Evil As Humans

Chapter 160: Wake up from dream


"I also have a name. Thousands of years ago, Huajisi called me 'Great Heavenly Master Zhongyi'."

As soon as Yin Ren finished speaking, everyone at the table turned to Fu Xingchuan.

Fu Xingchuan had just finished grilling the pork belly and put his chopsticks halfway into his mouth. Suddenly being baptized by eight eyes, he couldn't swallow it or not, and almost choked.

However, with his extraordinary mental strength, Fu Xingchuan still ate the meat with determination and kept his expression calm.

At this moment, all he had to do was show an informed attitude. Fu Xingchuan didn't say much. He used stainless steel tongs to drag another piece of meat to grill, his movements becoming more and more calm.

None of the four people around said a word.

The four people seemed to be frozen. They did not shout or ask questions, but their eyes suddenly became distracted -

Before Lu Xiaohe entered Shi'an, "Zhong Yi" was just a supporting character in most folklore supernatural stories, roughly equivalent to the Lord of Hell in ordinary underworld stories - a majestic and powerful "ceiling of strength", mainly used to punish evil before the ending. good. Such characters usually appear very frequently and are rarely described.

She still remembered the first time she read the book "Warding Off Evil and Strange Stories" written by Zhong Yi.

Under the yellowish desk lamp, the old books exude the unique smell of aged pages. This is the batch printed when Shi'an was founded, and it is now considered half a cultural relic.

With so many people believing in him and every household following him, he must be a very powerful god.

The little girl always remembers that when she first got this strange disease of "deafness and mute", her grandmother took her everywhere to seek medical treatment. The hospital couldn't solve the problem, so the old man took her to find "goddess" and "half-immortals".

That's a rumor that's close to home.

Now that I think about it, those so-called goddesses and half-immortals are all liars, and they are just interested in the money in the old man's hands. After witnessing countless fancy "exorcism rituals", the young Ge Tingting was most impressed by the statues of gods offered to people's homes.

The god started from the missing corner prints in her house, then moved towards the shrines of the god sticks in the neighboring village. The figure passed by Shi'an's books, and finally walked towards the ancient ancestral hall of Fu Zhai.

An encyclopedia of metaphysics.

From now on, he no longer has to face the same life as "One Hundred Thousand Whys" every day.

It is this deity that is so ferocious that it makes people afraid.

Miraculously, Lu Xiaohe could always tell which cases were provided by Zhong Yi and which were added by later generations. There is a natural, unpolished "directness" in Zhong Yi's approach. Compared with the theories one after another from the disciples of the metaphysics family, the cases and solutions given by Zhong Yi reveal some wonderful wildness, completely devoid of the fixed thinking of that era.

"This smiling one is the God of Wealth, who will ensure our family gets rich and lives a good life... This fierce one is Zhong Tianshi, who can ward off evil spirits and protect against evildoers..." Her mother pointed to the highly saturated prints and teased her daughter with a smile.

However, for Huang Jin, who once lived in a gray area, "Zhong Yi" is more than just a "rumor" around him.

However, in her short life, Zhong Yi only left one or two "contact points".

From my own village to the "big village" separated by several mountains. The old man spent all his little savings and failed to cure his granddaughter.

Because almost every house in the village has a portrait of this god. Instead of making up a complete set, there were many divine paintings such as "Door God", "God of Wealth" and "Kitchen King". Her parents pointed them out to her and asked her to identify them one by one.

It's a god, Ge Ting thought.

If Zhong Yi had not taken the direction of metaphysics research, maybe he could have become a good researcher. Lu Xiaohe thought to himself.

For Ge Tingting, those dense points were faintly connected into lines—

He originally thought that Yin Ren was going to confess his identity as an evil creature. If possible, this guy had better introduce his breed so that he could understand what he was afraid of. There are thousands of evil things in the world, but this guy can't be evil.

Huang Jin is very confident, he must be the calmest one here. He firmly believed that the "resurrection" mentioned by Zhong Cheng was caused by Yin Ren. As long as Yin Ren explained the type of evil, the last piece of the puzzle in his mind could be put together.

