Evil As Humans

Chapter 167: signal


"What's going on? What's in the box?" Fu Tianyi used the levitation technique to pull the man and the dog and rushed quickly towards the edge of the village.

The evil spirit surged behind him, and the oppressive feeling of the evil power was like a thorn in his back. Fu Tianyi had clearly walked through the gates of hell in the abandoned building of the hospital, but now he didn't even dare to turn his head back.

Fu Xingchuan shook his still bleeding claws, and the blood threads spelled out crooked words one by one. Lu Xiaohe cleared his throat and quickly read aloud for him—

"The box contains a source of evil power pollution, which the ghouls will use as a weapon. When used after a massacre, it can spawn a large number of evil creatures in a short period of time, creating maximum chaos."

Fu Xingchuan tried hard to shake off the blood on his claws, and the blood beads formed a new row of words.

"That person wanted to distort the memory of the underground evil through his own actions... ah, so that's it!"

Halfway through the reading, Lu Xiaohe took a breath. Fu Xingchuan saw someone react and licked his paws in a bitter tone.

"According to the real historical records, all the dogs started barking non-stop this morning, attracting a group of people to the mountain. With such a strange phenomenon, the village's preparations may be put on hold for the time being."

Lu Xiaohe made a quick deduction.

"The villagers have weapons in their hands and are alert. The great Taoist priest comes here every year, so the village's defenses must be good. Facing the Tushita army, the village would not fall so quickly. The divine dog should have become a vicious beast much later."

[Very good.] Fu Xingchuan waved his paw.

"The evil spirit is a living calamity!" Fu Tianyi turned his head and subconsciously retorted, "We have nothing now..."

"The enemy rewrites the memories of the evil, so we might as well join them. Your Fu family has that kind of distress signal passed down by your ancestors, right? Anyway, this is a memory, no one will really die. The enemy dares to make trouble like that, and this memory environment will not collapse in a short time."

"At the end of the Gong Dynasty, the imperial court was corrupt and was on high alert against the Huajisi. Fu Shangliu and Li Heyan had no intention of fighting for power, so they dispatched talented people to various places to prepare for dealing with enemy practitioners. Even in the deep mountains, as long as the signal of the magic was conspicuous enough, they could attract people."

Did he watch the mountain people he lived with die without helping them? Or even went crazy and slaughtered them

He severely injured the Great Master in a mad state and was sealed with hatred

The personality of intelligent creatures, experiences... or "memory constraints" play a big part. If the memory of this evil creature is rewritten, it will suddenly go crazy in reality...

Fu Tianyi swallowed his saliva. Although judging the situation and allocating resources were the job of the rear commander, he always felt that this woman was scarier than Dr. Cat—she was half a step away from being evil!

After thinking about it, he raised his hand immediately.

Fu Tianyi was born in a daze, after all, he was taught by the Fu family. He quickly realized the deep meaning and his face quickly turned bitter.

He doesn't care what will happen to this memory!

Blood-red fireworks exploded, instantly splitting the mountain mist. The blazing light balls transformed into red flying birds, dashing in all directions.

The moment he saw Lu Xiaohe's line of sight, he was stunned.

Fu Tianyi looked at Fu Xingchuan blankly again.

"Are we just going to sit there and watch?" Lu Xiaohe asked hoarsely, "What if the enemy can control that mad dog?"

Lu Xiaohe was looking at his attire—it was the clothes of the highest commander of the Huajisi, and the rune embroidery in the embroidery glowed with a hazy glow.

Lu Xiaohe's ten fingers moved slightly, as if he wanted to hit the keyboard.

What will happen to the Zhian Group? What will happen to everyone

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaohe's forehead was covered with sweat. She wiped the sweat near her eyelids. It was clearly memories, but the bitter and salty sweat stung her eyes and hurt.

It is hard to say how the memory will be distorted when the Great Heavenly Master arrives.

"You, you don't want to..." Fu Tianyi was tongue-tied.

So when the great Taoist priest Zhong Yi came here, it was not surprising that the evil creature had just been born and still had a little bit of rationality.

As luck would have it, their enemy had entered the divine dog's body. Not only did that bastard not give any warning, but he swallowed up a large amount of the evil power pollution source first, trying to become an evil spirit in advance.

