Evil As Humans

Chapter 38: Bad consequences


July 23, at noon.

Shi'an Building, the office of Special Investigation Team Six.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses swiped his phone with an unhappy look on his face: "People from Group 7 are in the hospital again. This time we are cooperating independently with the police."


"Bao Linlin and Wang Zhou both suffered fractures."

"Investigation can also correct fractures, that's awesome." The young man exclaimed.

The young man was dressed as a takeaway rider, carrying a huge delivery box on his back. He didn't even take off his helmet - there was no takeout company's LOGO on the helmet, only the four blood-red characters "Eating is a Blessing".

Among them, the word "福" is still written upside down.

A pair of twin sisters stood next to the delivery rider. They were both in their thirties, had neat short hair, and were wearing identical protective suits.

Their whole bodies were covered with large and small packages, and a slight metallic glimmer appeared in the gaps between the packages.

In the photo, the "good boy" is as long as a thumb and can fit into any small bag. It is carved from a piece of yellow-green turbid jade. It looks like a prostrate animal at first glance, but a human head is carved on the top.

At the same time, Shi'an - group work group.

"Ping'an Manor is a place with a strong negative energy. Is there anything we need to pay attention to?" the twin sister added.

In just six months, Mr. Liu evaporated under the sun and miraculously made a comeback in the shadows. He seems to have some kind of support, and his actions are even more arrogant than before.

"So they got two little lunatics out of nowhere, leading An and the police to take action first, while they hid behind and reaped the benefits."

Rider Xiao Wu came back to his senses: "I understand, I understand, Mr. Liu has touched it too, right? If he returns it like this, won't he have to listen to the Sinking Association until he dies?"

"See for yourself, I took care of it again."

The middle-aged man knocked on the table, and an extremely detailed action plan was projected on the screen.

"The person who covered up the whereabouts of the two children was the ghost master Kong Wanqing, an old acquaintance of everyone. After investigation, it was found that the drug lord 'Liu Ye' was the real target of the Sinking Club."

This time, before the rider could ask questions, the middle-aged man took the lead in explaining.

Six groups of soldiers were specially assigned to split into two groups, with non-scientific posts assisting the criminal police. Two scientific officers entered the community first to explore and assist the police as appropriate.

"They will also be involved in the operation?"

C-X37, "Good Boy".

"Oh my god, sinking will sell this unfortunate thing to Master Liu." Rider Xiao Wu gasped.

"How is that possible? I specifically told Lu Xiaohe to tell her rookies to stay away from the battlefield."

Two sullen male faces appeared on the screen. One is a photo of the ghost master Kong Wanqing, and the other is a portrait of a middle-aged man with the word "Master Liu" written underneath.

With the help of professional metaphysicians, the two children could not make much splash. The problem is that-

"In addition, there is another very important point." The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses with his middle finger, "Master Liu holds the top cursed spiritual weapon 'Good Boy'. We must recover it before it sinks."

"Xiao Wu, please be more polite." I don't know whether it was the elder sister or the younger sister who spoke.

"How is that possible?" the middle-aged man sneered. "The Sinking Club never buys or sells, only lends. Their transactions are usually recorded in ten years. Calculating the time, it's time for Mr. Liu to return that 'good boy'."

Anti-narcotics police were ambushing the surrounding areas and would immediately arrest the relevant personnel of "Master Liu" once they showed up. The criminal police team is responsible for arresting Ge Tingting and the dismemberer.

"Should we leave those two children alone?"

After an in-depth investigation by the police, Mr. Liu firmly controlled the core members through some means. To this, Shi'an found the answer -

"Master Liu is ruthless in his actions and has recruited many ruthless characters. Sinking Club will have a head-on conflict with Master Liu, which will only make us laugh and watch dog bite dog."

"It has been confirmed above that this case is related to the sinking."

[Galaxy: It's Friday, comrades, please remember to submit your weekly report before get off work, and have a good rest on the weekend.]

Otherwise, if he can't touch the "good boy" for a month, Mr. Liu himself will die.

"Oh." The rider touched his helmet, "Everyone knows that he will be used as a gun by the sinking party, so why are you still jumping into the pit?"

