Evil As Humans

Chapter 65: care


Ping An Manor itself was deserted, but the surrounding night market was always lively.

Especially in summer, many people are too lazy to go home and open fires. Grab a snack and a cold beer on the way to wash away the heat and fatigue accumulated throughout the day. On this day, there were two more Shian employees among them.

"Aren't you going to eat coconut chicken tonight?" Yin Ren held his breath.

Zhong Cheng said that all the way from the vegetable market to the snack street, he glanced around and looked for something.

"Yeah, but I suddenly want to serve cold noodles with shredded chicken." He explained.

I believe you, Yin Ren has no expression on his face.

If it were before, he would have loved to carry Zhong Chengshuo to the cold noodle stall and smile to see what the man's reaction would be. But after being confessed and rejected by this kid, Yin Ren was sure that his mentality had undergone some subtle changes.

Half of it was because of the alleged guilty conscience - he really didn't think much about answering "give it a try".

The life of an evil thing is too long. Even if Yin Ren has never entered the world, with only more than three hundred years of experience, he is enough to be considerate of a mortal until the mortal is buried a hundred years ago. Just like teasing a puppy or kitten, he may also receive novel pleasure.

The "King of Hell" in the world is just the smartest and cutest one among them.

Praising Miss Sun, Yin Ren's spirit instantly refreshed: "Go, go, of course."

If you think about it carefully, your partner is surrounded by a lot of mysteries.

What happened? Zhong Cheng said he was quite slow, wasn't he? How can you be so sharp where you shouldn't be sharp

"Xiao Yin, Xiao Yin." Sun Qian waved his hand in front of him, "You are drinking from an empty can, are you okay? Let's add some more drinks?"

She tapped her chopsticks lightly on the table.

Lord Ghost King was greatly shocked - looking at the attitudes of the two elders of the Zhong family, no one would have any doubts that Zhong Cheng was his biological son. Although they have been working together for more than a month, Shi'an has not given any information in this regard.

And that huge scar.

But even Sun Qi'an knew about this, so it was probably not an earth-shattering secret.

"Let's not talk about how to get me away from perversion as soon as possible. After Bai Yongji's incident, my family will no longer urge me to go on a blind date. Now when my dad comes home, he won't even propose a word - I know you have made meritorious deeds, so you still have to make a record. That’s what people say.”

Yin Ren glanced at the food stall faintly, not having much appetite for the first time.

"Miss Sun, are you okay? After all, you have communicated with Bai Yongji a lot."

"Bai Yongji may have done some research on us and found out that I was adopted." Zhong Cheng said, holding a piece of potato, and said in a calm tone, "For him, maybe being 'abandoned by his biological parents' can be considered a major blow."

However, Zhong Cheng's miraculous operation of confessing first and then refusing was completely beyond his expectation.

As for the remaining half of his mentality, Yin Ren himself couldn't say. But he was very sure that there was a lot of inexplicable desire for attention and a strange desire to win.

Yin Ren lowered his eyes and stuffed a piece of chicken into his mouth. The topic at the dinner table had turned to Bai Yongji's criminal behavior analysis, and he had nothing to say.

Yin Ren stopped his chopsticks: "Look at Brother Zhong's eyes shining?"

When using this face, Yin Ren didn't think about the possibility of being liked by humans. He knew "○Zhai" by heart, and even considered the development of "falling in love with others".

Sun Qian chose a ground pot chicken restaurant with rich flavor, and his dress was not as formal as before. She wore a simple T-shirt and her long wavy hair was tied into a loose bun.

"I heard that you two have contributed a lot." Sun Qian took a sip of cold beer. "This is a thank you for eliminating harm to society, with a little selfishness of my own."

She looked a little melancholy in the steaming heat of the chicken soup.

"It makes sense." Regarding "Zhong Cheng said he was adopted," as the daughter of Officer Sun, Sun Qian obviously knew about it.

Bai Yongji prefers people who have "suffered major blows" but are "positive". In a sense, Zhong Chengshuo can be said to be positive in a weird way... but has he suffered a major blow? Zhong Cheng said

"... Later I heard that Xiao Zhong wanted to talk to me about psychological problems, but he didn't ask any more questions." Sun Qian'an didn't realize Yin Ren's fugue, "Oh, maybe I made a mistake."

Just when Zhong Chengshuo turned his eyes to Uncle Liangmian and Yin Ren heard the funeral BGM in his heart, Zhong Chengshuo's cell phone rang.

