Evil As Humans

Chapter 166: Birth


Zhong Cheng said he was staring at the flames and black smoke below the cliff.

This was the first time he had witnessed war.

Zhong Cheng said he didn't have any special feelings about this - his adoptive parents always told him that life is precious.

But that only applies to innocent people and "life" in the true sense. What we see before us are just faint echoes from the past. Zhong Cheng said he didn't care much, but his chest felt stuffy and he was hit by waves of stabbing pain.

Yin Ren's memories were so vivid that even though he possessed that person's body, the pain still followed him.

Zhong Cheng said pursing his lips.

It was a pain he had never felt before, and it was different from the pain he felt when he and Yin Ren separated, but equally heartbreaking. Back then, Yin Ren probably witnessed this scene.

But all the villagers were fleeing outside, and if Yin Ren's body approached, the overflowing evil power would only kill those mortals.

Long-distance magic… Even Yin Ren couldn’t perform magic accurately at such a distance. Zhong Cheng said as he tightly grasped the only short knife on Yin Ren’s body, and the pain from a thousand years ago overwhelmed him.

The mountain village was filled with sorrow, smoke, and fire. Huang Jin did not dare to collapse, and Ge Tingting was even more afraid to speak, and subconsciously moved closer to Zhong Cheng. The children had already hidden away - orphans picked up in troubled times had all seen such scenes.

Sure enough, the evil creatures looked at him in confusion. The hairless monkey evil creature smiled bitterly and said, "Master, you have to cast a spell to show us the way."

Zhong Cheng said obediently, but he just leaned forward slightly to observe the surrounding terrain. The pain of the evil force eroding his limbs, and the pain of witnessing the destruction of the mountain village tore at his heart. They constantly reminded him of the pain that the owner of this body had endured.

Zhong Cheng turned his head and looked at Huang Jin thoughtfully.

Fu Tianyi couldn't tell how he felt.

[We can't go in now, we are too weak.] Seeing that Zhong Cheng said it would not work, Huang Jin perked up and [first walked around to find a companion.]

He took the first step.

Even this newcomer knew that Yin Ren couldn't just do nothing.

"Before we act, I have a suggestion," Zhong Cheng said, trying to keep his voice calm.

The clean stone floor was covered with bloodstains and rags, and the faces of the mountain people were covered with dust. The cheerful atmosphere in the afternoon was like a dream, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear.

Zhong Cheng stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on his chest that was in great pain.

Inside the mountain village.

The mountain folks knew that he and Lu Xiaohe, the two "immortals", might still be there, but they did not even try to look for them. They just cried out "foreign sir" and cast their eyes eagerly into the depths of the mountain mist and black smoke.

Huang Jin was frightened by this "weird meat figurine" and his eyes trembled: "What are you doing!"

Under the red cloth, Zhong Cheng said as he slowly curled up his fingers.

The door of the ancestral hall was the strongest. It shook under the violent impact, and the door and walls shook off layers of mud and dust. Deep in the dust, there were carefully pasted animal skin talismans.

"You go and rescue the villagers." Zhong Cheng turned and said to the evil creatures. To be honest, considering the average IQ of these evil creatures, he didn't have much hope.

"We have to save them." Ge Tingting said in a clumsy voice, "If this continues, the village... No, if this continues, my memory will be damaged."

People continued to rush into the ancestral hall, which was surrounded by residential buildings. Some even climbed over the low walls surrounding it. Some even pushed their children over the wall, as if this simple ancestral hall was a great shelter.

The elderly were unable to move, and almost all of them died outside, while the young and strong people took on the task of guarding the rear. In this ancestral hall, except for a few young and strong people, most of them were teenagers and children.

Ge Tingting was right, they needed to do something. Yin Ren must have done something that made the dog become the weakest and most awake evil spirit.

It doesn’t work.

"My Lord Alien..."

The child clutched the corner of his brother's clothes and called out in a crying voice.

These are illusions, these people are long gone.

Fu Tianyi prepared himself for a long time before he could hold back from moving. He forced himself to look away and continued to look at the "divine dog" above the ancestral hall.