The head and eyebrows are crooked, the mouth is open in a smile, and there is darkness inside.

"'Master Liu' was afraid of being shot when he was forty-eight years old. He may have thought that living for another ten years would be enough. Now..." The sarcasm in the middle-aged man's voice became stronger, "No, Sinking will come to collect debts." ”

Rider Xiao Wu shut up in frustration.

The top victim of "Good Boy" personally killed a pair of children and then jumped into the factory's sulfuric acid pool.

"Where's the police? Is the action plan confirmed?" the other twin asked.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and continued to explain.

Rider Xiao Wu: "Hey? Aren't we going to catch the children? Could it be that Shen Shen wanted to instruct the two children to kill Mr. Liu... Isn't this a bit of a joke?"

More than ten years ago, Mr. Liu's men rebelled, his organization was on the verge of collapse, and Mr. Liu himself was chased by the anti-narcotics police. By chance, Mr. Liu came into contact with the Sinking Society.

"According to the style of the Sinking Society, they will definitely arrange for someone to fish in troubled waters and seize the cursed spiritual weapon in the chaos." The twin sisters said, "Don't worry, my sister and I will recover it first."

The "good boy" curse is simple and straightforward. As long as you touch it once, you must touch its head again within the next thirty days. If this is not possible, the cursed person will slowly go crazy and commit suicide in the way they most fear.

"… sorry."

This spiritual weapon has an entity, and its physical form is a jade dolphin with a human head. It was unearthed from a noble tomb of the Gong Dynasty. In Shi'an's files, it was classified as one of the "Top Cursed Weapons".

The middle-aged man snorted: "Not yet. What a coincidence, there are two newcomers from the C-level group living in Ping'an Manor."

[Fruit Knife: I love Friday—[Celebration]]

[Final success: received.]

[Dahe Flows Eastward: Hey, I heard there is something going on at Ping An Manor at night. Do you two want to go out to avoid the limelight?]

[Final success: Sister Lu told us that the Sixth Special Task Force will conduct a joint arrest with the police.]

[The river flows eastward: It’s good to catch those two kids, but Master Liu is in trouble. He must have found an awesome practitioner under him. Shen Shen will intervene again, and this time it will turn into a pot of porridge.]

[The river flows eastward: To be honest, it’s hard enough for us to just protect ordinary people. You two must not cause trouble.]

[Final success: I plan to go to the gym after get off work and won’t go back too early.]

[Fruit Knife: How about we go out to eat? Stay away from Ping An Manor, we will go home after the fight~]

[Final success: Agreed.]

[The river flows eastward: Hey, why don’t you go and eat barbecue? A new store has opened in my area, and the taste is pretty good]

[The river flows eastward: [Link] Tyrannosaurus Rex Haomai BBQ (Beidou Road Store)]

[Galaxy: Sorry, I have to go back and eat with my family_(:з」∠)_]

[Galaxy: Definitely next time!]

[Fruit Knife: I plan to eat ice cream first after get off work. Let’s meet at the barbecue restaurant at 7:30? @everyone]

[Final success: OK [smile]]

[Fruit Knife: [Picture]]

[Fruit Knife: I bought the package coupon, the screenshot is above. I'm not familiar with the road there, so I might arrive late. Whoever arrives at that time will order first.]

[Fruit Knife: Sister Xiaohe, I will remember to share photos with you]

[Galaxy: [Goodbye][Goodbye][Goodbye]]

When it was time to get off work, Zhong Cheng said that he really didn't plan to go home. He greeted Yin Ren, picked up his gym bag, and headed straight to the gym.

Yin Ren did not eat ice cream as he claimed.

He returned to Zhong Chengshuo's residence, opened the window, and looked at the lush trees under the sunset. The summer night wind blew into the room through the window, causing Yin Ren's hair to sway slightly.

It was obviously a familiar scene in the community, but Yin Ren held his breath and looked extremely focused.

"Have you learned the art of flying?" After looking at it for a few minutes, he suddenly asked.

Behind Yin Ren, Hu Tao made a move: "How did you know I was coming?"

