Evil As Humans

Chapter 45: Ghost market


On Sunday, Zhong Cheng said he went to his secret warehouse for a "night run" as usual.

After wiping his sweat, he skillfully entered the communication website of night walkers.

If you didn't know the inside story, this website would look like a third-rate video review site. Only by selecting the right work and entering the correct login name and password in the comment area can you successfully enter the hidden page.

It is said that the entrance works should be changed frequently, but the organization of Night Walker is really loose, and the entrance work "○Interview with the Vampire" has not been changed for more than a year.

Zhong Cheng said that he didn't even look at the overly familiar poster. He went straight to the scoring area and logged in to the account "yamaglad" skillfully.

Next to the computer, a strand of black hair floated in the glass tube, emitting a faint light. This time the loading was slower than before. While waiting, Zhong Cheng picked up the glass tube and started spinning it.

Half a minute later, Zhong Cheng said he finally understood why the webpage was so stuck - there were hundreds of people chatting in the online chat room at night.

As the name suggests, nocturnal people like to hang out at night. Now that so many people are neglecting business and gathering in public to gossip, something big must have happened.

The messages were scrolling up one by one, and Zhong Cheng said he only had time to read the last paragraph clearly.

[Lao Zhang Pancake Fruit 028: The person named Lu is crazy! ! !]

Things have been peaceful everywhere recently. After a long time, no one dared to send him a private message. The screen moved slightly, and the chat log carefully spat out a new message.


[Favorite sky:? If the king of hell is willing, he still needs to take the exam? Shi’an has already taken the initiative to dig four or five rounds]

He had to watch that person harder.

[yamaglad: If you are interested in sending a private message, it will end in one minute.]

[Xinxin Kennel: Tsk, tut, I haven’t seen Lao Lu show up before, it turns out he’s holding something back]

Forget it, since Shi'an intervened, he wouldn't be able to hear the slightest bit of news.

As soon as this ID appeared, the chat room suddenly fell into deathly silence, and the hot chat among hundreds of people came to an abrupt end. It was a bit too abrupt to directly join the gossip. Zhong Cheng said he thought for a moment and said hello as usual.

Zhong Cheng said and glanced at the test tube in his hand sadly.

Zhong Cheng said he took out a small hard-cover notepad and wrote the name "Lv Guangzu" one stroke at a time. By the way, I added the note "A descendant of the Lu family?" at the end.

[Favorite Sky: Probably not, the King of Hell seems to have no interest in living people]

However, he did not log off immediately. After putting away his notepad, Zhong Cheng stared at the online chat room for a while. The chat room soon started chatting again, but there was still a trace of panic in the atmosphere.

[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: I’m so angry, don’t think about it]

[Sister Xu Malatang-ordering phone number 1xxxx680184: And didn’t Shian intervene? I heard that their new recruits are pretty good]

[No brain: How dare you talk to the King of Hell? You have the guts to challenge one]

[No brain: That’s right. When did Lu Guangzu have the courage? The Lu family must be so angry]

[BOOS Supreme Evil Emperor: As expected of the King of Hell, I’ll just say he’s not interested]

[Favorite Sky: He must be the kind of boss who is uninhibited, indulgent and loves freedom. Do you understand what I mean

The two elders were not so active before. They seemed to be afraid that their son would have conflicts with this hard-won "friend", so the dishes they cooked became more and more like Yin Ren's taste.

Yin Ren was obviously not a fussy person, but after they lived together, Zhong Cheng said he never found messy clothes, food packages or express boxes at home. Every night, Yin Ren will broadcast their work status on "Love each other as a family" to make the two elderly people feel at ease.

[Sister Xu Mala Tang - ordering phone number 1xxxx680184: It has nothing to do with the King of Hell, right? This is a murder case, and the police will definitely handle it, so let’s not worry about it]

[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: Please don’t put this account on the Lu family]


[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: King of Hell, we will deal with Lu Guangzu well. The Lu family has absolutely no intention of targeting you]

Thinking about it carefully, Zhong Cheng said that he had never seen Yin Ren unhappy because of anything. He looked carefree every day.

