Evil As Humans

Chapter 28: Autopsy results


It was too late, so the two took a taxi to go near the scene.

Zhong Cheng said that he had tidied up quickly, but there was an aura of imminent death lingering around him. Yin Ren really couldn't bear to see it, so he handed a dark brown object under Zhong Chengshuo's eyes.

"What's this?"

"Devil's spicy duck wings, I just bought them tonight." Yin Ren reluctantly gave up, "I didn't touch them, you can take them to refresh yourself."

Not sure whether he was confused or determined, Zhong Cheng held up the duck wings with a solemn expression, took a bite, and then shivered.

He was energetic and his eyes were completely dead.

Until he got off the bus, Zhong Cheng said he was still inhaling like a fan. The culprit expressed regret and ate the remaining spicy stewed vegetables.

As they approached the scene, the two put on the single-sided headphones issued by Shi'an. After a while, Lu Xiaohe's voice sounded from the headphones.

"Well, you two are almost at the scene. Go forward nine hundred meters and turn right. I've said hello to the police and you can check the scene."

"We have just been promoted to a Class C investigation team. Can we take on criminal cases?"

"No matter whether a person is stabbed to death, shot to death, or dies in a strange way, it is all a murder method. What is important is that the murderer kills people - if the murderer is there, we must arrest him. It is normal to find a third-party agency to cooperate. , no big deal.”

Yin Ren immediately raised his head, and a bat-sized drone flew past at low altitude. It flies smoothly and quietly, making it difficult to detect.

"Haha, I'm above you."

Evil things never want to touch such people. But thinking about it on the other hand, in order to prove his "innocence", he must increase his efforts to build a good relationship.

Fighting on the battlefield and upholding justice, these two types of people naturally carry an upright and fierce aura. The more energetic these people are, the stronger their momentum will be. Thousands of years ago, fierce soldiers on the battlefield could be used to destroy evil spirits and kill ghosts. This was the reason why.

The crime scene was on the edge of the old city. The nearby buildings are old and dilapidated and have not had time to be demolished and renovated. This area has been sealed off, and there are no residents in it. At most, homeless people sneak in and stay for two days.

Zhong Cheng nodded respectfully.

Yin Ren, who had been lying on the pile of bones for more than a thousand years: "A little bit."

Yin Ren realized. In the eyes of this old detective, "abnormal phenomena" are just one of the categories of traces at the scene. It was difficult for the police to investigate, so they outsourced the relevant identification work to Shi'an.

Sun Qinghui waved to the staff collecting evidence at the scene and led them into an alley.

This person doesn't usually get along with others. Although he looks gentle, he is tough in dealing with things. When he met Sun Qinghui this time, Zhong Cheng said that the atmosphere around him seemed to be softer.

When Uncle Sun saw Yin Ren, his smile dimmed imperceptibly for a moment. Then he stepped forward enthusiastically like a normal person and shook hands with Yin Ren: "I, Sun Qinghui, don't call me uncle. Just call me Lao Sun."

Yin Ren patted Zhong Cheng sympathetically and said.

"Have I not introduced myself yet? Lu Xiaohe, a doctor of neuroscience from University A, has been studying at Shi'an for two years... Hey, pay attention, the crime scene has arrived." The female voice said cheerfully.

Sun Qinghui stopped at the corner of the alley.

Yin Ren was very surprised: "How do you know?"

But Zhong Cheng's attitude was a bit strange.

Sun Qinghui laughed heartily twice and patted Yin Ren on the back: "It's okay. You can vomit if you feel like it later. You'll get used to it."

Zhong Cheng said: "No, I just... I thought you didn't believe in those strange powers and gods."

It seems that the company-wide notification of criticism still had sequelae, at least it gave them two inexplicable titles.

"The case was reported at 1:25 in the morning. The reporter was from the urban and rural planning and design team, a kid who was still an intern."

Yin Ren took the first step forward and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Uncle Sun, I am a work colleague of Brother Zhong."

Seeing the two people approaching, he took out his ID from his pocket with a straight face. When he saw Zhong Cheng, he said, this man was happy.

Sun Qinghui sighed.

"Believe it or not, but isn't Shi'an engaged in high technology? Maybe there is some principle behind it."

