Evil As Humans

Chapter 43: Answer


Ge Tingting hadn't slept so well for a long time.

When I was still in the village, the quilt at home exuded an old damp smell, and the bed always had a cold dampness. No matter how much they were washed and dried, the bed between her and her grandmother was always cold and smelled like some kind of animal's nest.

The dark Internet cafes in the city smell like instant noodles, foot odor and cigarette smoke, and the surroundings are filled with the sound of clicking keyboards. But she had to make do in a closed area. She didn't have a bed or quilt, so she had to curl up to keep warm.

When was the last time you slept so well

Faded memories surfaced in my mind, gradually becoming clearer.

It seemed like ten years ago, under the cliff. Her parents' bodies became cold and stiff, and there was no response no matter how she cried.

Her voice was hoarse from crying, her limbs were weak from crying, and her head hurt like it was splitting.

[Bao, don’t be afraid.]She suddenly heard her mother say.

[It’s okay, my parents are both here.]She suddenly heard her father say.

They didn't open their mouths, but they were talking. Even if the voice becomes fainter, even if you can only repeat a few words with difficulty. In the drizzle of murmurs, the young Ge Tingting curled up in his parents' arms and closed his eyes quietly.

From then on, she suddenly understood "corpse".

Is it obsession? Is it concern? Or was it the last thought of the deceased? She didn't know.

Feng Qi wrote cheerfully.

The nurse moved Feng Qi's infusion needle to the instep. The boy had his hands free and was playing a game with a dragon doll. The pus and blood on his face was wiped clean, and although his cheeks were still haggard, there was some blood at least.

She knows how to control them and even how to communicate with the newly dead "corpses."

[Don’t move casually, or you may get injured. If you need anything, please write it here by hand.]

The nurse cleared the screen and quickly wrote a sentence.

A tablet was stretched out in front of her, with words prominently printed on the screen. Ge Tingting turned her head, and the female nurse smiled at her.

Ge Tingting turned over on the bed and opened his eyes.

After writing this sentence, he hesitated for a few seconds and then added it seriously.

Shortly after death, something like an echo is left behind. The echoes will fade away, but they will always linger for a while.

[He is a human being, but he is just a criminal pursued by the police. Someone will talk to you about this matter. Don't be afraid, you two are in special circumstances and the police will make a fair judgment.]

[I do not understand. ] She approached sadly and touched the boy's head, [I can't understand... but I loved the days when we could chat before, thank you.]

After the transfusion, accompanied by the nurse, she met Feng Qi.

[The "different world" you saw before was affected by some kind of hallucinogenic factor. Do you understand?]

Just like herself back then.

Ge Tingting bit her lip. She imitated the actions of the nurse just now and gently gave the boy a hug.

[We have communicated with Feng Qi, and he still believes that you have just returned from another world. He is still too young. Please don't tell him the truth yet. We will have someone responsible for this matter.]

Before she was affected, she had seen Wu Tao's death scene and had some suspicions in her mind.

[certainly.]she says.

[It’s okay, sister sui said. I can understand them all! This is my superpower!]

How nice, she thought.

[Now that we are all home, can you still be my sister?]

Ge Tingting wrote word for word.

Ge Tingting was stunned for a few seconds, then she slowly shrank her body: [The monster we attacked?]

Ge Tingting looked at the beautiful music box on the bedside. She closed her eyes and nodded lightly.

Ge Tingting nodded slowly, still looking very nervous.

The phantom of another world disappeared, and the modern furnishings she was still familiar with were still in front of her. There was an exquisite music box placed by her bedside, and the apples in the fruit basket were bright red and warm in color.

She propped herself up and reached out to pull out the infusion needle on the back of her hand.

Seeing Ge Tingting, Feng Qi opened his eyes wide and shouted a word happily. Ge Tingting sadly discovered that she could no longer understand the boy's words.

The crooked handwriting disappeared from the screen and turned into regular print.

The nurse smiled encouragingly at her.

[Feng Qi?] Ge Tingting wrote with difficulty.

[Feng Qi is fine. He has woken up. I was just about to talk to you about this matter.]

[I am older than him and know more than him. If there is a penalty, my responsibility is greater.]

