Evil As Humans

Chapter 60: Accomplices turn against each other


"Scapegoat? No need to put it in such a harsh way, it's obviously just 'playing together'."

The goat's tone was very cheerful, and he seemed to be laughing.

"Anyway, my cases have nothing to do with you, they can't produce evidence. Besides, you can get away with it under Shi'an's nose for so long, which shows that we are both good at handling traces... Just help me muddy the water, you can't any loss."

Zhong Cheng said he was looking at the "unconscious" Yin Ren.

"For an unrelated crime, change it to a 'preservation' technique." The goat's smile became more obvious, "Isn't it worth it?"

His words were quickly blown away by the night wind, the weeds in the cracks between the stone bricks rustled, and the insects in the grass continued to chirp. Through the iron railing of the back door, the river behind the door flowed, the dark clouds slowly dispersed, and the bright moonlight shone down.

The silence was mixed with a pinprick of malice.

The Rabbit didn't answer immediately, but the Goat waited patiently. Time is fixed at this moment, and the picture is like an illustrated page from a twisted fairy tale.

"It is indeed a very exciting proposal."

Four or five minutes passed, and Zhong Cheng said he was squatting in front of Yin Ren.

Zhong Cheng said he took out a needleless syringe from his loose pocket and stabbed it into Yin Ren's neck without hesitation. There was a soft hissing sound, and the medicinal solution penetrated into the skin instantly.

"I don't know." Zhong Cheng said without raising his head and replied slowly, "I haven't counted them."

Zhong Cheng said, spreading Yin Ren's arms and placing him on the couch in a "big" position. Then he stretched out his hand and touched the depression of Yin Ren's collarbone with his index finger.

"Okay, I won't move, please." The goat took back the knife.

At this moment, Zhong Cheng's fingertips were moving up Yin Ren's neck. His thumb faintly passed across Yin Ren's throat, the force was neither light nor heavy.

This was the first time Yin Ren heard Zhong Cheng speak in such a tone - the tone was calm and pleasant, even relaxed. He seemed to be chatting with a "like-minded" enemy.

It's like being licked by ten snakes. There was no hint of intimacy in that action, and there was no hint of intimacy. The "measurements" Zhong Cheng mentioned were cold and skillful, like a predator measuring the size of its prey.

The goat seemed to be shocked by this atmosphere: "Do you need to measure so carefully?"

The goat tilted his head: "I'm starting to get curious, how many have you killed?"

"... Let's work together and let me see your 'preservation' skills."

"Don't destroy the integrity of the materials." Zhong Cheng said, raising his face and his tone was a little more warning.

The goat took two steps forward and stopped on the other side of Yin Ren, separated from Zhong Cheng by a lazy sofa.

"Even if you do nothing, as long as enough fear is generated here, the human body will collapse on its own. And these collapses will be reflected on the body, causing coma, vomiting, incontinence... or mental disorder."

The goat was silent.

After choosing a suitable angle, Lord Ghost King could watch the show at leisure.


"And here—"

Through the black leather gloves, he couldn't feel Zhong Cheng's body temperature. He could only feel the hand moving along the muscle texture, sliding over his shoulder, and then the joints and bones. Zhong Cheng's ten fingers were sometimes heavy and sometimes light, passing through his arms, waist, legs and feet, and finally returned to his head.

Gradually, his head was lifted, his arms were carefully placed, and his waist was pressed against the soft sofa. Obviously the man didn't hurt him at all, but Yin Ren already had the illusion of being dismembered.

It's amazing, Yin Ren thought.

The black leather gloves were warmed by Yin Ren's body temperature, and then cooled by the night breeze.

"Fear leaks out of here, like tears, and it reveals a lot of personal qualities, which is very interesting."

Zhong Cheng covered Yin Ren's eyes with his hand.

"Of course, but you have better aesthetics... You plan the design first and let me observe it."

"Yes, the human body is very magical." Zhong Cheng said, arranging Yin Ren's hair little by little and spreading it to the most suitable position on the sofa. "The nerve distribution in different parts is different. In some places, a little stimulation can make Life is worse than death, causing body deformation and twitching... Of course, the most amazing thing is here."

A few of his hair quietly stretched out, extending along the cracks between the stone bricks and into the weeds. They chose a hidden grass stem to climb up and formed two dark eyeballs on the top of the grass stem. Covered by night and shadow, they swayed gently in the wind, like two unopened flowers.

