Evil As Humans

Chapter 241: drizzle


"Ouch, ouch, it hurts!!!"

Meng Huai shouted loudly.

Yin Ren had a dull look on his face, recovering his skills and throwing them at Meng Huai's wounds over and over again. Ms. Meng's injury was so serious that even he couldn't provide painless treatment - human beings are inherently unable to grow new limbs. If you go against the grain, you have to pay a price.

After he beat his love, he pursued the seal non-stop. After treating Sun Qian, he told Zhong Cheng that he would send her to the hospital quickly. Before they left the hospital gate, the two of them turned back to the other side and turned back to deal with Shen Mo.

For this work intensity, they will definitely receive a 100-month year-end bonus.

To Yin Ren's expectation, Shen Mo was dealt with first by Shi'an's other side team. The good news is good news, but Meng Huai was seriously injured.

"Very good, I know it hurts." Seeing Meng Huai acting recklessly, Yin Ren became a little angry, "Miss Meng, if you get seriously injured again, I can only treat you the same way I treat briquettes."

Meng Huai knew what Yin Ren was referring to.

Integrate into the "divine" form of Yuanwu's flesh and blood. It comes with an extended lifespan, but the disadvantage is that it requires a blind box.

The Great Heavenly Master combines "fear" and can restore his human form through self-sealing. He is a real monster. If I were to find an elemental object with similar strength to fuse with, I would have no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the briquettes and say goodbye to the human form completely.

Sun Qian reported the current situation to his parents, then calculated his medical insurance and savings with a grimace, and then sat up with a long sigh. She turned on the ward TV, which defaulted to the local TV station.

Alarm bells blared in Dr. Sun's head. Her consciousness was affected to such an extent that the tumor in her head was probably pathological. If that doesn't work, take a leave and see a famous expert in Yandu.

Yin Ren restrained his breath, crept around behind Zhong Chengshuo, and scratched the man's waist. Zhong Cheng said with a flick of his body and quickly pulled out the head: "Yin Ren."

Yin Ren originally just wanted to tease his lover, but he didn't want to be caught off guard and confess. He coughed twice while his chest was hot: "It's nothing. I went out to treat a guest and I forgot about it—oh, yes, delete the 'Si Wu Xie' recording on your phone!"

Sun Qian woke up from the ward again.

An hour passed and the peace was wonderful.

Three hours later, Yin Ren couldn't sit still anymore. Now Zhong Cheng said that he could walk sideways on the other side, and a bite of Yuanwu would break several teeth, so he wouldn't have been silent for so long.

It’s over!

"Qi Xin's condition is not very good. I'll take you to have a look."

Yin Ren pretended to suddenly realize: "So that's it! I wrongly blamed you - I thought you were affected by love and lost control, and I'm still a little embarrassed to this day."

Meng Huai's movements of moving his shoulders were stiff: "Oh."

"Is it an occupational disease?" Yin Ren raised his eyebrows.

Zhong Cheng nodded mid-sentence, braked suddenly, and pretended not to hear the second half of the sentence.

"It has been four days since the chemical pollution leaked in the New Pedestrian Street. It has been determined by the police to be a terrorist attack... A large amount of toxic substances were dropped on the street that day. Relevant personnel are requested to seek medical treatment in time... "

"Eating me will indeed increase your strength, but you won't be happy afterwards." Zhong Cheng said, "And I don't want to be eaten by you - if I am eaten, I won't be able to stay with you. around."

"Now that all kinds of Yuanwu are out, it's a rare opportunity." Zhong Cheng said, holding up the imaginary notebook with an innocent expression, "You gave me the "Compendium of Yuanwu", and I want to fill it up as soon as possible."

"Hiss... thank you, no, no, no. If I grow fourteen legs, I won't have to buy pants." Meng Huai laughed.

The bones, meridians, and muscles were all normal. To be safe, he carefully applied the healing technique several times.

When Yin Ren discovered what Zhong Cheng was saying, the man was inserting his head into the mouthparts of a giant elemental object, trying to observe the internal structure. The pitiful big creature was so frightened that its color faded, and all seven or eight of its eyes turned white.

Zhong Cheng said slowly turning his head and looking away.

And Yin Ren sat back in the corner, savoring the tranquility of this moment.

"Oh, it's a pity that the other side can't bring the recording device, so I have to keep it in mind. Such a generous treat may only be once." Yin Ren wiped away the non-existent tears.

She was silent for a while, then looked around and asked him: "Where has Mr. Zhong gone?"

"Cleaning outside." Yin Ren replied lightly.

"I want to stay by your side more." Zhong Cheng declared solemnly.

Who would have thought that Zhong Cheng would be away for most of the day.

