Evil As Humans

Chapter 57: Unethical behavior



The fake "Lu Guangzu" Huang Jin was lying in a separate guard room, staring at the ceiling. There seemed to be something quietly surging in the dim corner of the wall.

In the end, things got out of control.

Time was limited, so he originally wanted to rely on Renxiang and Yao Huapi to fight and make the matter bigger, so that Shi'an and the police could invest as much manpower as possible as soon as possible.

Even if he couldn't provide many clues and was just looking for a few missing persons, there should be some way to find out. When Shi'an finds out the traces of the real culprit, he can just confess.

But there is a sinking society behind the murderer. Now the situation is completely beyond Huang Jin's control. Or just confess to Shi'an? He thought desperately that now he couldn't give any more clues.

But if Shi'an knew that he was "Huang Jin" and found out about his past, he would be even more confused about his relationship with the Sinking Society. In this way, things will only become more complicated.

No, it can't be done.

Now that things have come to a point, "King of Hell" and that Yin Ren are his only remaining hope. Those are undoubtedly two strong men, and they will definitely be able to find a more suitable solution.

But before that, he could only remain silent and keep the agreement with those two people.

At about two o'clock in the morning, the two returned home. Zhong Cheng said that he was typing carefully at the dining table and reading the freshly released interview records of the ghost market while typing. Next to the small notepad, the relevant visit information of Huang Jin, Ding Lizi and Lu Guangzu piled up in a crumbling mountain.

"… But there is always another trace left behind."

In a small basement. Yin Ren saw blue-purple fluorescence that almost covered the floor. They extended to every corner and were very bright.

It was Huang Jin's neighbor's inquiry record. The information about "Ding Lizi" was highlighted by Zhong Cheng, and a neat little timeline was marked in small characters. Zhong Cheng glanced at the paper and put it back to its original position.

[Xingwang Repair Station (repairs various household appliances and equipment): I have cheap old furniture here, ○Fish link will be sent to you]

Even though it was late at night, everything felt eerily harmonious.

This makes several of the messages particularly eye-catching.

"Yes, he will understand by then." Yin Ren scrolled through his cell phone in the darkness.

It was like a cold fire was lit on the spot, and the thick darkness was instantly diluted.

On the screen is the Nightwalker online chat room. It's the opening hours of the Ghost Pawn Shop. Something happened recently. Many night walkers came to watch the excitement, and the online chat room was a little deserted.

Zhong Cheng said that his typing hand paused.

Yin Ren squatted down and pressed on the fluorescent blood stains. This place has definitely been cleaned carefully, and even he can't smell too much blood. At this moment, the blood stains were clear and vivid, and it could be seen that a very fierce struggle had occurred here. Judging from the amount of blood loss, someone must have died here.

"Exposing Huang Jin" is not difficult. The two of them only need to prepare several investigation reports with sufficient evidence and hand them in at the right time. As for how to make the report look reasonable and legal, Zhong is still very good at it.

Zhong Cheng said pressing the spray nozzle.

"Why did you agree to 'Lu Guangzu' at that time?" he asked in the darkness.

[Xingwang Repair Station (repairs various household appliances and spiritual tools): Damn, this person didn’t reply to my private message at all]

"Yes!" Yin Ren suddenly put down the chopsticks he was eating and moved closer to Zhong Chengshuo.

After taking the photo, he hesitated for a while: "Yin Ren, do you know how to purify and extract DNA?"

"Maybe your evil spirit and ghosts can't prove this, or maybe some people can use bizarre methods to get rid of the corpse."

"This feels really good, but I feel a little sorry for Officer Sun." Yin Ren stood in the basement of Huang Jin's house moved, "Brother Zhong, this is the smell of an accomplice."

The second hand clicked, and the time was getting closer to three in the morning. Countless confessions and data were swirling in Zhong Chengshuo's head, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"I just said that I don't intend to cause unnecessary complications." Zhong Cheng said sincerely, "It is not a 'superfluous cause' to lead out the real murderer. Some sacrifices are necessary."

Zhong Cheng said that he was holding two spray cans and carefully mixing the medicine.

