Evil As Humans

Chapter 162: Accident


Underground in the Shi'an Building, outside the observation window where the evil spirit is located, a huge elevator hovers.

It is a temporary combination of several small elevators, with seven beds arranged in the center. All emergency equipment and spiritual weapons are in place, and underground researchers are on standby - except for emergency help signals and research data, these researchers cannot communicate with the ground, and there is no possibility of leaking secrets.

The five people from Shi'an's ninth group, plus two heirs of the Fu family, Fu Tianyi and Fu Xingchuan, were already lying down on the bed.

In order to prevent them from moving around and looking around, everyone's eyes were covered with black cloth, and their bodies were tied with belts embroidered with mantras. Countless wires came out of the gaps in their clothes, and the patches on the ends sent back physiological data at all times.

In addition, everyone's bedside and bedside were engraved with black and red charms, which seemed to be flowing under the light. Despite the special treatment, there is still a vague evil force coming out.

For the purpose of stabilizing their emotions, everyone grabs the things that are most important to them.

Zhong Cheng said he was holding the hamster pendant tightly, while Yin Ren put what Zhong Cheng said was a nightcap on his head and stuffed the dog thing under his pillow.

Lu Xiaohe held a family photo in his palm, while Ge Tingting held the headphones given to her by the nine sets in both hands. As for Comrade Huang Jin-Xiao Huang, his hands were filled with pure heart charms, which was heartbreaking to see. One staff member couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Huang, does he need some antihypertensive medicine?"

The two Fu family members are very experienced, and they both grabbed the heart-protecting magic weapon specially designed for blood relatives of the Fu family.

Beyond the thick glass, a huge and sinister cloud floated. In the imitation of ancient scenery, the rain of saliva never stops. On one side of the barrier is a strange and dark ancient environment, and on the other side are cold machines with countless flashing lights. The scene is like a nightmare.

"First, when you first enter, your 'characters' will stay together, so don't run around; second, after you get the 'character', don't do too many behaviors that are inconsistent with your identity, so as not to affect the memory environment. interference."

But what is different from the ancient paintings is that in the most conspicuous position of the room, there is an unusually tall blood-red statue of the god.

The leading practitioner's voice was hoarse: "The door is about to open! Please get ready, three, two, one..."

Behind him, the practitioners of the Sinking Society were sweating on their faces and performing spells quickly.

Yin Ren said.

The figures on the seven beds disappeared instantly, leaving only a thin layer of clothes. Their most precious possessions remain in place, revealing the identity of the bed's owner.

"The spell is activated!"

He had seen similar ancient paintings, and this was exactly the interior scene of Huajisi.

The statue itself did not show its face. It was covered with dark red cloth, and only a human figure could be vaguely seen. On the dark red cloth, countless black jade and yellow talismans hang from bone chains. They emit strong waves of evil energy, which shows that they use enough good materials and the spells are real.

The woman glanced at him sadly.

Melons, fruits, candies, cooked meats and cheeses are offered in front of the statue. The thick incense burned slowly, the green smoke flew straight upward, and the snow-white ashes filled the incense burner.

As expected of Shi'an, is this sending them all to Huajisi

Fu Tianyi regained his breath and looked around happily, looking for the communication devices on other people's ears. He quickly found his target—a middle-aged woman in plain clothes and a serious face was sitting at the table reading a letter, with a communication device plugged into her ears.

The door to Shen Shen Hui's brain slowly opened. Shen Mo shrugged his shoulders and stepped into the darkness behind the door without hesitation.

Deep in the thick darkness, Shen Mo stood naked and barefoot in front of the brain door.

The shape of this statue is extremely clever. Through the swaying red cloth and the curl of cigarettes, Fu Tianyi can feel the "watching" gaze of the statue no matter where he is.

Fu Tianyi looked at it in amazement and held onto the wall. The cold touch made him shiver instantly.

It's strange that Li Nian didn't inform him in advance that the reaction of this spell was so powerful? Fu Tianyi retched twice and got up with difficulty, almost tripping over the robe he was wearing.

Fu Tianyi was pleasantly surprised: "Li Heyan is the number one scholar in the Huaji Division, so it's very convenient for him to move around."

"You need to find your scattered companions as soon as possible to gather all the details in your memory. This is the first time this technique has been used in practice, so don't take it lightly—"

He waited for a few minutes before he had the strength to look at his surroundings.

