Evil As Humans

Chapter 174: Agreement


Yin Ren didn't pay attention to Rabbit's little movements.

The evil seal was first, and the blood formation was drawn later, and he was extremely weak. A red dress was scattered on the ground, like shrunken and withered petals. Yin Ren sat in the rain, and the burning incense reflected three spots of light in his eyes.

The rain continued, and the raindrops pattered on the umbrella above the rabbit's head. Yin Ren was not covered, and his whole body was soaked. The overwhelming aura of the Great Heavenly Master was gone, and he even looked "weak".

The army had already climbed up the cliff. The leader saw the altar and stopped cautiously. The cliffs were sealed by the Yi Luo army, and black people grew out of the originally gray ground, like a burned wilderness.

Everyone in Shi'an looked at the images in the illusion, but no one said anything.

They all knew that if Yin Ren could survive, he could have summoned his army of evil creatures here. As long as he uses the evil object as cannon fodder, he can escape even if he leaves on foot.

But he just sat there alone, obviously determined to die.

But in the face of death, the Great Heavenly Master was not the fearless Great Heavenly Master in the legend. Yin Ren was more like the Yin Ren they knew.

When he made a wish, his voice sounded relaxed and nervous, as if he was trying a new game at an amusement park.

"It shouldn't be difficult for my wish to come true."

"You sense it, me."

"It's worth a visit." Rabbit seemed to understand, and repeated like the spiritual weapon repeater on his body.

The rabbit didn't move.

The next moment, the magic light flashed, and Yin Ren's throat was opened by his own magic.

"Anyway, it's time for you to go." Yin Ren sighed.

Seeing this formation that was like a natural disaster, the Yiluo army immediately turned into ants on a hot pot. The army retreated like a wave, scrambling to escape from the Valley of Bones. But the horses couldn't get in here, and the earthquake became more serious. With only two legs, the soldiers retreated at a speed that was not worth mentioning.

The once magnificent Heavenly Master fell to the ground, and the blood spattered from his wounds instantly covered the stone slabs and splashed all over the rabbit. Watered by a large amount of blood, the huge formation on the cliff suddenly activated, and red light cells lit up in the distance.

Yin Ren burst into laughter.

"I hope those children live well and die in peace."

The body of the rabbit on the altar moved slightly.

It stood steadily in the center of the altar, carrying a small package containing evil consequences on its back, and its furry body did not rise and fall with breathing.

"If there is an afterlife, I really hope I can eat it every day..."

Yin Ren looked at the incense that was about to burn out.

The rabbit finally couldn't get enough of the apples anymore, but he couldn't get off the altar: "Where to go?"

Rabbit: "Oh."

"A rare offering, but I still haven't tasted it."

"It's time to get rid of the most powerful evil thing." Yin Ren said softly, brushing the raindrops off the rabbit's body. "Thank you for all these years..."

"Well, when you enter the world, remember to protect yourself."

"Two wishes." It thought thoughtfully as the earth trembled, "Peace, apple. A promise between 'me' and 'you'."

He just thought it hadn't eaten enough and gently touched the rabbit's moist body. The three sticks of incense are about to burn out, and only a short section is left in the incense burner. The cultivators in the Yiluo Army were frantically performing spells. The fluctuations in the spells around them became stronger and stronger, and the golden light around them became dazzling.

As the enemy troops encircled and advanced, Yin Ren slowly touched his throat with one hand. His Adam's apple moved, his fingers were blue and white, and they were shaking very obviously.

"No matter how powerful the evil thing is, people can deal with it."

But the rabbit it tied didn't fly away together. After a burst of tearing sound, the lonely evil fruit flew into the distance alone. And that strange rabbit seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds. It remained motionless and remained firmly on the altar.

"What is the world like?"

This sentence was beyond the black rabbit's ability to understand. It half-opened its mouth on its neck, and a small piece of apple fell out of its mouth.