"The intuition of a ghost master." Yin Ren responded casually and continued to stare out the window.

"I've learned the art of flying. I learn things very quickly." Following Yin Ren's gaze, Hu Tao also looked out the window curiously.

However, she could find nothing except the leaves that were turned golden red by the setting sun. There were still things outside the window that she had long been tired of seeing, nothing noteworthy.

It turns out that this person didn't play games today and didn't eat anything, which was so unusual that she felt a little nervous.

"What are you looking at?" Hu Tao asked cautiously.

"That child is about to die." Yin Ren answered the question, "There are some powers that no living person should touch."

child? Where did the child come from? Hutao looked around for a long time, but still found nothing.

Forget it, maybe this person is an actor and suddenly wants to play in literature and art. As an evil being, Hutao has very limited concern for living people: "I said, if you have nothing to do, help me open the tablet."

Yin Ren glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, as if he was not surprised by her reaction.

"Okay, but you have to do me a favor today." Yin Ren's tone was very relaxed.

"You won't get into any trouble again." Thinking of the experience of the past few days, Hutao suddenly became alert, "It's okay if you are innocent and get caught. I won't look for trouble by myself -"

Yin Ren turned around and smiled at her.

His smile was very gentle, and against the backdrop of the sunset outside the window, there was a bit more warmth in his smile.

Hu Tao felt a chill down his back after a long absence.

For some reason, she couldn't say the words "I don't care" any more.

"Don't worry, you're not in danger. To be precise, you don't have to do anything."

Yin Ren didn't seem to notice. He turned to the window again and continued with a smile: "After today, someone may come to ask you. No matter what they ask, just keep silent." "I, I understand, I will just do it. ." Hutao muttered, "Just say no and that's it. What's wrong with it?"

She and Yin Ren have a ghost contract of cooperation, which can be regarded as a kind of relationship where both gain and lose. Although she didn't know where Yin Ren was coming from, she instinctively didn't want to offend him.

But after saying this, Miss Hutao suddenly realized something was wrong. Thinking about it carefully, this person had a good attitude just now and didn't seem to be harsh to her.

Strange, why is she so scared

Hutao thought for a few seconds and decided to give up thinking about the problem. There are all sorts of weird things happening after death, and there's no point in trying to figure them out, since she has no other ghosts to talk to.

After explaining the matter, Yin Ren still stood in front of the window. His long hair was casually draped over his shoulders, and his ocher eyes looked downstairs quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was past seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky was getting dark. Yin Ren glanced at the time and finally made a move - he lowered his head and silently opened the work WeChat group.

[Fruit Knife: I’m sorry, you two, I’m a little uncomfortable. I think I’ll arrive later. You guys should eat first @成正国 @大河向东流]

[Final success: What’s wrong with you?]

[Fruit Knife: Eating too much ice cream makes my stomach hurt [bitter]]

[The river flows eastward: Hahahaha, your boy is here too!]

[Final success: Go to the hospital. Do you still remember how to register? Do you need me to come with you?]

[Fruit Knife: It’s not that serious. I’ll go to the store as soon as I feel better. I might be an hour or two late.]

[The river flows east: Then Xiao Zhong and I will eat up all the meat first]

[Fruit Knife: [Wrongful]]

"Liar." Hu Tao looked away from the martial arts drama and said lightly, "The boss said that 'the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie.' This rule obviously applies to men as well."

"Thank you for the compliment." Yin Ren put away his phone, his face not showing any displeasure at being exposed.

The sinister aura lingered around him, and his mobile phone was extremely excited, and from time to time it made anxious chirps like a puppy.

He knocked on it several times before it managed to quiet down. Although he still doesn't understand the origin of this thing, it is quite useful as a sinister smell detector.

At this moment, the sunset is about to sink.

There is a lot more atmosphere in the community than usual. The police arrived very early, and those who came later were all practitioners. The practitioners probably had different powers, and there was a lot of turbidity and darkness among them.

At the center of their siege, the two children, hiding in the bushes, looked pathetically funny.

