Evil As Humans

Chapter 2: Enthusiastic people


At the same time, in the center of Haigu City, Shi'an Group Park.

The huge office is brightly lit, with several large screens taking up one wall. Dozens of workstations were packed with people, and dozens of pairs of bloodshot eyes were locked on the screen.

In the exchange-like atmosphere, only one person stood.

This man was born tall and thin, and looked to be about forty years old. He wore an exaggerated red tassel earring on his left ear, and his hair was half-length and tied casually behind his head.

Ignoring his dark eyes and unshaven chin, this man could barely be called handsome. He was currently wearing an ocher red gown that was incompatible with the times, holding a can of energy drink in his hand, and his face was worse than the rest of the people combined.

"Minister Fu, the summoning spell did not respond, and the evil energy value in the sunset area has returned to normal. You see..."

A young man with a horse-faced face rubbed his face and tried to make a sound.

"Want to get off work?" Minister Fu glanced at him, "It's a beautiful thought. Let's go read the information on 'Fierce' again."

The man shrank his neck and glanced at a screen in the corner. The densely packed words and images are mixed together, making you dizzy just looking at them.

Compared to the obscure terminology and confusing diagrams at the back, only the first few paragraphs are barely mind-blowing.

"No matter what, we must stay until the last moment tonight. And if anything is abnormal tonight, please note that everything abnormal must be reported to me personally. Is Xiaoliang on duty at the police station tonight? Let him keep an eye on it. Even if someone slips through the door Lock picking, I also want to see the detailed report."

"Why?" Someone couldn't help but interrupt.

In a sense, Minister Fu guessed well.

Just now, the fluctuation range of the evil spirit in the western suburbs of Xizhao District was 99478.56fR, which was nearly 10 times higher than the judgment standard.

Unfortunately, their ministers didn't think so, and neither did their enemies.

The summoning spell was created by the Great Heavenly Master and was specially designed to target evil spirits. It stands to reason that evil spirits will definitely be attracted to the spell. As a result, after nearly four hours of fighting between the two sides, the "unknown evil spirit" showed no reaction as if it was dead, and there was no sign of any abnormality in the sunset area.

"No matter what nonsense you say, no matter how smart you are, you can still control it."

Ma Lian laughed dryly.

[Overview: This phenomenon is extremely rare and is caused by the acquired transformation of ordinary evil objects. It is also known as "living natural disaster", "ghost king", etc. The cause of this phenomenon is unknown, and the environment and location of its occurrence are irregular. They are all asymmetrical and irregular giant objects that were active between 1,500 and 1,000 years ago.

But something is wrong.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the instrument. It can't be the evil spirit hiding from us." Ma Lian muttered in a low voice, "If it is really that smart, everyone can go home and wait to die."

There are currently 6 "fierce evil spirits" recorded in the book, all of which were sealed in the late Gong Dynasty. As of now, one "fierce evil" is in a semi-awake state and is temporarily under the control of the Haigu Branch. The other five have been identified and sealed and are closely monitored by various localities in accordance with laws and regulations.]

"Fierce" has certain biological characteristics, has no rational thinking ability, and has differences in strength among different individuals. This phenomenon is the most dangerous phenomenon ever observed. According to evaluation, the least harmful "evil" individual at present is no less destructive than an earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale.

[Phenomena A-A3: Fierce]

"Whether it has just been broken or just born, it knows nothing about the outside world. Even if it has no malice, it will still test it. Now it is just hiding. There is probably something wrong - injured, weak, or other conditions."

Since the Great Heavenly Master sealed the six evil spirits, the "fierce evil spirits" have been extinct for thousands of years. Rather than the unknown evil being born, he was more inclined to believe that there was something wrong with the instrument readings.

[Judgment criteria (reference): The fluctuation amplitude of the evil spirit in a specific area is ≧10000fR, or the stable evil spirit value within 2km of the suspicious object is ≧3000fR]

"The possibility of incorrect readings from the instrument suite in the sunset area and coincidence of the celestial images is not low. But we have to consider the worst case scenario - this 'unknown evil' is very powerful and has quite high intelligence. But looking at the current situation, It’s not going to be in good shape.”

