Evil As Humans

Chapter 168: real


Not long ago, Yin Ren's head was numb from all the exploration.

He felt like he was stuck in a "bug" in reality, with a sense of emptiness everywhere, like a free fall. If it weren't for the dog whining beside him, he would hardly be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality. This is worse than the lightless confinement cell in the prison - at least the prisoners in the confinement cell can still feel different levels of touch.

In comparison, the thousand-year seal was like a vacation.

Yin Ren wandered around in the void, poking the dog with his thoughts from time to time to get some fresh feedback. Except for the ripples in the distance, he still got nothing.

This can't go on.

However, this kind of environment is just right for thinking. Since I can't regain the perception of this "body", I might as well find another way.

Yin Ren turned his "gaze" towards the crazy and restless dog.

According to the dog's explanation, the reason why they were sent to the same shell was probably because they had similar "natures" and were both related to the Yuanwu. His own strength was much stronger than the dog's, so the dog was treated as a bonus.

Memory spells do not identify it as an individual.

Yin Ren tried hard to analyze Shi An's memory spell - at this point, he was trapped by the spell and couldn't run away. But if he forcibly drew a line between himself and the dog thing, the spell in operation would definitely detect this loophole.

Yin Ren racked his brain in thought - now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

[Any cell phone would work.] Could it be that the cell phone chip is some kind of metaphysical object that he cannot understand

[It's different.] If I had a brain, the dog thing would definitely shake its head at super high speed. [Ordinary creatures can't carry me, their brains will be useless, it's just a matter of time.]

The dog disappeared, and there was a real void around him.

[Brother Zhong, I have sent you this message. Please reply to me as soon as possible.]

[Can't find a body to carry you?]

The nearby ricket army was contaminated by the evil power and most of them died. In the night, there was only mountain mist and light wind, and it was eerily quiet.

The Heart Purification Mantra was still in effect, but the evil spirit was still growing. It was slowly and irresistibly expanding. Fu Xingchuan, Huang Jin, and Ge Tingting did not dare to observe it anymore. Only Zhong Cheng looked at it calmly.

In the boundless void, Yin Ren relaxed his spirit.

The great master in his memory is here, and his target is definitely here too! With such a big event, Zhong Cheng said he would not miss it either.

Now, the surface of the evil spirit's body has already shown the structure of an underdeveloped dog mouth. The evil spirit is completely wrapped in a layer of translucent black flesh membrane, and mucus flows along its uneven surface. The black dog's skin and flesh have long been cracked, revealing the brown-red blood and bones underneath.

Lu Xiaohe was broadcasting continuously through the communication headset. The reinforcements of Huajisi had arrived outside the village, and the ancient practitioners were cautiously advancing into the encirclement. However, the evil power was so active that they did not continue to move forward.

He let the dog take over his memory at the moment. That was his request for help, his concern.

He just needs a hint, a small one, a subtle one...

Also, his protector, Yin Ren, also packed the memories from thousands of years ago. If something unexpected happened and the memory environment was seriously deviated, it could serve as a patch.

Next, it will follow the existing rules and find another body for the dog.

In Yin Ren's mind, an extremely complex spell took shape instantly. The runes entangled Gou Dongxi's shrunken figure, and in less than half a second, Gou Dongxi's consciousness shot up. It carried the memories entrusted by Yin Ren and flew away like a cannonball.

Suddenly, the area where they were located lit up with a dark red glow, and the surrounding scene appeared with dislocated noise, as if data was distorted.

She didn't know if the evil power in her memory would leave any sequelae, nor did she know what would happen if the body in her memory was damaged... She didn't know what would happen to them if the evil spirit really went crazy because of the confusion in their memory.

Yin Ren thought about the bird with the exploding head for a while and took a deep breath. But the next moment, the Ghost King came to his senses.

Yin Ren let out a breath.

It doesn't matter, I have already sent out the things that should be sent.

Who knew that as soon as Yin Ren put this thought aside, Goudong expressed his opposition wildly.

The evil spirits are not ordinary creatures, and Yin Ren is certainly not an ordinary evil spirit.

He knew which body to put the dog stuff into. But the ripples were 360 degrees and he was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The interference was so much that it was overwhelming.

Beside her, the meat figurine stood straight. His posture was calm and relaxed, as if he was waiting for an appointment. Fu Xingchuan also stood still, using his short body to protect everyone.