Until now, Lord Ghost King doesn't care about the intricate connections behind this matter - the Sinking Society's conspiracy, Mr. Liu's greed, or the caution of the police and Shi'an. He is completely uninterested in who is good and who is evil, who loses and who wins.

Yin Ren had long been tired of watching the drama of snipe and clam fighting and the fisherman profiting.

He knew that the two children hidden in the bushes of the community were just abandoned children who would be thrown into the pond and cause ripples.

Under the constant pollution of evil spirits, their breath is dying, and their lives may end at any time. Now that Yin Ren knew a thing or two about Shi'an's level, even if Shi'an could rescue the two children immediately, he would probably be unable to save his life.

They won't survive today.

Through the gap between the trees, through the cover of the magic, Yin Ren stared at the slender figures of the two people.

After a few minutes, he left the room and gently closed the security door.

Before Yin Ren left, he didn't forget to close the tablet. Hu Tao was seeing the key point and was so angry that he was running around in the living room.

At the same time, the six special teams have settled in an empty villa in Ping An Manor.

After all the miscellaneous equipment was set up, the empty living room transformed into Shi'an's temporary stronghold.

"If those two idiots from Group 7 hadn't broken their legs, we wouldn't have to work so hard. Now, after a long time of doing this, I'm the only one with the black mark to bear the damage. It's miserable..."

Rider Xiao Wu, carrying a heavy food delivery box, once again adjusted the position of the earphones. At this moment, the food delivery box behind him suddenly shook twice, and dense and vague whispers came from inside.

Xiao Wu laughed and patted the box briskly: "Don't worry, I haven't timed out yet."

Through the earphones, the middle-aged man continued to direct from behind: "Okay, don't complain. Li Xiaozhen, Li Xiaoli, you two will confirm the physical form of the 'good boy' again."

"It is a top-level cursed spiritual weapon. Even if you lose the chance of recycling, you two should not touch it with your bare hands - you are the science post of the second-level team after all. I don't need to say more, right?"

Twin sisters: "OK!"

"It's a pity that the curse detector doesn't work. I could find it with just a scan before, but this time it's so troublesome..." After checking the photo of the "good boy" again, her sister Li Xiaozhen sighed heavily.

"The more powerful the cursed weapon is, the less likely it is to be detected." The middle-aged man's voice was serious. "Otherwise, who would touch them if they could alert people even two miles away?"

"The 'good boy' is ranked in the C-X bracket. Our science station is strictly forbidden to touch it. Is it considered to be at the top of the dangerous level?" my younger sister Li Xiaoli asked curiously.

"... It? It is indeed troublesome, but it can't be ranked." The middle-aged man opened the information and took a look. "There were cursed spiritual weapons that were rated as Level A before."

"Wow, Grade A?! What is it?" the two sisters said in unison.

"Okay, do your job well and stop talking nonsense." The middle-aged man scolded helplessly.

They both stuck out their tongues at the same time.

In the distant Shi'an Building, the middle-aged man scrolled the mouse and looked at the information again.

"Good Boy" doesn't even rank among the top 100 cursed artifacts. Most of the top-ranked spiritual weapons are classified in the B bracket, and the cursed spiritual weapon at the top of the list is marked with a blood-red and bold "A" in front of it.

[A-Z1, "Evil Effect" short sword.]

[It has an entity, and its physical form is a red short sword. The quality of the blade is unknown, and its maker is unknown.

The most powerful cursed spiritual weapon discovered so far, the evil energy dissipation around this spiritual weapon is close to 0, and there is no way to detect it at close range.

This spiritual weapon can annihilate creatures and evil objects that come into contact with it within 0.5 seconds, and the upper limit of its destructive power is yet to be determined.

As long as the user [subjectively and intentionally] uses "evil consequences" to eliminate the target, no matter what indirect means are used (including but not limited to inducing contact, coercing others to do something, remotely controlling machinery, etc.), once the causal relationship between the mastermind and the victim is established, the use of The creature will die after the target is annihilated.

This spiritual weapon was once sealed by the Shi'an Group, but was stolen by the Sunken Club during the "11·19" warehouse transfer incident. Its whereabouts are now unknown.