The mountain mist dissipated like a curtain, and in the red light, a silent team stumbled forward. At this distance, Fu Tianyi could just see vague shadows.

Things were getting worse right in front of them, but they couldn't do anything.

But the enemy is rewriting its memory alive.

No way, is Gong Chao's Hua Ji Si so powerful? His distress signal hasn't been completely blown up yet.

What answered him was a rush of evil spirits—ghosts and demons, like the water flowing in a cold pond a hundred feet deep, which seemed to freeze the air around it. The laughter of children came faintly from the mist, making people's hair stand on end.

In the dark night, countless twisted limbs emerged from the mist and then retracted, and the intricate shadows became thicker and thinner. There was an unidentifiable strange rubbing sound on the dirt road, and the number of footsteps was shocking.

Evil creatures roam the night!

When it rains, it pours. Fu Tianyi wanted to cry. "Xiongsha" is indeed the ghost king. He hasn't even been born yet, and the evil creatures around him have come to pay homage

Just as he was about to turn around and run away, he heard Fu Xingchuan bark as if giving a warning.

The six-legged dog that Fu Xingchuan transformed into kicked desperately. He squeezed out the weak power in the dog's body and broke through the floating technique, making a hard landing. Seeing the strongest... no, the most reliable fighting force fall, Fu Tianyi's scalp exploded, and he quickly followed the landing.

They landed right in front of the approaching army of evil.

Directly in front of him, a blood-red figure about three meters tall was walking quietly. It was covered with seals that jingled, and its pale feet were the same color as the mountain mist. Behind him, on the left was a staggering big-headed doll, and on the right was a yellow sorghum rolling in an unseemly manner.

"Practitioners, don't look at me."

A familiar voice said.

"Practitioners, use your best protective techniques. Don't look at me."

Lu Xiaohe was the first to get excited. She left the two non-scientific people who were trying to protect themselves and said, "Yin Ren, I'm Lu Xiaohe! The evil spirit is about to be born, you better think of a solution-"

"Sister Xiaohe! I am Ge Tingting, and that Huangliang is Huang Jin."

Behind the Great Heavenly Master, a little girl's clear cry came from inside the big-headed doll's hood.

"This Yin Blade... This Yin Blade is the meat figurine mentioned by Zhong Cheng. We can't find the Yin Blade!"

Fu Xingchuan beside him paused for a moment.

Meat figurines? Meat figurines cannot be brought in, but if that old fellow Yin Ren created an evil creature... letting an evil creature have close contact with Zhong Chengshuo's parents is not something that this guy would do.

Recalling Yin Ren's sudden abandonment of "self-sealing", Fu Xingchuan suddenly thought of an absurd and extremely terrifying guess.

But now is not the time to be entangled. Fu Xingchuan lay on the ground with his two front paws covering his eyes.

[Will the magic work?] He spelled out the bloody words tiredly.

Ge Tingting looked at the communication device under the dog's ear in shock, but she reacted quickly and knew who the other party was referring to: "No, there is nothing we can do."

Fu Xingchuan raised his newly grown paws with trembling hands and covered his limp ears. [At least it's been put together. Everyone, do your best.] His mind was working quickly. [First of all]

Before Fu Xingchuan finished saying "first", he heard the blood-red figure like a beacon continuing to walk towards the village. The bells on the man's feet rang, as if he didn't see what he said.

"The meat figurines have an idea." Ge Tingting said hurriedly, pulling Fu Tianyi, "Minister Fu, you come too!"

Fu Tianyi: “…”

He looked at the dog helplessly.

The dog - Fu Xingchuan wanted to stick his paws into his ear holes, "The meat figurine has an idea", listen to what this means.

However, after escaping from reality for half a second, Fu Xingchuan still stood up and called out twice.

[Tianyi and Xiaolu gather reinforcements, use protective techniques on the outside, and slowly push in. I will go to the center with these people to explore, and you guys will act according to the situation.]

He wanted to see what ideas a "meat figurine" could come up with.

Shen Mo was very happy.

Although the black dog felt a suffocating pain and the evil spirit around him tended to be disordered when he saw the villagers being slaughtered, that was just the reaction of the evil spirit's subconscious, and the dominant consciousness was still him, Shen Mo.