"Just teasing the mad dog." He waved his hands to the silent members of the Sinking Society behind him, "I'll be right back."

Fu Tianyi happily walked towards the woman and pointed to the communication headset on his ear.

Professor Li took the trouble to explain.

"If you encounter difficulties, communicate through the communication device at any time. The communicator will remain intact and you can rely on this to identify your companions."

Several rows of corpses were hung neatly on the wall closest to Fu Tianyi. They are all wearing the same style of clothes, their eyes are closed, and they are hung on the wall by hooks. Their hair and eyebrows are shaved cleanly, and numbers are carefully written in cinnabar between their eyebrows, which are hung all over the wall.

He had also read about the corpses used exclusively by the corpse servants of the Huaji Division in the Fu family's classics.

"The spell is activated!"

The statue was different from all the statues they had seen before. It sits sideways on the altar, with a relaxed and casual posture that can even be called "irregular."

"Have you put on all your communication devices?" Li Nian confirmed in person.

If possible, Li Nian hopes that more professional people will explore it.

"Everything is alright? Then three, two, one..."

"Very good, the spell of the 'Temporary Archives' is also ready. When the spell starts, you will be transported to the memories of a thousand years ago and transformed into an image similar to your own situation."

Fu Tianyi was dizzy. When he regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a large antique room.


"This spell is more powerful than the 'Archives'. You will not just change your clothes like in the Archives, but you will transform into a real 'character' from thousands of years ago and watch the whole process."

At the same time, at the same depth, the sinking will survive the stronghold inside.

"I'm Lu Xiaohe," she said. "Looking at these letters, my name here seems to be 'Li Heyan'."

The two underground strongholds resounded with the same sentence.

Unfortunately, doing so would alert the traitor Shi'an. Taking a step back, Yin Ren's affairs are too confidential. Group Nine is considered his confidant, so he can only make do with it.

The architecture is undoubtedly the style of the late Gong Dynasty. People around him come and go in a hurry, dressed uniformly, and holding either information or spiritual weapons in their arms. The air is full of the smell of ink and herbs, talismans, tortoise shells, compasses... various ancient spiritual weapons are floating near the roof.

"No problem."

Li Heyan and Fu Shangliu, the last two leaders of the Huaji Division in the Gong Dynasty, have the same status as the current Minister of Emergency Management.

If Lu Xiaohe can get such an identity, they can go wherever they want.

"Isn't it the same for you?" For some reason, Lu Xiaohe was not in a high mood. "Judging from the clothes you are wearing, you are the current leader of Huaji Division, Fu Shangliu, the grandson of Fu Liu. Calculating seniority, you are the ancestor of your family. Grandpas."

Fu Tianyi's expression froze.

To be honest, Fu Tianyi did not confirm his identity immediately. After being severely beaten by reality, he subconsciously regarded himself as a pawn - after all, in terms of strength and experience, Fu Xingchuan was the one who best suited this status.

Fu Tianyi looked at the depressed Lu Xiaohe for a while, then slowly turned his head, intending to find other companions around him. Unfortunately, the two of them stayed frozen like this for ten minutes, and no third person appeared.

"Something's wrong." Fu Tianyi swallowed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Yes." Lu Xiaohe smiled bitterly, "I tried to contact everyone just now. Except for you who are right in front of me, everyone else is outside the contact range - in this world, they are too far away from us."

"How could it be..." Li Nian had specifically instructed that everyone would be sent to the same place.

Lu Xiaohe sighed loudly: "I don't know what happened. I also tried to send a message to the outside world, but the communication was interfered by unknown interference and the help message could not be sent." Fu Tianyi: "..."

Fu Tianyi: "Is it just like last time and this time when you went on a mission, or has it always been like this?"

Lu Xiaohe gave him a tired look.

"Anyway, we have to find other people first." She adjusted the hairpin on her head painfully.

Fu Tianyi took a deep breath: "I can use the Fu family's magic to divine the location of my second uncle. Anyway, let's meet him first."

In any case, with Fu Xingchuan here, things will take a turn for the better.

Fu Xingchuan looked deeply at his paws.

Yes, claws.

Dusty, yellowish, strong dog paws.

After living for so long and experiencing countless storms, this is the first time Fu Xingchuan has tried to stand on four legs. His angle of view was a bit short, his vision was dim and blurred, and only his sense of smell and hearing were unbearably sharp.

