Evil As Humans

Chapter 36: Dragon scales


At noon, the police found the second deceased in the Shangguang District garbage dump.

Lu Xiaohe was lying in front of the console, staring at the cassette box of "Resurrection Legend" in his hand in a daze.

A row of photos of the murder scene were lined up on the big screen. The deceased died in exactly the same way as Wu Tao. On top of the bloody minced meat, the white skull was particularly eye-catching.

The difference is that this time the "dropped objects" around the deceased did not form a perfect circle, but had two holes missing.

"General Ma, 32 years old, is a native of Haigu City. He is unemployed and has a history of drug abuse. According to police information, he has recently been selling drugs and started to trade small amounts of drugs with others."

Lu Xiaohe put the cassette away, his tone mixed with happiness and annoyance.

"The anti-narcotics department has been keeping an eye on him for some time. There was some improvement a while ago - General Ma was ready to contact the line. The police originally planned to catch them all."

As a result, the person who dismembered the corpse stepped in, and the clue was interrupted.

"The last time the dismemberer took action was on July 13th. Today is July 21st. If the dismemberer takes action again, he will become the third serial murderer in the history of Haigu City."

Zhong Cheng said sitting upright with his hands on his knees: "Did you find anything at the scene?"

At the end of eleven years ago, Ge Tingting's parents took her into the city to buy supplies, and the three of them had a car accident in the mountains.

Ge Tingting's parents died on the spot, and their bodies were already decaying. However, Ge Tingting was protected in their arms by two people and miraculously survived.

In fact, this matter is not complicated at all. According to police investigation, the deceased, General Ma, was a new recruit of the drug lord "Liu Ye" and was preparing to join the gang recently. Police trace examiners said the murderer specifically took a note from the deceased.

Zhong Cheng said and nodded: "Yin Ren and I just talked yesterday and have similar suspicions. The behavioral characteristics of the person who dismembered the body are unclear, and if he is an adult, Officer Sun will not have any clues."

Ge Tingting, 16 years old, is from Gejiazhuang, Shouguan County, Haigu City. He has hearing and speech impairments.

He clicked till then.

His joy was very real—yes, they were liberated and became auxiliary support workers again.

"Yeah, then she met the Dismemberer. Until yesterday, the two were still together."

Two months ago, Ge Tingting's grandmother passed away. Ge Tingting took out his secret ID card and went to the city to work as his sister's "adult" identity.

But the "student" below is a bit too old.

The sun is shining brightly inside, and the huge touch screen is filled with words. An old lady, hunched over, was sitting in front of the podium with her eyes closed and taking a nap. Just looking at the tables and chairs under the stage, it looks like a small university lecture hall.

"Ge listens to that situation. She can't have known the corpse dismemberer for a long time, right? She doesn't seem like someone who would act with strangers. How did the corpse dismemberer keep her?"

The people in the mountain village did not understand these fancy foreign words and simply regarded her as a deaf-mute.

The road was slippery in the snow, and the little tricycle rolled over the cliff. The terrain in the mountainous area is complex, and it took people five days to find the wreckage of the three-wheeler under the cliff.

His sadness was also very heavy - before lunch, before Lu Xiaohe's investigation suggestions to the police were sent, new news came from Sun Qinghui. In order to adjust his work plan in time, he missed the limited edition authentic camphor tea duck in the canteen.

Yin Ren turned his chair around and answered lazily.

But compared to ordinary deaf-mute people, her situation is a little bit special—

Young Ge Tingting spent the New Year in a coma. After waking up, she could no longer understand the words of the people around her, and she could only make some unintelligible sounds.

Lu Xiaohe reacted really quickly. She gasped loudly: "The person who dismembered the body...maybe he is still a child?"

Ge Tingting was not born unable to hear, nor was he unable to speak. At least until she was five years old, her hearing and speech abilities were completely normal, and she was even known in the village as a "premature speaker."

He and Zhong Cheng said he was a weak, helpless rookie, and even had a history of acting without permission. According to Lu Xiaohe, the superiors were afraid that the two of them would cause trouble when they were acting together with the police, so they decided to nip it in the bud.