[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: Sister Xu, please stop poking scars on people T_T I failed to land again this year]

[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: I’d better tell my family about it. The hundred-year-old ghost was the King of Hell who helped us get rid of it last time]

[BOOS Supreme Evil Emperor: If the King of Hell is willing to go to see An, he must do it once and for all]

[yamaglad: Oh]

[yamaglad: Oh]

[My name is Little Red Riding Hood: I heard that Shi’an is going to intervene. The Lu family will never cover up and will do their best to cooperate with the police and Shi’an]

Seeing that people were talking about how difficult it was to get into Shi'an's recruitment, Zhong Cheng quietly shut down his computer.

[yamaglad: Accept difficult tasks, only evil objects. Two-way choice, don’t bother with other matters.]

Later, the "uninhibited and indulgent" King of Hell will go to his parents' house to get braised pork trotters and share them with his roommates who are happily watching dramas at home. Recently, every time he opened the door at night, Yin Ren would definitely stand at the door to greet him, with a smile so bright it could blind him.

[Xingwang Repair Station (repairs various household appliances and equipment): Him? Maybe it’s a woman]

[Favorite sky: Grandma got very angry. Our family has not been involved in any criminal cases for so many years, so it’s great that a serial murder case fell from the sky]

[BOOS Supreme Evil Emperor: He laughs so hard that the King of Hell is too lazy to pay attention to him. He will turn into a ghost first]

Zhong Cheng said that the mouse stopped and slowly crossed the word "murder".

In fact, even if he looked at it with the most harsh eyes, Zhong Cheng said he couldn't find any problems with Yin Ren.

[Lao Zhang Jianbing Guozi 028: No, are you idiots? In broad daylight, a man named Lu actually dares to kill someone! ! ! Said he killed seven! He also went to the police station to provoke! ! !]

Then Zhong Cheng said nothing.

Monday night at eight o'clock, Shi'an special car.

The car was running fairly smoothly, and Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo were huddled in the back seat, looking at the images on the same tablet.

"Lv Guangzu, 26 years old, unemployed. Five years ago, this person started working as a 'night walker'. Lu Guangzu can be considered a ghost master, but in fact he mainly works as a mission intermediary. His reputation and ability are very poor."

Rarely, there is no bloody mosaic on Lu Xiaohe's screen. The picture clearly showed a young man with dyed yellow hair. The man rolled his eyes and had a look of evil on his face.

In the video picture in the lower right corner, Lu Xiaohe himself has a bun, and there are only simple polka dots on the T-shirt. A girl-next-door look.

She did not stay in Shi'an, but got on another special car with Ge Tingting.

At this moment, Lu Xiaohe was sitting in the passenger seat, trying hard to hold the camera steady.

"Lu Guangzu is somewhat related to the Haigu Lu family, but he is not welcomed by the Lu family. He has been cheating and cheating, doing all kinds of dirty work, and is used to provoking some strong people to expand his reputation. But he has never reached this point -"

The screen changed to a police interrogation video. In the video, Lu Guangzu was shouting, "If this happens, I will definitely be able to compete with the 'King of Hell'."

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

Yin Ren turned his head sharply: "What's wrong, Brother Zhong, do you know this Lu Guangzu?"

Zhong Cheng said: "No, I just think this person is a bit naive."

"It's really too much for a living person to challenge King Yama." Yin Ren agreed.

"The 'King of Hell' he is talking about is not the king of Hell in the conventional definition."

At the other end of the video, Lu Xiaohe cleared his throat with a solemn expression.

"'The King of Hell' is recognized as the most powerful person in the Nightwalker organization. This person's gender, age, and abilities are unknown. He started his activities seven years ago and specializes in hunting evil creatures. The King of Hell once solved the 'Underground Corpse Nest in the City of Luotian' Cases like the 'Hundred Years-old Ghost in the Western Suburbs of Haigu City' and other Class A investigation team cases - you know, the 'King of Hell' acts alone without a partner to look after him."

"Shi'an once evaluated the strength of the King of Hell. In terms of the efficiency of destroying evil objects, this person's ability is comparable to that of Minister Fu Xingchuan. Logically speaking, this person should not be Lu Guangzu's target."

Yin Ren: "Wow..."

The name "King of Hell" is a bit interesting, and it goes well with the "God of Death".

He looked at Zhong Chengshuo out of the corner of his eye - the car lights outside the car window swept over Zhong Chengshuo's face from time to time, but there was no expression on his face.

"Up until this incident, Lu Guangzu's provocations were limited to lies." Zhong Cheng said, flipping through the report, "And the 'King of Hell' specializes in killing evil things. He claimed to have killed seven living people and went to provoke the police and Shi'an. Logic It’s so strange... Did he provide information about the deceased?”