For example, a man named Lu who lost his face.


Yin Ren put his cell phone in front of Zhong Chengshuo, unable to hide the contentment on his face.

"Speaking of which, are you okay? You were spraying upstairs just now. What on earth was that... "

Zhong Cheng said it was sad to find that regular work and rest were drifting away from him.

And his accomplice was pretending to be wearing an apron and staying in the kitchen checking his mobile phone - the stew pot in the kitchen made a soft bang, and the strong aroma of the braised pork wafted from the pot. Pair it with smooth rice noodles later, and it will be a stomach-warming late-night snack.

[[Anonymous 41]: Looking to buy comfortable seats, private message if interested] Since the user turned on the anonymous function, his ID showed a dull gray, almost blending in with the black chat background.

Zhong Cheng said, approaching Yin Ren, his voice was very soft.

"Crack, click, click." Zhong Cheng said, raising the camera and quickly taking photos for the report.

"Thank you." His eyes returned to the screen.

"I told him that I would investigate the way I like." Yin Ren leaned against the wall of the basement, still holding the book "Huang's Magic" in his arms. "Well, now I prefer to sell him. What about you? Did you promise him anything?"

[Evil: The friend above suggested ○宝]

"Here." Just as he was about to bend down to pick it up, Yin Ren handed it back.

The evening breeze blew and the indoor potted plants rustled. A page of paper was blown to the ground and slid along the floor.

"No!" Lord Ghost King replied humiliatingly.

At the same moment, two figures sneaked into the corridor.

In the middle of the night, the gate of the ghost market opened, and the two of them moved to the streets of the ghost market. Yin Ren put on a smile, Zhong Cheng said, took out his notebook, and they went straight to Peng Laogou and Xiao Mengpo's stall.

If they can advance the case by "exposing Huang Jin", Huang Jin should not make things difficult for them on the spot.

[[Anonymous 41]: Looking to buy comfortable seats, private message if interested]

[Lao Zhang Jianbing Guozi 028: How can you remain anonymous when buying something?]

[BOOS Supreme Evil Emperor: What could be the secret code]

[[Anonymous 41]: Looking to buy comfortable seats, private message if interested]

The man continued as if he didn't notice, and kept doing it for about half a minute. After ten consecutive brushes, he will pause for ten minutes and then continue. No matter whether the people walking at night were talking to him or ridiculing him, this person had no other reaction at all, just like a spam account that posted small advertisements.

There are weirdos every year, but this year there are especially many. The night walkers quickly lost interest and chatted in groups about recent chores.

"Is it him?" Zhong Cheng said, taking a sip of coffee and secretly glancing at Yin Ren's account name - this person was logging into "Favorite Sky" and should have borrowed it from the Lu family.

"It's very possible, I'll try it."

Yin Ren pulled up a chair and sat down next to Zhong Cheng. He also turned on anonymity and clicked on the private message box of the anonymous user.

[[Anonymous 83]: lazy sofa, private customization]

[[Anonymous 41]: Accept, chat outside the site]

The anonymous user quickly withdrew the message and then sent a series of URLs.

Zhong Cheng said that he opened it easily. It was an encrypted external chat room, a type commonly used by people walking at night. Visitors need to answer questions from the homeowner online and get permission to enter.

"It's indeed possible that it's him." Zhong Cheng said that he opened the website again on his computer and saw an input box arrogantly placed in front of the two people.

[Why contact me?]The question is marked in black and white above the input box, and a blood-red ten-second countdown hangs next to it.

Just as Yin Ren was about to open his mouth, Zhong Cheng's answer was already typed out: [Because you are also interested in me]

[Why contact me?]Ding, the answer was approved. However, the next input box popped up immediately, leaving them no time to react.

Exactly the same question, still ten seconds countdown.

[I know you are the maker of the chair] Zhong Cheng said and started quickly.

"Ding!" The prompt "Host Owner Approved" popped up next to the answer again.