This was originally the part that worried him the most - the King of Hell only killed evil things and never took on tasks related to living people. When faced with a standard living human body, Zhong Cheng said that he might not be able to act maliciously well.

Then Zhong Cheng said and pulled Yin Ren to the sofa, again.

However, the reality was far beyond his expectation.

Although Yin Ren remained motionless, they seemed to be rehearsing some kind of wonderful double dance.

He freed his hand and touched Yin Ren's eyebrows.

"People often say that." Zhong Cheng said with a smile in his tone.

The goat raised the knife in his hand and stabbed a moderately deep wound on Yin Ren's arm. Seeing that Yin Ren had no reaction, the goat untied his chains.

Zhong Cheng said: "Okay, you can untie the chain first."

The eye holes of the rabbit mask were as black as the void, and there seemed to be nothing underneath the mask. The handsome and harmless scholar's face was covered, and Zhong Chengshuo looked like a "real stranger" at this moment.

"I can't measure his body size when he's tied up like this," Zhong Cheng said coldly, "If you're worried about him waking up, I'll take care of it."

And the way he was placed was almost shockingly accurate and delicate. If Zhong Cheng could really say that he could penetrate flesh into objects, he would indeed be able to create a perfect sofa. In terms of aesthetics of flesh and blood, this person is no worse than me.

"Haha, awesome." The goat laughed twice without emotion, "You are really a weirdo."

The latter urgently grew some taste buds in his body... Well, it's sweet, nothing more, Yin Ren thought. This kind of injection is a bit fun, and Comrade Xiao Zhong has more toys than he imagined.

Calculate whether it can be swallowed successfully.

"Sounds like you're well versed in torture," the goat said.

He was still adjusting Yin Ren's posture carefully. Even though they had reached a consensus, Yin Ren still felt like he was "really going to be turned into a sofa."

"... But since you have killed so many, you must understand what it feels like." The goat rambled, and the eyes behind the doll suit looked at Zhong Cheng repeatedly, as if trying to figure out the authenticity of his opponent's words. "There are always a few prey that are particularly enjoyable to deal with... the excitement that makes your heart beat faster and the hairs on your hair stand on end... "

"Well, I've had that experience."

Zhong Cheng paused as he spoke.

"It was a very strong goal and I enjoyed it and will be looking forward to more reactions from him."

"I understand, I understand." Goat clapped his hands with satisfaction, "It seems we are quite compatible."


At about four o'clock in the morning, Zhong Cheng said he finally finished playing with Yin Ren. He stood up and let out a long breath.

"If it were me, I would use the technique of piercing flesh and objects next. But after that, the person will slowly die. Then it's your turn - follow this posture and melt down, the outline will not be too bad."

"Well, I only have one question left to ask." There was no expression on the goat doll's face, and his tone remained cheerful, "How did you escape pursuit?"

"Secret." Rabbit Mask turned. "In general, the simpler the method, the less likely it will go wrong... What about you? How did you do it?"

"Well, I also have my secrets." Goat stretched awkwardly, "In general, always plan your way out before taking action-"

The two were only one step apart. In the next moment, Goat suddenly hugged Zhong Cheng and said.

Under the doll costume, more than a dozen stunning weapons were activated at the same time, and a thin buzzing sound streaked across the night sky.

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

Yin Ren: "..."

Yin Ren felt sad for those spiritual weapons - they were painstakingly made by spiritual craftsmen and worked hard to shine and heat all night long. As a result, he encountered the Ghost King first and then the atheist, but he didn't knock down even half of them.

Zhong Cheng said he didn't respond for too long, and he softened his body obediently.

The goat doll unceremoniously let go of its embrace, and Zhong Cheng poured the stone bricks down heavily - the sound was loud and dull, and Yin Ren hissed in his heart.

The goat doll quickly pulled the chain that tied Yin Ren just now and tied Zhong Chengshuo tightly. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up.

"Spirit weapons are really useful for you practitioners." There was a smile of relief in the goat's voice, "Unlike that rookie Shi'an, you are indeed very strong, and you are still conscious."

Zhong Cheng said with difficulty: "I don't...understand...our...work..."

"Well, I do plan to produce another work. I didn't lie to you." Goat's hand reached into the gutter on one side and opened the rusty small iron cover a little. "If things go well, I will too." I’m not lying to you if I tell you how to keep it fresh.”

After seeing the gurgling water flowing into the creek, the goat straightened up with satisfaction.