"That's the problem." Lu Xiaohe said, "He didn't give a name. He said it was 'hide and seek'. There are a lot of missing people in Haigu City, and Officer Sun is already investigating."

Thinking of that long Excel, Yin Ren felt a chill behind him: "Could we also..."

"Don't worry. It's not certain that this matter is related to metaphysical factors, so we don't need to intervene immediately." Lu Xiaohe smiled mysteriously, "No, let's have a welcome meal first."

Haigu City is so big, Yin Ren never expected that he would actually recognize this destination—

Sister Xu’s spicy hotpot.

Feng Qi and Ge Tingting were in the case, and Sun Qinghui also brought them here. The taste of this Malatang restaurant is quite good.

The two have outstanding looks, and the proprietress Xu Fang is obviously very impressed. Before Yin Ren walked in, she greeted him warmly: "Hey, you two are here again. Where is Lao Sun?"

"Uncle Sun is not here, this time it's me~" Lu Xiaohe walked in the door next step, "Sister Xu, I will bring our new members to dinner. Are there any stir-fries tonight?"

Ge Tingting timidly hid behind her, holding the unopened gift in his arms. I have to say that, for her, the atmosphere at Sister Xu Malatang is very friendly.

Returning to a familiar environment, Ge Tingting relaxed a little.

"Yes, yes, the little girl is too thin and needs to be replenished." Sister Xu's eyes turned into slits again with a smile, "You guys can sit at the table at the end, be quiet."

Although Ge Tingting was admitted to Group 9 by name, during the day, the girl had been learning lip reading and had not yet moved into the office.

According to the psychiatrist who knew An, Ge Tingting had been attacked by Wu Tao, and she still had some psychological shadow on adult men. Even if Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng talk about beauty as two flowers, it won't make Ge Tingting feel any better. Things have to be done step by step.

So Lu Xiaohe, as a senior employee of Shi'an, skillfully prepared a meal.

"Are you hungry? Sorry, it's a bit late." Lu Xiaohe sat next to Ge Tingting, "Let me introduce myself. My sister's name is Lu Xiaohe. My family runs a small supermarket."

Ge Tingting looked at her phone - Shi'an had installed special translation software for her, and Lu Xiaohe's words were being translated into text in real time.

Lu Xiaohe slowed down his speech and continued to introduce: "This brother with long hair is called Yin Ren. He also encountered a very bad thing and is recuperating in Shi'an... This brother with glasses is called Zhong Cheng. His parents are both policemen. You The gift was specially chosen by him.”

Ge Tingting pursed his lips and nodded politely to the two of them. Then she grabbed her phone and started typing quickly.

Zhi'an - group work group.

[Ear Man: Thank you for your gift]

[Ear person: ^-^]

[Final success: You’re welcome.]

[Fruit Knife: ↑This is what Zhong Cheng said, @ Galaxy is Lu Xiaohe. If you have anything, you can come to us at any time. ] [Ear Man: OK]

Yin Ren put down his phone and looked outside the door. This angle was a bit familiar, and he could just see the street shrouded in night.

"Speaking of which, listen, do you still remember this place?"

Yin Ren slowed down his speech and felt the phone vibrate. Ge Tingting stopped unpacking the package.

She blinked, a look of confusion on her face.

"Brother Zhong and I were shopping outside before, and you tried to let the tracking insect corpse get into the shopping bag." Yin Ren continued patiently, "I sensed the evil spirit at that time and avoided it. Do you still have any impression?"

His voice was also converted into text, and the color was also distinguished from Lu Xiaohe's voice.

[Earman: Yes, Feng Qi said it was a side mission. The Sinking Sage asked us to send the insect corpses to a specific location. That mission later failed.]

"This matter goes a little further back, when you and Feng Qi first met. Brother Zhong and I also came to this store. At that time, the Sunken Sage asked you to monitor us?"

The peek came from outside the store. There was no smell of people or evil things nearby, and there was no evil aura. There wasn't even any malice in that look. People in the Sinking Society should not be able to do this.

Feng Qi was contaminated by the evil force at that time, and his physical condition was abnormal. He was still able to "observe" them from a little distance.

[Ear Man: No, the Sinking Sage only found us the next day]

Yin Ren: "..."

As if he was afraid that he didn't speak clearly, Ge Tingting started typing again.