But now she understands why she caught up with Feng Qi that night - there seemed to be two faint echoes in that child.

The nurse seemed to know her condition very well, and there was a strange black mark on her badge.

The young nurse stepped forward and gave the girl a small hug.

[I understand, I won’t say it.]

[Don’t worry, I’ve experienced similar things to you. ] She wrote, [Trust me, you will all have a family.]

The boy was stunned. He tilted his head and asked the nurse for a tablet.

Shi'an Building, Emergency Management Department.

Fu Xingchuan rarely changed into a bright red gown. At this moment, he was pouring instant coffee powder into the cup, yawning while pouring, and the dark circles under his eyes looked like a panda's spirit.

Li Nian: "You are actually still alive."

Professor Li looked at the bright red fabric on his partner's body for a while: "... Or are you planning to die suddenly today, wear the reddest clothes, and be the most powerful ghost?"

"Stop scolding me, brother, I will definitely go to bed early today." Fu Xingchuan shrank his head, "After all, sinking will cause trouble! You don't know, more than a hundred ghosts were thrown onto the battlefield at once... That scene was spectacular and exhausting. Me."

Professor Li chuckled and threw a stack of reports in front of Fu Xingchuan.

"They are not idle in Haigu. The child named Feng Qi is awake. This is a complete investigation report."

"Oh." Fu Xingchuan quickly sat down. He quickly flipped through the report and put the freshly brewed coffee into his mouth, which made him "ouch".

Li Niannian didn't raise his eyebrows, obviously he was used to it.

"Hiss, this Feng Qi—"

"Well, Feng Qi's ability is a bit strange." Professor Li said, "In previous cases, the Sinking Society also had records of releasing 'strong evil gas pollution sources' to ordinary people, but this time it is different."

"This kid looks like his 'observation power' has been extremely enhanced, which is not without precedent. But..."

But something wasn't quite right.

Ordinary people are exposed to things they shouldn't be exposed to and are forced to get involved in the occult world. Such cases are not uncommon, Fu Xingchuan has handled them hundreds of times.

Even if they come into contact with evil-contaminated objects, these ordinary people can at most open their ghost eyes and gain some "relatively reasonable" abilities.

Take Feng Qi as an example. As long as the conditions are in place, even non-metaphysical people can do it.

Analyze the environment with superhuman powers of observation, track targets through fragmented intelligence, and even understand "crazy rants". They are all manifestations of "extremely enhanced observation ability". To paraphrase Professor Li, the human brain has unlimited potential, and this type of people can be considered a super doubled version of Fowles.

Fu Xingchuan's eyes stopped on the three words "sin value".

His intuition screamed wildly. This ability to "judge the value of sin" was not very powerful, but it gave off a strange flavor.

This capability is unprecedented.

It is not easy for the victim to turn into an evil thing, and it is even less likely to be "counted at a glance". Over the years, in order to help solve crimes, Shi'an has specialized in research on topics similar to "identifying the murderer", but so far there has been no result.

Even with a vicious evil under their feet and the most advanced scientific theories in hand, Shi'an Group still found nothing -

Facts have proved that no matter how powerful the observation power is, it is impossible to obtain intelligence that "does not exist in the world at all."

What was once impossible is now easily accomplished by a child.

What is Feng Qi’s source of information

Minister Fu scratched his head: "If those people are found out because they have 'killed people before' or have the intention to kill people, it can be considered that their observation skills have been strengthened... This 'sin value' is a bit outrageous."

"Yes, if you can accurately count the number of people you have killed, the nature has changed." Professor Li continued leisurely, "The child said 'I don't know why, I just know it if I know it'. I guess in order to protect myself, the brain directly showed him the result. ”

The two were relatively silent for a while.

"Create a file and let Group Seven continue to follow."

Fu Xingchuan lowered his voice: "On the 'living pollution of vicious power', the Sinking Club may have made a new breakthrough."

"Now that we're talking about the sinking party, there's something strange."

Professor Li threw in another pile of reports, as if he was feeding some large animal.

Fu Xingchuan took it reflexively.

