang Jin's eyes rolled numbly, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What about your wish?"

He spoke very slowly and his tone was extremely sad, making the listeners sad and the listeners weeping.

He said "Ah" stupidly twice, his eyes blank.


Fear, numbness, desire, nervousness... countless emotions hit Huang Jin like a cloud.

Make a wish for money. Get away from everything and fly away.

This thought poked a hornet's nest in his head, and Huang Jin's head was buzzing. As long as he has a lot of wealth, he can stay anonymous and spend his life comfortably.

"Remember, be careful when making wishes." Yin Ren added softly, "I will only help you realize it and will not be responsible for the after-sales service."

Huang Jin looked at Yin Ren's twisted and unclear mosaic, and suddenly became a little sober.

No matter how powerful the evil creature is, it cannot modify the numbers in the banking system. Even if the change is made, the bank's technical staff and legal team will come to your door sooner or later.

Regardless of whether Yin Ren gives him a large amount of gold or conjures up rare treasures to sell, modern technology is so advanced that anyone who cares can naturally find out the whereabouts of the money. It is still unclear whether he can protect himself by then.

Unless the amount is not large, millions or tens of millions, at least it will not alarm those big shots. But in this case, this hard-won opportunity would be meaningless.

Not everyone has the opportunity to wish on a "relatively friendly" evil being.

Be cautious when making a wish, and be careful not to have a heart that is not as good as a snake swallowing it.

Huang Jin bit his nails.

Yin Ren let go of Huang Jin's hand on his shoulder: "I can't think of a way to get it on credit first, and then—"

"Cure Ding Lizi's eyes without leaving any other effects." Huang Jin said.

Yin Ren was slightly startled.

"Are you sure?" His tone became serious.

"Yeah." Huang Jin scratched his head, "I thought about it, this is the best wish." Under the thick mosaic, Yin Ren's eyebrows were curved, and he clicked his tongue twice: "I understand. You can rest, I Find Fu Xingchuan yourself.”


As soon as Yin Ren took two steps, Huang Jin started shouting behind him again.

Could it be that he regretted it? Yin Ren raised his eyebrows and turned around.

"Don't tell her that I made the wish and that Shi'an found the treatment plan." Huang Jin stared at the gap in the floor, "Just charge her a token amount of money, please... thank you."

"Huang Jin."


"Have I ever said that you might be able to do great things in the future?"

"You never said that!" Huang Jin forgot about going to the toilet. He staggered towards the ward and hid, "Ah, what did you say just now? I didn't hear anything..."

"The space division is complete. According to the plan, we abandoned half of the transition space of the stronghold as an isolation layer. Theoretically, Shi'an cannot discover the remaining half. After careful processing, the stronghold can still be used."

Wei Huaqian returned to the top floor of the luxurious hotel.

As he sipped the wine in his glass, the phone line kept ringing with reports.

"The materials in the cadaver were almost completely destroyed, leaving only digital samples. The research data has not been lost, but if there are sacrificial activities later... "

Wei Huaqian moved his fingers and cut off the line.

"Has the director of the Ministry of Technology returned from his investigation?" Wei Huaqian asked toward the newly cut line.

"Report, no. According to the current progress, Minister Shen and his team will not be back until next week."

"Well, I understand."

"About the loss of sacrificial materials..." The voice of the person on the other side started to hesitate.

"I'll find a way." Wei Huaqian replied impatiently and cut off the line again.

The huge hotel room suddenly became quiet.

The Sunken Club executive remained motionless, staring at the sloshing wine in the glass.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Someone was knocking on the door, the sound was very soft and the intervals were exactly the same.

"Come in." Wei Huaqian greeted in a moderate tone.


The soundproofed door that was supposed to be locked was pushed open.

The visitor was wearing a black green coat and old-fashioned cloth shoes. He looked around forty and turned his head. This person should have a round and cheerful face, but he is so thin that he loses his appearance. Coupled with two huge bags under the eyes, the face looks gray and mean.

The man sat down opposite Wei Huaqian and gasped a few times, with a heavy phlegm sound in his throat. The sharp edges and corners of the bones can be seen through the fabric. This person looks like a shrunken dead leaf, which can be rolled up and floated with any breath.

