Evil As Humans

Chapter 159: Make a wish


Fu Tianyi and his parents chatted on video and finished the meal without knowing what to eat.

It is true that the Fu family is a family of metaphysics, but the elders never restrict the development of the younger generations—

Fu Tianyi's father has been fond of reading since he was a child. He scorns the metaphysical direction of "pretending to be gods and ghosts" and has little contact with his younger brother Fu Xingchuan. As an adult, he passed the top university in the country and is now a well-known lawyer in the industry with a good income.

He later met Fu Tianyi's mother, who was an executive of a private company, and the couple directly bought a house in Yandu and settled there. Not to mention having a connection with the metaphysics world, the two of them didn't even bother to hire a Feng Shui master when they were renovating.

In Shi'an's words, both of them are materials for the iron-blooded science post.

Who would have thought that their children would have reached the rebellious stage early and would have to go against the elite path planned by their parents. Fu Tianyi showed amazing talent in metaphysics since he was a child, and happily ran back to Fu's house with his ancestral family.

The "ancient and mysterious bloodline of aristocratic families" has a fatal attraction for children. Fu Tianyi, who is studying in primary school, said that no matter what, he has to go to cram school, but this feeling of being able to control the wind and rain is cooler.

It's hard to say who is more rebellious among the father and son who insist on studying the Fa.

How naive he had been. Thinking of himself who relied on his own genius, Fu Tianyi couldn't help but sigh again and again.

The word "calling for wind and rain" is too peaceful. After seeing the real earth shattering, Fu Tianyi's whole body almost radiated Buddha light.

"I haven't seen my second uncle contact me until now." Fu Tianyi asked in a deep voice, "Did something happen to him?"

[Tianyi 3G: Brother Liang, do you have a group group for Haikou’s special nine groups? Pull me.]

Fu Tianyi had nothing to say.

"How come it's like this?" Fu Tianyi clicked his tongue, "Old Fu, look, this kid's eyes are like a dead fish, and his energy is gone."

Fu Tianyi nodded: "Yes, if you can't find a reliable job in your thirties, it's not too late to get older."

[Tianyi 3G: For business, my second uncle and I are both at the People’s Hospital.]

He listened painfully to his parents' teasing about his future, until he saw Dr. Cat pulling chicken breast from the dinner plate out of the corner of his eye.

"Who did you say you were discussing with just now? Li Nian?" Fu Tianyi said blankly.

Liang Shan has special abilities, and almost every rookie group in Haigu has gone on missions with him.

"Yin Ren." The black cat purred proudly, "You understand my ability, I will never admit the wrong person."

Liang Shan was buried in the pile of documents about the small divine creation. Although Monk Zhang Er was confused, he still pushed Fu Tianyi to enter the group. Team Nine is only a Class C investigation team, and confidentiality measures are not as strict.

As soon as Dr. Cat took the steamed chicken into his mouth, Fu Tianyi pinched the skin on the back of his neck.

"Fu Xingchuan is fine, he has been talking to Yin Ren." In the bright ward, the black cat's pupils were squeezed into two slits, "Those two guys were talking about the next mission - I don't know how much more, I was kicked out."

[The river flows eastward:?]

Fu Tianyi's head was buzzing. He thought for a moment, rummaged through Haigu's connections, and finally found his target - Liang Shan, who had been working in the police station. He had come to Haigu to collect case information before, and it was Liang Shan who received him at that time.

"Are you sick?" it asked politely.

Fu Tianyi: "...I'm fine, I just understand what it means to have someone outside."

Fu Tianyi's father gasped and squeezed towards the center of the screen: "Really, don't hurt the person's brain."

"My colleague is here, let's talk back!" Fu Tianyi pressed his temples and quickly found an excuse to leave.

Fu Tianyi's father was shocked: "Huh? Tianyi, you don't want to do this anymore. Your undergraduate degree is too ordinary and you haven't taken the postgraduate entrance examination yet. It's not easy to find a job. Of course, it's not impossible for you to go home. Dad just thinks that young people, At least I have to have a job..."

