Evil As Humans

Chapter 245: Happy New Year


This was the first time that Fu Xingchuan did not work overtime on New Year's Eve.

Yin Ren removed the spreading pollution with one move. With strict prevention and control, the new wave of pollution that would sink the city would be difficult to become a climate. The workload of the police was greatly reduced, and their efficiency was greatly improved. As for the "Angel Arms", like many Internet anecdotes that were once popular, it disappeared quietly.

The impact of past tragedies is hard to make up for for the time being. Haigu City is like a patient who has just recovered from a serious illness. Although it is riddled with holes and weak, everything is moving in a good direction.

Shi'an suddenly had a large number of vacancies, so Fu Xingchuan naturally became idle.

He didn't really want to go back to the Fu family - a few days ago, Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said that they had just found Fu Wuya, and the entire Fu family was busy rescuing the ancestor and preparing for an extremely grand ceremony to worship the Great Heavenly Master.

At this point, Fu Xingchuan's respect for the Great Master was gone. He decided to use his privilege as an overtime maniac and use video communication instead of going home to escape this embarrassing and suffocating scene.

As for the New Year's Eve dinner, Fu Xingchuan had already found his hunting target.

[Self-seeking multiple symbols: I want to go to your house for the New Year's Eve dinner.]

[Li Nian: Why?]

[Self-seeking talismans: Even if Meng Huai comes back, there will only be two people left in your family. It will be more lively with more people, don’t you think?]

[Li Nian: I don’t think so. My house has enough lighting.]

"That old guy has been waiting for people at the old place. Now he doesn't have to wait any longer. I guess he will move out after the new year." Fu Xingchuan said with a snort.

"What did Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng say?" Ding Lizi asked curiously.

Fortunately, Minister Fu is very thick-skinned.

Ge Tingting had seen Fu Xingchuan's family business before. The bonus she received recently was enough for Ge Tingting to own a nice house in Haigu City. Li Nian had been working for so many years, she would never be short of money.

As if she had read his mind, Li Nian glared at him. Huang Jin also gave him a murderous look, having indeed read his mind.

This is bad news for the criminal community in the High Valley.

Twenty-nine years have passed, and many problems can be solved with just one sentence: "Looks like." Considering that so much time has passed, this warrior with nearly thirty years of bloody combat experience will start as a trainee police officer this time.

"Yes, I asked. It will be several days before I can ask Cheng Feng out for dinner." Meng Huai adapted well. "She is more ambitious than me and wants to return to the police station. Maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

[Self-ask for more symbols: [OK]]

It's just that Meng Huai bought a lot of cute hangings for the house, which made the cold and hard atmosphere in the house disappear. At the moment, she was leaning against the kitchen door, watching the Fu family chef cooking.

Fu Xingchuan pretended not to see it.

[Self-ask for more talismans: You and Meng Huai, Huang Jin and Ding Lizi, I'll call Xiao Ge, and it'll be a great success! ]

Shi An gave Meng Huai twenty-nine years' salary plus bonuses in one go, as well as an additional reward for fighting on the other side. With all this, Meng Huai was a bit richer than Li Nian. Li Nian wanted to resign so badly that Fu Xingchuan thought the old couple was planning to retire after their success.

The group rushed into Li Nian's house in a fierce manner.

"I thought Professor Li would live in the kind of high-end apartment that's seen in magazines." Ge Tingting looked around curiously.

[Zi Qiu Duo Fu: Huang Jin's family has no relatives left, we should try to build a relationship with him, he is such a great talent. ]

As long as Meng Huai remains the consultant, Li Nian won't be able to get far.

As soon as the sky in the west turned red, Ge Tingting arrived at the gate of Li Nian's community carrying a large box of candy. Huang Jin's face was longer than a guitar, but he still obediently picked up the New Year gifts. Ding Lizi changed into a festive red down jacket, and his originally thin body had a little more flesh, looking full of energy.

Fu Xingchuan made dumplings very neatly, making one in one go. The dumplings were all the same shape, but they were ugly. Li Nian was unusually clumsy, making them crooked. Fortunately, Meng Huai's skills were equally good, and the three people's dumplings were ugly together.

Ding Lizi looked at Meng Huai, who was “in his twenties”, in surprise.

"Come, come, come!" She quickly ran over when she noticed the guests had arrived, "Come and help make dumplings! I asked the chef to keep the skin and filling."

"I'm glad you're back." Fu Xingchuan grinned.

[Self-seeking: Xiao Ge's family doesn't have many people, and she is my apprentice. It's not appropriate for a man like me to invite a little girl to dinner alone. That girl works hard, she should have a good holiday.]

Seeing the high-end and elegant interior decoration, Ge Tingting showed an expression of "as expected".