The black dog remained motionless, its concealment skills moving meticulously. It seemed to have sensed Fu Tianyi's gaze and glanced down at him almost jokingly.

Could it be that they made a mistake in their judgment? Was the original form of the vicious canine not a "divine dog"

Before Fu Tianyi could finish his thoughts, he saw Fu Xingchuan leaning down, performing a difficult levitating technique around himself, and charging straight at the black divine dog. The black dog dodged it easily, opened its mouth wide, and let out a mocking chuckle from its throat.

"I was wondering what went wrong with the technique, and it turns out that Shi An sent a few rookies to investigate. Being able to enter the memory of an evil spirit is not bad, not bad."

He licked his long beak and stretched out his body amid the screams of the mountain people.

"Although this form makes me uncomfortable, it is an evil creature that has been raised for a hundred years. At least it can be used. Who is that white dog? Could it have turned into a real dog?"

The white dog jumped over the roof tiles with great difficulty and landed on the ground with difficulty. Fu Xingchuan crouched down and let out a threatening howl.

This is hiding one's incompetence.

Lu Xiaohe was the first to react. She took a few steps forward and asked, "Sinking Club?"

"Science posts like yours are always the most annoying." The black dog spoke in human language and tacitly agreed with Lu Xiaohe's guess, "It's appropriate for him to die here."

It squatted there leisurely, as if waiting for something.

Lu Xiaohe made a gesture, signaling Fu Tianyi to recover more strength. She continued to stand in the front row: "Since I am going to die, I also want to die with a clear mind - you are here to destroy the evil memory, right?"

She specifically emphasized the four words "evil memory".

The black dog just flicked his tail lazily and didn't reply. It stood indifferently, watching the door of the ancestral hall tremble even more fiercely.

Bang, bang! The banging sound became louder and louder, and the unpleasant smell of burning herbs and blood wafted from outside the door. The invading army obviously had some practitioners accompanying them, and their abilities were not low.

Fu Xingchuan hid in the shadows like a real dog, while Fu Tianyi frantically recited spells in his mind, trying to refresh his tired body.

Lu Xiaohe did not give up. She took two steps forward and took a deep breath: "According to the "Records of Exorcists", this evil spirit was sealed by the great master Zhong Yi shortly after its birth. Even if you force yourself to maintain this form, you can't escape Zhong Yi..."

She kept her eyes fixed on the black dog.

The black dog was concentrating on looking at the door, and seemed to be a little annoyed by Lu Xiaohe's noise. A flash of black light appeared, and a spell hit Lu Xiaohe directly. A huge tear was cut in the fabric of the latter's clothes, but only a scratch without bleeding was left on his white arm. This university scholar's shell was stronger than she imagined.

Bang, bang! Black and red smoke came out from the crack in the door. The smoke touched the ancient animal skin charms, and the edges began to curl and turn black.

After failing to attack Lu Xiaohe, the black dog stood up cautiously and took two steps back.

"The memory of the evil will not weaken Zhong Yi's strength. It's not that easy for you to deal with us while avoiding him."

Lu Xiaohe continued his nonsense attack at Ke Xue Gang, trying to attract Black Dog's attention.

"We can then cooperate with him and seal you in advance, but it's hard to say whether you can leave normally by then. It's better to surrender now and let us help you change your shell—"

"Shut up!"

The black dog became more and more annoyed by the noise. It lowered its head and bared its fangs at Lu Xiaohe.

"Who do you think wants to escape, you stupid bitch?"

Lu Xiaohe was stunned.

It wasn't because the black dog was rude, but because its body was shaking violently, as if it was enduring great pain. It's like...just like that body is still reacting to the tragic situation in front of it.


The door of the ancestral hall was knocked open, and the Tuolu soldiers with machetes rushed in. Black Dog's attention was instantly diverted.

The soft armor on their bodies was stained with blood, almost black in the firelight. The murderous intent of these living people was stronger than that of modern evil creatures. No one wasted a word, and everyone raised their knives and chopped at the skinny boys and children.

The practitioner accompanying the Tuo Luo Army solemnly held a wooden box, which emitted a very strong and fierce aura. There must be many sources of evil power pollution inside, and even Lu Xiaohe, who was a scientist, could feel the abnormal chill.

