Evil As Humans

Chapter 170: overture


Not long ago, outside the village, the masters of Huajisi formed a formation on their own. Due to the contamination of the evil embryo, they did not move forward.

Fu Tianyi felt uncomfortable all over.

What bothered him was not the evil embryo, but the group of Huajisi colleagues. I don't know if it was because of the memory world, but I could only see the rough shapes of these masters. The faces around him were blurred, and the uncanny valley effect was stronger than that of the evil creatures.

The problem is that the blurry filters of this group of people are not the same, and the degree of blurring varies. Fu Tianyi tried to keep his face straight, and cold sweat began to break out on his back.

Half a step away, Lu Xiaohe was unusually silent.

She first looked at her cuffs with delicate embroidery, then looked at the masters around her who were wearing blurry filters, her expression very solemn.

"You are the commander in the rear, sister, think of a solution!" Fu Tianyi moved closer to Lu Xiaohe, "We can't just stand here."

"It's a bit strange." said Lu Xiaohe.

"Of course I know this is strange!" Fu Tianyi wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"We are in the world of memory, and the impression of this village and these people essentially comes from the memories of Yin Ren and Xiong Sha. So these guerrilla masters from nearby do not have a deep impression on them."

Fu Tianyi immediately drew a talisman to amplify the sound, while Lu Xiaohe put the earphones to his ears and listened attentively.

In the center of the village, the surface of the evil embryo gradually turned black, like rotten fruit.

Fu Tianyi stood there in a daze. He had never thought about this question before.

[Use the Yang-blocking spell, start from the southwest, and don't stop at the first two...] For the first time, Ge Tingting recalled the time when she couldn't speak. She was trying to do two things at once, and her brain was about to explode.

The evil forces around them were almost out of control, lashing out like whips, stirring up ripples of dust. The burned houses could not withstand the wind and fell down like straw.

"Xiaosha Ya can't even come into contact with Huajisi who is far away in the capital. Thousands of years ago, Yin Ren had a special physique and the pollution around him was out of control. He could only come into contact with this village at most, but he couldn't enter the world at all. Where did the clear memory of Huajisi, as well as the appearance of Fu and Li, come from?"

Fu Tianyi and Lu Xiaohe looked at each other.

Fu Tianyi: “…Ah?”

Although Ge Tingting is young, there is already a hint of sadness in her eyes.

There were only a few living creatures left in the huge open space.

But she knew that she was just doing repetitive work—

Once again, it protected them from the raging evil force.

Unfortunately, Lu Xiaohe didn't have time to think about it. Less than five seconds later, Ge Tingting's voice came from the communication headset. Despite the heavy noise, the girl's clear voice was particularly penetrating.

Fu Tianyi's mind was full of questions. The memory world was constructed based on the memories of Xiongsha and Yinren. Isn't this the most basic information

She conveyed Fu Xingchuan's real-time analysis in a hoarse voice, and her hands were still refining the rough runes drawn by the dog's paws. Those patterns were extremely familiar, and were obviously the residual skin sealing technique that leaked out from the gap last time.

[Command everyone, Sixty-four Fu Yin Formation! Fu Xingchuan said.]

A chill penetrated his blood vessels along the soles of his feet and reached his heart.

Lu Xiaohe frowned: "Why is the connection between Hua Jisi and the two of us so clear?"

Since the "Zhong Cheng Shuo meat figurine" can only bleed and provide materials for the magic, Ge Tingting was responsible for both passing on the message and drawing the talisman on the spot.

Huang Jin propped up his shaky body and continued to play his illusion "holographic video". Fu Xingchuan stared at the master who performed the magic, wishing he had six more eyes.

[The Sixty-Four Fu Yin Formation continues, and four people are sent out to use the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Seal, pushing the seal two hundred steps towards the center of the village.]

At her feet, Fu Xingchuan stood still, his eyes almost popping out. As soon as the master's complicated hand gestures were performed, he could analyze what kind of magic it was. After conveying the instructions, he immediately used his claws to scratch the outline of the runes on the ground and asked Ge Tingting to correct them carefully.

Gradually, the masters' external sealing techniques overlapped with the seals of Yin Ren thousands of years ago. The talisman that sealed the evil spirit was also quickly broken apart and analyzed by Fu Xingchuan.

The "Great Master" here only needs to do one thing, which is to drip blood on the talisman to provide power.

People are like double shadows, and the brilliance of their magic techniques gradually becomes the same.

Two figures in red stood side by side. Zhong Chengshuo turned his head and looked at his lovers from a thousand years ago.

Countless Taoist magics were flying around like they were free, and Yin Ren's face gradually turned gray. The man's beautiful long hair was covered with dust and blood, without any luster. There was no joy or happiness in his red eyes, as if they were a pair of dead objects.

Zhong Cheng said he did not see madness in that familiar face, he only sensed deep fatigue and sorrow. The man's facial features were still the same as he remembered, but his eyes were like those of an old man who was about to die.

The Yin Ren he knew was always a lively person. Zhong Cheng said that this was the first time he saw Yin Ren like this - weak, cold, like burnt ash.

The end of the Gong Dynasty was the time when the great Taoist priest Zhong Yi died, and it was also the beginning of the sealing of the evil Yin Ren.

What exactly happened to you

At this moment, the dagger in Yin Ren's hand from a thousand years ago was soaked with blood, and it flashed a beautiful and dangerous light. The deep red lines flowed, gradually changing into a look that Zhong Chengshuo was extremely familiar with.

Top-level cursed weapon, evil consequences.

Between the five slender pale fingers, the short knife was so bright that it was blinding. It glowed crimson in the darkness, and the army of evil creatures following Yin Ren became agitated, with mutterings and screams echoing throughout the night sky.