Fu Xingchuan arrived last. He was dressed in a black and gray coat and was unusually low-key. "Everyone is here. Let's go!"

[Li Nian: That’s fine.]

Fu Xingchuan: "They... uh, they should be accompanying their elderly family members."

"Old Meng, do you feel at ease?" Fu Xingchuan asked casually.

[Li Nian: I will discuss this with Meng Huai first.]

At this moment, the Qingzhu Jiayuan in front of them was old and dilapidated. The community was in a state of desolation, not even as good as the village where Ge Tingting once lived, and it was incompatible with Li Nian's image and temperament.

[Li Nian: I don’t think Mr. Huang will be grateful to you.]

"I'm planning to set up a combat consultant. After all, I still have to study 'that side'." Meng Huai happily produced ugly dumplings. "In a few years, when I retire, it would be nice to travel around the world."

So the chef worked hard in the kitchen cooking while the other six continued to waste the dumpling skins.

Li Nian rolled up her sleeves and stood silently beside the table. Ge Tingting was used to doing her homework on her own. She washed her hands and rushed over first. Huang Jin wanted to play dead, but when he turned around, he saw Ding Lizi's expectant eyes and could only mutter to himself.

On the whole table, only Ge Tingting and Huang Jin were quickly making dumplings that looked decent. Meng Huai stopped the invisible smoke between the people: "Hurry up! If you don't finish wrapping, the food will get cold—"

[Ziqiu Duofu: Valentine's Day is in a month, are you just a few days away? I will pay for the dinner this time, and Fu's chef will also be selected to come. Meng Huai has been there for so many years, he must eat something good. ]

Zhong Chengfeng also received a lot of awards. However, at Zhong Chengfeng's request, the police applied to the government agency to update Zhong Chengfeng's date of birth, identity certificate and relevant academic information. Zhong Chengfeng entered the Haigu City Public Security Bureau again with the same name and age when he disappeared.

The term "old man" is strange.

It's hard to find a good partner! It's not easy for missing persons to reintegrate into society. There will be a mountain of work waiting for them after the New Year.

Li Nian's reply was much slower, and Fu Xingchuan watched the dialog box say "input" several times. Finally, Li Nian finally threw out three words.

"She sent me a message yesterday, saying that the Zhong family will continue celebrating until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year." Meng Huai added, nudging Li Nian twice, "It's almost time, let's make dumplings—"

At the same time, Room 601, Building 4, Ping An Manor.

Zhong Cheng said that it was circling around the table indoors, and it looked like it was performing some kind of strange ceremony.

This story starts in the morning.

The proposal was successful, so naturally the two did not sleep that night. Zhong Cheng said that he stayed up all night, which was rare. He made the scabbard in the first half of the night and the knife in the second half of the night. The two worked until the sun rose.

Yin Ren had just closed his eyes when he was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

The house that Zhong Cheng mentioned was bigger, so he was awarded the right to host the Zhong family reunion night. Of course, it could also be because the Zhong family elders welcomed their daughter back home, and they were afraid that Zhong Cheng, the adopted son, would feel resentful - although in Yin Ren's opinion, this worry was unnecessary.

Comrade Xiao Zhong has not yet evolved the corresponding nerves.

When he heard that his parents and sister were coming, Zhong Cheng took off his night cap immediately. He opened the software and made a schedule, planning everything from preparing home-cooked dishes to buying desserts and fruits outside. Yin Ren took a look at the schedule and almost fell asleep on the spot.

After doing all this and setting the alarm, Zhong Cheng said he curled up into his wings and went to sleep.

The rest of the day was spent busy, with the two of them shopping and cooking all in one go. Finally, when the last alarm rang, most of the dishes were on the table, and the potatoes and ribs were still stewing on the stove, emitting an enticing aroma.

"The next step is to cool down the food." Zhong Cheng said, turning on the timer. "My sister said they will arrive at 5:30, and the food will be at the perfect temperature by then."

Yin Ren: “…” Is this what the New Year’s Eve dinner is like? He has never participated in it.

“Wouldn’t it be more festive if we cooked together…?” the Great Heavenly Master suggested.

"During previous Chinese New Year celebrations, my parents always prepared the food first," Zhong Cheng said confidently. "I bought the best frozen dumplings, so there must be no problem with the process."

It was past 5:30, and Zhong Cheng said he picked up the causal lamp and started to circle around the table to heat it up. Yin Ren was amazed, and he could only cooperate by throwing out a small group of wings and paying close attention to the situation in the community.

"Are you here?"

"not yet."

"Are you here?"

“I didn’t see it.”

"Are you here?"

“…You can ask me once every five minutes.”

