Evil As Humans

Chapter 246: Two years later


Two years later, in midsummer, Haigu City.

[Recently, the police launched a comprehensive investigation into Coral Reef Group Co., Ltd. Relevant departments discovered a large number of illegally renovated spaces underground in the company's building. It has been confirmed that the Coral Reef Group is related to multiple criminal cases...]

[Coral Reef Group is one of the established companies in Haigu City, and its business involves media, daily necessities and other aspects. After investigation, it was found that the actual person behind it was Wei, and the police have arrested him...]

[Next news. In early July, the police destroyed a criminal den in one fell swoop, and currently three people are on the run...]

"Okay, brother, turn off the TV!" Lu Nana put on her red soft hat.

Lu Hui responded hurriedly and turned off the TV.

After two years of dedicated training, the Lu brothers and sisters finally had to take Shi'an's entrance physical examination again. This time, the two of them felt that they were well prepared and even walked much more briskly. After arriving at Shi'an Park this time, there was still some time before the employment physical examination.

The scenery of Shi'an Park is still the same, except that there is an extra statue in the center of the fountain.

At first glance, Lu Hui didn't recognize what it was.

Lu Nana: "Oh, science post. The last time we came here, there was also a graduate student from University A. It's been two years, and I don't know what level Mr. Zhong has been promoted to."

Lu Nana perked up: "It just so happens that we are together. Are you a practitioner or...?"

Lu Hui adjusted his waistcoat in a deep voice: "Wait until you pass the physical examination and meet an acquaintance before asking."

As one of the troublemakers, Zhong Cheng said his work was quite responsible.

"...That's enough, brother!"

For this reason, Lu Xiaohe had to teach him a lesson - Miss Lu was probably the most rude human being in the whole world.

"At that time, it seemed that the other side was more important..." Minister Fu's voice became more and more guilty.

The Lu family brothers and sisters placed their orders and directly shared the table with the girl.


"you know?"

In order to gain more knowledge, this person returned to University A again to study for a Ph.D.

Under the scorching sun, the ice cream posters in the water bar are really tempting. The Lu family brothers and sisters looked at each other and decided to relax before the physical examination. But there was already a figure in the shadow of the umbrella at the water bar.

"The sinking meeting is not bad. Xiang Jiang and Xiang Hai back then have not made any progress at all. This case has been taken over by someone."

It was a girl dressed simply. She wears a high ponytail and looks ordinary, but the appropriate light makeup makes her look quite elegant. Seeing the Lu family siblings who were dizzy from the sun, she nodded politely.

"Well, he was studying for a Ph.D. in University A and met him before," Gao Mengyu said.

Li Nian: "Are you finally dead?"

"The Lu family brothers and sisters have made great progress." Li Nian put down the thermos cup. "Gao Mengyu has a special relationship with Bi'an. She can become a full-time student immediately after graduation. In addition to these three, there are seven new people... This year is good."

"Forget it if you don't write a report, you've already paid for your work, right?!" Lu Xiaohe's shout came from the corridor - the office of the Special Situation Management Department is right next to the Emergency Situation Management Department, so the distance is really close.

"Lack of clues, there is no way..." Fu Changshang was furious, "That's why I asked my old partner to help."

The ecological balance on the other side does not need to be dealt with every day. This guy basically comes to meet and check in for dinner. Other than that, he secretly plays games and binge-watches TV series in the office, or finds a sofa to sleep on, interpreting the word "fishing" to the extreme.

Working remotely will bring a lot of inconveniences. Considering that he is a "god", Zhong Cheng said that he could cross the other side and take a shortcut home, so Shi'an turned a blind eye.

After delivering the fatal blow, Li Nian did not continue to mentally attack Fu Xingchuan.

Indeed, after the battle on the other side, 80% of Shi'an's manpower was devoted to research and support on the other side. To this end, Shi'an specially established a "Special Situation Handling Department", and the ministers were appointed by two troublemakers.

"We can meet her sooner or later after passing the physical examination." Lu Hui patted his sister confidently.

"Two years... Mr. Zhong? Zhong Cheng said?" Gao Mengyu clasped his hands.

"Teammates? Your student teammates who are still on summer vacation?" Lu Xiaohe gritted his teeth, "Who are we, Minister Yin Ren?"

"Huh?! Zhong Cheng said he went back to study?" Lv Nana was surprised, "University A is in Yandu, wouldn't he be transferred to the Yandu branch?"

"Unfortunately, not yet." Fu Xingchuan replied with his face down, his tone was dying, "It's been two years, Lao Li, finally caught the tail of the sinking meeting, but there are still so many bad things... Coral Reef's legal team also It’s so annoying, that bastard Wei Huaqian…”

"Lv Hui, this is my cousin Lu Nana." Lu Hui said, "Are you here for a physical examination too?"