He took out a thin coin collection box from his pocket. The box was engraved with layers of runes. The coins inside were plain and unpretentious, with nothing special about them.

The goat snapped the box open.

In an instant, the dog shook in Zhong Cheng's pocket. Yin Ren also felt the familiar feeling - there was no doubt that it was a source of pollution full of evil power.

"Listen, my preservation skills are actually very simple."

The goat flicked the coin in his hand.

"I'll stick it to the target object for a while, and then stick it to your eyebrows for a while. Then, as long as I try hard to imagine, you two will slowly merge. Isn't it amazing?... Unfortunately, only I can use this ability."

"… impossible… "

Zhong Cheng said to continue performing, and Yin Ren rolled his eyes on the grass stems - Comrade Xiao Zhong had secretly untied the chain, and the runes on the chain had no effect on him, and were comparable to pure carvings.

"You know what? I once had the same troubles as you."

The goat stared at the coin greedily, unaware of Zhong Cheng's little move.

"After people are made into works, the precious body temperature and vitality will always disappear... The shelf life of the works is too short and it feels uncomfortable to touch."

"But now that I have it, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Just find strong 'wildflowers' that can withstand constant viewing."

The goat dipped the coin into the ditch, its voice growing shriller with excitement.

"Ah, I've wanted to try this for a long time. Just think, your flesh, blood, and bones will melt into the water and flow underground throughout the city—you will disappear completely."

"The people in Shi'an are intact...I died here...you have no benefit..." Zhong Cheng said, staring at the coin closely, "I don't understand..."

The goat gave a mocking sigh.

He took the coin out of the sewage. Under the moonlight, the small piece of metal shone dimly.

"Like I said, if you want to escape pursuit, you must always plan your way out before taking action."

The goat walked leisurely towards Zhong Chengshuo. He stood about half a step away from Zhong Chengshuo, obviously enjoying the feeling of looking down from above.

"Actually, it's a simple story."

He started playing the coin again.

"There once was an artist who could never produce satisfactory works. One day, he made a deal with the devil and wanted more sophisticated techniques."

"The devil lent him a lucky coin. Using the lucky coin as a medium, he can cast his own special magic."

Zhong Cheng said: "..."

"Do you know the worst part of this story?" Goat crouched down, "The lucky coin is just lent by the devil, and the loaned thing must be returned. But without it, the artist will lose his magic."

Zhong Cheng said: "Deal... you want... to swallow the things from the Sinking Club...?"

"Very smart."

The goat smiled happily.

"I'm really grateful to that idiot who surrendered. He gave me a perfect opportunity - as long as I cooperate with the release of the work, Shi'an will definitely intervene, and I can take the opportunity to escape from the sinking society."

"It doesn't matter if I frame the wrong person. From the beginning, my position in the script was ready."

The goat reached out and grasped the edges of the rabbit's mask.

"Do you know what's the worst part of this script?" Zhong Cheng said suddenly and calmly, his eyes blinking behind the rabbit mask.

The goat hesitated for a moment.

"You missed something."

Zhong Cheng said in a very soft voice: "... I already have an accomplice, and he is more cunning than you." The air was silent for a moment.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Behind the two of them, in front of the pirate ship, there was a burst of insincere applause. The goat turned sharply and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Don't be discouraged, your script is actually quite good."

Yin Ren commented happily.

"Deliberately approaching the daughter of the police officer in charge of the case and clumsily releasing the 'chat records' as clues to create just the right amount of suspicion."

"Then you kidnap a Shi'an rookie and perform a painful trick in front of him. Let me guess, the next arrangement is 'Good citizens are being taken advantage of by the sinking, and they can't bear to watch the real murderer commit the crime again, so they sacrifice their lives to save the Shi'an employees.' ?”

The goat held his breath, his whole body as stiff as a stone.

"Well... if you injure yourself more seriously, it will be even more touching. When the poor newcomer wakes up afterwards, he can provide you with testimony - in this way, your character in the script is just a person who is forced and controlled. Poor accomplice."

Yin Ren sat cross-legged on the beanbag, holding his chin with one hand, and the ends of his hair were gently fluttering in the wind. There were broken boats and chains hanging on his back, like some unlucky god of disaster.

"This accomplice even fell in love with the police officer's daughter... Ouch, what a classic 'redemption routine'." Yin Ren clicked his tongue.

at the same time.