"... Damn it, what happened to Group 6 and 7?" Fu Xingchuan flipped through the pages, "The luck of Group 7 is as if it was cursed, so I won't say anything. Group 6 is quite reliable, isn't it? Why is the report like this? vegetable?"

"According to Li Xiaozhen and Li Xiaoli, there was something unexpected in their actions, and Kong Wanqing took advantage of them."

"I know that, but don't I understand Mr. Kong's bastard? The problem is that both of them were unconscious. Even if they could save the 'good boy', the injuries would be more severe - the photos of the scene are exaggerated, it looks like demolition. "

Fu Xingchuan reported tremblingly, his eyebrows drooping.

"That kid Feng Qi told me that there was a 'sinking sage' who had frequent contact with 'Yibi' before and gave them clues about the 'black marketeer'. Now it seems that that bullshit sage is probably Kong Wanqing."

"But that night, instead of following the two children, he ran to stay with Mr. Liu. Even if it was the Sinking Society, his brain circuit shouldn't be so screwed up - did the Sinking Society really only send one person?"

Professor Li turned the thermos cup in his hand. He took a long breath and looked at the blue sky outside the window.

"According to Ge Tingting, she was attacked near the woods in the community. Li Xiaozhen and Li Xiaoli quickly followed the scene. They found no trace of the attacker - blood residue, prop traces, nothing. But having said that, Ge Tingting was With abnormal cognition, the testimony may not be reliable.”

"Something's wrong, sinking would be less merciful." Fu Xingchuan clicked his tongue, "If you ask me, there must be someone responsible for dealing with children and recycling pollution sources."

"Yes." Professor Li took a leisurely sip of tea.

Fu Xingchuan looked up at him: "What are Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng talking about?"

"They were all photographed by nearby surveillance cameras. Yin Ren returned to the community very early, and Zhong Cheng said he didn't come back until around midnight. The GPS positioning is fine, but the suspicion of the two cannot be completely ruled out."


"There are traces of flying skills. According to Xiang Jiang's identification, Yin Ren's ghost can fly. Yin Ren said that he practiced flying that night."

"..." Fu Xingchuan remained silent.

"We have no clear evidence of 'other people's intervention'. It is not impossible to say that there were internal changes in the sinking, and that the six groups were lucky." Professor Li put down the tea cup, "But hypothetical, just hypothetical, if someone really intervened... "

"At least for now, it seems that the person who intervened is not hostile to Shi'an."

"I know." Fu Xingchuan pressed his temples, "I'll pay more attention."

Some two people didn't even know that they were under suspicion.

This Monday was easy. Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said they only needed to fill in the case report. Under Yin Ren's strong suggestion, everyone went straight to the self-service barbecue restaurant after get off work.

The barbecue restaurant was filled with steam, and the tender red meat squeaked on the metal mesh. Grease dripped into the flames from time to time, making a tantalizing crackling sound. The square table was filled with tempting meats, and most of the vegetarian dishes were placed in front of Zhong Chengshuo.

"Apologise to Brother Liang." Yin Ren raised the juice cup. Across the table, Liang Shan hummed. He was silent, but the smile and grease stains on his face gave him away—this man had long since lost his temper and was busy turning his indignation into appetite.

Even Lu Xiaohe came together.

"I'll eat less and go back at seven o'clock." She said apologetically, "My share of the money will be shared equally."

Zhong Cheng said: "Sister Lu, is there something urgent about the company?"

Lu Xiaohe didn't move his chopsticks: "I want to go home and have dinner with my mother. Our family will definitely have dinner together."

As far as my mother's condition is concerned, such a dinner is one less meal. She didn't want to miss even once.

Yin Ren was stunned. He quickly picked up a piece of cold vegetables with chopsticks and stuffed Zhong Cheng's mouth in advance.

"?!" Zhong Cheng said that he was just about to ask why, but was blocked.

Although Yin Ren had not used these chopsticks yet, the strange curse began to attack him again. Zhong Cheng said that he should look at his eyes, his nose and his heart, and began to seriously deal with the heat in the auricles.

"I heard that the pudding here is very good. I'll ask the waiter later if you can bring some for Auntie." Yin Ren quickly changed the topic, "Everyone on the Internet said that this store is very humane, so it must be fine. "

"Haha, thank you, Xiao Yin, I didn't even expect that." Lu Xiaohe scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Come to think of it, I do have something to tell you when I come here this time."