"Don't change the subject! ... Don't run, stop right here! There's still something serious to say!"

He tore open a space and soon found Zhong Cheng who was having fun. He couldn't think of any other word to describe it other than "having fun".

"You have been on the other side for too long. Let Shi'an do a physical examination after you get out. Shi'an has made arrangements for transporting the survivors... Professor Li is responsible for this matter." He added specifically.

The name is to clean up the mess, but it is actually a scientific investigation.

Yin Ren clapped his hands.

"Zhong Cheng said!"

Jiao Lian and her colleagues were sent to Shi'an for treatment first, and Dr. Cat led the lonely army out for inspection. Meng Huai was sleeping and resting in the stronghold, while Zhong Chengfeng was timid about being close to home and was running around in circles in the stronghold.



Not long ago, the two decided to split up. Yin Ren went to deal with Shen Mo, and Zhong Cheng said he would clean up the mess on the other side. After the love disappeared, there was chaos on the other side. It was necessary for Da Yuanwu to go to the town and catch two disobedient ones to deliver takeaways to Qi Xin.

Zhong Cheng hesitated for a while and said, "That is a judgment without rationality. It is very unreasonable."

The causal lamp was used by this person as a wicked lamp. The red light lit up, and all the surrounding elements froze, not daring to move. Comrade Xiao Zhong ran around, climbed up and down, and tried his best to observe every detail of the Yuanwu.

Yin Ren snorted and helped her stretch her newly grown arms and legs.

She recognized the dedicated ward for Shi'an. What happened before... what happened before

It seems that she was attacked in the back hill of Haigu City Middle School, and then resumed work. She recently went shopping in the New Pedestrian Street. But that memory was hazy, as if separated by a layer of fog. She tried hard to recall, but could only recall the key word "angel arms".

Two hours passed and I got a little bored.

"Recently, suspects have used methods such as releasing nerve gas in public places, poisoning specific people, killing people and abandoning corpses to create panic..."

"One person died in the pedestrian street case. The deceased was named Xiang. The body has not yet been found..."

"Relevant technical personnel of Shi'an Group made outstanding contributions in the pedestrian street case. The heroes responded quickly and protected people's lives and property in a timely manner. They will attend the city's commendation meeting in the near future... "

Sun Qian rubbed his temples. So it turns out that Shi'an got into a fight with a monster on the pedestrian street, and he was probably affected. However, she never believed in these things, and it was said that it would have little impact.

When she woke up this time, she felt refreshed, much better than before.

Sun Qian grabbed the phone and made a brief call to his family. After a while, she opened WeChat and found a chat group.

WeChat group "Paid Love Consultation".

The last chat record was still about the enemies' ancestors and grandchildren. Sun Qian looked through the record and felt a little emotional.

These are the two friends she knows best in Shi'an. She remembers that they are not of high rank and should not get into trouble. It’s better to ask just in case.

[Let me see your heart: I saw the news, the pedestrian street thing is so serious.]

[Let me see your heart: Are you two okay? Did Shi'an send you there? @fruitknife@finally become a positive fruit] [fruit knife:… ]

[The final result:...]

[Let me see your heart: What’s wrong~]

[Fruit Knife: Sister Qi’an, I heard that you were also on the pedestrian street that day. Were you injured?]

[Let me see your heart: It’s okay, it’s just an old problem~ I plan to go to Yandu recently and bring you special products when I come back.]

[Fruit knife changes the group name to "Di Sanxian"]

[Let me see your heart: [Question]]

[Fruit Knife: Play instead [poor]]

[Final success: We have to continue working, let’s not talk anymore.]

Sun Qian put down his cell phone with questions in his head. At this moment, another burst of news broadcast came.

"In recent days, in order to eliminate pollution, our city's professionals will conduct special artificial rainfall. Citizens should not panic if they find the weather is abnormal..."

Sun Qian'an got out of bed out of curiosity, picked up the IV pole and walked to the window.

She gently opened the curtains.

A ray of clear red light penetrated into the room and flowed gently on the floor.

It was late afternoon, still some time before dusk. But the entire sky was as red as the burning sunset, and thin clouds surged in the sky, as if covered with a layer of red gauze.

The clouds were obviously as thin as gauze, but the crystal rain kept falling. There is no thunder or darkness, they reflect the brilliance of the sky, pass through the golden and red sunlight, and scatter on the ground like gems.

Sun Qian saw such beautiful rain for the first time in his life.

She took out her phone, found a suitable angle, and took a good picture.

[Show me your heart:[Picture]]

[Let me see your heart: Pay attention to the balance between work and rest, the rainy scene outside is beautiful~]

[Let me see your heart: Suitable for couples to watch together~]

The Great Heavenly Master high in the sky put away his cell phone angrily.