"The order just came, we will transfer it to the rear for support, and the Class B investigation team will officially take over the investigation." Zhong Cheng answered honestly.

A life that was unfortunate and lucky, but not shocking.

The drug lord "Master Liu" was registered in Shi'an and has always been unclear in the metaphysical world. Now that he is related to the person who dismembered the body, there may be another mystery to the case.

"After DNA comparison with Ge Jiaojiao, one of them can be identified as Ge Tingting. The other person is likely to be the 'body dismemberer'... Based on the blood sample, it can only be determined that the 'body dismemberer' is a male."

Lu Xiaohe thought for a few minutes and then started typing on the keyboard again.

In the afternoon, on the eighth floor of Shi'an Building.

Children, or the elderly. Considering the audience for Resurrection Legend, children are more likely.

As a woman, if she had just been attacked by a man, she would never leave with a strange man again unless it was a law enforcement officer.

There is one exception - the man probably makes her "not feel threatened."

If you miss this time, you can only eat it next month.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to say. In addition to General Ma's blood, police officers also found blood samples from two other people at the scene."

"...I understand, the guess is reasonable. It just so happens that the investigation recommendations related to "Resurrection Legend" have not been sent yet, so I will add them and send them to Officer Sun."

The diagnosis given by the doctor at that time was a lesion in Wernicke's area of the brain, with an unknown cause.

Lu Xiaohe sighed.

"Ge Tingting appeared at both crime scenes, so the suspicion is quite high. The police are already looking for someone, and the detailed information has just been sent."

"In other words, she probably became a wild corpse slave ten years ago." Zhong Cheng speculated, "She was suddenly attacked by Wu Tao, and her special abilities burst out in fear."

Pretty good too.

"Because of the language barrier, Ge Tingting found only odd jobs and had no place to live. If she had money, she would spend the night in a black Internet cafe, and if she didn't have money, she would sneak into an empty room in a closed area to deal with her. Wu Tao's group probably is like this Target her."

Hearing these words, Yin Ren felt a mixture of sadness and joy in his heart.

"Hey, why are you free to come to class?" Although it's not class time yet, Lao Bin lowered his voice subconsciously, "Aren't you two working on the murder case?"

This matter cannot dampen Yin Ren's non-existent ambition. Anyway, their investigation didn't stop there. Instead, he spent more time playing "Resurrection Legend" with pay. If he hadn't missed the limited lunch, Yin Ren would be in a better mood.

As for what Zhong Cheng said... Unlike Gao Mengyu's time, Yin Ren didn't see any fluctuations in his mood.

After hearing the whole story, their colleagues felt much more depressed.

Lao Bin was dejected: "It's not me, why do you two meet the real guy every time? I have completed the investigation here - I followed the 'corridor hallucination incident' for half a month, and only arrested toxic mold, not even a new species. ”

As he said that, Lao Bin glanced at his partner quietly.

There are only four people in the classroom. In addition to the three newcomers Yin Ren, Zhong Chengshuo, and Lao Bin, there is also a new face.

A strong man more than two meters tall sat next to Lao Bin. He has thick eyebrows, small eyes, and ugly facial features. When he heard about the case he was responsible for, he turned his head and smiled honestly.

"Tin Lele, the corpse bearer, is my partner." Lao Bin introduced casually, "We live in the Shi'an dormitory now. Because of this, I even had a fight with my girlfriend - we live together and we just rented a house. ,well."

Zhong Cheng said he didn't care about Lao Bin's emotional life. He turned to Qin Lele politely: "Hello, I'm Zhong Cheng. The one with the long hair is my partner, Yin Ren."

Tan Lele blinked slowly, with some belated excitement: "Hello, hello, I am Tan Lele! My uncle is also in Shi'an, and he even mentioned you!"

Zhong Cheng said he reacted for half a second: "Are you Brother Qin's nephew?"

"Who is Brother Tan? I don't know him." Tan Lele thought for a long time in confusion, "My uncle's name is Tan Xiaoxiao."

