Evil As Humans

Chapter 161: Secret plan


In the early hours of the morning, Li Nian was still awake.

He is not in the office, and now there is Xiang Jiang in his office, which is really difficult to use. Pretending to be after get off work, Li Nian went straight to Jiao Lian's room.

He provided Minister Jiao Lian with a plugged-in mobile phone so that she could speak out at any time. Li Nian himself sat politely at the farthest corner, tapping away at the computer.

In the dim bedroom, countless computer screens on Jiao Lian's body emitted dim light, and countless indescribable images slowly flashed on them. Li Nian stayed in the reception corner of the suite, his face pale under the cold light.

Most of his screen was filled with countless case information, and the smaller half was a WeChat chat dialog box with Fu Xingchuan.

Fu Xingchuan just sent a picture of steaming barbecue. The meat in the picture was cooked perfectly and covered with minced garlic butter.

Text: [Yin Ren said, this may be the brain state of the nine groups]

Li Nian was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to check the case information.

This is Fu Xingchuan's own investigation data on the "enemy family" at the suggestion of Yin Ren. Along with it is an analysis of the facial features of "Qixin" from Gengsheng Town, plus preliminary investigation results. Fu Xingchuan's investigation was conducted without the knowledge of Shi'an officials. The number one ghost general, Baodao Weiwei, was quite detailed.

Most of the enemies in Haigu City live extremely ordinary lives, and the most they do is burn incense and study Feng Shui. There are only two people who are suspicious -

It is so low-key that there are far fewer monitoring records.

After Li Nian finished drinking the tea, he dragged the mouse on the text box where the report was located, and then a picture appeared -

When the woman left Mr. Qiu's ward, there was a momentary distortion in the corner of the surveillance screen. Li Nian handed the "fault screen" to Jiao Lian for analysis, and now he is facing the analysis results.

And after the small divine descent occurred, this person simply disappeared from the world.

According to hospital imaging records, only a woman in her forties came to visit him. That woman was not among the close friends of the enemy. Her T-shirts were brightly printed and cheap, and her bouquet was also the cheapest style. It would be impossible to find her in a crowd.

Six years ago, the old man from the Chou family woke up from a vegetative state and has been hospitalized ever since. During this period, all physiological indicators were normal. It's just that he barely communicates with his family and rarely talks to other people in the hospital - before becoming a vegetative state, Mr. Qiu was quite funny and talkative. After he woke up, he was as low-key as a different person.

Fortunately, Qiu Fang's "disappearance" was not complete, and his information would not be incomprehensible to Li Nian. It can only cause some dyslexia and requires Professor Li to spend a lot of effort to understand.

It is not easy to wake up from a vegetative state, and brain damage may bring various unknown consequences. The old man has no wife, and no one cares about his character.

The time when Mr. Qiu suffered from heart failure coincided with the time when Qiu Fang was admitted to hospital due to myocardial infarction. The old man's heart failure came unexpectedly. As soon as he kicked his front foot, his back foot became "brain-dead" and his grandson woke up.

The second suspicious person is Qiu Fang's grandfather, Mr. Qiu.

What's interesting is that whether it was the time when Fu's house was attacked or the night of the accident at the People's Hospital, Qiu Fang's whereabouts were a bit strange - he went to the old alleys where surveillance was sparse, and he didn't even have a companion by his side.

Of course, this evidence is not enough to prove that the "enemy" is the attacker, but some strange things did happen around him - his son lost one of his children. Not only did the enemy's parents not call the police, they didn't even call their son. It's hard to say whether they had any information or not. I found my son missing.

It's like cutting two people into extremely fine mosaics and putting the halves together, like a monster built by an ignorant child using Lego. Li Nian spent a lot of effort to separate the human figure in black clothes and use AI to complete it.

The old man's ward has an excellent view. It can cover most of Haigu City, including the abandoned buildings.

Li Nian stared at the words on the screen, slowly unscrewed the thermos cup, and poured himself a cup of strong tea.

The "chimeric" woman in black is the missing "Qi Xin".

It's hard to tell whether these are coincidences.

The picture shows two people chimed together. Half of them were forty-year-old women going out, and the other half were wearing black clothes, so they couldn't see clearly.

When Qiu Fang's other fair-weather friends mentioned this person, their first reaction was to be confused, just like mentioning a kindergarten playmate who had long been forgotten.

The first is Qiu Fang, the "Mr. Xiao Qiu" of the Qiu family, a brainless dandy. All he does every day is drink and go to bars and have fun all night long. He had a heart attack a while ago and has been keeping a low profile since he was discharged from the hospital.

A bit like the "mayor" of Gengsheng Town, Li Nian rubbed his forehead.

Qi Xin visited Mr. Qiu.

Attacks beyond the capabilities of the Sinking Society, a large number of unexplained sources of pollution from the Sinking Society in recent years, the corpses Zhong Cheng said appeared in the Sinking Society's underground charnel house—all these weird mysteries are now explained.

Qiu Fang, Qi Xin. Unknown forces, more mysteries.

Dealing with a sinking group is troublesome enough, there is also an enemy in the dark, and we also have a time bomb like Xiang Jiang. Li Nian couldn't help but sigh. Even the newly added information about divine descending couldn't make him happy.

As if he had the ability to read minds, several more messages popped up in the WeChat dialog box on the left.

[Seeking for more talismans: Don’t think too much about what you have, the Great Heavenly Master is here. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up]

[Search for more talismans: Yin Ren’s proposal, please finish reading it]

Of course, after reading it, the problem is that Li Nian doesn't quite agree with the proposal.

[Li Nian: Let me think about it again.]

[Li Nian: It’s better if you don’t go.]