If I can't get out of the mountain, I will return to my original nature.

“Great Heavenly Master Zhong Yi” is performing a spell.

[Now in our memories, the creatures and evil things outside are not "living things". No matter what identity you are possessed by, the real carrier is me and that evil brain.]

"What should I do?" Ge Tingting's hand holding the dagger was trembling.

He and Xiongsha's memories overlapped. When the black dog Xiongsha was born, a very obvious "ripple" was produced. But he couldn't be sure that his target was just near Xiongsha.

If I could force the dog thing into a specific body and use it to transmit information, maybe I could talk to Zhong Cheng. Fortunately, he had carefully read this technique before and knew how to crack and modify it.

The blood dripped slowly onto the soil, but Zhong Cheng said the pattern was motionless.

Turning point only takes a moment.

Just trying not to retreat took all her courage.

"I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee success." The dog boss said reluctantly.

After reading Goudongxi's thoughts, Yin Ren was puzzled.

[It begins! … I finally found them! ]

Next to the gradually growing fierce ripples, another familiar ripple surged. The feeling it gave people was very similar to the fierce ripples, and Yin Ren was very sure that it was himself.

The dog fell into deep thought. After about half an hour, it finally agreed.

It was becoming more and more like the evil creature in the underground of Shi'an... the dangerous evil creature that was like a coral reef and spewed poisonous mist.

In his mind, Yin Ren repeatedly perfected the technique of "throwing" the dog thing away, calculating the talisman needed to send it to a specific target.

A vague black and gray vortex suddenly appeared beside Huang Liang, who was half paralyzed on the ground.


Ge Tingting didn't understand Huang Liang's language, but she could guess that it was probably a curse word.

In fact, that is a dirty word.

The situation was so serious that Huang Jin had already given up mentally. During the days he had worked at Shi'an, he had already learned the five-character mantra of "Haha, whatever" - a spiritual craftsman who now had no hands was like a heavy pendant to everyone.

Huang Jin never thought that he could be even more unlucky.

The change was sudden and swirling, and his head hurt as if someone had shoved a bowling ball into it. Something huge had crowded into his mind, and it felt as terrified as he was.

That thing also throws out some kind of thought similar to dirty talk.

Fortunately, the communication between thoughts was very fast. Huang Jin was confused by the shock of this uninvited guest, but at least he understood the meaning of "Yin Ren's reinforcements".

Huang Jin frantically repeated the Heart Purification Talisman in his mind and clenched his non-existent teeth.

[Okay.] He tried to convey his thoughts, [I'll leave it to you first, I'll try my best to hold on.] Phenomenon A-A682, Huangliang.

One of the most dangerous and rare corporeal evil creatures. Huangliang is very good at cognitive attacks, or in other words, it is very good at creating realistic illusions.

In the worried sight of Ge Tingting and Fu Xingchuan, the originally paralyzed Huangliang gradually became full. Its originally colorful surface turned into pure black, so abrupt that it looked like a hole in space.

In an instant, with Huangliang as the center, the surrounding environment seemed to be covered and began to change rapidly.

Under the same night, the land that was soaked with blood became clean, and the burnt remains turned back into burning houses. The corpses of people disappeared, replaced by the hurried running of mountain people. The quiet night was torn apart by the hoarse and broken barking of dogs, mixed with the people's shouts of "Enemy attack!"

Illusions exist in reality, but they are just illusions.

In the memory environment that is both real and illusory, the illusion is comparable to the "reality".

The conflicting memories are mixed together, and the world of memory falls into chaos. The evil spirit controlled by the enemy is affected by the environment and is firmly frozen in place.

Amid the noisy barking of dogs, Fu Xingchuan also shouted excitedly twice. Under the red cloth, Zhong Chengshuo closed his eyes.

"Yin Ren." He called softly.

It’s Yin Ren.

The enemy is wantonly tampering with the memories of the evil spirits. No matter what Shi An does, it will only worsen the chaos. The facts of a thousand years ago have long been obliterated, the memories have been destroyed and overwritten, and in theory they can never be restored. After all, even someone as strong as Shi An has only just sent someone in to investigate the details.

The sinking is so confident that they think it is just a "bad memory".

But what Shen Chen didn't know was that there was still a living witness to the incident.

