Evil As Humans

Chapter 62: purely



Yin Ren's wings drooped down, and he even forgot to take them back. His red eyes were full of shock.

This is not the development Yin Ren expected at all.

They were supposed to have a quick and calm negotiation... What now

In the more than three hundred years since he was conscious, Yin Ren had come into contact with many humans and more evil things. He had never become someone else's "like".

Yin Ren quickly grew a brain in his chest and thought hard.

Zhong Cheng said he was a perfect partner. He is strong, calm, and has a deep understanding of the metaphysical world, but it is difficult to detect abnormal phenomena such as evil spirits. What's even better is that he has secrets that cannot be revealed to Shi'an.

Knowing that the other party had doubts about him, Yin Ren set a bait.

From "a practitioner with unknown background" to "the evil thing itself", Yin Ren progresses step by step. Show enough sincerity and bind enough benefits. As long as Zhong Cheng said he was lured to his side, they might be able to become a true partner.

There should be no problem with your own process.

"You know I am evil, but this may not be my true appearance." Yin Ren tried to regain the initiative.

Yin Ren's eyes stopped on the hilt of Wuguo's knife, and he flashed meaningfully.

"Zhong Cheng said, you-"

"This is an objective fact." Behind the lens, Zhong Cheng said that there was a smile in his black hole-like eyes.

He stretched out a strand of long hair and tentatively wrapped it around Zhong Chengshuo's wrist.

Zhong Cheng said and shook his head. His ears were still red, but his expression was calmer than ever.

"The situation is too complicated, you'd better not lie." Zhong Cheng said seriously, "Just distort the details... You don't need me to explain in detail."

Yin Ren numbly held up his half-stretched wings and looked at him with an indescribable expression.

Fu Xingchuan slowly turned his head and patted Xiang Jiang: "Am I about to die? Is this a dying hallucination in front of me?"

Xiang Jiang ignored him and just pointed at Yin Ren perfunctorily: "Isn't that our observation target? How to deal with it?"

Yin Ren was silent for half a minute.

"Forget it." Lord Ghost King sighed in self-defeat, and hugged Zhong Cheng's waist tightly, "I hope you won't faint."

"Actually, I admire you very much. This is the truth." After a while, Yin Ren said hesitantly, "Although I'm not very good at this, we can't give it a try..."

Zhong Cheng said that he was taking back the evil consequences slowly. He politely picked up the long hair, put them back in place, and patted them.

Yin Ren: "You..."

Even though the Ghost King is so versatile, he is completely down now. What happened? Have you been dumped

"Depending on your attitude, we can still coexist peacefully for the time being. Let's put an end to this quickly."

Layers upon layers of surrounding nets were set up, and all kinds of detectors were ready to go. The highly sophisticated metaphysicians from Shi'an were fully armed and stabbed into the Xinxin Amusement Park like sharp knives.

A few strands of hair touched Zhong Chengshuo's pocket and found the glasses case as expected. They hurriedly pulled out the glasses and put them back on Zhong Chengshuo's face.

Yin Ren's shell got stuck in a rare case.

Maybe this is also a kind of fate.

Yin Ren: "...?"

He ignored the blade, and his calm expression returned a little.

"Don't forget your phone, let it go back to where it was thrown. Neither I nor it came tonight, I don't know anything."

Wing balls were scattered around, and the two of them were completely exposed to the moonlight.

For a moment, he was not sure whether the starting point of his sentence "I kind of like you" was "love object" or "hunting object".

Zhong Cheng said that this man was quite cute, at least when he put away his claws, he looked straightforward and funny. He has never experienced such an intimate relationship... And if things go well, his cooperation with Zhong Chengshuo will be more stable.

Yin Ren was slumped behind a bush. The household clothes on his body were in tatters, and his limbs were covered with light or deep scratches and bruises. Several people approached, and he seemed to hear a sound, and turned his face in the direction of the coming people.

Even if Fu Xingchuan's ability to observe words and emotions is not as good as Professor Li's, he can still see the collapse of the other party at this moment - Yin Ren seems to have been greatly stimulated. He looks confused and has question marks on his face.

"No, I shouldn't be here. Before Shi'an seals it, you have to take me away and come back by yourself."