For example, at this moment, out of some inexplicable psychology, he didn't want his jokingly calling his partner "wife" to be discovered.

"Now that I think about it, it was quite scary when he looked at Xiao Zhong with his eyes shining brightly."

"Ah, I'm sorry for talking so late." Sun Qian'an looked at the time and said, "You guys should go to work tomorrow, otherwise you'll be here tonight."

Zhong Cheng said he stood up politely. Just as he was about to speak, his arm was grabbed by Yin Ren. The Ghost King stood up majestically, with a smile slowly appearing on his face.

That's what he originally thought.

Before, I only thought about the useful handle of "King of Hell" and just hold on to this human being. I never thought about those issues more deeply.

He just put on a smile, chewed the delicious chicken carefully, and looked at Zhong Cheng sideways from time to time.

"I'm fine. To be honest, I thought Bai Yongji was a good friend before. But now I'm fine. In a few days, this 'friend's' case will be heavily reported." Sun Qian sighed, "It seems that I am a psychological consultant. He was also half-assed and didn’t see anything wrong with him.”

"..." Yin Ren silently put down the empty Coke can, "I was distracted just now, sorry."

How could a dangerous tool like "Evil Fruit" find its way into Zhong Chengshuo's hands? Why did he, a "good young man" raised by police parents, go to work as the King of Hell in the Night Walk, and now he joins the job without telling Shi'an

The uninformed person Yin Ren said: "?"

He took the phone away from his ear and turned to Yin Ren: "Sun Qian said he wanted to treat us to dinner, will you go?"

But if he stopped Zhong Cheng from buying cold noodles again, he would be hiding the truth. As they approached the end of the snack street, Yin Ren's steps became heavier and heavier.

Yin Ren curled his eyes and dropped the topic.

"We just submitted a report, and the main force was the police."

I don't know.

"Hello?" Zhong Cheng said, stopping and saying, "...Huh? You haven't eaten yet, okay."

Yes, he has never seriously understood this person Zhong Cheng said.

"No need to be embarrassed, I have benefited a lot." Yin Ren said sincerely, "Miss Sun helped me a lot."

Although Zhong Cheng said that he was not required to do anything extra. But now that I have figured it out, "doing nothing" is not Yin Ren's style.

Sun Qian: "?" She didn't seem to say anything. Could it be that Yin Ren is studying criminal psychology

"Let's go, Brother Zhong, let's eat cold noodles together tomorrow." Yin Ren leaned over Zhong Cheng and said in his ear, "I'm sorry, I made a joke with the boss before, saying you were my wife."

Zhong Cheng said his facial muscles twitched, and he looked at Yin Ren speechlessly.

Yin Ren stared at the other person's ears. Zhong Cheng said the skin was quite white, and the process of turning the pinna pink was clear and eye-catching, making people want to poke it.

Lord Ghost King snorted proudly, and the discomfort in his eyes completely faded away.

My feeling of awkwardness is nothing more than "not being able to understand Zhong Cheng's theory." And now, he couldn't help but care about that person. Then it is better to "care" openly and understand the other party more deeply.

He could have stripped that mortal naked from head to toe, leaving no secret behind.

Once he fully understands Zhong Chengshuo, that person's preferences, goals, and motivations will all be clear at a glance. It's just disgusting. If at that time, he was still interested in this human being...

I wonder who will be tricked into being more embarrassed and out of control

At night, Yin Ren lay on the sofa as usual. Zhong Cheng said he took a foreign language material and sat at the dining table to read it carefully.

Soft music played from the speakers, and the unique smell of mosquito coils floated in the air. It seemed like nothing had changed between the two of them.

Hu Tao found an empty house and arranged for Lu Tanfei to stay there. Finally, there was an evil creature that could communicate, and Miss Walnut was very happy. She would take the initiative to explain some basic knowledge about Li Gui to Lu Tanfei, so Yin Ren didn't need to worry about it yet.

Lu Tanfei had to accompany Lu Yuanyuan during the day, and the two ghosts could only communicate at night. Hu Tao came less often than usual, and for a while, only Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng were left in the huge living room... no, one person and one evil thing.

A strand of black hair climbed onto the dining table and crawled past the book Zhong Cheng was talking about. The strand of black hair wrapped around the apple in the fruit basket and dragged it to the corner of the dining table. There was a crisp chewing sound in the hair.