At 5:42:17, the two elders of the Zhong family and Zhong Chengfeng arrived at the door. Zhong Chengfeng was carrying a lot of bags and he gasped as he entered the door.

"What's wrong, girl?" Zhong Youde asked.

"No." Zhong Chengfeng looked around the warm decoration in shock, then looked at the table full of home-cooked dishes, "It's quite different from what I imagined."

A once ancient great object, a once ancient legendary figure, she had never imagined that the residence of these two people would be so... humane.

The game consoles and movies that Zhong Cheng mentioned were placed on the bookshelf, and the New Year's goods and snacks that Yin Ren bought filled the cabinets, making the place look lively. The two of them specially hung some red decorations at home, and the room was full of the atmosphere of the New Year.

Steam was rising, and the various dishes were shining alluringly under the warm light. The aroma of stewed vegetables was wafting in the air. Zhong Cheng said he had to put on anti-scalding gloves and carefully put the dishes in the enamel pot.

On his ring finger, a ring gleamed.

Yin Ren, who was wearing the same ring, was neatly arranging the dishes and clearing the chairs. The two of them looked like an ordinary couple.

"Look at your son, Old Zhong." Cheng Xuehua has sharp eyes and saw the ring at a glance. She couldn't hide her joy on her face, "Look, look."

Zhong Youde was worried: "The gifts are still not enough, I need to give more red envelopes. Oh... I don't know what the customs are in Xiaoyin's hometown."

"It's all done. I want to show off my skills." Zhong Chengfeng took the lead and stepped forward.

"You can cook frozen dumplings later. I have prepared ten flavors of frozen dumplings." Zhong Cheng said generously.

Zhong Chengfeng: “…” Well, it turns out that you are still a little lacking in human touch.

She rubbed her face twice, and decisively transferred four accounts in the family group: "new", "wedding", "happy" and "happy", each for 50,000 yuan.

After 29 years of silence, "Wen Feng Wang Dan" spoke in the group again.

[Wen Feng's courage: I'm forwarding this on behalf of my parents. I wish you two a long and happy life together [rose]]

[Fruit Knife: Thank you sister [cute]]

[Finally achieved success: Thank you sister [cute]]

Zhong Chengfeng suddenly felt like he had aged hundreds of millions of years.

"This house is good. I heard the price is cheap and it's a large flat." She looked around and said, "Brother Sun said that many police officers live here. Why don't I buy one here too - my parents can live with me and it will be convenient for us to go back and forth."

"Okay, the room next door is empty." Yin Ren agreed with a smile.

"It's time to eat." Zhong Cheng said, staring at the results of his labor nervously. It was really not appropriate for him to use the cause and effect lamp in front of so many humans.

"Okay, okay. Xiao Yin, let's have a couple of drinks today no matter what we talk about!" Zhong Youde took out his wine again.

"Okay, Dad." Yin Ren followed suit.

Zhong Chengfeng's chess skills, which had been honed for nearly thirty years, were now her match. She stuffed a large piece of pork ribs into her mouth, trying to hide her out-of-control expression.

Zhong Youde laughed happily.

"Hey, Xiao Yin, who is that?" Cheng Xuehua glanced at the small table among the green plants.

On the table was a photo of a young girl. The photo was a bit old, and the girl in the photo had a brilliant smile. In front of the photo was a small plate, and on the plate lay a red apple.

"My friend Cheng Shuo said," Yin Ren said, "her name is Xiao Hu, and she's a very nice girl."

"Well, give me some good food later."


On the other side, Zhong Youde drank a little wine and his face became rosy.

"Come on, you three, I wish the young people that all their wishes will come true in the new year. Whatever you ask for will come true! What do my sons and daughters want? As a father, I know a little bit about it... Xiao Yin, tell me, what do you want? We These parents may be able to help.”

Speaking of this, Zhong Chengfeng instinctively stopped his chopsticks.

She was also very curious—an evil being that had awakened from a thousand-year slumber, a god that had stepped on countless powerful men, why did he stay in this small city

It's fine if Zhong Cheng says he's unfamiliar with the human world. Yin Ren is a real human being, not too simple.

“I do have something I’ve been longing for for a long time.”

Yin Ren answered fluently.

Outside the huge French windows, the city was brightly lit, and fireworks were blooming in the night sky. The room was filled with the aroma of food, and the TV was playing noisy New Year programs. Yin Ren's gentle gaze started from Zhong Chengshuo, swept across the pairs of eyes around the round table, brushed across every corner of the warm living room, and finally returned to Zhong Chengshuo.

It's so lively.

"I've got what I wanted." Yin Ren said with a smile. He raised his glass and clinked it with Zhong Youde.

The next moment, the pointer pointed to zero.

“Happy New Year—”

(End of this chapter)