There are some remnants of evil power on the corpse, and the space nearby is very stable. According to Minister Jiao’s feedback, the newcomers on “that side” were completely silent.

"But I don't want to," he said.

They found a dilapidated beanbag, a headless naked male corpse, a rookie colleague in a trance, and unexplained craters all over the ground.

Four or five minutes later.

"You said you like me." Yin Ren confirmed again.

"Now is not the time to talk in detail." Zhong Cheng said and opened his arms to Yin Ren.

Zhong Cheng said, patiently breaking apart the cartilage and flesh, and straightening the loose clothes.

"You want a hug?" Yin Ren asked in a daze.


No, they didn't have time to waste time and had to make a quick decision.

After being exposed as the King of Hell, Zhong Cheng said that the comrade seemed too lazy to hide his peculiar thoughts, and Yin Ren had a vague premonition that he was playing off. His hundreds of years of experience were not enough to deal with the strange guy in front of him.

"Bai Yongji experienced physical changes. It took Shi'an about 10 minutes to discover the abnormal readings, and it took 15 minutes to gather troops to block it. Taking into account the communication and reporting time there, we still have 8 minutes left to collude and take action."

Zhong Cheng said that he carefully adjusted the position of his glasses and did not forget to pick up the rabbit mask.

Comrade Yin Ren looked as if he had been run over by a car. It was difficult to fake that kind of impactful emotion.

Even after wrapping himself in a blanket and drinking honey water, Yin Ren's frightened expression did not disappear.

"What's going on?" Fu Xingchuan took a can of coffee and sat down next to Yin Ren.

Around them, Shi'an's staff were busy. Traces were divided, bodies were sampled, and various lights lit up again in the silent amusement park.

Yin Ren glanced at Fu Xingchuan secretly. He drank half a cup of honey water and began to tell his "tragic experience."

In a sense, Yin Ren did not lie—

"Tonight I was kidnapped by Bai Yongji. When I woke up, I saw a weird man wearing a goat doll suit... He also called an accomplice and said he wanted to make me into a beanbag, but they suddenly had a conflict... I heard The goat said he wanted to melt his friends into the ditch..."

So there were traces of three people at the scene. Yin Ren looked at the small ditch next to the pirate ship.

"While they were having internal strife, I fled to the back door. But, I was caught up by the goat again, so I could only forcefully recruit Grandpa Lu with all my heart... Maybe it was because I had just finished fighting with my accomplices, and the goat was in bad condition, and he was beaten by the crazy Lu. Grandpa was seriously injured..."

"Finding that he was in bad condition, he swallowed something... Then he developed strange abilities and his body recovered quickly... "

Yin Ren shivered dutifully and glanced at the bloody beanbag at the back door.

There was a crooked ghost summoning talisman on his arm. The night wind kept blowing, and the blood on the talisman had dried up.

"The goat's doll costume fell off, and I recognized him as Bai Yongji... I thought I was dead... Just as he was about to hurt me, his head was smashed by a shot from someone who didn't know where. The attacker wanted to shoot, so I immediately He hid in the bushes and barely saved his life..."

Finally, Yin Ren's eyes clicked on Bai Yongji's body and the strange craters.

His long hair was covered with dust, cobwebs and dead leaves from the trees, and he looked extremely miserable.

Yin Ren did give Shi'an the facts, and he only concealed a few trivial details - such as the fact that the accomplice's surname was Zhong Mingcheng, and he was a "King of Hell" who worked part-time as a night walker. Another example is that during the process of hiding, the King of Hell confessed to the evil self and then dumped him vigorously.

Thanks to Zhong Cheng, Yin Ren's current confusion and doubts do not need to be disguised. He just needs to act as he is, and a hundred thousand lie detectors won't be able to find anything wrong.

Fu Xingchuan, who listened to the whole process: "..."

Fu Xingchuan was noncommittal: "Where is that accomplice?"

"I don't know." Yin Ren looked at the ground, "When they were fighting, Bai Yongji used a smoke prop... After the smoke dissipated, only Bai Yongji chased him to the back door."

Fu Xingchuan asked Yin Ren to tell it in flashback again. After asking over and over again, he finally let Yin Ren go.