[Seeking for more talismans: I have to look at the younger generation and relax]

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the bedroom. Jiao Lian, who has long lost her human form, is leaning on the bedside. The "blood vessels" in her body extend to the surrounding walls, slowly pulsating, and the lights and flickers of the whole body are like breathing.

After working together for many years, he had almost forgotten what Jiao Lian looked like.

At this point, the last thing Shian needs is another "accident." Fu Xingchuan mentioned the so-called life span, but at this moment, Jiao Lian was still alive.

Late at night, Ping An Manor.

Zhong Cheng opened the refrigerator and brushed the bright red apples little by little with his fingertips. He looked at the relatively fresh fruits on the plate, then looked at the refrigerator with few apples left, and finally decided to restock before replacing them. The cold air in the refrigerator came over the face, and Zhong Cheng poured himself a glass of cold milk. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Yin Ren standing behind him.

Zhong Cheng said that he subconsciously helped his nightcap: "?"

"I see you can't sleep." Yin Ren stared at Zhong Cheng's neck, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm just a little scared."

Zhong Cheng admitted it readily, poured another glass of cold milk and handed it to Yin Ren.

Since the incident of God descending, Zhong Cheng said he has become obsessed with the word "fear". He was like a kid who got a new game and wanted to explore all the mission scenarios.

Yin Ren put the cup to his lips: "Are you worried about tomorrow?"

"Yes," Zhong Cheng said, finishing his glass, "Although there is nothing wrong with the plan, but..."

But after he found that he could not accept the ending of "death" or "separation", he would always have various anxious thoughts. The negative speculation gave him acid reflux in his stomach.

Zhong Cheng said, holding the milk glass in both hands, lost in thought.

Both they and Shi'an can understand the principle of divine descent.

It was a "whale fall" caused by sniper-type creatures.

The sniper died and his body parts were scattered. The "big chunks" that have not had time to decompose become the source of pollution of the evil force. The evil force further "rots" and becomes the evil spirit in the world.

In other words, whether it was a thousand years ago or twenty-eight years ago, there was that kind of creature - "Yuanwu", which fell from the other side to this side. They had a huge impact on the human world and scattered invisible flesh and blood all over the sky.

Shi'an had thoroughly investigated the divine descent twenty-eight years ago. Thousands of years ago, the large-scale divine descending that caused the "Age of Evil" was extremely tempting to Shi'an. As long as Yin Ren's plan is brought up, Shi'an will most likely not refuse it.

Tomorrow we need to announce the task to the nine groups, and Zhong Cheng knows it by heart -

[I was very interested in the other side for personal reasons. Yin Ren integrated some of my research data and gave it to Shi'an. Coupled with the information collected from the recent small-scale divine descending, we have a preliminary plan...]

At the same time, Li Nian slid the mouse wheel—

[…Currently Shi’an can extract the most ‘stable’ memories from Ji Sha’s consciousness in order to appease Ji Sha. Yin Ren wanted to use the same extraction technique on himself, searching for clues to the divine descent from thousands of years ago in the depths of his memory.]

[The principle of this technique comes from the archives, and its essence is to create a memory world.]

[However, the "capacity" of the archive is limited, and it can only explore the human brain and cannot be used for Yin Ren. We can use the underground evil as an energy source to create a larger "temporary archive".]

[Shi'an Jisha himself was in the same era as the Great Heavenly Master Zhong Yi. In the technique, its memory will resonate with Zhong Yi's memory, and it will also complement and improve that era.]

[Thus, we can conduct a secret investigation of the situation thousands of years ago. With Yin Ren and Fu Xingchuan here, nothing will happen.]

Li Nianchong sneered at the words "nothing will happen", but if he was just exploring pure memories...

The owner of the memory this time is Yin Ren. Yin Ren is not a lunatic like Guo Laifu, and the danger is indeed much less.

Professor Li's eyes moved to "the clues about the divine arrival thousands of years ago."

He unscrewed the thermos again and poured himself a cup of tea.

The next day, the office of Group 9 was specially mobilized.

"...To sum up, we plan to take everyone into Yin Ren's memory and dig out the details that Yin Ren can't remember. As a great master who sealed the Six Evils, all the evil spirits and evil objects that Yin Ren has come into contact with are of great significance to research. All are of great reference value.”

"As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger." Yin Ren answered with a smile, "If we can thoroughly study the power of the evil, let alone the gods descending, we might even be able to touch that mysterious other shore."

"And this memory is mine. Everyone can just treat it as sightseeing after entering."

Ge Tingting raised his hand: "Since it is your memory, can't you remember it well yourself?"

"If you live too long, you will forget many details." Yin Ren smiled.

Lu Xiaohe was obviously very excited. She squeezed Ge Tingting's shoulder and said, "Just treat it as a large-scale hypnosis, the kind that makes people carefully recall the details of the incident."

Ge Tingting said something vaguely understanding.

Huang Jinze looked at Zhong Cheng with a serious face and said, then looked at Yin Ren, with a somewhat emotional look on his face: "I'm just helping to look at the memory, I don't have any problem. But you, ahem, you always play two roles, it's really It’s not that…”

It's quite scary.

"When people get old, they just like to deceive themselves." Yin Ren replied quietly, putting a hand naturally on Zhong Chengshuo's waist, "Xiao Huang, do you have any opinions?"

"… No."

Zhong Cheng turned his head and looked at Yin Ren. The latter came over and his voice could not be quieter.

"After investigating this situation, we will probably be able to see where this 'cub' like me came from. Then I will find a reason to send everyone out first, and then we can use this technique to see what you were like twenty-eight years ago. Memories. We stayed underground the whole time, there will definitely be no accidents this time.”

Zhong Cheng looked at Yin Ren with his dark eyes and did not respond for a long time.


He did not give a definite answer.

(End of chapter)