Within a minute after the data became abnormal, the relevant personnel immediately set up a formation to perform the operation. An unknown force soon intervened on the other side of the city, and the two summoners tore at each other in the clouds, neither of them willing to give up. Everyone in the Shi'an Group is on tenterhooks - he is vicious and has no brains. If he is used by someone with ulterior motives, the consequences will be disastrous.

Minister Fu glanced at the horse-faced young man, and then glanced at the tired faces in the room. This time he didn't get angry, he just sighed and raised his voice slightly.

[Handling method (reference): Once discovered, the provincial area immediately implements the "Level 1 Emergency Plan for Major Phenomenon Incidents" and dispatches relevant personnel to deal with it as soon as possible, using special summoning techniques to attract the attention of the phenomenon. Depending on the damage, it can be recycled, deeply sealed, or completely eliminated.]

Yin Ren's condition is indeed not good.

The good news is that his body is full of genuine evil power; the bad news is that they are not obedient at all - if the Yin Blade is used too much, his mind will be confused and he will have a splitting headache in an instant.

He had to firmly suppress the evil power and slowly tame it.

On the other hand, the evil force is more eye-catching than the full moon in the night sky. If he dares to let go of his suppression, he will become the most eye-catching target in the metaphysics world in a matter of minutes.

In order to stay awake and keep a low profile, the power that Yin Ren can use is only as big as a sesame seed. Ji Sha is so crazy that he doesn't expect to be taught by his "seniors" and can only take one step at a time.

Such as this moment.

The sharp sound of "squeak-" finally dissipated.

Yin Ren turned around solemnly and looked at the "uninvited guest" opposite. As an evil being, he can see the person opposite him clearly without the need for lighting.

There was no sinister aura about the person who came, and he was undoubtedly a living person.

It was a young man wearing a translucent "coir raincoat" and pushing a two-wheeled vehicle.

Judging by his face, the man was quite handsome, and there was no repulsive arrogance in his facial features. To put it nicely, he is gentle and elegant, but to put it badly, he has the "good old scholar face" in the storybook - forever young and always fooled by monsters.

Seeing the confusion in the other person's eyes, Yin Ren relaxed a little. If he met a "professional" right out of the house, he would definitely curse God on the spot.

The other party remained silent, and Yin Ren stood cautiously, motionless.

There might be trouble if you attack this person, but you don't have to use magic to escape. Who has nothing to do to stand on the street in the middle of the night when it rains heavily

It's better to leave it alone.

It's a pity that such a big and fierce man as Yin Ren is wandering around outside. God obviously has no intention of giving him face.

Before breaking the seal, Yin Ren specially picked a relatively harmless dagger and took it with him. There was a jolt just now, and the modern hospital gown could not contain the ancient vicious soldiers. There was a scoff, a big hole was poked in the pocket of the hospital gown, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clang. The dagger is a good dagger and the sound is nice.

The sound of the landing seemed to have been soaked in ice water, piercing the heart and chilling the bones. In the past, this sound would have made the living retreat, but unfortunately at this moment, it only caused a moment of embarrassment.

Yin Ren: "..."

Careless. This dagger originally had a sheath, but the wooden sheath had been in close contact with the earth for hundreds of years and had long since rotted into mud. Yin Ren put it in his pocket out of habit and didn't think much about it at all.

This is one of his favorite weapons, can he throw it away

Yin Ren hesitated for a moment and then picked up the dagger resignedly.

At this moment, God cooperated with a red lightning strike, and the dagger blade glowed with dazzling blood. Paired with a blue and white striped hospital gown, it has a strong visual impact.

The person opposite slowly took half a step back. He supported the two-wheeled vehicle with one hand and quickly took out a strange thing that emitted a shimmering light. The whole movement was neat and tidy.

"Hello? Hello, I'm at No. 018 Changling Road, Xizhao District, Haigu City. Someone is carrying a controlled knife and dressed suspiciously."

The man spoke into the air on the spot, his voice was steady and his words were clear, and his speaking speed was neither fast nor slow.

"Yes, west of the city, in front of the city mental hospital... Well, I'm fine, I can guarantee safety."

After saying that, the man opposite put the strange thing in his pocket. A dazzling light shot out from one corner of the strange thing, illuminating a small area nearby. In the bright light, he stared at Yin Ren closely, his expression extremely serious, and he obviously had no intention of leaving.