The next mission... Fu Xingchuan dragged his injured leg to rescue them from the mini-god. Now that the injury has not healed, he has to think about the next mission. Even though he was demoted to the lowest level, his second uncle still devoted himself wholeheartedly... Wait, with whom

Fu Tianyi greeted Fu Xingchuan angrily, and before Fu Xingchuan could reply, he rushed into the group.

[Ear Man: I don’t like that, it’s too bloody]

[Wan Liang: It’s okay, we’ll see what happens then. Anyway, if you don’t want to do it, I will do it]

[Ear Man: Then I’d better give it a try]

[Galaxy: What's there to argue about? Just let Yin Ren arrange it. Don't forget the purpose of doing this]

[Ear Man: Sorry, we should be more serious]

[Wanliang: [smile]]

Sure enough, there is a mission! Fu Tianyi perked up.

The small-scale divine descending incident almost cost Fu Tianyi half his life, but it must be said that he had never been on such a... shocking mission. On the line between life and death, working together in the same boat, the sense of accomplishment is much greater than that of a step-by-step task with no surprises.

It makes people feel extra "alive".

Moreover, Fu Tianyi had never had this feeling of "obviously becoming stronger". Yin Ren forced him to drain his strength again and again, and after the pain of overdraft, his strength became more abundant at this moment, a full quarter stronger than before.

"The ancient and mysterious bloodline of aristocratic families" is too naive for him, but "the mysterious and hidden strong man" is just right.

[Tianyi 3G: Hello everyone, I am Fu Tianyi. I heard that you all have new actions.]

[Tianyi 3G: I learned a lot from Senior Yin, please let me follow you and observe!]

[Tianyi 3G: Aunt Tao died, Dr. Qiu Qiu and I are not fully staffed, and we have to stay here to assist in the investigation. We will not be able to schedule official tasks in the near future, so it will not delay the official business. Even if Fu Xingchuan disagrees, I will talk about it again.]

[Wanliang:... ]

[Wanliang: This is the first time I have seen someone working so hard for food. Xiaoge, you can give this person the "raw meat" he doesn't like]

Um? Fu Tianyi's hand that was typing passionately stopped. [Wan Liang: This time it’s Yin Ren’s treat, a buffet barbecue, you have to ask his opinion@fruitknife]

[Fruit Knife: I’m fine]

[Fruit Knife: Fu Xingchuan also said it’s okay, but you’ll be responsible for the consequences]

Fu Tianyi's eyes were still straight until he sat down in the self-service barbecue restaurant.

The original situation was too delicate. If I said I would not participate, the embarrassment would only be doubled. Today he would definitely pay the bill first. Fu Tianyi touched his pocket to confirm that his phone was fully charged and the balance was sufficient.

Even if the ninth group ate up all the inventory in the store today, he should still be able to afford it...

Fu Tianyi sat down nervously.

Yin Ren raised Huang Liang and was able to fight back and forth with the mysterious attacker, and he was able to survive a small divine attack. Since Fu Xingchuan endorses him, there will be no problem with Yin Ren's position. As for the mentality of this person who got into the Shi'an Jiu Group... It's normal for experts to always have little quirks that ordinary people can't understand.

Fu Tianyi posed, raised his head, and then froze into a sculpture.

At some point, there was another person opposite him. Zhong Cheng said that he was sitting upright across the table. A pair of black eyes stared at him unblinkingly. The hairs all over Fu Tianyi's body stood up instantly - this man was different from Yin Ren. He had seen him die with his own eyes!

Even if Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng say they have that kind of relationship, it's too...

"Scared you?"

Yin Ren's voice came from the side. He took off his coat and was sitting next to Zhong Chengshuo.

"This is a flesh figurine made by me. I'm not used to him being around me."

Fu Tianyi looked at the "flesh figurine" opposite him, which even had clear facial hair, and his facial muscles twitched for a moment.

Experts always have little quirks that ordinary people can't understand. This is normal. Well, this is normal.