"Yeah." Just in case, Yin Ren picked up a piece of vegetables again and continued to gag his partner.

Zhong Cheng didn't even try to hide, he just sat there blankly, eating the food in his mouth at a steady pace. Liang Shan glanced at the two of them in shock, but he politely remained silent.

Lu Xiaohe: "... Ge Tingting will be transferred to our team for field work training."

Zhong Cheng choked, and this time he tried hard to write the question mark on his face.

"So fast?" Yin Ren asked for him, "We are still newcomers, so this is not good. Aren't all the six or seven special groups participating? Is there any inconvenience for the seniors, or...?"

"Maybe it's because we are relatively free, and we are all new recruits, so we happen to be training together. Groups six and seven are all Class B investigation teams, and we don't have that much time to take care of the new recruits."

Lu Xiaohe laughed.

"This is a great thing. This wild corpse slaver has so much potential, no matter how many groups want it, they won't be able to get it."

Yin Ren thought about Tan Xiaoxiao and Tan Lele, who were "orthodox corpse slaves", and was convinced.

Maybe it would be better to communicate with Ge Tingting.

Beside Yin Ren, Zhong Cheng hesitated to speak and even tried to raise his hand. Lu Xiaohe raised his eyebrows at him: "What's wrong, Xiao Zhong, is there any inconvenience for you here?"

Zhong Cheng said he had difficulty swallowing the food in his mouth, with a bitter expression on his face: "My house can't accommodate so many people."

Yin Ren, Lu Xiaohe: "..."

One of them looked at the sky and the other looked at the ground, with the same tiredness on their faces.

Liang Shan is obviously not familiar with Comrade Xiao Zhong's brain circuit: "... you are two grown men, and I have an underage girl. Shi'an has a bad brain and will arrange her to go to your house. Besides, she is not officially black. , does not require attendance speed, doesn’t this definitely mean living in employee dormitories?”

Zhong Cheng said he suddenly realized: "Oh."

Then, he frowned again and murmured: "My home? Our home?"

"Anyway, that's it." Lu Xiaohe clapped his hands, "She still needs to recuperate and will join next Monday."

Yin Ren looked deeply at the barbecue in front of him for a while, then touched his chin: "Then-"

"Then should we buy her a welcome gift... or something?" Zhong Cheng said, rarely interrupting him in advance.

"Okay, Brother Zhong, I didn't watch "The Art of Communication" in vain." Yin Ren was greatly comforted and patted Zhong Chengshuo's back hard.

Zhong Cheng said he was encouraged and refreshed: "For example, give her a complete set of anatomy equipment."

Yin Ren: "..."

"Or ten music boxes." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Zhong Cheng said that he tried to use his partner's creativity instead.

"... Or the stereo..." Seeing that no one spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

"This is good!" Yin Ren came to the rescue, "She just can't understand people talking, it's not that she can't hear sounds. The idea of the stereo is great."

Zhong Cheng said he was relieved. He didn't know if it was due to the heat of the barbecue, but his ears showed a little red.

"But the speakers are a bit mature, and children may not like them so much." Lu Xiaohe rubbed his lips, "This idea... How about noise-canceling headphones? Buy her a good brand, which is convenient for listening to music. Tablets and the like, Shi'an will definitely prepare it for her in advance."

"That's a good idea too."


"Then let Xiao Zhong choose the headphones. I feel like he knows better about this. When paying, say in the group, everyone AA." Lu Xiaohe stood up and said, "Let's go, Xiao Yin, let's get the pudding."

Tonight can be described as relaxing and enjoyable.

Unlike in the past, Zhong Cheng said he did not run out at night due to lack of work. As soon as he returned home this time, he sat down at the desk in the living room and searched for information attentively.

Yin Ren glanced at the screen twice. The man seemed to be searching for the parameters of different brands of headphones, and from time to time he lowered his head to take notes.

He was a little confused - Zhong Cheng said that he always worked seriously, so Yin Ren was not surprised that this person would do this. What surprised him was that this man didn't stay in the bedroom checking.