Zhong Cheng said: "... Well, that's him. Did he mention us?"

Tan Lele waved his big hand: "Yeah, he said you two are handsome. He said if he was half as handsome as you two, he wouldn't be unable to find a wife now."

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

Yin Ren: "...Pfft."

He is worthy of being an orthodox corpse worker of the Qin family, and the family style is really very distinctive.

Lao Bin covered his face in pain: "He was a newcomer last year, and he failed to pass the basic course after a year... I envy you so much, Xiao Zhong, do you understand how I feel?"

"Hey hey hey!" Tan Lele obviously didn't understand, he laughed very loudly.

On the podium, the old lady was awakened by the roar of laughter. She stood up shakily, slapped her back with difficulty, and walked to the touch screen.

She didn't open her eyes, but she turned over the book as if she could see: "Basics... Basics... Where did I talk about last time..."

"The basic fighting methods of the science post." Lao Bin also opened the book, "Then it's time to talk about the 'three pillars of metaphysics'."

"Oh, okay, thank you." The old lady cleared her throat, closed her eyes and "looked" at Lao Bin, "Let's continue talking today."

Zhong Cheng stopped talking. He opened his notebook and put the tip of his pen on the paper, ready to go.

"Shi'an's scientific post mainly provides rear support and is responsible for first aid, mechanical maintenance and other auxiliary work. The work of the scientific post personnel is mainly based on research, and the requirements for combat capabilities are not that high."

The old lady spoke slowly on the podium. When Zhong Cheng spoke, the tip of his pen flew rapidly, and neat and beautiful regular script characters floated out from his pen.

Yin Ren turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw this man transformed into a human flesh printer, the alarm bells rang in his head—

Modern human writing is not much different from ancient times. Yin Ren combines the context and makes it easy to read without much difficulty. But if he were asked to write blindly, he would definitely reveal his secret.

Fortunately, no one in the room took notes except Zhong Cheng said.

Tan Lele stared at Comrade Xiao Zhong in shock, as if he had seen a brand new species. Even Lao Bin, who was working in the science department, looked at Zhong Cheng in awe and muttered words like "He is indeed a big guy" from time to time.

Okay, the alarm is cleared, Yin Ren puts away the pen and paper.

He simply turned his head sideways and watched Zhong Cheng speak and write. The old lady's accent was a bit thick, and it was hard for him to hear her.

Needless to say, in addition to learning how to write new terms, this scene is quite enjoyable. Zhong Cheng said that he seemed to be aware of Yin Ren's gaze. The tip of his pen paused for two seconds, and then he adjusted his posture slightly to make it easier for Yin Ren to see.

"...Besides Shi'an, the definition of scientific posts is not so strict. In the two major organizations of 'Nightwalker' and 'Sinking Society', the division of labor between 'scientific posts' and 'non-scientific posts' is very vague, and there is no practice of working together. ”

The old lady on the stage continued.

"Take the unofficial group 'Night Walkers' as an example. Their scientific positions may not be regular scholars, but may be people with military training, civilian scientists, or even ordinary people who are confident in this field."

Zhong Cheng said that he made a conspicuous circle around the words "night traveler".

Lao Bin glanced at Zhong Cheng who was taking notes frantically and said, and raised his hand actively: "Teacher, I have a question - how can people in the science post deal with evil things without the partner of a metaphysician?"

The old lady paused for a while.

"Two methods."

she croaked.

"Attack living people who control evil objects, or use spiritual weapons to fight. The science post cannot use spells, but it can use runes, spiritual weapons and other 'finished products' that do not require additional operations... Haha, young man, are you a science post? Do you want to buy mine... Ahem."

Halfway through, she seemed to have thought of something and swallowed the rest of her words.

Off the stage, Zhong Cheng said his eyebrows trembled, and he crossed out most of the words he wrote with a grimace.

"In short, among the three existing metaphysical organizations, the 'Night Walkers' have the lowest threshold, the loosest organization, and the largest number of people... If Shi'an is a regular army that maintains order, the Night Walkers are more like mercenaries who work for money. They There is no shortage of strange people there, some people either can’t come to Shi’an or they just don’t want to come.”

