Evil As Humans

Chapter 171: Red apple


When Shen Mo was sealed into the ground, he was more surprised and amused than angry.

This should have been a simple task. He sneaked into Shi'an Jisha's head and twisted the most important memories of that beast. As long as the memory is tampered with enough, it will never be able to maintain its current peaceful state - the originally docile evil will suddenly go crazy, and Shi'an will be severely damaged from within.

Shen Mo was a little surprised to meet someone from Shi An in the memory world. However, Shi'an has never stopped researching evil spirits, and it is reasonable to explore the world of memory.

Shen Mo never expected that Shi'an and the others would still be able to fight against the vicious evil that had transformed in his memory.

Wrapped in layers of seals deep underground, Shen Mo laughed out loud inside the sleeping evil spirit.

During the incubation process of the evil spirit, his perception of the outside world gradually became blurred and confused. He only remembered how Shi'an and the others cooperated - the dog who analyzed the spells was most likely Fu Xingchuan.

Shen Mo only found it very funny that the high-spirited boy back then had ended up in this state.

Having had enough fun, he held his breath and concentrated, activating his ability. As if floating from the bottom of the sea to the surface, the surroundings gradually become brighter, and the coldness and heaviness around him gradually disappeared. Shen Mo "floated" this memory, and he drifted in that dangerous and unknown space, letting his thoughts wander.

The evil spirit was sealed and fell into a deep sleep. Next, no matter how he distorts the outside world, its memory cannot be modified. It wouldn't be a bad idea to try it again, but Shi'an was on guard, so there was no point in repeating the same trick.

[I communicated with the thing in my head, and it didn’t know where it came from.]

Something is fishy.

He peered patiently into the shadows without removing even a single grain of sand.

If he was still in Shi'an, this would indeed be an emergency evacuation situation. Shen Mo chuckled twice, calmed down and went back again.

[Meet up with the two outside the village and continue to recreate the truth of that year. ] Fu Xingchuan shook his dusty fur.

The person who had covered the Great Heavenly Master's shell was stuck in place like a wooden stake.

The yellow beam that reappeared in the past was still paralyzed on the ground, no different from liquid. The girl and the dog were still wandering around the place where the evil spirit was sealed, working tirelessly to strengthen the seal.

Thousands of years ago, the evil spirit was sealed before it was fully born. And Shi'an can still imitate the Great Heavenly Master's operations in his memory. Where did they get such clear memories

Darkness and coldness struck again.

Logically speaking, he should evacuate quickly.

Sure enough, sure enough. Shen Mo relaxed his tired and broken body, and his mind became relaxed and happy.

He aimed at the direction he had just surfaced and returned the same way.

[Yin Ren was stuck in a bug-like place and lost all sense. He didn't know where he was. What do we do next?]

Zhong Cheng said he finally moved: "Aren't you going to find that person?"

When he said this, his body tilted slightly. Zhong Cheng said that in the direction of the tilt, there was a large area of ruins of houses lying.

Two hours later, Huang Jin finally had enough of being unconscious.

In the darkness, Shen Mo could vaguely detect a large and gray object. Compared to it, the little balls floating around looked like fry in a coral reef. A description is a description, but in fact these things have no clear "volume". The vague feelings of size only stayed in his mind, and Shen Mo was not stupid enough to open his eyes and observe.

In the bloody ruins, Shen Mo moved his new body and skillfully blended into the wall. He tried his best to suppress his breath, stretched out his eyes from the ruins, and looked in the direction of the people in Shi'an.

Shen Mo fell into the world of memory again. This time he made no mistake and found the body he originally planned to use - the first practitioner of the Yiluo Army, the "Half-Step Charon" who controlled pollutants.

The evil spirit fell into a deep sleep, but the world of memory did not end there... It was like someone's memory continued to keep the world running. Shi'an definitely has fresh and good information over there.

This is so interesting.

Hearing Zhong Cheng say that he would address Yin Ren as "that person", Fu Xingchuan paused for a few seconds, looked at Zhong Cheng meaningfully and said: "It's better to read the letter first than to search aimlessly."]

Zhong Cheng said that he should abide by his duties as a flesh figurine. He just nodded and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Huang Jin heard that he wanted to work part-time as a projector, he wailed: "Since this thing was squeezed into my head, I have silently drawn the Qingxin Talisman ten thousand times!"]

"Practice is very useful." Ge Tingting comforted him, "Do you still remember Fu Tianyi from before? He has improved a lot."

Perhaps thinking of the miserable situation of Fu Tianyi being drilled by Yin Ren, Huang Jin spread out even more, his movements full of despair.

The group of people rested until noon, and the yellow beam finally returned to its spherical shape. Zhong Cheng said that he would also press his bleeding hand on the yellow beam to provide power for its illusion.

His movements were silent and obedient, like those of a real flesh figurine.

The illusion resumes at a break point, and the figure of the Great Heavenly Master from thousands of years ago appears again. Yin Ren watched the humanoid evil creature take the children away, and then walked step by step towards the outside of the village.

The Great Heavenly Master's steps were even weaker than when he came. If he was hiding his weakness before, he didn't even hide it this time.