Yin Ren choked.

Wait, was that just reporting to the official? It's just a dagger, why did this person react so much

Although... although reporting to the official is not impossible.

Yin Ren had similar plans. For example, after dawn, he would find a lively place to "faint" and wait for the officials to take him away. He had rehearsed his speech about his identity countless times in advance - after Yin Ren woke up, he specifically held it under the seal for seventy-seven forty-nine days. He listens to the "news" from morning to night every day, for fear of revealing too many old flaws.

Forget it, it's all acting sooner or later, let's start acting.

"I picked this up for self-defense. I hit my head and couldn't remember anything about myself... I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

Yin Ren dropped the dagger distressedly and imitated the accent he learned from "News".

He deliberately lowered his body temperature, his body was trembling slightly, and he looked particularly miserable and helpless: "I saw you stop just now, and I thought you knew me..."

There had to be a pitiful pause here, and Yin Ren lowered his voice just in time.

This man never forgets to mind his own business even when it rains heavily. He is probably an overly upright young man. As long as he tried to act stupid, he might be able to get some useful information.

Who would have thought that before Yin Ren's next words came out, the other party would no longer want two-wheelers. He rushed forward in one stride and grabbed Yin Ren's hands with all his strength.

"I do recognize you."

Those hands clamped down on Yin Ren's wrists like iron pincers, the force was astonishingly strong. If Yin Ren hadn't specially sealed the evil spirit, with the intensity of "hitting the evil spirit", this person would have fallen to his death in a short while.

The man held him tightly, his smile was a bit forced, and his tone was quite sincere: "Your name is Zhang San, and you live across from my house. I'll wait here with you. Your family will pick you up in a police car soon."

Yin Ren: "?"

I walk a lot at night, and I really see everyone, and I don’t even know how to answer this nonsense. Yin Ren's expression was a bit distorted, and the two of them stood in a stalemate, letting the rainstorm brush hit their heads hard.

Fortunately, this delicate atmosphere did not last for a few seconds.

The sound of heavy rain and thunder was unnaturally muffled, and then slowly weakened. It's like there's an invisible lid holding them in the middle. The surrounding temperature dropped gradually, as if someone was blowing on the moist skin.

The next moment, the darkness shattered without warning.

Street lights that had been extinguished for a long time came back on. But for some reason, the lighting was restored to only one side of the street. The originally warm yellow light was now a bluish white, flickering at a certain uncomfortable frequency, making the street appear even more eerie than when there was no light.

There was light and darkness between the neat lampposts, and something was shaking. Yin Ren moved slightly, looked over the other person's shoulder and looked behind him.

A vague and huge shadow was moving.

It was about half as wide as the street and shaped like an extremely bloated caterpillar. It moved close to the side of the street, crawling and stopping, its body occasionally brushing against street lights. Once a street lamp is touched by it, it will emit blue-white light like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The thing was bulky, but not slow at all. In a few breaths, the thing was a dozen steps away from the two of them.

Yin Ren stared at it calmly.

At first glance, it was a fleshy cocoon with short legs that could only crawl around on the ground. If you look closely, you can see that the uneven surface of the flesh cocoon hides a mystery - countless limbs of resentful ghosts are intertwined and melted together like wax, while retaining the basic outline. Their long hair became more sticky and tangled, bulging under the thin skin like blue and black blood vessels.

In the first half of the flesh cocoon, the resentful ghosts merged more completely.

They merged into two giant hands, the roots of the palms protruding from the folds of flesh, tightly covering the front of the cocoon as if covering the face. The fingers of those strange hands are slightly spread out, and between the fingers you can vaguely see human eyes that are upright and as long as forearms.

A rough calculation showed that there were exactly eight. They were wandering around just now, but now they were all staring directly at the two of them.

Yin Ren felt very cordial. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and this thing still looks like this.

In the past, people called it "the basket of resentment". It is formed purely from a group of resentful ghosts. It looks scary in appearance, but in fact it is not only slow-minded but also has mediocre combat power. This thing is not common. It only takes shape when the evil spirit is extremely chaotic and does not cause much harm.

But hurting an ordinary person is enough.

The resentful basket stood not far away and looked at them for a while. Then it raised its sarcoma-like little legs and squirmed at a faster speed.

(End of chapter)