She knew it was Zhong Yi.

Those statues of gods are all similar, and they all depict a strong man with a big sword and a leopard head and eyes. The statue's eyes were protruding, with black ink-dotted pupils looking down, giving it a full sense of oppression.

But the identity Yin Ren mentioned was completely different from the concept of "evil object".

Huang Jin is no stranger to "Zhong Yi".

There is also an exquisite wooden sculpture of Zhong Yi in the corner of his basement. It was my mother's relic, and most of the night walkers had similar things in their homes—compared to well-equipped facilities and a more guaranteed personal safety, the night walkers were all engaged in work that involved licking blood from the edge of a knife. If they are not careful, evil creatures will kill them.

When my mother would go out to sell spiritual artifacts, she would always offer one or two sweet fruits or thick incense to the Zhongyi wood carving at home. She never explained this to him, but after entering the world of metaphysics, Huang Jin had to know even if he didn't want to.

One rainy night, Huang Jin was drinking in a small restaurant. It was three o'clock in the morning and he was the only customer in the store.

He watched the boss glance at the time, take out a statue of Zhong Yi from the wooden cabinet, and reverently put a few pieces of candy cake on it.

"Night traveler?" Huang Jin drank up the wine bottle in his hand and knocked the bottom of the bottle on the table.

"So are you." The sixty or seventy-year-old boss smiled, "I could tell as soon as I walked in that everything you wear is good."

Huang Jin glanced at the bag full of spiritual weapons beside him and chuckled.

"Do you worship that thing too?"

Usually Huang Jin doesn't like to talk too much with strangers. Maybe it was because of alcohol tonight, or maybe because in a trance, he saw his mother's thin figure, bowing her head respectfully in front of the small statue.

"Seeking good luck and peace. Ordinary people worship Guan Gong, the God of Wealth, and we worship Master Zhong Tianshi. This is called counterparty."

The old man was not annoyed when he heard Huang Jin's rude tone. He dug out half a bottle of white wine and sat across from Huang Jin, still looking at Zhong Yi's portrait.

"There is a legend in my family's lineage. It is said that our ancestor was Zhong Yi's young disciple. He was the Great Heavenly Master who sealed the Six Evils. The secrets of my family's lineage all depend on the skills he learned at the beginning."

The old man said half-jokingly.

"How could someone single-handedly seal the six evil spirits?" Huang Jin smiled drunkenly. "There must have been many helpers at that time, but he was the only one who stood out in the end... Isn't this how all the fairy tales in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, came about? That Zhong Yi must have been there at that time. That is to say, someone as good as Fu Xingchuan is still a human being."

His mother also worshiped Zhong Yi every day, but what was her ending

He has seen too many people carrying spiritual weapons engraved with bells, and he has also seen too many tragic endings. This god weaves threads and needles in his life, weaving a dark web.

Just looking for sustenance and peace of mind. If there really are immortals in this world, why can they only meet evil things and suffer a lot, but cannot meet gods or become immortals

Huang Jin opened another bottle of beer for himself. The old man looked at Huang Jin steadily and suddenly laughed: "You young man..."

He gently put down the small wine cup containing white wine.


Countless darkness instantly covered the walls. The menus, advertising posters, and payment codes on the wall were all covered, leaving only a pitch black with no depth of field. The next moment, countless human eyes opened in the darkness, and the eyes were no different from the size of a human being.

Judging from the position of those eyes, this darkness is more like a gathering of countless human-shaped shadows.

Those eyes turned in all directions, all looking at Huang Jin.

Group of ghosts.

This is an unprecedented and extremely powerful ghost control spell. Although there was no hostility in those sights, the sense of oppression still came like an avalanche. Huang Jin woke up from most of his wine in an instant and quickly sat upright in his chair.

As long as the old man gives the order, not even a scrap of his body will be left.

However, the old man just looked at him funny and knocked on the wine cup again. Those ghostly figures seeped into the wall like water stains and disappeared quickly.