"We have been cooperating for who knows how many years." Sun Qinghui turned around and said, "Why, I think Captain Cheng and the others didn't tell you."

"By the way, the evil spirit index near you two is completely normal and can be recognized by living creatures. There is nothing special to pay attention to at the moment."

"...Hello, sister." Zhong Cheng said dryly.

"I'll hang up now and we'll talk later." There was a beep and the call was cut off.

Several police cars were parked at the scene of the crime, and a cordon was set up at the scene. A man in his forties came over. He had a stocky build, a Chinese-character face, a lot of white hair in his short hair, and was wearing an old-style black leather jacket.

Isn't Lu Xiaohe a science graduate? Could it be that he has long-lost clairvoyance

Zhong Cheng said: "Learn..."

"Hey, what a coincidence, isn't it? Xiao Zhong, weren't you going to do some research? Why did you come to us?"

Zhong Cheng was also startled when he said: "Uncle Sun."

"Hi, this is Xiao Lu that I contacted." Sun Qinghui helped the two of them put down the cordon. "I don't think he is an acquaintance. Xiao Zhong won't say anything. Xiao Yin, this is your first time watching the scene. Are you afraid?"

"Uncle Sun, have you cooperated with Shi'an before?" Zhong Cheng asked as he followed and asked questions seriously.

"An', this case is not strange at the moment." Lu Xiaohe said in a cheerful tone, "If the matter becomes serious, Shi'an will ask a higher-level investigation team to intervene. Haven't you experienced it before, two cat catching experts?" ?”

There isn't much surveillance around, this alley is monitoring a blind spot.

Then Lord Ghost King smiled brighter and brighter: "My name is Yin Ren. Brother Zhong and I are here to help. Please give me more advice on where we are lacking."

He was indeed a police officer, and a pretty capable veteran. Yin Ren took back his hand and made a judgment in his heart.

"This is it."

"According to the rules, you have to enter a place like this during the day, and you must be accompanied by Party A and government officials. The child lost his cell phone here during the investigation, and did not dare to trouble Party A, so he came to find it secretly."

As a result, the unlucky child's cell phone was found, along with major mental trauma. The reporter was not at the scene and said he was taken for emergency psychological intervention.

The three people stopped near the body and were speechless for a moment.

At the end of the alley, there stood a crimson cone with a diameter of less than one meter, as regular as a large roadblock. Under the moonlight, the crimson cone shone like raw meat and looked like it was made of minced meat.

At the top of the cone, a human skull is placed squarely. There was no trace of flesh or blood on the skull, and it was as clean as a specimen.

Below the round pile is a perfectly circular pool of blood, with the round pile as the center, exuding a strong smell of blood.

At the edge of the pool of blood, there were more than a dozen sundries surrounding it. Their intervals were exactly the same, as if they were lining up a perfectly circular pool of blood. These debris are so neat that it’s scary to see them—T-shirts, clothes, shoes and socks are neatly stacked, kitchen knives are as clean as new, and even toilet paper balls, shopping receipts and other odds and ends have been flattened and folded.

There was a pile of dark things among them. Zhong Cheng said he looked closer and saw that they were hair gathered into a small pile.

Zhong Cheng said, looking at the pile of minced meat in the center: "...Is this the corpse?"

Judging by the size of the pile of flesh and the amount of bleeding, the victim was probably an adult.

It is indeed a corpse, Yin Ren replied in his heart. The pile of meat exuded a strong human smell, and the victim must have died recently.

Sun Qinghui: "Yes, it's a corpse. According to the city planning team, it was not here at around nine o'clock tonight. There are no tire tracks and no other traces of transportation nearby. Is this the scene of the first crime? How many dead are there? People, we still have to analyze and study.”

Yin Ren covered his mouth in cooperation and made several retching sounds.

"The residual evil spirit index on the corpse is 0.01~0.02fR. This person has been exposed to evil objects, but he did not die from an attack by evil objects." Lu Xiaohe's voice appeared in the ears of the two people again, "No similar cult rituals were found in the Shi'an database , you two please follow up actively.”

"It has a strong sense of ritual, like the kind of thing only a madman would do."

Sun Qinghui stood beside a pool of blood, frowning.