But two years later, it turns out that the people in Chi'an are just being overly concerned. Apart from using the other side as a springboard and going to Yandu to chat with Zhong Cheng, Yin Ren would not use "god" level power at all.

Yin Ren's strength is indeed beyond the standard. He is almost separated from ordinary tasks and is only responsible for the ecological management of the other side. To be honest, those at the top of Shi'an still remain wary of this "god" whose power is unfathomable. In order to appease Yin Ren, Shi'an would set aside a special amount of money every year to give this person a bonus.

Every time the other side takes action, that guy must come back with a bunch of research materials. In the year after the end of the war, Zhong Chengshuo published several papers such as "A Brief Discussion on the Formation Principle and Food Chain Analysis of the Other Side" and "Research on the Biological Fusion of Ancient Micro-Elements Based on the Ecology of the Other Side". His scientific rank rose like a rocket - as an employee "Fear", this person has the right time, place and people, and the depth of exploration is far beyond that of ordinary scientific positions.

"Graduate student from the Department of Physics of University A, Gao Mengyu." The girl raised her head. "I'm still studying and preparing for a summer internship."

Li Nian sneered: "They have an obvious industry, and this is a protracted war. I remember someone was very confident at the time and said that all the power should be handed over to the Emergency Management Department."

Such as now.

Judging from the outline, the statue appears to be a man sitting sideways. The body of the human figure is carved with gauze, and the gauze is decorated with chains and simplified talismans. Since the statue is carefully carved from a single piece of stone, it is only the black color of the stone and its shape is too random. The two of them couldn't tell whether it was a statue of a god or a modern-style handicraft.

Fu Xingchuan lay face down on the sofa and said nothing.

The "head" of the stone statue is facing the expanded water bar.

As the more dangerous troublemaker, Yin Ren's situation is unusually peaceful.

The girl smiled a little shyly: "Yes."

"I have to work later! I'm recharging my energy—" Yin Ren retorted on the spot, "And I made an appointment with my teammates. I can't keep my word. T is very important."

"You can't say that, we are all good teammates." Yin Ren muttered.

"Zhong Cheng said, just take care of him... Damn it, you're playing too!"

"They lack treatment." Zhong Cheng said calmly.

"Don't spoil him?!" Lu Xiaohe's voice was filled with sadness.

"Ge Tingting and Huang Jin have both worked hard. You can mentally distribute their efforts to us." Yin Ren said deeply, "Look, I'm different from you. I've already passed my retirement date." Age…”


"Why don't Sister Xiaohe play with us? We can also get Xiaoge and Dahuang together on weekends. Now they always have to go out to work, and there are only three of us in the office, so it's quite empty..."

"If you don't want to play, I'll read a book." Lu Xiaohe said quietly. Is it really empty? She suddenly felt a little redundant. The golden light on her two fingers almost blinded her.

"Eh-?" Yin Ren let out a disappointed sigh.

Li Nian stepped forward and closed the office door. In an instant, the noise next door turned into silence.

"She will get used to it." Fu Xingchuan said.

"Yes, it reminds me of when I was young." Li Nian's voice was cold. "Someone is too lazy to write battle reports, and I am very used to writing them for him."

"Yin Ren said you have to work today?" Fu Xingchuan looked around and asked him.

"Well, let's count the day." Li Nian looked out the window.

Today is a beautiful day, cloudless and the hot summer sun paints everything white. Time passed, dusk was approaching, and the scorching white gradually became orange-red.

Separated by a wall, Yin Ren stretched out. He said goodbye to his companions in the game one by one and stood up. Zhong Cheng said he also took off his glasses and carefully placed them in the glasses case. He opened his bag and took out the flickering causal lamp. Lu Xiaohe's expression became serious: "Be careful on the road."

Yin Ren narrowed his eyes: "Well, we'll be back before get off work."

Zhong Cheng stopped next to him, and the two of them intertwined their fingers. The next moment, the two of them completely disappeared into the air.

Lu Xiaohe looked at the empty office for a while, and suddenly felt that it was a bit empty.

How about downloading that game and giving it a try

the other side.

Qi Xin leaned on a lonely bird and looked at the colorful world on the other side. She knew that in a little while, the world would usher in dusk.

The appointed time is coming.

Swish la la, swish la la.

There was a tidal wave of low humming in the distance, and lonely cats suddenly came running from all directions. They wrapped the cubs in a tablecloth and protected them under their bodies, and the whole group huddled together.

Qi Xin jumped up and sat down on the top of the lonely cat ball.

Swish la la, swish la la. The sound is getting closer. A gentle red light appeared on the other side of the eternal day. It spread out like sunset, covering everything within sight in an instant.

What follows is a thin cloud of red gauze.

They cover the ever-changing barriers on the other side, and everything becomes ambiguous and hazy. Under the fluttering red gauze, there is a warm night composed of dark wings. The vision seemed to dissolve, and the other side of Qi Xin's eyes was gradually swallowed up by darkness.

coming. A night of destruction that is more powerful and gentler than the "fear" it once was.