"This is what the great heavenly master taught at that time. It is said that he made up this technique just to teach children to count."

Huang Jin: “…”

Indeed, all the ghosts need to do is close and open their eyes, and addition and subtraction within a hundred is easy. Convenience is convenient, but there is something wrong with the brain circuit of this great master. Will it really not leave a psychological shadow on the children

"My ancestors always counted wrong numbers, so they were given this spell... It is not something that ordinary people can do to easily perform spells of this level. You young people say that you can't see gods every day. The most basic metaphysics The story has been forgotten.”

The old man shook the wine glass, and the white wine gave off a spicy smell.

Huang Jin: "Please speak."

The old man sighed faintly: "The demons and evil spirits are worshiped by others and become domestic immortals. When the monsters get the title of heaven, they will have the status of gods. Are the gods you talk about really simple gods?"

Huang's head suddenly started to sweat. As rebellious as he was, he also knew that the old man's statement was considered disrespectful among the Night Walkers.

This clearly means that "gods" are also a type of "evil".

But the old man stopped ordering. He took a sip of wine and picked up a peanut from Huang Jin's plate.

"So, that spell just now is not something that ordinary people can do. It's a pity, it's a pity. If my ancestor had worked harder, he might have become the second Fu family."

Huang Jin never expected that the old man's rebellious words would have a chance to be proven.

The Great Heavenly Master Zhong Yi is truly an evil creature.

And the brain circuit is really, really wrong!

Huang Jin turned to look at Fu Tianyi with a livid complexion. Huang Jin's own spirit is shaky, and he urgently needs someone to stabilize his spirit who is even worse than himself - the Fu family is a well-known follower of the Great Heavenly Master. The Fu family has always worshiped Zhong Yi as a serious "god", and Fu Tianyi He has a strong sense of belonging to the Fu family.

Of all the people here, this one is probably the worst.

As Huang Jin expected, Fu Tianyi was suffocated. He suppressed himself until his face turned purple and his lips trembled. His eyes looked at Yin Ren for a while, and then at Fu Xingchuan who took this opportunity to grill meat.

"I told you to take the consequences at your own risk." Perhaps out of pity for his collapsed nephew, Fu Xingchuan put a piece of extra juicy meat into his mouth and spoke earnestly, "Tian Wei, you had to come here yourself, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Lu Xiaohe was the first to breathe a sigh of relief: "No wonder you asked us to make a wish."

Now it seems that her wish is stable.

Ge Tingting pondered: "Yin Ren is indeed very powerful."

Fu Tianyi groaned like a bird in his throat. He looked at the two ladies in shock, and turned to Huang Jin, but saw a strange kindness in Huang Jin's eyes.

For a moment, he wanted to run away.

"This is, ahem, the prank part, right?" Fu Tianyi forcibly cheered up, "Brother Yin, the Great Heavenly Master is not interested in making fun of this."

The more he talked, the more he felt he made sense.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, how could you suddenly reveal your identity like this? It's obviously unnecessary!"

Zhong Cheng said: "It is still necessary."

He was a little overwhelmed by the fact that Yin Ren kept picking up meat and vegetables. These were trivial matters that were insignificant before. The moment always made him want to do something.

After all, the flesh figurines could talk. Zhong Cheng lowered his voice and explained seriously—

"Because the next mission is to face the evil spirit of Shi'an. Only when he tells you will you truly feel at ease."

Fu Tianyi's brain felt numb for a while, and he felt that the sounds in his ears were getting farther and farther away.


Underground of Shi'an Park.

The huge evil floating underground is still sleeping, and its only awake part - the black dog is still jumping around in the vast man-made scene, picking up branches for its little master played by the robot. Its round eyes were full of light, and its tail was wagging wildly.

But in the next moment, its tail suddenly drooped.

Click, the black dog bites off the branch. It jumped in front of its little master in twos and twos, sank its body, and made a low purring sound in its throat.

After threatening the air for a few minutes, it let out a shrill bark.

The evil body floating in the air twitched a few times very obviously.

(End of chapter)