It's better this way. The more suppressed you are now, the more crazy you will be when the time comes.

He swallowed the evil power contaminant without hesitation. He knew that the divine dog had done the same thing. But the poor idiots of Shian still knew nothing about the situation on the other side, giving him the upper hand.

The whole body was undergoing constant changes, and Shen Mo had a pleasant sensation of consciousness peeling off, leisurely feeling the body deforming, swelling, and trembling endlessly.

When the evil spirit took shape, he had to kill the remaining children in the ancestral hall first. The protection left by the great Taoist priest was quite effective. The evil spirit took shape nearby, and more than a dozen children who hid deep in the ancestral hall were still alive.

After killing everyone present, he can deal with those bugs and try out the so-called Great Heavenly Master...

According to the memories obtained from the "other shore", the great master was not wary of the dog. He could just show weakness first and kill it with one blow when it was off guard.

In his memory, all the people he cared about were killed by his own hands, which must be able to remove the last bit of rationality from the evil spirit.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura came from a certain direction.

The great master Zhong Yi arrived faster than expected... maybe it was some kind of butterfly effect.

But it doesn't matter.

Shen Mo let out a series of sobs. He directed the evil spirit that was about to take shape to flutter, and deliberately trembled even more violently. In the distorted vision, the red figure stood gently.

The Great Master stood quietly in front of him, saying nothing. Shen Mo moved closer, sobbing even louder.

That "Zhong Yi" still said nothing, and no magic was used. He just slowly raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Shen Mo.

The little girl following him hesitated for a moment, raised a short knife, and stabbed it directly into the arm of "Zhong Yi" that was wrapped in many seals. Blood immediately flowed out along the blade and dripped onto the ground.

The powerful blood seeped into the soil, and the next moment, there was a rumbling sound underground—

With Shen Mo at the center, a soft glow instantly blew away the mountain mist. The pearl-like glow spread over the broken walls and brushed over the bloody corpses. The remaining blue and red lights were instantly lit up, swaying slightly in the mountain breeze.

Tiny but dense bones were wriggling in the cracks of the mud. The blood and remains of the mountain people gathered around those bones, forming black and red runes on the ground.

In the night, the runes glowed brighter and brighter.

The fierce power around Shen Mo began to stagnate, and the flowing power suddenly turned into cement, which was extremely difficult to mobilize. Shen Mo looked at the runes in shock.

This group of people quietly drew a formation under the mud with corpses, and what they drew was nothing more than a modified giant Purifying Heart Spell. Why

Shen Mo tried to move his body, but at this moment his body was completely out of control. The subconscious sorrow and pain in his body eased a lot, and even the speed of the evil transformation slowed down.

Blood dripped down the wound of the Great Heavenly Master, supplying the formation drop by drop. The Heart Purification Mantra kept running, and Shen Mo was fixed in place.

But so what

This great master can only use his own blood as material. It seems that he can't cast spells.

Could it be that some unlucky scientist happened to become the great master Zhong Yi? Shen Mo looked down at the red figure. If he still had a mouth, he would definitely sneer.

Shi An and his men tried their best, but they could only trap themselves here. The birth of evil spirits only slowed down, but did not stop.

He doesn't mind dealing with these people.

The only fear of the great master Zhong Yi has been abolished. The destruction of Shi An will only come a little later than expected.

Unfortunately, he didn’t see that under the heavy red cloth, the “Great Heavenly Master” was smiling.

The Fu family's call for help was obvious enough, but this giant spell activated by the blood of the great master had a stronger presence.

Yin Ren didn't give him a signal, so he had to be the sender.

"I'm here."

Zhong Cheng said he was whispering silently with his lips.

Somewhere far away.

Yin Ren stopped exploring—a large "ripple" appeared in a certain direction. It became stronger and stronger, with countless small ripples around it. That area was completely different from the tiny ripples of other things, and it was as eye-catching as a fire in the dark night.

problem occurs.

Lord Ghost King took a deep breath mentally, and kicked the dog with his consciousness.

[Let’s begin!]

Yin Ren's thoughts were even excited.

[… I finally found them! ]

The author has something to say:

It's just a tool used by Lord Yan to set off fireworks (×

Xiao Yin:!!!

(End of this chapter)