Zhong Cheng said: "..." It's not necessary.

Not only did Yin Ren completely recover from the "confession incident" that day, he even got worse - he didn't even bother to hide his identity as an evil being.

I have to say that this trick is very effective against the King of Hell.

Zhong Cheng said his eyes gradually drifted away from the book and looked at the strand of hair chewing an apple. The ends of his hair swayed left and right, and Zhong Cheng said his pupils swayed left and right.

Yin Ren himself was still lying on the sofa, watching the store visit video very attentively.

Although it’s a good thing not to eat on the couch…

"Yin Ren." Zhong Cheng said, staring at the strand of hair intently, thinking hard about how it could replace the mouth for eating, "Can I touch your hair?" You can eat apples.

"Okay." Mr. Ghost King was very generous. "What a coincidence, I also have something I want to touch. How about we exchange it?"


Yin Ren rubbed his hands on the sofa and raised his head: "I want to touch the scar on your body."

Zhong Cheng said he was silent for about half a minute. After a long while, he sighed. Zhong Cheng put down his book, sat on the side of the sofa, and began to slowly unbutton his pajamas.

The buttons slid open one by one, first on the chest, then on the waist and abdomen, and the strong human body was looming under the fabric. Unlike that "bathroom accident", this time Yin Ren saw it clearly.

"It's up to you." Zhong Cheng said.

Zhong Cheng said that the skin is tight and the muscles are beautiful. They cover the bones with a flexible layer and will not appear too bloated. The body was strong and well-proportioned, like a statue in an art gallery.

The Baiyong Chronicle left a dozen small scratches on it. They were slightly red and swollen, but they didn't seem to be serious. As time goes by, those wounds will soon disappear.

Only the huge scar was left lying silently.

The scar was basically consistent with the skin color, but it had unnatural depressions and protrusions. The suture marks were magnified by time and lined up on both sides of the scar, resembling the claws of a centipede.

Yin Ren propped up one leg on the sofa, his eyes almost flowing down the scar. Zhong Cheng said, leaning on one end of the sofa, watching the man crawling closer, his ocher eyes glimmering under the light.

Yin Ren's fingertips touched the scar, and Zhong Cheng's body trembled involuntarily.

The evil creature's fingertips were extremely hot and slowly moved down along the collarbone, carefully tracing the shape of the scar. For a moment, Zhong Cheng said that he almost thought this was revenge for the scene in the amusement park, but Yin Ren's expression was solemn and there was no hint of teasing.

"The cutting wound." He whispered, his face very close, and his breath blew directly onto Zhong Cheng's chest. "It has been there for a very long time... It was left when he was a baby or a child."

Zhong Cheng pursed his lips and said, "Yeah."

The man's rounded nails scratched the skin, making it itch.

"And it's very deep." Yin Ren's warm fingertips pressed against the scar, "the kind of depth that can cut a person open."

"I don't remember." Zhong Cheng responded softly.

"Don't remember at all?"

Yin Ren raised his eyes to look at him. At this moment, the evil thing's hand was already pressing on his abdomen.

"...I don't remember at all." Zhong Cheng said with a dull face.

"It's pretty good." Yin Ren said, "This is a fatal wound. It's not easy to survive."

Yin Ren's movements were not heavy, but the strange itching gradually made it impossible to ignore. Zhong Cheng said it was not that he had never touched the other person before, but the touch this time was different—it was a more subtle shock than a heartbeat disorder, and his breathing was a little unsmooth.

Yin Ren was still studying him wholeheartedly, and his hot fingertips left the scar. Zhong Cheng said he just breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, his fingertips were replaced by warm palms.

The warm touch exploded instantly. Zhong Cheng said his muscles suddenly tensed up and he leaned back.

He took a deep breath and said, "How much longer do you want?"

"That's enough, that's enough," Yin Ren raised his hands, "I just want to know more about you."

Zhong Cheng said that he buttoned it up almost instantly. He quickly rushed to the refrigerator and took out a salt water popsicle from the freezer.

Yin Ren's expression fell for a second: "... That's mine!"

"I know, I'll pay you later." Zhong Cheng said and took a bite, "It's your turn, take your hair."

"Forget it about the money." Yin Ren lay back on the sofa, muttered, turned over, and turned the back of his head towards Zhong Cheng and said, "Okay, you can touch it."