"Haigu has never used this kind of crime method before. We are already investigating unsolved cases in nearby areas. You can take a look and synchronize us with any news."

The temperature was not low in the summer night, and many insects flew in along the flesh and crawled on the minced meat. Zhong Chengshuo and Yin Ren put on gloves. The former checked the surrounding environment, while the latter squatted and observed the pile of corpses.

Zhong Cheng said that he almost rubbed his face against the nearby wall, and the sound of taking pictures kept coming. Two hours later, he and Yin Ren were squatting together. Looking at his partner's hesitant face, Yin Ren opened his backpack knowingly and handed out a bottle of drink.

"Oolong tea, sugar-free."

"Thank you, I'll transfer the money to you." Zhong Cheng said sincerely.

"No, having said that, it's rare for you to make such an omission." Yin Ren picked out a can of peach juice soda and drank half of the can.

"My backpack can't fit." Zhong Cheng said after taking a few sips of tea and sighed softly, "When attending the science post, I have to carry a medical bag and simple equipment. Carrying more things makes it inconvenient to move around."

So miserable.

After briefly sympathizing with his partner, Yin Ren cleared his throat: "Did you find anything?"

"There are some signs of fighting, not obvious. I don't know if it's fresh or old. The police should analyze it. What about you? Can you... have a conversation with the deceased?"

As an atheist, Zhong Cheng said this question was particularly uncertain.

Yin Ren explained patiently: "There is no way to have a conversation, let alone the fact that it is difficult for people to turn into ghosts. Even if they become evil creatures, they will most likely not be able to communicate well, and the testimonies will not be credible. People cannot know everything while they are alive. You won’t suddenly open your eyes.”

"That's what the Shi'an textbook says." He added after that.

"That's right." Zhong Cheng said and took two more sips of tea. "If I were suddenly hit and killed by a car while walking on the road, I might not even be able to understand how I died."

"That's the truth." Yin Ren shook the jar at him, "It's a good example, don't use it next time."

Zhong Cheng said his eyes paused on the shaking jar for a moment. He thought for half a second, then picked up the bottle and clinked glasses with Yin Ren.

Yin Ren: "..."

Yin Ren: "Have you started reading that book "The Art of Communication"?"

Zhong Cheng said and blinked, the bottle stopped in mid-air helplessly. "Haha, cheers is good." Yin Ren couldn't help laughing, "Cheers!"

Then a pair of hands pressed on their heads.

"What are you doing? Please be serious at the crime scene."

"Uncle Sun." Zhong Cheng said and said hello quickly.

"Did you find anything?"

Zhong Cheng said: "There are no traces of fighting, and there are no obvious blood stains or damage. The conclusion of the trace inspection personnel should be more comprehensive than mine."

Sun Qinghui nodded: "Where are you, Xiao Yin?"

Yin Ren: "I found four dead bugs."

Seeing the confusion on the faces of Sun Qinghui and Zhong Cheng, Yin Ren said: "There are small black flying insects in the meat pile. The owner of the meat pile died not long ago, but the insects in the meat have been dead for four or five days."

Sun Qinghui was shocked: "Hey, can you talk to the soul of an insect?"

Yin Ren was helpless.

He suddenly understood those programmers on the Internet who shouted "I don't care about repairing computers."

"I particularly like natural science." Yin Ren said seriously, "It can be seen with the naked eye."

He couldn't advertise to the detectives that he was familiar with all kinds of corpses.

"Okay, let the forensic comrades pay attention later." Sun Qinghui yawned, "The forensic doctor is about to enter the scene. When you two are done, I will take you to have a meal."

Zhong Cheng said hesitantly: "We-"

"Go if you want. Security regulations are not that strict. Officer Sun Qinghui is an acquaintance of yours, right?" Lu Xiaohe in the headset also yawned. "Just record the scene and continue during the day... Huh... Well, we will continue during the day."

She almost fell asleep.

As for Yin Ren, he must be happy to agree.

A street away, Sister Xu’s Malatang is brightly lit.

The store is not big and is kept fairly clean. The plastic tables and chairs were polished and there were no messy dirty footprints on the tiles on the floor. The proprietress specializes in night business, and the ingredients in the plastic baskets are very fresh.