With the arrival of Yin Ren, the other three people in the nine groups plus a limping Fu Xingchuan, the long table was quickly filled. Compared to the brightly dressed people who came to eat, the condition of this table was particularly miserable. A few days passed, but several people were wearing gauze and plaster. It was a bit like team building among the patients.

Fu Tianyi straightened his back and tried to increase the energy at the table.

It's a pity that apart from him, Ge Tingting is the only one who is talkative.

The barbecue grill was steaming, and Yin Ren told Zhong Cheng that there were a few pieces of roasted corn and lean meat in the bowl before he spoke. Ge Tingting looked at Zhong Cheng talking about eating with bright eyes, his face full of shock that "this is a top-notch meat figurine".

"Make a wish first, Xiaoge, Sister Xiaohe. The last time I saw Brother Zhong was all thanks to you," Yin Ren said.

Make a wish

Fu Tianyi became a little curious and looked at Huang Jin. The latter was stuffing the baked diaphragm into his mouth: "I promised."

Lu Xiaohe pursed his lips: "What did you promise?"

"It's pretty much what you think." Huang Jin replied vaguely, "Her information will be updated sooner or later."

Lu Xiaohe lowered her eyes. She solemnly stretched out her hands and placed the chopsticks flat on the dishes.

"Can you cure my mother?" She didn't look into Yin Ren's eyes, and her voice lost its usual loudness. "It doesn't matter whether the method is scientific or not. I don't want her to live forever, I just want her to be healthy and happy and have an ordinary lifespan." Just fine…”

After saying that, she felt ridiculous herself and kept staring at the gap in the dishes.

"Okay." Yin Ren said, "But you have to wait for a while, otherwise it will only attract unnecessary attention to your mother."

The sniper's background has not yet been found out, who knows who is watching them. Ding Lizi, who is basically healthy, can cover up the past with Shi'an treatment, but Lu Xiaohe's mother is another matter.

Lu Xiaohe's eyes turned red, and she cleared her throat: "Okay... thank you, thank you. I'll go to the toilet first, and you guys can eat."

After Ge Tingting observed enough, Zhong Cheng ate slowly and said, "Then I can't think of a wish. Can I give it on credit first?"

Yin Ren was not surprised: "Okay."

Fu Xingchuan, who took the opportunity to eat meat, stopped his chopsticks and gave Ge Tingting a "teachable" look.

Fu Tianyi had already forgotten what chopsticks were. He looked around the table and felt that he was still in a dream.

Why did you even make a wish? Why has he never heard of teammates having this kind of function

After Lu Xiaohe came back after putting on his makeup, Yin Ren continued the topic.

"It's not convenient to talk about the mission outside. Before looking at the details of the mission, I think it's necessary to introduce myself - Fu Tianyi is also a member of Fu's family, so it doesn't matter."

He didn't need to tell his teammates to keep it secret - Fu Xingchuan knew about it, Lu Xiaohe was focused on curing his mother, and Huang Jin was already paralyzed with fear. There is only one left, Ge Tingting, who relies on knowledge and equipment to express herself. It is difficult for her to leak secrets.

As for the wish-making process, Yin Ren didn't have any objections.

The music in the store can be used as sacrificial music, and charcoal fires are burned instead of incense candles. The teammates have already offered sacrifices through their actions. Taking a step back, there is delicious fresh meat in front of you.

The gap from a thousand years ago is not that big. Lord Ghost King sat up properly. Zhong Cheng swallowed carefully and nodded quietly to Yin Ren.

Under the table, Yin Ren did not use his hair this time, but gently hooked Zhong Cheng's finger with his little finger.

"I also have a name. Thousands of years ago, Huajisi called me 'Great Heavenly Master Zhongyi'."

The author has something to say:

Xiao Fu’s father studied the Fa, and Xiao Fu also studied the Fa. This is a family tradition!

I feel like Xiao Fu always slows down when he learns the truth. This WeChat name is quite suitable.

But I may have had a certain age to get this feeling (…

Xiao Zhong: Is this what it feels like not to have to work? (×

(End of chapter)