In the illusion, Charon of the Yiluo Army emerged from a charred wooden beam, his eyes greedily staring in the direction of the Great Heavenly Master. His eyes moved from Yin Ren's free hand to the chest containing the evil fruit, his expression mixed with malice and desire.

Shi'an and others watched this man's sneaky appearance carefully and followed him all the way to the outside of the village. The backs of the four people were not far away. Shen Mo controlled Charon in "reality" and followed quietly behind them.

In a blink of an eye, it was five days.

The six members of Shi'an have gathered together, and the four of them and two objects follow the illusion without stopping.

The dilapidated mountain villages had long disappeared around everyone. They followed Yin Ren and the children as they advanced through the wilderness, watching as the surrounding vegetation gradually became sparse. The wilderness turned into hills and then into rugged mountains. The surroundings became more and more desolate as we walked, and there were even fewer birds in the sky.

I don’t know if he was concerned about those children, but the Great Heavenly Master did not let his army of evil things stay permanently.

He would just take out the evil fruit every few hours, rub it lovingly for a long time, and then use it to "command" the evil creatures around him, asking them to pretend to patrol around.

As a result, this top cursed spiritual weapon turned into a good fishing hook.

In the illusion, Charon, who was following the Great Heavenly Master, did not give up and followed for hundreds of miles even though he was injured.

Until a group of people walked deep into the mountains.

Up to now, Lu Xiaohe's recorded movements have been much slower. Since the detection equipment was gone, she tended to regard Fu Tianyi as a machine for measuring the concentration of evil spirits - Fu Tianyi's face was so green that he could enter the bronze exhibition hall, which showed that something was wrong here.

Even Charon, who had been following the Great Celestial Master, hesitated.

"Who knows where this place is? There's not even a map, blah blah blah." Huang Jin said wilfully.

During the past five days, Fu Xingchuan had not been idle. He directed Fu Tianyi to get two spiritual weapons that could emit human voices, so that Huang Liang would not have to find a tree branch to scratch every sentence. Unfortunately, the materials are limited and this thing fails from time to time.

"According to the records in "Warning Against Evil", the Great Celestial Master sometimes disappears for a period of time. It is said that he will hide in inaccessible places to practice."

Lu Xiaohe said while recording.

"Now it seems..." She breathed a sigh of relief and said no more.

Everyone present knew what she wanted to say.

Now it seems that Yin Ren's body is too polluted by the evil power. He couldn't control things tightly three hundred and sixty-five days a year, so he always took some time off to find a place where no one was around to catch his breath.

Right now, it’s not yet the time for the legendary Great Celestial Master to “practice”. While fishing, Yin Ren seemed to be planning to take these children near his hiding place so that they could stay away from the flames of war.

This looked like the Yin Ren she knew so well. Lu Xiaohe put down the charcoal pen and subconsciously looked at "Zhong Cheng's theory".

Since the ferocious canine was sealed and everyone officially reunited, the flesh figurine has hardly participated in any conversations. He just sat upright in the shell of the Great Celestial Master, even more silent than ordinary flesh figurines, with his face always facing the direction of the "Great Celestial Master" thousands of years ago.

Covered by the red cloth, Lu Xiaohe could not see the expression of the "flesh figurine" at this moment.

At this moment, the Great Heavenly Master was sitting on a piece of bluestone to rest. Since the battle in Yincun, the Great Heavenly Master has been sleeping for longer and longer. At this moment, the man was slumped on the stone again, his whole red cocoon swaying, and he was about to fall asleep.

Until a young man came with an evil thing.

Seeing someone coming, the Great Heavenly Master quickly sat up straight and even secretly cleared his throat: "What's the matter?"

That was the eldest boy in Yin Village. The young man lowered his head, his hand was guided by an evil object, and his eyes were covered with protective coverings.

"I... I want to give this to you." The young man whispered, holding a small bag in his arms, "My brother brought this from outside the village, it's good. I've been holding it in my arms, and now it's just ripe. , it’s time to eat.”

As he spoke, he carefully offered the package.

In the past few days, the Great Heavenly Master has been sending evil beings to collect animal meat, bird eggs, wild vegetables and fruits for the children to eat. After a few days, although the boy's face was pale and his tears were obvious, fortunately, his body was not weak. Yin Ren was not polite to him, he made a gesture, and the cloth bag flew into his hand out of thin air.

Among the clean cloth, an apple lies quietly.

The apple is red, plump, fragrant, and exudes an oily and soft luster, which is incomparable to the small green, yellow, sour fruits in the mountains and forests. Yin Ren seemed a little surprised. He picked up the apple and sniffed it carefully.

"Thank you... Well, I accepted this offering." He spoke as solemnly as possible.

Having said that, Yin Ren didn't say anything and just wiped it cherishingly. He attached several preservation spells to the apple, and then cherished it in his arms.

"Once they have rested, we will set off immediately."

After arranging his clothes, Yin Ren ordered Xiewu.

"You need to rest..." The humanoid evil creature opened its eyes with missing pupils.

"I don't have much time. This matter needs to be settled quickly."

The Great Heavenly Master looked into the depths of the mountains.

"We have to return to Skeleton Valley as soon as possible."

(End of chapter)