[Why contact me?]The third time, the ten-second countdown remained unchanged.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Zhong Cheng said: [Appreciate your vivid works]

The third pleasant "ding" sounded. The interface of the chat room finally appeared in front of the two of them. The interface was simple and rough with white characters on a black background. There is a lone "2" hanging in the column for the number of people in the room, and the ID is not even displayed.

This is the first time they face the "real murderer".

Ten seconds passed without any change on the interface.

The people on the other side remained quiet, obviously waiting for them to speak first. ID, opening remarks, they must be extremely cautious not to let this half-cooked duck fly away. Yin Ren: "Let me think about it..."

Zhong Cheng said that he simply typed in the ID "skinship" and said, "Just let me do it."


After a few seconds, this record is automatically destroyed by the system and disappears from the interface.

[winner99: How do you know I want a beanbag?]The man went straight to the point.

"Hang him." Yin Ren quickly moved over, his long hair sliding up Zhong Chengshuo's exposed arms. The latter subconsciously shrank his hands and typed slower.

[Skinship: Secrets have a price]

winner99 fell into silence. Through the fluorescent screen, they could not feel each other's happiness and anger. Zhong Cheng's fingers hung on the keyboard for a while before he typed another line of words.

[skinship: I want to make a deal with you]


[Skinship: When I make works out of people, they always begin to corrupt immediately. I have never seen that kind of vividness, I want to take a closer look]

[winner99: What does it mean?]

[Skinship: Don’t put it in a ghost pawn shop next time. Can you display it somewhere else?]

[winner99: There will be no next time]

Yin Ren clicked his tongue, the murderer was indeed cautious. He knew that the more his "work" was exposed, the greater the chance that Shi'an would catch him.

Fortunately, they were prepared. Yin Ren leaned towards Zhong Cheng's ear and quickly spoke the planned lines.

[Skinship: The first one is a bit eye-catching, but the finished product is pretty good. No one is looking for the next six, so you feel much more relaxed.]

[skinship: Your chair is falling apart, so you want to replace it with a beanbag.]

[skinship: Hehe. ] In Yin Ren's shocked expression, Zhong Cheng added two words expressionlessly.


[winner99: How do you know?]

[Skinship: Secrets have a price, I said it.]

[winner99: I promise your deal. I can produce another work, and you can go to a ghost pawn shop to take the photo yourself]

[Skinship: And let you find out who I am? That won't work.]

[Skinship: Otherwise, I don’t care who Lu Guangzu is. He claims to be a murderer. Why don’t you just leave this matter to him?]

[winner99: Hmm.]

[winner99: I will give you the address after I arrange it. The search for Shi'an has been intensive recently, and it will be exposed soon]

[winner99: You can do it for yourself]

After typing these five words, the homeowner's ID went out instantly and the person went offline.

The fish bit the hook, and the two accomplices huddled together exchanged glances. Yin Ren patted Zhong Cheng's arm and arched his eyebrows: "Not bad, Brother Zhong. I'll give you the best stew later."

It's a pity that this person doesn't want to be a policeman. When it comes to dealing with dangerous people, Zhong Cheng said he seems to have some kind of genius-like intuition.

Yin Ren returned to the kitchen humming a song and began to fill two porcelain bowls with broth. Zhong Cheng relaxed his muscles and bones and looked at the chat page again—

The information expiration date has long passed and the records are automatically destroyed.

He will clear the private messages on "Favorite Sky" later, and the matter will be done.

When acting as the King of Hell, Zhong Cheng said he had done similar tasks countless times. His operation was so proficient that for a moment, he almost thought he was back at the base below the warehouse. only-


A steaming bowl of braised pork rice noodles was delivered to Zhong Chengshuo.

The rice noodle bowl is not big, and the soup noodles are decorated with bright green and crisp lettuce. The stewed meat that comes with it is all lean meat, and it doesn't smell greasy at all. Yin Ren's own portion was filled with red oil and not a single vegetable leaf was visible.

"The next step is up to you, Brother Zhong. I really can't handle the report or anything like that."

Yin Ren said sincerely.

"I stewed this meat according to the recipe. You can try it."

Zhong Cheng said, carefully picking up a chopstick and putting it into his mouth. The taste is mellow and warm, not overpowering, just right for his taste.