There is fraud.

Sure enough, after checking for more than ten minutes, Comrade Xiao Zhong slowly turned his head: "Yin Ren, help me take a look at this. I don't know if it is suitable for girls."

"Well, this one might be a little heavy."

"Yin Ren, look at this for me. Is this color okay?"

"This pink is too bright. There is no need to choose based on popular impressions? Ge Tingting likes to wear cool-colored T-shirts."

"Yin Ren..."

"I think you can be a little more confident, really." Lord Ghost King said tactfully.

"I've never given anyone a gift." Zhong Cheng said with a nervousness in his tone that a battle was imminent.

"You can feel it if you put your heart into it. I don't think Ge Tingting will be picky about these details... I gave you a mobile phone chain before, and I didn't know your preferences. Don't you like it too? It's the same reason."

Zhong Cheng said he was stunned.

He reacted for a few seconds, and then looked at the hamster mobile phone chain that was the same as Yin Ren's. After a while, he reached out his hand and stroked the hamster carefully.

Zhong Cheng said that he really didn't hate it. Although he didn't use it intentionally, he still carried it with him every day.

Could it be that Yin Ren cast a curse on him through this thing

Next, Yin Ren watched Zhong Cheng stand up and quickly returned to the bedroom with the computer in his arms. The speed was as fast as lightning, and the fire from no one knew where it came from and burned this person's butt again.

Lord Ghost King lazily crawled back to the sofa, the key chain on his mobile phone swaying with his movements.

Yin Ren looked at it for a moment.

He tapped his cell phone with only 1% battery: "Hey, since you have been reacting to the evil breath, can you absorb the power of the evil?"

"Woof!!!" The power of the spiritual mobile phone suddenly surged. It turned from the sluggishness just now, and the blood-red power instantly turned into a full green.

"The sound is too loud -" Yin Ren gestured quickly.

Next, he changed to notepad and typed: [If I can lend you a little strength, would you like to cooperate with me? Shake it if you want.]

The phone vibrated, looking inexplicably excited. As if it was afraid that it was not strong enough, it gave a very quiet "woof" sound.

[very good.]

Yin Ren closed his eyes and carefully thought about the evil power on the keychain for a while - its condition was extremely stable, which really inspired him a lot.

He separated a little bit of his evil power, condensed it on his fingertips, and then lightly tapped the screen.

Good, he didn't feel dizzy this time.

The moment he came into contact with the evil force, the phone screen turned black. It was not a dull blackness, but more like a sudden opening of the entrance to the abyss.

After a moment, the screen lights up again. The phone automatically woke up the voice assistant, and a dark red blood mass appeared at the bottom of the interface. It floated gently, appearing and disappearing.

The phone vibrated slightly.

[Hello, I am Siren, please press and hold the control button to chat. ] It silently showed that it was still playing the same trick of "ghost high imitation".

This thing's IQ improved by leaps and bounds, and he actually learned to write. Not to mention, the name "Dead Man" fits the situation quite well, Yin Ren thought silently.

Yin Ren quickly confirmed his question: [What are you?]

[have no idea.]

[Where are you from?]

[have no idea.]

[what you up to?]

The blood clot solidified for a while.

[go home.]It answered.

Yin Ren frowned: [Can you distinguish the evil breath?]

[If you are referring to the 'evil' defined by humans, yes.]

[How did you do it?]

[have no idea.]

Yin Ren: "..." This piece of shit seems to be of no use. If it weren't for the fierce power that was released, it could slowly recover, and he would have lost all blood.

Still have to change the direction of the question.

[Put aside the definition of human beings, do you know what I am?]


Yin Ren was startled.

[According to your definition, what am I?]

The blood group was silent for a long time again.

After nearly ten seconds, it cautiously uttered two words.


It answered thus.

The author has something to say:

If you say upgrade flow, just upgrade flow (

Xiao Zhong: Choosing headphones will be harder than beating and sinking...

Xiao Yin: It’s more difficult to fill in the gaps in your partner’s emotional intelligence than cosplaying Dragon of Destruction…

Volume 3 The Disappearing Corpse

(End of chapter)