The smell of earth and chicken shit went straight to his nose, conversations with strong dialects drifted into his ears, and unfamiliar sensory information made him have a headache.

Fu Xingchuan struggled to turn his head.

He was standing in a low residential building, with several skinny chickens running around him. Through the decayed walls, he could see the blurry shadows of mountains in the mist.

Something is wrong.

Fu Xingchuan carefully cleared his throat and tried to speak—

"Woof!" His voice was loud.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with the spell! Fu Xingchuan was so angry that he stamped his paws randomly. The deviation of Shi'an's carefully calculated spell was so large that it could only be due to unusually strong interference during the execution of the spell.

Fu Xingchuan glanced around nervously and made sure that there were no communication devices on the chicken heads, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be fine if he was the only one unlucky. As long as Fu Tianyi was still in human form, he could use the Fu family's magic to locate himself.

Before that... Before that, since there was such a "convenient" form, it was not impossible to investigate.

Fu Xingchuan thought for a moment, turned his head, and began to bite the hemp rope that tied him.

I hope he is the only one who is so unlucky, Fu Xingchuan thought sadly.

The moment the hemp rope was bitten off, in the ancestral hall across the wall, a big black dog moved its ears.

In the dense forest, Huang Jin was quietly thinking about life.

Something must have gone wrong in his life. Perhaps he had done too many evil things in his previous life and destroyed one or two countries, so he had to encounter this hellish job in this life.

Normally, humans need feet to walk.

As a human, Huang Jin had no idea how to move without legs.

How much disapproval does Shi'an's leadership have to think that this thing is someone with a "similar situation" to him

Ge Tingting is so good. She is trying to adapt to her new body at the moment - this spell is indeed better than the archives. It not only gave Ge Tingting a suitable role, but also allowed her to temporarily restore her language ability.

"I am, ahem, Ge Ting... Ting."

The little girl's clothes are simple but clean, with the words "Lu Tinghe" embroidered crookedly on the chest. She wore scruffy braids and held a big doll hood in her arms. Her young face was covered with sweat.

The black communication headphones on her ears are particularly conspicuous.

"Who are you?"

Ge Tingting tried his best to adapt to his smaller body, stretched out his hand and tugged on the communication device stuck to Huang Jin's body.

Huang Jin: “…”

Huang Jin: "Pfft!"

He uttered painful curses. Ge Tingting gasped. She stood on tiptoes and tried to look around. Before she could find her companion, a red figure approached on its own and stopped beside the two of them.

Ge Tingting instantly stood in front of Huang Liang version Huang Jin.

The uninvited guest was about three meters tall, with pale feet on the grass. Its body was covered with a blood-red seal, and its yellow talisman was splattered with old blood. Bone chains soaked in blood and oil tightly wrapped it around it, making it look like a chrysalis.

Between the seals, an equally pale hand stretched out, with a communication device in its palm.

It's a companion!

Ge Tingting, who was just over a meter tall, breathed a sigh of relief and moved away.

Huang Jin raised his eyes with difficulty - now he only had one eye in his body, and his movements had never been so twisted - but unfortunately, all he saw was a simple image.

Just as Ge Tingting lost the ability to "listen to wild rants", his "seeing through thinking" was also blocked by the magic.

But looking at this outfit, Huang Jin could probably guess who the other party was. Wearing red clothes, stepping on yellow beams. There is only one person who deserves such a record.

That was the Great Heavenly Master Zhong Yi, or rather, Yin Ren himself.

It's good, at least they can enjoy the shade with their backs against the big tree, Huang Jin thought in amusement. If it's Yin Ren, he can understand Huang Liang's language.

Having done their homework in advance, Ge Tingting obviously thought of going together with him. In the meantime, the little girl wiped the sweat from her face and showed a smile: "Yin Ren!"

"Pfft, pfft, pfft!"

[I am Huang Jin, help me!]Huang Jin also struggled to ask for help.

But the man just stood there, motionless, as quiet as a dead thing.

"Yin Ren...?" Ge Tingting's smile froze on her face, and she walked back to Huang Jin calmly. The little girl held the hood tightly with both hands, as if she was ready to smash it out at any time.

The tall red strange chrysalis was silent for a long time and finally made a sound.

"I… "

Yin Ren's familiar voice came from behind the thick cloth.

"I can't find Yin Ren."

The voice was a mixture of depression and confusion.

"...I am Zhong Cheng."

(End of chapter)