The bodies of the children approaching the wooden box began to deform rapidly. Their bodies became as syrupy as molasses and collapsed in an instant, soon no longer resembling human beings.

The crying in the hospital suddenly became several degrees louder.

The black dog looked more and more intently, his eyes fixed on the box that was the size of a human head.


Fu Xingchuan let out a sharp bark and rushed towards the black dog again. Almost at the same time, Fu Tianyi attacked. He used all the forbidden magic techniques he had learned in his life, and countless runes hit the black dog.

Before a disaster occurs, the enemy must be eliminated from the black dog's body!

Fu Xingchuan bit the black dog's throat, and the black dog's concealment techniques were completely crushed by Fu Tianyi's restraining techniques, and it was caught red-handed.

Strangely, it didn't seem to resist.

Fu Xingchuan stopped his actions instantly, but it was too late.

The hiding technique failed, and the remaining people soon discovered their magical dog. People rushed forward and stretched out their hands, as if to touch it. Fu Xingchuan was instantly squeezed away by the surging crowd, and Fu Tianyi's vision was completely blocked.

"Call the alien master for us..."

"It doesn't matter if everyone dies, these people must die..."

"God Dog… "

People prayed with sobs, and there was a hint of despair in their voices.

The bodies of the children were lying on the ground, their sticky blood covering the stone slabs. The mountain people had no protection, and they all believed in "immortals". Under the attack of the evil force, they quickly lost their human appearance.

The facial features disappeared from where they should have been, and grew from where they shouldn't have been. The number of joints and bones increased visibly, and fat and flesh proliferated rapidly. The living organs swelled and shrank on their own, making the person look like a balloon, or as emaciated as a mummy.

Fu Tianyi couldn't help but be distracted for a moment, and even Lu Xiaohe gulped twice.

Unfortunately, the plight and pleas were not conveyed.

The mountain people's magic dog Si did not respond at all. Taking advantage of the crazy crowd, the black dog tried his best to break free from Fu Tianyi's restraints.

Its fur was still stuck to the restraints, and its entire body was covered in blood, as if it had just shed a layer of skin. But the black dog didn't care about its body covered in scales. It ignored the people around it and bit the box of the Tu Luojun.

In an instant, Fu Xingchuan's hair stood up.

The evil creature that the villagers had worshipped for a hundred years had some intelligence. They should have been in awe of such a strong evil force, but the practitioners of the Tu Luo Army had not expected this, and the box was bitten by the black dog evil creature.

The evil creature bared its fangs and bit the metal shell of the box to pieces. A large amount of translucent black fragments fell out of the box and were swallowed by the black dog evil creature.

After swallowing all the pollutants, the black dog turned its head with skin and flesh turned inside out, bared its teeth and smiled at An and the others in an approachable manner.

That smile sends chills down one's spine.

"Fool." It said, "Shi'an's research on the power of evil is still too backward."

In the firelight, its eyes looked like two dark holes.

"Your evil spirit isn't crazy enough yet, let me help it."

Before Fu Xingchuan could get close, two extra legs grew out of his dog-like body, making it impossible for him to stand steadily.


Fu Xingchuan bit his claws without hesitation, and blood splashed and stopped, showing a great instruction in the night.

By simply swallowing the pollution source, the evil creature will at most become stronger or explode, but it cannot become a fierce evil. This basic possibility has been tested by the Shenmu Society and Zhian long ago.

But this was a thousand years ago. This was the mountain village that gave birth to the great Taoist priest Zhong Yi. The environment was completely different from that of today.

For some unknown reason, the evil forces in the nearby mountains suddenly found a target and rushed towards the black dog. They passed through the night, penetrated the thick blood, and hit the black dog's body like raindrops.

Amid the panicked crowd, the black dog struggled in agony. Its body grew larger and larger, and kept changing shape, as if it was being kneaded crazily by invisible hands.

The levitation technique suddenly took effect, and Fu Xingchuan was pulled into the air by Fu Tianyi, and he couldn't help but risk looking back.

A fierce evil is about to be born in front of him.

The author has something to say:

Fu Xingchuan, legs 2

(End of this chapter)