[Ear Man: I remember very clearly. I was scared to death that night, and Feng Qi kept comforting me. After that, we were busy looking for a place to spend the night and had no time to do anything else.]

[Ear Man: What happened?]

Zhong Cheng said he also turned his face sideways and looked at Yin Ren with doubt.

Yin Ren smiled and put away the phone: "It's okay, I made a mistake. After all, I am also a beginner, so I may be overly concerned."

That's weird.

The stir-fries and barbecue were on the table. Ge Tingting was holding a drink and headphones, his eyes slightly bright. Lu Xiaohe teased her a few words from time to time, and the landlady stopped Zhong Cheng again to ask for advice on college entrance examination secrets.

In the noisy atmosphere, Yin Ren looked at the increasingly dark streets again. Countless vehicles passed by, people carried bags, laughed and chatted, and the streets were still lively.

It doesn't matter, since someone has targeted them once, they will definitely come to visit them a second time.

After having enough wine and food, Ge Tingting drooped his eyelids and dozed off twice. Lu Xiaohe let her lean on his shoulder and shook the empty almond milk at the landlady.

"Refill," she said.

Xu Fang smiled brightly: "How can I get a refill of this? If it's not enough, I'll give you another can."

"Refill the cup." Lu Xiaohe repeated.

The landlady stopped the smile on her face: "I understand. Are you coming too?"

"No, I'm just the rear commander, and I have to take Tingting back to the dormitory." Lu Xiaohe shook his head, "The two of them will go."

Yin Ren was greatly surprised: "Huh? What are you going to?"

"Anyway, someone doesn't like to read the mission report, so I have a little surprise for you two." Lu Xiaohe said angrily, "Tonight, you two will go explore the Night Walker's ghost market and collect some information and come back."

The two stayed in the store for several more hours.

Waiting until midnight, the proprietress Xu Fang went back to the house and came out with three old-fashioned flashlights.

The flashlight is still the style of the last century. It has a thin silver shell on the outside and AA batteries inside. Xu Fang stuffed one for each of them, took off her apron and sleeves, and hung them up carefully.

Zhong Cheng said after playing with the flashlight for a while: "Miss Xu, are you a night traveler?"

"Yes." Xu Fang waved her hand and called "Ms. Xu" which made her a little stiff. "I don't have any great skills. I usually just pull strings for others."

Seeing that Zhong Cheng was a little stiff, she grinned: "Don't be afraid, we are officially cooperating with Shi'an. The ghost market sounds scary, but it is actually a serious place - the ghost market has its own rules, and no one is allowed to cause trouble."

"Yeah." Zhong Cheng said, holding on to the flashlight.

While the two were talking, Yin Ren was fiddling with the flashlight over and over again.

It was completely dark, and when I turned on the flashlight, I could see a blue-white oval in front of me.

Just as he was about to take a photo of the distance, Xu Fang slapped his hand gently: "Don't take random photos! Be careful if you take photos of things you shouldn't, or you won't be able to sleep at night."

Lord Ghost King: "...Thank you, Sister Fang."

He carefully moved the light away so that it wouldn't hit the tips of his shoes.

"It's okay for you two, I'll take you away." Xu Fang exhaled a long breath, "Come on, take a few deep breaths, and don't be out of breath later - if we get separated on the road, we won't have a chance to go in again tonight. ”

Yin Ren thought she would find a certain entrance, but Xu Fang just found an old apartment nearby and took them to the top of the fire escape.

There was no cover for the fire escape, and the night wind blew constantly from all directions, making people's skin crawl.

"Take the flashlight and walk down the steps while holding your breath." Xu Fang warned again, "It's best to hold your hand and walk where you have shined the light. Don't go astray."

Yin Ren: "Isn't it okay with Brother Zhong? He doesn't believe this."

Xu Fang is obviously used to this question: "It's okay, this technique is not used on people. I have also led the science post before, and they can enter."

"Look at the steps, hold your breath, hold hands." After finishing speaking, she quickly repeated it several times.

Yin Ren turned around and stretched out his hand generously: "Brother Zhong?"

Zhong Cheng said he hesitated for a few seconds and stretched out his hand. Who would have thought that Yin Ren would simply grab him and clasp his fingers directly.

"Hold on tight." This person was possessed by the proprietress for a moment, and told him rather uneasily, "Don't get lost, what a great opportunity to go shopping."