It's hard to imagine that just a short time ago, they were dealing with a cunning serial killer on this very table.

"Why did it go to this point?" Zhong Cheng said suddenly asked, "This time the emergency response department took action, there is no need for you to go into the water."

Yin Ren's identity is unknown, and his involvement with evil objects is unclear. Once he is exposed, he will definitely lose his current peaceful life. Why take this step at the risk of exposure

"Huh?" Yin Ren stopped chewing.

"Because the real murderer deserves to be killed by a thousand cuts, and I feel unhappy." He thought for a while and replied in a brisk tone.

Zhong Cheng said: "... Is it just like this?"

"Well, I think you should be able to understand me." Yin Ren said, "Didn't you get into the water too, Mr. Accomplice?"

Two days later, Shi'an Building, Foreign Object Identification Department.

A huge oil painting replaced the chair and was placed in the white observation room. The potion that stabilized vital signs dripped down the infusion bag and slowly flowed into the frame.

Looking at the picture, this is supposed to be a landscape painting. However, there is no blue sky and white clouds on the canvas, but instead it is filled with red, white and light yellow. The frame is a bit soft to the touch, and the fine lines on the frame are like reliefs and wrinkles. You can vaguely feel the bone-like frame inside, and it still has human body temperature.

The fishy filth is constantly flowing under the frame, and the canvas swells horribly from time to time, like boiling water.

The second Ge Tingting put the stethoscope on, she suddenly covered her ears. Compared to the human chair, the condition of this human painting was worse. Apart from screams of unknown meaning, the victim could not give any other words. any information.

Liang Caihong, female, 49 years old, disappeared more than 50 days ago. She was the second victim "found" and was indeed among the ten people screened by the police.

Liang Caihong is just an ordinary cleaning lady. Her only daughter was diagnosed with cancer three years ago and passed away in less than a year, depleting all her family's savings.

Recently, her husband suffered a sudden stroke, leaving Liang Caihong alone to support the whole family. She disappeared from the world before, and almost everyone thought she "ran away without saying a word."

But her little sisters insisted not to think so—

"Rainbow has a very good temper and will never leave without saying goodbye."

Facts have proved that Liang Caihong did not leave without saying goodbye.

Now they can only see her in photos. Liang Caihong looks older than his real age, but has a shy smile on his face. The smile suppressed the frost between her brows, and even revealed a bit of a strange girlish attitude.

Another living person disappeared into the corner of society and turned into a "dead thing" silently.

Fu Xingchuan stood in front of the observation room window with a complicated expression: "Can Ms. Liang's mind be restored?"

"If she can be restored to her human form and nursed back to health slowly, there is indeed a possibility of recovery." The staff nearby reported diligently, "But her current condition is very bad..."

This painting was found in the basement of an ex-girlfriend of Lu Guangzu.

That ex-girlfriend broke up with Lu Guangzu two or three years ago. She moved early and her old house remained empty. Shi'an's inspection drone went to that area last night and found abnormal fluctuations in evil spirits, and quickly rescued the "Human Painting".

As to when it was placed there, no one can say.

Fu Xingchuan wiped his face with his hands and let out a long sigh: "Forget it, it's good to have one, one is the same... I'll ask your minister later."

"Minister Fu, I'm a little curious." Mr. Ghost King approached with an innocent face, "Does this confirm that Lu Guangzu is the real murderer? I heard Sister Xiaohe say before that it is unlikely that Lu Guangzu is the real murderer... "

Fu Xingchuan glanced at him tiredly: "Evidence is greater than judgment and experience. With this line, even if it is not confirmed, that kid Lu Guangzu will not be able to get away with it."

"Really? It's weird, it doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense?" Fu Xingchuan pinched the bridge of his nose.

Yin Ren presented a thick report with both hands.

"Minister Fu, this is the investigation report that Brother Zhong and I just planned to hand in... According to our investigation, Lu Guangzu died half a year ago, at the hands of 'Huang Jin'."

"Someone inside the bureau is pretending to be a dead person, and someone outside the bureau is framing a dead person. Isn't this strange?"

(End of chapter)