"...I have never really been there." Yin Ren closed his eyes. "The people outside now are part of the human world. The people who grow this sweet fruit are also part of the human world. Over the years, I have heard about the outside world. The bloody waves, and I’ve heard about the romance outside, to be honest, I’m not sure what it’s like.”

The three incense sticks in the incense burner were extinguished at this moment, and the thin green smoke was scattered by the raindrops, leaving only clusters of ashes. The enemy cultivator's array was right in front of them, and in the light, everything in the world was reflected in white, like ashes.

The bright red blood reflected in its dull eyes.

"What, you want to ask for a title? If you become a guard rabbit, it's not impossible for me to worship you now."

The cultivators of the Yiluo army were still calm, but when they saw the cooked duck flying away, everyone immediately changed their spells. Those golden light virtual images turned from attack to defense. They surrounded Yin Ren's body, trying to cut off the blood formation.

No one noticed the small figure on the altar.

Those light cells move from far to near, like flower buds gathered together. It snares the entire Skeleton Valley, enveloping hundreds of thousands of yiluo troops. The ground in the Skeleton Valley shook wildly, and the rocks around the cliff cracked rapidly.

The rabbit finally understood these simple words. The black rabbit ignored the rain outside the umbrella and bounced up to the altar. It struggled to stretch its body to reach the other half of the apple on the offering plate.

Finally, his eyes moved to the half of the bright red fruit on the offering plate, and his chapped and bleeding lips moved slowly.

Yin Ren's attention was entirely on the incense that was about to burn out.

The blood also activated the spell on the package, and the evil consequences flew into the sky.

"The change of dynasties has nothing to do with me, and I am not interested in the righteousness of the world. It's just that the mortal orphans and heirs of my hometown who I take care of are hiding in the mountains in this troubled time. After I die, no one can keep them safe."

Yin Ren cleared his throat and bargained with the invisible god Void.

"You touched me."

"The human world."

"That's right, you can't understand such a complicated thing." Yin Ren smiled, "Anyway, it's a lively place worth visiting."

"...You admitted it, me."


A crack opened in the translation tool on the rabbit.

Under the cliff, the darkness that seemed to be eternal began to boil instantly. As if layers of fog were lifted, it became clearer and clearer.

That's not "pitch black" at all.

Its body surface is covered with twisted and dense lines, giving off an indescribable texture. Those lines are like the clouds of Jupiter, constantly changing and stirring, forming vortices that merge with each other. Accompanied by a harsh crackling sound, the piece of "darkness" swayed crazily under the cliff, spinning out a huge whirlpool.

The ocean-like darkness, with the whirlpool as the center, gradually gathered and became smaller, condensing into a ball. Countless strong winds blew from the bottom of the cliff, and the almost strong evil force was suffocating.

That thing worked hard to squeeze the main body, and it became more solid, and its body shape became more and more clear.

It's like passing through an invisible barrier.

"What is that-" In the illusion, Lu Xiaohe had to shout loudly to make sure his companions could hear him.

"Don't-look!" White Dog roared loudly, "Don't-look directly!"


The air was cold and thick, even if it was just an illusion, the emotion bypassed all rational inferences and penetrated straight into the depths of Fu Xingchuan's mind. Breathing becomes difficult, and the heartbeat is so fast that it will burst in the next second. Even air flowing over the skin can cause a pinprick-like pain.

Like a sharp knife rubbing against the edge of an artery, Fu Xingchuan had been walking in danger for many years. He had never had such a strong premonition of death.

And the reason for all this - he just saw an unclear outline in the golden light through distant memories.

The hair all over Fu Xingchuan's body exploded. Every brain cell in his mind screamed danger. Even when faced with the evil, he had never had such a strong sense of crisis.

Yi Luojun's reaction confirmed Fu Xingchuan's thoughts.

Even though the figure of the thing was mostly obscured by the golden light, as far as the eye could see, the Yiluo soldiers fell to their knees one after another - not out of respect, it was more like their legs were weak from fear. Many people were frothing at the mouth and their eyes were bloodshot. Some of them screamed and roared on the spot, as if they had been frightened beyond their ability to bear.