Amidst the flying red gauze, in front of the darkness is a huge human figure covered with red gauze. It was decorated with countless complicated decorations, and a huge bell glowing with silver hung on its chest. The beautiful monster moved forward slowly, the bells on its chest swaying slightly, and the boundless darkness followed closely behind.

Two of its arms hang quietly, and the other two are folded in front of the chest. In the palm of the giant hand, a small sunset lies quietly.

It was a human with dark eyes and a lantern.

The lantern continues to emit a warm glow like the setting sun, like a preview of the night and a beacon pointing the way. Some of the elements illuminated by the light stopped in place as if solidified, and were immediately annihilated by the darkness.

As if aware of Qi Xin's presence, the huge monster paused for a moment, and its head under the red gauze tilted slightly toward Qi Xin.

Qi Xin stood up, put his hand on his chest, and made a formal salute.

"Thank you for your hard work, you two," she said.

Night fell.

The moment before darkness completely submerged the other side, Qi Xin turned around when he saw "Fear" and said something to the huge monster.

What was said? She sat back on her limp solitude and began to think.

Probably a serious topic about the rules of the other side, she thought.

Not too long ago, actually.

"Gao Mengyu, Lu Hui and Lu Nana passed the entry physical examination today." Zhong Chengshuo said in a low voice.

"Invite them to have hot pot after get off work tonight. It's been a long time since I've had hot pot." Yin Ren replied in a low voice, "It's quite commemorative. As a senior, I'm here to treat you."

"Okay, I'll make a reservation later."

"Remember to include Xiaoge Dahuang, Sister Xiaohe, and Liang Shan."

"no problem."

Human world, night.

"Finally landed, woo hoo! We will be Shi'an people from tomorrow on!" Lu Hui cried bitterly.

"It's so embarrassing, brother, crying in front of so many seniors." Lu Nana took off her red soft hat and fanned herself.

"These are the tears caused by being tortured." Lu Hui blew his nose loudly, "Speaking of which level are Yin Ren and the others? If they don't tell anyone, they must be Level A."

While eating hot pot, Lu Hui once asked Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng what level they were talking about. Unexpectedly, the nine groups had different expressions. The answer was summed up as "you will know after entering, eating is more important." Lu Hui couldn't ask further questions, so he had to give up.

"They all seemed to be in good spirits, and they didn't seem to be working very hard... But those two people seemed to be wearing couple's rings." Lu Nana recalled the situation during the dinner.

Lu Hui finally recovered from the emotion of passing the physical examination. He was just about to be shocked—


A scream was heard not far away. The Lu family brothers and sisters looked at each other and quickly ran in the direction of the screams.

Nearby is the old city with complex streets and alleys. Five minutes later, the two found the person who screamed - a young girl hiding in the corner of the alley, disheveled and trembling.

There was a minivan parked next to her. Under the bright moonlight, there was darkness inside the car door, and the car reeked of garbage and filth.

"Ah... ah..." The girl trembled and pointed at the shadow deep in the alley.

Lu Nana supported the girl, while Lu Hui protected them in front of them, looking into the darkness. A pool of crimson blood slowly crawled out of the black shadow, with mutilated limbs scattered on it. A skull rolled out of the shadow, with a horrified expression on its face.

"What's going on?" Lu Hui instantly grabbed a handful of talismans and held them tightly in his hand.

He recognized the face - it had been on the news that morning, and it seemed to be one of the wanted fugitives who had been on the run not long ago.

"Just now... I went home just now... Those three people suddenly got out of the car and pulled me into the car... Then... Then..." The girl stammered in fright.

Lu Hui grabbed a spherical spiritual weapon and threw it straight into the alley. In an instant, bright light illuminated everything in the alley.

Two young men stood in the middle of a pool of blood and broken corpses.

The two were handsome and pale, wearing ancient robes, one red and one white, with frightening dark lines on human faces revealed on the robes. The young man in red robe was playing with another head, while the young man in white robe was holding a stump and chewing it carefully.

Under the bright moonlight, there was no shadow of the two of them, but they undoubtedly made ripples on the pool of blood. There are physical evil objects, no aura leaking out... an extremely dangerous guy.

Lu Hui froze on the spot, thinking hard about what to do.

"A person who knows An?" the young man in red asked.

"… So what?"

"Say hello to Senior Fu for me." The man smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, we can't kill everyone now, so we can only attack the most unpleasant people."

"Let's play hide and seek, Shi'an."

The young man in red threw the head into the sky. Before the head hit the ground, the two young men in the pool of blood disappeared without a trace.

Lu Hui sat down on the ground.

"What should I do?" Lu Nana gasped.

"... Anyway, call the police first!"

The days are long, and they are already official employees of Shi'an. One day... one day, they will catch such a powerful evil thing.

The sky was filled with dark clouds and it was raining again.

(End of chapter)

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