Seeing Sun Qinghui come in, she waved her hand boldly: "Night shift again? And with... Oh, this new generation is so handsome."

"He's not a newcomer to our place. Xu Fang, do you know the one with glasses? He's the son of the old Zhong family."

"How do you recognize him? The last time I saw him, he was only seven or eight years old. But I have an impression that this kid kept saying that he wanted to be a policeman when he grew up." Xu Fang's eyes turned into slits with laughter. It reveals a kind of simplicity that makes people feel comfortable. "I've covered the drinks tonight, you can just eat them."

Yin Ren piled a mountain of ingredients into the basket and kept mumbling: "You originally wanted to be a policeman."

"Yeah, but my parents don't agree."

Unlike Yin Ren, who eats everything, Zhong Cheng said he doesn't seem to like synthetic meat products. He only picked quail eggs, fungi and vegetables. The landlady weighed the price neatly and put the number on the card.

"They are older, and I didn't insist on wanting to do it, so I changed my career direction." Zhong Cheng said he was very calm about not being a police officer.

"Xiao Zhong is too straight-tempered and is really not suitable to be a criminal police officer." Sun Qinghui added with a smile, "If we want to do well in this industry, we must cultivate ourselves as a human being. Criminals are cunning, and it is a basic skill to read people's orders."

"Perhaps she is afraid that Xiao Zhong will follow Feng Feng's path." The landlady sighed, "You said Feng Feng is such a good little girl..."

"Hey, Captain Cheng and Lao Zhong are not that kind of people. Speaking of Xu Fang, Xiao Zhong is now a top student in A major, isn't he awesome?" Sun Qinghui interrupted her with a smile.

The landlady's eyes lit up, and the topic turned to her child who had just entered high school.

The Malatang was rich and fragrant, and Yin Ren poured a lot of sesame sauce on it, enjoying the meal. Zhong Cheng said that he was being held down by the landlady to talk about "learning the secret recipe", with a face as painful as constipation, while Sun Qinghui looked on with joy.

The small shop does not pay attention to quiet dining, but Zhong Chengshuo and Yin Ren are eye-catching. Within a few minutes, workers on the night shift, drivers, medical staff, etc. all joined in the chatter. The place was steaming with heat and it was so lively that it was no longer like early morning.

When Yin Ren finished his third bowl of Malatang, it was almost five o'clock in the morning. The sky outside the door gradually lights up, and it looks like a brand new day.

Beside him, two workers, their faces flushed from drinking beer, were singing tunelessly. One nurse added a filter to the Malatang that had just been taken, and another kept looking back at Yin Ren. Sun Qinghui was busy chatting with the proprietress about his children's education, while the driver, who was full of pride, was talking to Zhong Cheng about A's college tuition.

However, in this smoke and smoke, Yin Ren suddenly felt the itch of being spied on.

He suddenly stopped using his chopsticks and looked out the door.

In the gradually thinning night, a vague figure flashed in his peripheral vision. Yin Ren took another closer look, and there was nothing outside the door.

The street in front of the store is empty. The smell of people, the smell of evil, even the remnants of evil spirits—nothing.

Yin Ren still looked at it for a while.

Interesting, he thought, this case might not be that simple.

The next day.

After going out for the night field work, the two of them can go to the company to check in in the afternoon. Considering the rich lunch in Shi'an canteen, Yin Ren dragged Zhong Chengshuo straight to Shi'an.

"We have just joined the job, so we must be proactive." Mr. Ghost King made an impassioned speech.

"The Art of Communication" failed to stop Zhong Cheng and said: "You want to eat in the cafeteria."

Yin Ren even blushed: "Yes, but this does not conflict with our need to perform well. Moreover, we haven't met the new colleagues in our group yet, wouldn't it be good to say hello early?"

Zhong Cheng was speechless. He hugged "The Art of Communication" tightly in confusion.

Is it because his communication skills are too low, or is this guy with amnesia just too strong? In the past twenty-eight years, Zhong Cheng said that for the first time, his self-esteem was hurt due to emotional intelligence.

Not long after, Zhong Cheng said that the self-esteem of gay people was traumatized a second time.