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

He wanted to try a different grip, but Sister Xu over there had already started to go down the steps, so he had to give up.

The green light swayed in front of them, and as they walked down, the surrounding scenery slowly rose. I don't know when it started, but a layer of gray mist gathered.

They eat away at everything around them. Except for the lone fire escape, everything was filled with airtight darkness, and even the footsteps of the three people were swallowed up.

The coolness of the night breeze turned into a cold feeling, and it crawled up my ankles like a gangrene attached to my bones.

In contrast, Yin Ren's hands were dry and warm. Zhong Cheng said relaxing his arms and starting to focus on the road in front of him.

After about a minute, their feet hit the ground. Zhong Cheng said he was sure that the stairs just now were definitely more than that short.

The three of them seemed to be standing at the end of a dead end. The fire escape behind them turned into a wall, and there were swaying red and green lights outside the alley.

Sister Xu let out a long breath: "I'm so suffocated. That's right, you both came in—you don't need to use the flashlight now."

She straightened her hair, which was a little messy, and took out two weird-looking masks from her pocket: "Here, put them both on. People who know security are not very welcome here, don't mind."

Walking out of the alley, there is a long old street outside.

This place is obviously not far from the city center, but there are no buildings nearby. There are only dilapidated old houses on both sides of the street, with windows and doors all open, and there is a bottomless pit of darkness inside, like the eye sockets of a skeleton.

There is a lantern beside the threshold of the old house. The lanterns were placed against the stone brick floor, roughly divided into two types: green lanterns and red lanterns. They were all placed crookedly, giving off a miserable air of decay. Next to the lantern, there were either goods carried in red cloth, or nothing except a pair of cloth shoes with the toes and heels turned upside down.

The stall owners are all hiding in the darkness of the old house, and the only ones they can let loose are one arm and two legs. From time to time, customers squatted down in front of the stalls, haggling in the darkness.

"The red light barters things, the green light dispels evil spirits."

Sister Xu led the two of them along the street and introduced in a low voice as they walked: "Those with a single incense burner on the red cloth are the information booths."

Yin Ren looked around with curiosity. He didn't let go of Zhong Cheng's hand: "Brother Zhong, what do you think?"

Zhong Cheng said: "...a group of people sat in front of the store and set up a street stall, with paper lanterns placed in front of the stall."

"Don't mention this later." Sister Xu laughed dryly, "Everyone still cares about showing their face, and Shi'an Science College is especially unpopular."

"How are we going to trade?" Yin Ren continued curiously, "Luck? Lifespan? Or body parts?" Sister Xu stared at him in shock for a while and pointed to the nearest information booth. The stall owner reached out from the darkness and handed out two cards, one blue and one green, with a QR code printed on each.

Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said: "..."

Sister Xu: "This should be reimbursed, don't be afraid."

Yin Ren took a deep breath, took out the dog thing, and dragged Zhong Chengshuo all the way to the stall. He looked at the incense burner on the stall with curiosity for a while: "Brother Zhong, I'll just pay for it later."

Sister Xu: "Xiao Yin, you..."

"I understand, I will be careful."

"...You can let go of Xiao Zhong." Sister Xu said helplessly, "I'm watching you from behind. I can't lose it."

Yin Ren: "Oh."

He let go of his partner with confidence and squatted in front of the information booth. Zhong Cheng said that he had been looking at the sky for a while, and then he lowered his head for a long time. The complicated expression on his face had not had time to dissipate.

A chuckle came from the darkness behind the stall: "Haha."

In Zhong Cheng's eyes, a skinny old man raised his head.

"You guys are very lucky today," he said calmly, "I rarely go out on the street."

Yin Ren was in awe: "Are you...?"

"I am the 'King of Hell' of the night travellers."

The author has something to say:

Xiao Yin: Happy shopping

Xiao Zhong:? Crack down on counterfeiting

By the way, I know it’s BOSS, not BOOS. BOOS is actually a spelling that raises my blood pressure... Share high blood pressure online!


I finished writing this chapter and gave it to my friends to try.

gay friend:? I have a question, why did Minister Fu get the information on Friday and Xiao Zhong only found out about the case on Monday.

I:? That was before get off work on Friday!

Me: Are you a ghost? It’s not urgent work. Why do you have to work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays

gay friend:


Me: Are you a ghost (Reread)

(End of chapter)