The next second, the spells of the Yi Luo practitioners were directly interrupted. They fell to the ground like soft bags, with feces and urine flowing out, eyes wide open and twitching. The golden light faded, and some of the people who could still move subconsciously looked in the direction of the cliff. In just a moment, these people's water balloons burst on the spot, and their fleshy flesh splashed far away.

Without the practitioner's magical resistance, Yin Ren's magic circle would be unmatched.

The crimson light prison moved forward indomitably, and the magic circle continued to gather towards the center of the magic circle, enveloping the entire army inside the Skeleton Valley.

In the center of the magic circle, the small altar collapsed with the cliff and fell into the bottomless abyss. Mountain peaks slid down, sand and rocks flew. The deep valley has now become a giant mouth made of rocks, sucking and devouring it like crazy.

The clouds stirred and darkness surged. For a moment, it seemed as if the whole world was collapsing toward that deep valley. The Yiluo army was forced by the magic circle to near the valley and fell like dumplings.

The originally murderous and indomitable steel army was as fragile as an ant colony in a heavy rain in the face of a near-natural disaster.

Even though they knew it was just an illusion, Shi'an and the others still couldn't help but fly into the air using the levitation technique. Except for Zhong Chengshuo, the others closed their eyes.

Only Zhong Cheng said that he stubbornly kept his eyes open - traveling through thousands of years of time, he looked directly at his past "self".

The freed darkness was swimming over the valley, and Yin Ren's body was firmly supported by it.

Everything is right, Zhong Cheng thought.

The person back then was really you. It seems they have been roommates for longer than they thought.

When did your own “knowledge” begin? Zhong Cheng said he didn’t remember. He also doesn't remember how long he has existed. He only knows that most of the time, he is like a tree or a piece of grass, living without thinking.

Without five senses or consciousness, his world is only nothingness and ripples, large or small.

And he wanders by instinct, and there is no thing called "thought", let alone the knowledge of "other creatures". In the boundless nothingness, only he exists.

No, maybe he doesn't even have the concept of "self".

Even after the "fall", Zhong Cheng said he didn't know that his state was called "pain." All he knew was that his body had been torn into many pieces and his position had changed. He could no longer wander around as he had in the past, as if he was stuck somewhere.

Broken and dying.

However, Zhong Cheng said that there was no fear, and he just continued to exist simply. If asked to describe his impression at that time, Zhong Cheng said he only felt vaguely "uncomfortable".

He continued in this state until the strange and powerful ripple approached.

Every once in a while, that ripple appears. The aura it exuded made him feel friendly, and Zhong Cheng said he instinctively spread out a little bit of his body, wanting to "touch" the ripple.

That big ripple always likes to carry three or two small ripples with it and integrate them into its body. You can imitate those small ripples and have natural contact with them.

Thousands of years ago, Zhong Cheng said that it took him three months to come up with this idea.

That may have been the first time it "thought for itself."

According to the plan, it strives to simulate the details of small ripples and throw out a little body. Sure enough, Da Lianyi was quickly attracted to him.

Once he got positive feedback, he repeated his trick and tried to contact other nearby ripples. However, except for that particularly powerful ripple, the other ripples did not give it any response, as if they did not recognize it.

Zhong Cheng said he gave up and decided to continue contacting the big ripple—


The big ripple taught him patiently.


It gave him a whole new "world".

From that time on, Zhong Chengshuo learned about the fast and slow vibration frequency, the rhythm of time passing, and knew that there are "self" and "others" in the world.

I know that there is still "sweetness" in this world.

As they come into contact more often, the body's restraints seem to loosen. The matter of "being recognized by the other party" was like a gap in the prison wall, allowing him to find a direction to move forward.

Unfortunately, it was not enough.