"It's not easy to meet you. We have been working together for so many years, and I don't even know what your organization is called."

Wei Huaqian stood up and poured the man a glass of wine in a decent manner.

"This is the first time I see 'you', how do you call them?"

"My surname is Le, just call me Lao Le."

Lao Le wrinkled his face, showed a wry smile, and said no more. I don't know if he didn't understand Wei Huaqian's sarcasm, or if he pretended not to understand.

Wei Huaqian's eyes moved from the back of his head mixed with white hair to the dusty cloth shoes.

"You showed your face, and you showed your sincerity. Our branch suffered heavy losses this time. In terms of sacrificial materials, I hope you can provide some support."

Mr. Le looked at him bitterly: "There is a small god descending on your base, and the fallen residue is enough."

"This is the second thing I want to say - with such a fuss, the location of our base was exposed to Shi'an. Whatever the gods left behind, it fell into Shi'an's pocket. Their elites were not damaged, but were injured Large amounts of data."

"I had to mark off half of the place to let those hypocrites in Shi'an think they had found the complete Haigu stronghold. Before moving to the backup stronghold, we can only play in the dark like this."

He paused meaningfully for a moment.

"The inability to get things adds a lot of risks. If you want to continue funding research, you have to show more sincerity."

Mr. Le sighed loudly, panted sickly for a while, and then rolled up his cloudy eyes: "Your research...the research cannot stop. Just like before, we will help you find a safe transition." Space. As for materials…”

He scratched his hair in distress.

"We don't have much in our hands. Just like this, in the next six months, we will compensate you for six tons of evil power pollution sources, high-quality ones... um, eh, free, free."

Wei Huaqian habitually wanted to raise the price. At this moment, a subtle feeling of satisfaction and happiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

It's enough, you make a lot of money. He has to celebrate the victory of this negotiation. Six tons of pollution sources, who knows how many materials can be produced, is really happy...

It wasn't until Mr. Le coughed and left that Wei Huaqian remembered that the compensation was almost no compensation - the person who was willing to use evil force to pollute the source was just to invest in the human experiments of the Sinking Society, so the money was confiscated.

That mysterious group only promised to find them a new place - and the Sinking Society already had a backup stronghold, so this help was of no substance.

Wei Huaqian's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

This negotiation doesn't even deserve to be called a negotiation, it's more like a scam. But when Mr. Le told the story, he did feel excited and satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

And when he recalled Mr. Le's face, he only remembered a blank.

"Damn it." Wei Huaqian cursed through gritted teeth.

Forget it, for the sake of his goal, he endured it.

At the same time, Haigu People's Hospital.

After going around and around, Yin Ren finally found Fu Xingchuan's ward. Fu Xingchuan had a leg injury at the time of the incident. Unlike Huang Jin, he was the one who clearly knew about Yin Ren's "self-sealing".

Yin Ren hesitated in his steps, and the corners of his mouth drooped involuntarily.

"It's over, it's over." The former Great Heavenly Master's face was full of pain, "I gave him such a tragic scene, even if I know how to explain it..." It's too embarrassing!

It was almost like Zhu ○ Ye found out that Luo ○ Ou was dead, widely announced that he was going to die for love, and then went home as if nothing happened.

It has to be brewed and the mood needs to be corrected. And you have to pay attention to your approach. If Fu Xingchuan is seriously injured and weak, you can scare him out by yourself...


While Yin Ren was thinking, he heard a scream followed by a loud bang, and a colorful dumpling smashed through the door panel and jumped directly onto his chest.

Through the half-broken door, Yin Ren glanced hastily and his eyes met Fu Xingchuan on the hospital bed. There was also Professor Li Nian beside the bed.

Yin Ren: "..."

Fu Xingchuan, Li Nian: "..."

"Meat figurines," Zhong Cheng said with a serious face and quietly took half a step back.

The author has something to say:

Fu Xingchuan immediately set a new ringtone: I believe you, you are a bad old man.mp3

(End of chapter)