That person can also bring the truth of that year back to the world.

The great Taoist priest who had stopped on the hillside that year witnessed the village that was close to him being destroyed step by step. The memory was so unforgettable that at this moment, the scene projected by Huangliang was so clear that it was terrifying.

The elderly and middle-aged people picked up their farm tools and rushed to the village entrance. The women guided the children to the ancestral hall, each holding a thick kitchen knife in their hands.

"Hurry! Hide quickly, hide in the deepest part of the ancestral hall, the great Taoist priest has left some magic!" The women kept telling him in hoarse voices, "No matter what you hear later, don't come out!"

The older children took on the role of leaders and led the younger children to the ancestral hall.

The divine dog shook off its satin and stood at the door, barking wildly, its voice even more anxious than that of the mountain people.

"Alien Master...Won't the Alien Master come to save us?" A child refused to leave her mother and hugged her mother's calf tightly.

"Be good, hide first."

The child's mother squatted down.

"The alien is too strong. If he attacks us, we will die faster. He has left a lot of protection for us. My dear, I will come to see you soon."

"But the ancestral hall can't accommodate so many people." The child said with a sob.

“… Mother knows.”

The woman raised her head and looked into the distance obscured by mountain mist.

"Mother knows."

The mountain people were very brave, and this time they fought with a terrifying momentum. When they pushed to the ancestral hall, the ricket army had lost one-third of its troops, and many of the remaining soldiers were injured.

There was only one practitioner left in the army.

The divine dog... or rather, the canine evil creature was covered in scales and marks of being burned by magic. It bared its teeth at the remaining ricket practitioner, and the gaps between its teeth were filled with human flesh and blood.

It dragged a broken leg and stood proudly at the gate of the ancestral hall, with the closed gate behind it.

"Go in and kill them all! Make sure these bastards have no descendants!"

The leading rickety man roared.

The black dog barked wildly, and black light appeared around it. The black light formed a shield, tightly protecting the door and wall of the ancestral hall. The rickety army changed to long arrows made of evil-repelling wood, and shot arrows at the black dog like a rain of arrows.

"Don't hit the dog!"

A clear sound was heard.

That was the little girl who had just hugged her mother and refused to let go. She refused to enter the ancestral hall, and did not wait for her mother. The little girl's face was red from crying, and her eyes were swollen like peaches.

She stumbled out and hugged the black dog's torn neck.

Several arrows pierced her shoulders and arms in an instant, but the child hugged the black dog tightly as if she was unaware of the pain.

"Dog, go... go find the alien master, and help him drive the bad guys away..."

She whispered into the dog's ear, her voice still tearful.

"Don't deal with them by yourself, it hurts..."

The black dog barked even more sharply, and another layer of shield was deployed in front of the girl. The arrows hit the shield and fell to the ground. The black dog panted even more fiercely, and his eyes glowed with a terrifying bloody light in the darkness.

The only remaining practitioner in the Carnal Army made a grim gesture, and the rain of arrows stopped abruptly.

The practitioner stretched out his hands and muttered something.

The red silk fell, and a metal box emitting a strong and fierce power floated up into the air and flew straight towards the black dog. It flew fast and steadily, and the moment it touched it, the black dog's shield burst like a soap bubble. The girl hugged the dog's neck tightly and looked at the metal box with exquisite patterns in confusion.

The next moment, the girl began to melt.

Her facial features expanded and shrank, moving on the surface of her body. Her limbs quickly collapsed, and her entire body melted into a terrifying heap like a wax block exposed to fire. Bones pierced through the thin skin and stuck randomly on the flesh.

The child seemed to feel no pain, and her distorted eyes slowly turned towards the black dog.

"Dog...dog, dog."

She murmured.


The box filled with pollution sources continued to move forward towards the black dog. As long as the black dog dodged, the gate of the ancestral hall would be the next to be broken.

So it didn't hide away.

There was no scream or wail. The black dog lowered its head and sniffed the girl's melting body. Then it turned away with great difficulty and leaped. The metal box was bitten hard in its mouth.


Black blood flowed out from between the dog's teeth, and the metal layer shattered instantly. The source of the evil power pollution rolled out and was swallowed up by the black dog.

The next moment, it resolutely rushed towards the remaining Rickets.

The author has something to say:

Yin Ren sent the truth.rar compressed package (×

(End of this chapter)