"She said it's suitable for couples to watch together~" Yin Ren cast the rain spell without tears, "I want to watch it from below! Even Sun Qian knows that we should combine work and rest. How do you say that, just work , not playing..."

Zhong Cheng said he controlled the light of the causal lamp: "It is normal for companies to have more work at the end of the year."

Sending survivors from the other side to this world is undoubtedly a big project. Taking into account Shi'an's medical capabilities and confidentiality needs, the entire process will last four days. Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said they had returned to the human world first to deal with the pollution that would be spread by the sinking.

In the past, they had no way to deal with this kind of pollution. Now that he has become a "god", his abilities are naturally incomparable.

Zhong Cheng said he was responsible for spreading and weakening the power of fear, so that all evil forces would be "frozen" in place and unable to invade the human body. Then Yin Ren came out and ate them all.

As for rainfall, it's just a formality - Yin Ren has to get some clouds and mist to stretch out his huge body.

"After this work is done, there will be no more work." The wings tensed up nervously.

"The whereabouts of Xiang Jiang and Xiang Hai are unknown, and Shi'an's tracking of Wei Huaqian and the Sinking Society will continue. But hunting down ghosts and dealing with the Sinking Society is Shi'an's daily work." Zhong Cheng said, pushing up his glasses, "We don't necessarily have to join."

Yin Ren thought for a while. In the battle with love, the twin ghosts were seriously injured. Even if they can escape back to the human world, it's hard to say whether they can be stabilized as Class A-A evil objects. It's no problem to leave them to Shi'an.

"Come with me on vacation!" Yin Ren's voice stirred up an echo in the clouds.

The drizzle in winter poured on the ground and penetrated into the soil, but it could not penetrate into Shi'an's underground stronghold.

The passage to the other side was opened by Qi Xin for four days. At this moment, the last missing person was also sent out of the tunnel.

Li Nian stood beside the tunnel, staring closely at the darkness.

Today, he was not dressed as plainly as usual. His coat and shirt fit much better, and it could be seen that they had been specially ironed. He first wanted to take the wedding ring. Seeing that it was halfway pulled out, Professor Li moved his eyebrows slightly, put it back on, and started stroking it nervously.

Fu Xingchuan next to him: "... Is that enough? Your fingers are going to become bald."

Li Nian glared at Fu Xingchuan coldly, and the latter instantly took half a step back.

Finally, a woman's leg poked out of the passage.

Fu Xingchuan looked at Li Nian from the corner of his eye, but Li Nian didn't move at all. The medical staff next to him hurriedly took out the prepared blanket and wrapped it around the person's naked body.

Fu Xingchuan recognized that face, it was Zhong Chengfeng who had been missing for nearly thirty years.

Having not been exposed to the touch of the human world for many years, Zhong Chengfeng wrapped himself tightly in the blanket, staggered on the spot, and almost fell on the spot. But she still stood firm, her eyes constantly looking around, tears quickly moistening her eyes.

Shi'an's medical team worked in an orderly manner and quickly took her away.

Li Nian just stepped forward and stopped right in front of the passage.

This time it was Meng Huai who came out.

Her steps were steadier than Zhong Chengfeng's. As soon as Meng Huai wrapped himself in the blanket, his eyes were fixed on the person in front of him.

"..." She slowly wrinkled her face in front of Li Nian.

But Li Nian just stood silently, like a sculpture.

"You didn't even buy me a bouquet of flowers." After a while, Meng Huai said, "It's been so many years, Xiao Li, but his romantic skills haven't grown at all."

"I won't choose." Li Nian said.

"I know." Meng Huai said, "I will take you to choose in two days."


"Sorry, I can't take out the ring and bracelet."

"I will buy it again." Li Nian smiled unskillfully.

Fu Xingchuan was nearby, pumping frantically through his teeth, and Meng Huai turned his eyes.

"I rely on Fu Xingchuan, why have you become like this!" Seeing Fu Xingchuan, the emotion on Meng Huai's face disappeared instantly, "Oh, congratulations on becoming the minister. Congratulations, your dream has come true, are you happy?"

Fu Xingchuan grimaced happily and left the scene as if running away. Meng Huai clicked her tongue, and finally her eyes drifted back to Li Nian.

"The physical examination won't take long, I know my health well." She said, "Wait for me for a while, and then we'll go home together."


The author has something to say:

Xiao Yin: I’m so miserable, I’m so tired, and I still have to go to work

Xiao Zhong: Never consider trying Si Wuxie again (cross out from the notebook)

(End of chapter)