"Except for the fact that there are still some anesthetic ingredients in your body, there are no major problems with your body and the wound is not serious."

Fu Xingchuan patted Yin Ren on the back.

"We will carefully survey the scene and compare your statement. Do you want to go to the hospital next, or...?" "I want to go home." Yin Ren said.

"Well, we will send a special team to protect you outside." Fu Xingchuan said pointedly, "Go back and have a good rest. Zhong Cheng said he won't come anymore. You two will take a vacation at home first."

At about five o'clock in the morning, Yin Ren returned to Ping An Manor under the escort of the staff.

He gently opened the door to his home.

I don’t know if it’s due to my mood, but the familiar living room seems a bit strange. The sky is getting brighter, the green trees are swaying outside the window, and the faint chirping of birds can be heard.

There are still fresh apples on the table. The computer Zhong Cheng mentioned was put away and the dining table was clean. Yin Ren's snacks were piled neatly next to the sofa, and the light of the game console was still flashing slowly.

His tablet was buckled on the sofa, and the room felt peaceful and peaceful.

Lu Tanfei returned to his original appearance, and he hurried forward. Yin Ren waved his hand tiredly: "Don't worry, I can find someone without Bai Yongji now."

He absorbed part of the evil power in the coin and was busy savoring and digesting it. Like last time, these powers come from the same evil spirit. It is extremely pure, without any crazy taste, perfect and stable.

After experiencing the new knowledge, Yin Ren could use more evil power, and he became more familiar with the smell of this unknown evil. When the security surveillance outside the door is removed, he can find the victim even if he searches hard.

Although he originally planned to rewrite Bai Yongji's memory and read the victim's location...

Thinking of his original plan, Yin Ren looked melancholy towards the bedroom Zhong Cheng mentioned.

The bedroom door remained firmly shut.

On the other side of the door, Zhong Cheng's breathing was steady and long, and he was sleeping soundly. Yin Ren could just imagine the man wearing a nightcap and huddled under the quilt.

So many things happened tonight, and this kid could actually sleep!

Yin Ren stared at the door speechlessly for a while. Unfortunately, the bedroom door was just a dead object and couldn't give him any answers.

Yin Ren couldn't help but walk to the door of Zhong Cheng's bedroom and just opened the door. It was easy for an evil creature like him. He really wanted to get Zhong Chengshuo out of bed and continue the "negotiations" that they had not been able to complete normally.

But the breathing in the room was really calm and satisfying.

Yin Ren stood frustrated for a while, then he sighed heavily and lay back on the sofa.

He threw the dog's belongings back near the trash can and ordered it to crawl back into the trash can until Shi'an rescued it along with the house keys. Now he wanted to find someone to talk to about that weird sniper, but he had no idea where to start.

So Lord Ghost King buried his face face down on the sofa, lying in a daze like a corpse.

The sky outside the window is getting brighter and brighter, the clock in the living room is ticking, and the hour hand gradually reaches the seven position. The breathing in the bedroom was still calm and even. Yin Ren finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked towards the bedroom door again.

He turned the door handle without any hope at first. Unexpectedly, Zhong Cheng said he didn't lock the door. Yin Ren was not mentally prepared and almost fell forward.

Zhong Cheng said that the curtains were drawn and the bedroom was very dark. The windows were not open, but the scent that belonged to Zhong Chengshuo was still refreshing, smelling like an inaccessible deep forest.

Just as Yin Ren imagined, Zhong Cheng said wearing a nightcap and sleeping relaxedly in the middle of the big bed. He lay on his side, his body rising and falling with his breathing.

Yin Ren silently walked to Zhong Chengshuo's bed and leaned over to look at him.

"Where is the biological clock that we agreed on?" He whispered softly, "We have to make our position clear first, and the person must be saved as soon as possible..."

Zhong Cheng said there was no response, he turned over in his deep sleep, his sleeping face was so harmless that it was infuriating. Yin Ren gently pressed one leg against the edge of the bed. He leaned forward and carefully looked at Zhong Cheng's side face. From this distance, he could vaguely feel the heat radiating from the other person's body.

Whether it was innocent passers-by, Shi'an's science post, or the King of Hell walking at night, Yin Ren didn't think that Zhong Cheng would pose any kind of threat to him.