The old lady returned to her sleepy look.

"You should be more careful about the 'Sinking Club' than the 'Night Walker'."

Yin Ren took a breath and looked away from the notes Zhong Cheng said and looked at the old man.

"The Sinking Club is a standard criminal gang. Its prototype has been around in the Gong Dynasty. For thousands of years, it can't be wiped out like cockroaches. It is considered an old enemy of Shi'an, and its members are full of real lunatics - this group of people likes to find people to do injustice to. Trading, just doing some shady things.”

Speaking of this, the old lady's tone became unusually serious.

"If you meet someone from the Sinking Society, no matter how generous the terms they offer, don't listen to them - pie in the sky will never fall into your trap, especially if it has something to do with metaphysics, and you may have to risk your life for good luck. "

This statement is quite empty and full of the dogma of "Don't eat candy from strangers". It's okay to deal with children, adults can easily have their own ideas.

Such as this moment.

Lao Bin lowered his voice again and muttered to Zhong Cheng: "Hey, so serious? Aren't we highly resistant to strange things? Can we take advantage of it and just..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a burst of undisguised laughter.

On the podium, the old lady laughed mockingly. She slowly turned around, faced Lao Bin, and opened her eyes with difficulty.

Lao Bin trembled all over and retched on the spot.

The old lady's eyes were like two uneven pearls, each with four or five deformed pupils and irises. Those pupils were crowded together and swam from time to time, as if they were some kind of living thing.

"I wanted to take the benefits and leave at first, to see what gift the sinking would give me." The old man said with a smile, "If it hadn't been for this, I should be retiring at Nightwalker now."

Lao Bin wiped his vomited saliva and remained silent.

However, the old lady did not intend to let him go - she walked down from the stage and slowly walked in front of Lao Bin and Zhong Chengshuo, holding the edge of the table with two chicken claw-like hands.

"Since you can get into Shi'an, your scientific position indicators are not low. Some of you may even get 'full marks'."

The old man lowered his head and "looked" at the two people from top to bottom. Her wrinkles gathered and the smile on her face became kinder.

"What a pity, just as there is no 'absolutely smooth plane' in the world, there is no such thing as 'absolute disbelief' - as scientific researchers, you can't get rid of at least two things. Even that Li who doesn't hit the wall and doesn't look back. Even if you think about it, you can’t escape this..."

"What, what?" Glancing at Zhong Cheng, who was still frantically taking notes, Lao Bin swallowed.

"The most basic empathy for fellow humans," she replied, "and the most instinctive fear of the unknown."

The old lady clasped her hands together.

"If the scientific index is high and it can walk sideways, Shi'an's evil spirit will not need to be so carefully guarded... No, no, the level of the evil evil is too high. A top-notch cursed spiritual weapon will do."

"As long as it can shake you for a moment - even if it's the subconscious kind that you may not even notice. They only need such a trivial crack."

Her closed hands staggered and made a twisting motion.

"Then, bash!"

The room was completely silent. Perhaps the old lady's aura was too strong, and even Tan Lele instinctively held back her breath. Only Zhong Cheng kept a straight face and wrote down the words "Bah!" in his notebook.

Yin Ren tried hard to keep his face straight, and it was difficult to hold back his smile.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's reaction, the old lady didn't mind at all. She chuckled twice and propped herself up.

"Of course, there are all kinds of things in the world. There are certainly people who don't care about anything—people who are either in jail or on their way to jail."

After saying that, she paused meaningfully for a long time, and then walked back with her waist hunched over.

Seeing the old man walking back to the podium, Lao Bin breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest with lingering fear.

The old lady just pretended that nothing happened: "Next, I have to focus on the history of the Sinking Society..."

Villa No. 8, Ping'an Manor Villa Area.

When Ping An Manor was first built, it focused on the high-end customer market. Some of the units in the community are high-end villas, and a world-famous design team was specially hired to design them.

There are still many people living in the villa area, but the really rich people have moved away long ago. The remaining villas have either been converted into small company offices, or continue to be occupied by ruthless people who do not believe in evil.