It was like it was commanding them. Strange, evil shouldn't have such power. Unfortunately, Yin Ren in the illusion wouldn't answer any of his questions.

The red blade pointed directly at the evil spirit, with countless sealing techniques as the auxiliary and an extremely complex and strange seal as the main one. It was like a flower blooming upside down, and the glimmering seals closed layer by layer, wrapping the dark evil spirit embryo inside. The latter obviously did not intend to be sealed honestly. In the shackle-like seal, it struggled madly, setting off waves of evil spirit power.

Amidst the flying sand and rocks, Zhong Cheng's ears moved.

Not far away, someone's soles were gently scraping against the sand.

Zhong Cheng said as he turned around abruptly—the only surviving practitioner of the Luo Army was not dead. Most of his body was broken, as if he was submerged by invisible waves. But this did not affect his steady breathing. Most of the guy's body was "embedded" in the ruins, and his eyes were staring at the evil fruit in Yin Ren's hand.

A person with special abilities from the Charon faction. His method of self-preservation is similar to Bai Yongji's. It is estimated that he also has the ability to "transfer part of the body to the other side for safety."

This fellow was not here just now. It must be because the competition is getting intense and we are trying to see if we can benefit from it.

And it was impossible for Yin Ren not to notice it.

Zhong Chengshuo retracted his gaze and looked at Yin Ren from a thousand years ago again.

Yin Ren looked straight ahead, as if he hadn't noticed the man. Under the aura of magic, he held the dagger tightly and swung it from time to time. The army of evil creatures seemed to have received instructions, adjusting their formation according to his movements to assist in the seal.

For a moment, ruins and corpses were mixed together, and the mountain mist and the night sky were stirring together. The plants within a hundred steps around were scattered into dust, and the blood on the ground turned into red frost. The rumbling of the collapse was mixed with the cry of evil creatures, and the howling of the wind was accompanied by the whisper of the unknown.

Perhaps this seal was special. Rather than a violent collision, it was more like a long, painful nightmare.

The sky gradually turned white, and the evil embryo was wrapped in countless seals into a giant red ball. Under the heavy isolation, it no longer struggled, and the evil power around it lost its source and gradually faded.

Minister Fu completely abandoned his dignity, stuck out his tongue and exhaled. Huang Jin collapsed on the spot, and Huang Liang collapsed on the ground like an egg. Ge Tingting sat there with her knees hugged. Her face was pale and her eyes were blank. She was probably thinking about whether to faint.

After a night of high-intensity sealing, they managed to seal the evil spirit that the Sinking Society controlled. Although it was only a weakened version in their memory, everyone still looked like they were on the verge of death.

The seal made by the Great Master was round and smooth, like a full pearl. However, even with historical illusions as teaching materials, Shi An's seal was made by a little girl and a dog's paw, and the seal was uneven and looked like a walnut.

At least it's sealed.

[I want to pass out.]

Huang Jin weakly grabbed a bone and pulled it on the ground.

[The enemy has been sealed, and the memory is not distorted much, so it's okay. I'm ready to faint. ]

[No.] Fu Xingchuan exhaled, [The memory hasn't ended yet, hold on for a while longer.]

Zhong Cheng said that he didn't say a word from beginning to end. He just watched Yin Ren quietly all night.

Until the giant red ball sank deep into the ground, Yin Ren did not deal with the watching Charismatic practitioner, and simply pretended that he did not exist.

Yin Ren wrapped the evil fruit very slowly, put it in his arms, and wrapped himself up like a weak cocoon again. After returning to his "original form", he seemed to have thought of something and added several more seals to himself.

With a gesture, all the evil creatures behind him dispersed.

Then he walked towards the ancestral hall which was still relatively intact.

When he came out, there were already more than thirty young men and children behind him. Each of them had a red cloth seal around their eyes, and their bodies were supported by magic, and they walked slowly.

"Master Yiren." The oldest child, only fourteen or fifteen years old, said with a trembling voice, "We...where are we going? Our parents, and the divine dog..."

"I will escort you out of the village, and then someone will lead you to a safe place. I will deal with the nearby Rickets." Yin Ren said softly, ignoring the last two questions.

The young man did not ask any more questions. Even though his face was covered with a red cloth, tears still flowed down his cheeks.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Yin Ren.

Under the red cloth, Yin Ren let out a long breath. He waved his hands and summoned two evil creatures that looked like ordinary people, telling them to follow the team for the time being. In the end, Yin Ren was still worried, so he wrapped himself with several layers of red cloth for sealing.

The children staggered away from their homeland, and the morning light once again broke through the darkness. Under the warm sunlight, Yin Village was left with only broken walls and ruins that looked lifeless. The place where the evil spirit was sealed was left with only a round pool of red, like a pool of blood that would never solidify.

Yin Ren followed far behind the team.

As he was about to leave, he paused for a moment. The sound of the bell echoed, and the red-coated figure turned clumsily and faced the ruined village.

The thick seal wrapped the man into a human shape, but Zhong Cheng said he could still detect the man's trembling.

When daybreak came, everything was dead silent, not a rooster crowed.

"Come back next year to report peace." From under the red cloth, a soft humming could be heard, "Come back next year to report peace..."

Maybe it was Zhong Chengshuo's illusion, he always felt that Yin Ren's eyes quickly swept over the hiding place of the Tu Luojun practitioners. Zhong Chengshuo just wanted to confirm it further, but the illusion burst like a soap bubble, revealing a world that was distorted and failed after being submerged.

The "double image" disappeared, but with the efforts of several people, the ruins were almost the same as the illusion in memory.

In the ruins, Huang Jin lay paralyzed on the ground, completely unconscious.

(End of this chapter)