With a crash, the chain fell to the ground. Zhong Cheng said, holding up his arms and standing up neatly. The goat turned around again warily, his movements somewhat flustered.

"Even if the victim is indirectly related to you, you can still use the 'accomplice statement' to justify the lie. It is indeed difficult to convict."

Zhong Cheng said, taking two steps back and regaining his original voice.

Even if he failed to frame Lu Guangzu. This person only needs to make an appointment with a "bad guy" to meet in front of the victim, and then make the enemy disappear from the world. As the geese pass by and leave traces, Shi'an will not miscalculate the number of people at the scene, and they will continue to track the "real culprit."

In this way, the script of "the accomplice abandons the secret and turns to the light, and the real murderer fails to commit the crime" is completed.

Thinking about it now, when he readily agreed to release the second work, he might have already taken a liking to the "skinship" that was delivered to his door.

"On the other hand, as a 'tainted witness', you will be protected by Shi'an. When the time is right, you can just swallow the coins and fly away - in your case, you should slip away abroad."

Zhong Cheng said he took out a toy gun from his waist and pointed the black muzzle straight at the goat.

With his other hand free, he threw the spiritual weapon cell phone in a perfect parabola, landing right in Yin Ren's arms.

"Do we agree? Mr. Bai."

Goat-Bai Yongji did not answer.

Under the muzzle of the gun, he stood there like a statue, his hands gradually clenched, and his joints made a trembling sound. The face of the goat doll is a little crooked, and the embroidered smile becomes extremely distorted.

The next moment, he seemed to wake up from a dream. The goat stuffed the coin into his mouth and swallowed it with a grunt.

Then he threw the cloth bag to the ground. Countless clouds of milky white smoke filled the air, and the clear night suddenly turned into a pot of porridge. Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said their faces were not covered, and the irritating gas hit their faces.

The goat didn't say anything nonsense. He seized the opportunity and rushed straight to the back door of the amusement park.

The kidnapping van was parked there.

Things change. Although I don’t know what happened to Yin Ren, those two guys are definitely not acting on behalf of Shi’an—Yin Ren aside, that rabbit mask is definitely not Jin, and Shi’an cannot breed such pure evil.

He will find a way, and he will always win. His enemies are just people of flesh and blood. As long as he can escape, he only needs a little time to figure out a way out...

Unfortunately, a figure was already standing in front of the small back door.

"Where are you going?" Yin Ren asked with a smile, "I haven't finished speaking yet."

Bai Yongji took a deep breath, took out the knife again, and stared at Yin Ren's throat.

"... It doesn't matter." Unlike when he was kidnapped, his voice was steady and very sure, "You are a ghost master, and in your words, I don't believe it."

"No matter how powerful the ghost's spiritual weapons you bring, they can't hurt me."

"That's true." Yin Ren's smile grew deeper and deeper, "But my accomplice said it very well. As long as there is enough fear, people will be shaken... I only need you to waver for a moment."

He ignored the knife and grabbed the front of the goat costume.

"Would you like to try it?"

In front of Bai Yongji, Yin Ren's facial features gradually disappeared.

First the mouth, then the nose, and finally the smiling left and right eyes. They sink beneath the skin, like sinking into a slimy mire.

Bai Yongji stared at that face like a man possessed, his fingers relaxed little by little, and the knife clanged against the stone floor.

Yin Ren's face first turned into a perfect blank, and then a hole gradually appeared. The hole slowly expanded and turned into a deep and dark whirlpool. Its depth completely exceeds the size of Yin Ren's head, and it can't be seen to the bottom at a glance.

In the vortex, a large amount of black mucus surged, swirled, and kept changing, like an endless nightmare.

Along with the sticky stirring sound, something slowly poked out of the vortex, like a snail's eye. They stretch, taper, and slip into the crevices of the goat doll's face.

Almost at the next moment, a particularly shrill scream came from the doll costume.

There was a stinky smell in the air for an instant—the respectable serial murderer lost control of himself due to some unknown stimulus.

A vague laughter sounded from deep in the whirlpool.

Those terrifying tentacles retracted at the touch of a finger, and the whirlpool quickly returned to beautiful facial features. Yin Ren loosened the front of the doll suit and took out his cell phone. The goat doll fell to the ground. He struggled painfully and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Mr. Lu."

Yin Ren turned around the phone casually and greeted in a low voice.

"How are you practicing the 'flesh-penetrating' technique?... The murderer is this gentleman. Be gentle and remember to give him some breathing space."