For example, the drug lord "Master Liu".

"Master Liu"'s real name is Liu Aigao, and he will be sixty years old in two years. Naturally, he would not buy a property by himself. This villa is in the name of a relative of one of his lovers.

Liu Ai and Gao Ting liked the scenery here, and the secluded environment was even more popular with him. He simply stayed here for a few years.

As for the ghost legend of Ping An Manor - he dared to use his gun to kill people when he entered, and he stomped on the brains all over the floor. He didn't dare to play in the dark, and he wasn't even afraid of the police and property owners wandering around. Why was he afraid of ghosts

Since he dared to play dark under the light, he had no worries about being recognized by the police who came and went. After the "business" became big, Liu Aigao didn't show up for ten years. Not to mention the police, many of the younger brothers didn't even know what he looked like.

Today, Mr. Liu is not in a good mood.

Nowadays, urban areas have been improved and surveillance has been improved, and the anti-drug police have more and more "eyes". Compared with more than ten years ago, it is extremely difficult to make quick money these days.

Previously, Mr. Liu would ask his subordinates to check three or five times after recruiting someone offline. In addition to seizing undercover agents and testing their abilities, he also explicitly prohibited both selling and smoking. Now they have no one to choose from, they can only pick someone up from the group of addicts who cannot afford to support them.

There is a big deal coming at the end of the month, and he has just found a horse general who is not afraid of death. As a result, this guy died suddenly the next day before he even got in.

Of course, if an addict takes too much and goes crazy, it would not be surprising if he dies suddenly. But this man's death was so evil that Mr. Liu had to be a little concerned.

"What's going on? Come on, let's talk."

Liu Aigao turned on the speakerphone on his cell phone and slowly lit a cigarette.

The person on the other side of the phone said solemnly: "No, I don't know... I'm very careful here, I must not have been discovered by the police... "

"Police? The police don't cut people into mincemeat." Mr. Liu blew out a smoke ring, "I'm asking about those crazy dogs from the Sinking Society. From this look, it's a good thing they did."

"I, we only heard that it was related to a little girl. The people over at Wanxing Street spread the word. The police have been looking for that girl these days."

Liu Aigao pressed his temples, his tone a little colder.

"I don't care about these details. You have to find people. When the time comes, as long as there are people with unknown origins approaching Ping An Manor, they will be dealt with for me."

"Then your side..."

"I'm just tired of living there, so let's move to another place."

"You, you want to move?" The tone of the person on the other side of the phone became more and more panicked, with deep fear in his voice, "Master Liu Liu Liu, you can't just leave us alone..."

"If this thing can be done beautifully, no matter what happens in the future." Liu Aigao put out his cigarette, "You know better than me. Whether it's the police or the sinking club, as long as one of them gets involved, we can finish it together."

"Understood! I'm going to find someone right now—"

"Idiot." Liu Aigao hung up the call and cursed contemptuously.

Liu Aigao lit another cigarette and wandered to his bedroom. He rummaged in the bedside table for a long time and found a strange pendant rope. The pendant rope was specially custom-made. It is said that the two trucks could pull it continuously, and it was strung with luxurious gold and jade beads. Just looking at the lanyard, it looks like a valuable men's necklace.

At the bottom of the pendant is an empty black fabric bag. The material isn't very pretty, but it looks solid at first glance.

Liu Aigao looked around, locked the bedroom door, and carefully removed the same pendant cord around his neck.

He untied the old bag on his chest, gently took out the contents, and stuffed them into a brand new fabric bag. Then he tied up the bag and hung the stronger pendant rope around his neck.

Before stuffing the clothes back into my clothes, the afternoon sunlight flashed across the small black bag.

It is tied tightly around the mouth and formed into a flat fan shape. Under the sunlight, the black fabric glowed with a faint light.

At first glance, it looks like some kind of scales.

The author has something to say:

Lao Bin: My group work partner (?), other people’s group work partner.jpg

Xiao Zhong, a real human flesh printer.

(End of chapter)