But the world has become a little strange.

A sinister power whose origin is a mystery, a sniper whose strength is unknown, and an accomplice who has escaped prediction. His originally smooth journey in the world gradually became turbulent.

"I don't understand." Yin Ren sighed softly, "Forget about those things that have no trace... What are you thinking?"

He stretched out a hand to explore Zhong Chengshuo's shoulder, but stopped in the process.

Forget it, it’s not too late. If he ruined this man's sleep again, he might buy an extra cup of stewed pears.

“Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!”

Zhong Cheng said that he suddenly opened his eyes and saw Yin Ren beside the bed and his hand reaching over.

Yin Ren: "..."

Yin Ren: "... I have no other intention, I just want to wake you up."

Zhong Cheng glanced at him lightly and pressed the speakerphone: "Hello, how are you?"

"Xiao Zhong, I'm Lu Xiaohe!" Lu Xiaohe's voice sounded very excited, "The victim's location has been located! Hey, also, you are on vacation today, so you don't have to go to work."

"Yin Ren should have gone back, right? A lot of things have happened to him. Let him have a good rest. Remember to hand in the report when he recovers."

"... Xiao Zhong?"

Seeing that Zhong Cheng said there was no reply for a long time, Lu Xiaohe made a confused sound.

"I understand, thank you Sister Lu." Zhong Cheng said, returning to his usual tone, "I will learn more about the situation from Yin Ren."

Beep, the call is terminated.

"The victim has taken over and has nothing to worry about." Yin Ren smiled awkwardly and took back his knees that were pressed against the bed. "Then let's not talk in a hurry. You can go to sleep first, and I'll go first..."

"If you want to know what I think, you can ask me directly."

Zhong Cheng said leaning on the bedside, his tone was particularly calm.

Yin Ren's movements froze.

"If it's the 'I like you' thing... Whether it's disguised or true, you are nice to everyone. I'm not good at distinguishing these, but at the moment, it seems that I am not a special one among them."

Zhong Cheng said, leaning on a soft pillow and wearing soft pajamas. There is no dust on his body, no evil consequences in his hands, but the faint feeling of oppression has not disappeared.

"Your 'give it a try', I'm not sure if it has any other purpose. For example, it's easier to maintain the status quo, or it's easier to control me. I want to keep the purity of this relationship - it's enough that I can experience the excitement of 'liking' No need for you to do anything extra.”

Yin Ren: "..." He felt a little guilty.

No, shouldn't there be more issues to consider? For example, what kind of evil thing is he

Yin Ren couldn't control his expression: "According to your theory, if I really like you in the future, you won't be able to judge."

"I can tell."

Zhong Cheng said touching his red ears and took the initiative to get closer.

"When you are more out of control and more embarrassed... with an expression I have never seen before, when you say you 'want to give it a try'."

It's four o'clock in the morning.

Shi'an Park, temporary holding room for dangerous persons.

"No, it's still wrong." Huang Jin watched desperately as each guess was crossed out.

Fu Xingchuan asked him to provide Ding Lizi with "possible ideas", saying that he could use special methods to find people. So Huang Jin racked his brains and wrote down everything in the "Thinking Tornado".

But none of them are right.

He knows better than anyone else that as long as a person is awake, he is wrapped up in his own thoughts all the time. Whether it's something subconscious or something you're thinking about, they just pile up on top of each other. Huang Jin could only distinguish a small part of it with his eyes, and his attention was limited after all.

Maybe he didn't know her that well yet. At least he couldn't guess what Ding Lizi would be thinking two weeks after becoming a "dead thing".

After all, in my memory, the girl didn't always smile.

If only...if only I had looked at her more. Even if he could understand his thoughts a little more and catch a little more of his thoughts, he would have a greater chance of rescuing her. He seemed unable to accomplish anything successfully and could never get out of that whirlpool of despair.

Huang Jin desperately pulled his hair, and the smell of blood filled his mouth.

At this moment, there was a soft creak and the door to the holding room slowly opened.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Yin: What if I really like you in the future

No chance! No chance! Yes for sure!

Xiao Zhong: I’m so happy. This time someone can only write the report by himself (×

Xiao Yin:…

(End of chapter)