In Bai Yongji's blurred vision, something huge climbed down from the iron railing of the back door, and six blood-red eyes were fixed in front of him.

"Give Yuanyuan back to me..."

A distant voice sounded in his ears, as if separated by a film of water.

"Yuanyuan...my good boy..."

Bai Yongji instinctively took a few steps back, only to hear a woman's chuckle, and his hand touched something soft.

It's the blood red beanbag.

It was clearly near the pirate ship just now...

"Pfft." A thin and vague arm pressed on his shoulder.

Severe pain hit him, and his shoulder was penetrated deep into the sofa alive. The fabric was mixed with fresh flesh and blood. This time, Bai Yongji couldn't even scream.

Lu Tanfei was surrounded by ghosts and ghosts. He was muttering mantras in his mouth, and his hands and feet couldn't stop moving. At first glance, it looks a bit like a predatory spider.


"Pfft." "Pfft."

Zhong Cheng said that when he stepped out of the white mist, there was a beanbag groaning in pain at the back door. Probably to save this man's life, the sofa is not as exquisite as the previous one.

"It's hard for me to explain to Shi'an what you did." Zhong Cheng said, his eyes scanning the living sofa and pushing up the mask on his face.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't do it myself."

Yin Ren crossed his arms indifferently.

"I'm just a ghost master who was kidnapped and frightened, and my ghost happens to have a grudge against this guy - in this case, if the ghost loses control, neither I nor the ghost will be too responsible."

He smiled: "Mr. Bai said that after destroying the evidence, we only need a reasonable 'script'."

"I remember that he will not be affected by the spell. How did you do that?"

"The fear of exposure made him shake? I don't know." Yin Ren thumped his waist, "Oh, it's quite uncomfortable to lie in the same position for a long time."

Zhong Cheng said he was still wearing the rabbit mask, and he looked at Yin Ren in silence.

Yin Ren snorted: "Okay, we have to deal with the aftermath as soon as possible. Anyway, I will deal with this person's memory first..."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

At some point, the moaning sound disappeared.

"Haha." The bloody sofa laughed hoarsely.

Yin Ren pulled Zhong Chengshuo behind him and squinted at Bai Yongji - the man's body was indistinguishable from the couch, with only his head exposed.

"You shouldn't have driven me to the edge."

Bai Yongji on the sofa seemed to have lost his sense of pain, and his tone was so calm that it was scary.

"I want to thank you... Thank you... It turns out that there is really cause and effect and retribution in this world... "

Fear breeds despair, and despair breeds wavering. Proud people are cornered, first by a slight crack in their faith, and then—

Come on!

"... It turns out that becoming 'believed' is such a feeling."

Bai Yongji sighed.

"Trouble, this guy was overstimulated." Yin Ren wiped his face.

It is not unusual for atheists to convert after being overly stimulated. However, ordinary atheists do not have evil sources of pollution in their stomachs.

A scalp-numbing tearing sound was heard, and flesh and blood seeped out bit by bit from the surface of the sofa. A humanoid figure stood up unsteadily, ignoring its restraints. The man still had the honeycomb structure from the fusion, and only one face was complete.

Just like Feng Qi back then, pus and blood kept pouring out of Bai Yongji's eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

His face was green and white, and his body was riddled with holes and broken like a sponge net. Through the skin full of holes, Yin Ren could see the squirming internal organs inside his body. Bai Yongji's heart kept beating, but not a drop of blood seeped out of the hole.

He just stood up like a ridiculous ghost.

After passing through the doll suit and the beanbag, the man stood almost naked in front of the two of them. The thick evil power gradually spread, and through the fine holes, a bit of metallic light flashed out of his abdominal cavity.

"thank you."

he repeated with a smile.

"Actually, I omitted a few details about the artist's story."

"According to the devil, the coin should have given the artist the power to 'fulfill his wish alone'. Unfortunately, the artist has a special constitution and is difficult to be affected... His unique magic appeared, but he had to rely on the lucky coin to cast it."

"Now the story can continue - one day, in despair, the artist finally learned magic."

"... It's not a substitute that relies on coins, this time it's 'real magic'."

The author has something to say:

Bai Yongji: Listen to me and thank you

It doesn't matter, he hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet.

winner99: Haha, actually I am fishing.

skinship: What a coincidence, so do I.

It could be a two-way hook.


Gay friends: lazy sofa

Gay friend: Is this lazy shark hair


(End of chapter)