Zhong Cheng said that it was still stuck in place, but only got a little bit of room to loosen it. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care - it doesn't matter whether it's uncomfortable or whether it dies like this, it's not that important. "Feelings" were complex enough for him. At that time, Zhong Cheng said that he had no time to understand more advanced things like "emotions."

Zhong Cheng said that he decided to continue talking to that special Ripple, no, to "that person". At least during that brief time together, he would forget his uncomfortable state. But before he learned the meaning of colors, music, and fragrance, the man weakened first.

He knows that weakness! At that time, Zhong Cheng said that he was even somewhat satisfied that he had accomplished something. Some small ripples in the sky sometimes fall to the ground, and they weaken and break until only a faint remnant remains.

The man called this state "death", but Zhong Cheng said he firmly believed that this was just some kind of separation.

Before dying, the man presented two wishes and a gift -

He sent him a clear and widely known "concept".

He defines himself as "god".

The moment he was defined, Zhong Cheng said he only felt that the imprisonment on his body was more fragile than ever. The "human world" that was originally difficult to squeeze into suddenly had a place for him. So he moved his body with all his strength and squeezed himself into the human world.

At that time, he suddenly realized that it was such a refreshing thing to disappear from the "uncomfortable" state.

But he could no longer share this feeling.

That big ripple was about to disappear, leaving only an extremely weak remnant. Like stones, broken bones, falling rain—the ripples are simple and faint, completely worth mentioning.

This is death.

The man left again without leaving a date for his return.

If this doesn't work, you have to fix that person, Zhong Cheng said subconsciously a thousand years ago. His body was no longer in pain, but he still wanted to talk to that person again.

Zhong Cheng said that he instinctively sent power towards the weak ripples, but it was like spilling water into the desert, the ripples remained weak. Zhong Cheng said he was not discouraged, he poured in non-stop until he input half of his own strength.

The man gave himself half of the precious apple, and he gave him half of the precious power. That's fair enough.

Anyway, as long as the loss of strength is less than half, and if you have a good sleep, your strength will be restored to its original state.

It's a pity that the man's condition did not change after half the force was poured down. The ripples no longer disappear, but they remain weak.

It seems to be completely broken, Zhong Cheng thought in confusion. Since you can't fix it despite your best efforts, forget it.

It doesn't matter, he doesn't care either.

What's more important is to realize those two wishes, and... and to see the world.

Zhong Cheng rolled up the man's body with his body and rushed to the deepest part of the cliff. Disappearing with him were the evil forces scattered everywhere in the Skeleton Valley. Like raindrops flowing into the sea, those evil forces seeped out of the land and melted back into Zhong Chengshuo's body.

The pollution in the Skeleton Valley disappeared and was turned to the ground by that man's spell. This place is full of dead people and surrounded by mountains. The so-called enemies should not approach without permission. People living nearby can probably maintain peace.

As for apples and the world... let's wait until he's had enough sleep.

The huge darkness enveloped the bloody corpse and fell on the soft pile of corpses in the ground. Above him, the rock formations cracked and rocks rolled down, burying all the blood, chaos and unknown deep underground.

Thousands of years later, Zhong Cheng said he was floating in the air, quietly watching the outcome of everything.

The birth of that person turned into a terrifying rumor, and when he was alive, he was a legendary heavenly master that everyone respected. Who would have thought that his ending and wishes are no different from those of the most ordinary people in troubled times.

His hometown was destroyed, so he sacrificed his life for revenge. The only regret I have is that I can't let go of the younger generation. When death approaches, that person will also be nervous, reluctant, and... afraid.

The vibrations on the ground slowly stopped, and Yin Ren's technique was finally completed.

On the flat ground, the red light completely closed. Under the soil, the lines of the sealing spell flashed for an instant, and then disappeared into the shadows.

The landscape of Skull Valley changed drastically, turning into a plain in the mountains. All the pollution caused by the evil force disappeared, and the fertile land returned to its original appearance. There are birds flying in the sky, and everything is faintly alive.

But the hut on the cliff is no longer seen.

(End of chapter)