Note: On April 1, 20xx, Fu Xingchuan officially applied to change its name to "Extreme One for One". The application has been dismissed and criticism is hereby made.]

The middle-aged man read the last line of words speechlessly for a while, then decisively closed the information.

The operation was about to begin, and as the rear commander of the Sixth Special Operation Group, he had to concentrate.

Time passed slowly, the sunset turned into a light blue-gray, and Ping An Manor was gradually swallowed up by the night.

In Room 601 of Building 4, where Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng lived, the security door made a sound.

Miss Walnut was still sulking at the black screen tablet. When she heard someone coming back, she subconsciously thought it was Yin Ren. Hu Tao quickly put on the most terrifying look and gathered up her momentum to curse. Unfortunately, after seeing the person clearly, all her screams were choked in her throat.

The person who came was not Yin Ren, but Zhong Chengshuo.

Zhong Cheng said that he was holding a gym bag in his hand and his hair was dry and refreshing, as if he had exercised. He walked straight through her body and straight to the bedroom.

Just like before, Zhong Cheng quickly squeezed into the bedroom and slammed the bedroom door shut.

That’s weird, didn’t you just say you were going out to eat? What's wrong with these two people

Hutao floated around indifferently for a while. Seeing that there was really no chance to watch a drama tonight, she had no choice but to fly back to the next door angrily.

Zhi'an - group work group.

[Final success: I sprained my foot in the gym and I have to take some time to deal with it. You don’t have to wait for me. @大河flows eastward@fruitknife]

[The river flows eastward:? ? ? ? ? Brother, I've been drinking free tea here for an hour!]

[The river flows eastward: Xiao Yin, how long do you want it to be]

[The river flows eastward: Comrade Xiao Yin, didn’t you fall into the toilet? @fruitknife]

[Final success: Judging from his size, he shouldn’t be able to fall in.]

A few minutes passed, and Yin Ren, who was always active, did not reply.

[The river flows eastward: Damn it, big brother, you two can’t do it at the same time, right? ! There was a long queue outside, and I occupied a damn table for four, and the waiter stared at me for a long time! ! !]

[The big river flows eastward: [beat][beat][beat]@ Fruit Knife@Finally into the right fruit]

[Final success: I'm sorry.]

After typing this line, Zhong Cheng said he quickly logged out of WeChat and turned off his backup phone - his regular phone was placed in the gym, diligently providing GPS positioning for Shi'an.

It's time to prepare.

Zhong Cheng opened the corner wardrobe, took out an extra large black sweatshirt, and neatly changed out of the T-shirt.

Then he pulled out the bottom drawer of the closet.

The drawer is filled with large barrels of potato chips of various flavors. Their outer packaging is longer than ordinary potato chip barrels, and they are neatly stacked. Zhong Cheng said, taking out a bottle of "Spicy Crayfish" flavor from the corner and opening the lid with familiarity.

The potato chip bucket tilted slightly, and a short knife slid out silently from the set chute.

The style of the short knife is simple and simple, and the handle has obviously been repaired and replaced with an unattractive dark wooden handle. The red blade reflected the dim light, revealing a deep cold and eerie beauty, like a small whirlpool in the turbulent flow of blood.

It has an almost evil attraction. Once people's eyes fall on it, it is difficult to look away.

However, Zhong Cheng said he just looked at it like potato chips. He wasn't attracted to it in the slightest, but now that he looked at it, it reminded him of some strange cohabitant.

Zhong Cheng squatted down and lifted up his loose trouser legs. He held the blood-red dagger with his bare hands and stuffed it into the scabbard of his leggings.

Finally, he took off his glasses, put on his mask, and slowly pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt.

"The time node has been confirmed. The monitoring and processing has been confirmed. The subsequent remarks have been confirmed."

Zhong Cheng said with his lips moving and muttering silently.

"... It's just that there's some trouble over there at Yin Ren, so we need to end it as soon as possible."

The author has something to say:

Special rear command of Group 6: Keep her rookies away from the battlefield.

Yin Ren & Zhong Cheng said: OK, here we come.

In the end, only Comrade Liang Shan was injured, miserably, Liang Shan, miserably.

(End of chapter)