As a Class C investigation team, they have an office in Shi'an. The office is not big, with two desks next to each other on one side, each equipped with a computer and a bookshelf. The wall opposite the door is covered with multi-screen monitors, and the equipment underneath is as complex as an airplane cockpit.

In front of the "cockpit", a girl was sitting on an engineering chair, looking at the two people with a smile.

The girl was about thirty years old, with a round face and round eyes, and wore light makeup. Her hair was a bit thick and tied into a neat high ponytail. She was wearing a loose cow-print T-shirt and casual pants, and a pair of sneakers on her feet.

She can't be said to be very beautiful, but her facial features are very comfortable, and she belongs to the type of "you can tell she has a good personality at first glance".

"Wow, it's a pleasure to meet you. You two are so handsome."

Lu Xiaohe said with a smile, still speaking very fast.

"I am Lu Xiaohe from last night. You can call me Sister Lu or Xiaohe. If you two have anything to ask about, I will answer it for you at any time - oh yes, I have your contact information, and the friend application has been sent. , remember to pass it.”

Yin Ren turned on his phone and found the friend request from "Galaxy" as expected. Their "Shi'an - Farmer Orchard (3)" also became "Shi'an - Group Work Group (4)".

"Remember to use the Shi'an company's APP for daily check-in and communication. Leave the WeChat group for chatting and communicating with the outside world." Lu Xiaohe said, "I will provide you with technical, information, and strategic support, so you can rest assured. , I am very reliable.”

Yin Ren was full of expectations: "Really?"

Lu Xiaohe: "Really, I have been on the job for two years, and all the field teams I support are still alive, and there are no serious disabilities left."

Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said: "..."

"Just kidding," Lu Xiaohe chuckled, "Let's get down to business first."

She turned the remote control casually, without looking at it, and pressed it straight back. The entire wall of screens suddenly lit up, forming a large image. On the screen are various bloody details that must be mosaic, as well as pictures of insects that are a bit too detailed.

"The police's preliminary autopsy results have come out, and we will continue to follow up on this matter."

"There is only one victim. Wu Tao, 36 years old, is a well-known local gangster in Shangguang District. To put it simply, this person is a 100% pure scumbag. He has been eating, drinking, gambling, and causing trouble with local vagrants. When he was young, he was A petty thief broke in, and the police have his information.”

Lu Xiaohe turned half a circle in his chair and adjusted the screen to Wu Tao's profile.

"The clothes, skulls, piles of flesh and hair you saw last night all belong to Wu Tao. Wu Tao's death time was around one o'clock in the morning last night. The cause of death is difficult to determine."

Zhong Cheng said: "Not sure?"

"Yes, the problem is the bug Xiao Yin found last night."

Lu Xiaohe switched the screen.

"Forensic staff isolated 547 fruit flies from the pile of meat. The insect corpses probably gathered in Wu Tao's mouth, nasal cavity and trachea. A large number of insects poured into the trachea in a short period of time and could indeed kill him."

"But all those fruit flies have been dead for more than a day, so it is theoretically impossible for them to attack Wu Tao."

"And when Wu Tao was cut into minced meat, his vital signs had not completely disappeared. In addition, apart from the cause of death, the pile of minced meat was also very strange."

Lu Xiaohe zoomed in on the pile of shapeless corpses and continued without changing his expression.

"He wasn't chopped up manually or broken into pieces by some kind of machine."

"Except for the skull, Wu Tao's muscles, bones, and internal organs were all accurately divided into cubes with a side length of 1 mm."

The author has something to say:

I am asking a gay friend: I need a body finder who is engaged in urban planning. The body is in a closed area of the old city. The current idea is to let the discoverer look for the forgotten mobile phone there at night and want to inquire about some industry details.

Friend: Oh, that’s easy to say. You can set up a design institute’s planning team to survey the old city. After working until midnight, an unlucky guy will forget his mobile phone at the research site. All the survey records are on the mobile phone and the survey report will be handed in tomorrow. Feedback After the leadership, the leader said that you should not trouble Party A, but the report must be submitted on time and you must find a solution yourself.

Gay friend: If this were the case for me, I would definitely venture into no man’s land in the middle of the night.


gay friend:

Me: Too heavy.

(End of chapter)