Zhong Cheng said that as soon as he sat down on the sofa, a strand of hair automatically wound up and he took an angry bite on the salt water popsicle. Then it was caught on the spot by Zhong Chengshuo, who played with it carefully in his hands.

A few minutes later.

"Zhong Cheng said." Yin Ren faced the back of the sofa and spoke dully.

Zhong Cheng said that he had eaten the popsicle three times and five times two. At this moment, he was trying to stretch out the hair in his hands: "What, your hair can feel?"


Yin Ren's face was still facing the sofa: "Your health is good, keep it up."

Zhong Cheng said: "...Okay."

The end of the hair wrapped around his thumb and bit him gently. Zhong Cheng lowered his head quickly, but unfortunately he still couldn't see where the thing's teeth were.

He touched the strand of black hair: "That's it. I'm going to rest."

"Good night!" Following Yin Ren's voice, the strand of black hair retracted happily, and he didn't forget to bite his button before leaving.

"… good evening."

Day came as promised. In front of the big screen, Lu Xiaohe's expression was a bit subtle.

"You two... ugh." Her T-shirt had "Human Allergy" printed on it, and her tone was a little sad. "At least you can rely on me more - there is no need for you to hide Huang Jin's report from me when he pretended to be Lu Guangzu. "

"We were not sure at the time, so we tried to write it down." Yin Ren quickly answered, "I will definitely talk to you next time."

"It's not that I dislike you for excluding me. It's just that as a field officer, if trust in the rear command cannot be established, something will happen sooner or later."

Lu Xiaohe retrieved the information melancholy.

"...For example, this mission relies heavily on rear command."

The detailed information of "Guo Laifu" was projected on the big screen. Next to Guo Laifu's photo, a document explaining the "abnormal phenomenon" was attached.

[Phenomenon A-D512: Archives]

[Overview: This phenomenon is extremely rare and its cause is unknown. This phenomenon is manifested as a black door appearing within a certain spatial range. It has no biological characteristics and no thinking ability.

There is no key to enter the "Archives". Visitors will fall into a dark room of about one square meter and can exit normally. Corpses and other dead objects are placed in the "Archives" without any changes.

A key is inserted into the "Archives", and visitors will enter the memory and thinking space of the key owner. The archive materializes it in a form that makes it accessible. Corpses and other dead objects are placed in the "Archives" and will gradually dissolve and disappear if not taken out within 168 hours.

The "key" can be served by the cerebrospinal fluid of living people, but the cerebrospinal fluid of the deceased cannot be effective. When entering the Archives, it is recommended that there be at least two people traveling with you to reduce the risk of getting lost.

Note: The archive information only represents the subjective thoughts of the key owner, please do not believe it; the "archives" of mentally ill patients are dangerous to a certain extent and non-professionals are not allowed to enter; under special circumstances, the "archives" can be used to treat special mental illnesses. .]

Yin Ren was silent.

After living for a long time, I can see all kinds of strange things.

And why does the description of this black door look so familiar? Shi'an wouldn't be so bad as to bring out the A-D abnormal phenomena to deceive people, right

He had a bad premonition: "Sister Xiaohe, this can't be-"

"Your next job is to investigate Guo Laifu's brain to see if he can be restored to normal. There are minimum requirements, at least to find out the cause of his madness."

Yin Ren: "..."

Yin Ren: "If we enter Guo Laifu's brain and someone kills him at this time, what will happen to us?"

The scene where Bai Yongji was headshot left a deep impression on him. It would be great fun if they were trapped in the mind of a dead person.

"Don't worry, you will have enough time to escape." Lu Xiaohe laughed dryly. "There has been a precedent for this before - before the seventh team went to investigate the brain of a mentally ill criminal, the criminal suddenly went crazy and jumped off the building, but still landed on his head."

During the emergency rescue, the members of the Seventh Special Task Force only broke one or two legs, but nothing serious happened. After that, Shi'an began to give the "key owner" deep anesthesia.

"We can maintain communication with the archives, and there will be a Class B investigation team on standby outside, ready to rescue at any time. This is essentially the difficulty of the task of the Class C investigation team, so there is no need to worry."

Yin Ren breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Zhong Cheng said: "Don't relax too early. Our previous missions were also Level C, but they were quite—well!"

"It's pretty good." Yin Ren covered Lord Yama's mouth numbly, "It's all pretty good, and the next step will definitely be better."

Lu Xiaohe obviously would not follow. If it was just him and Zhong Cheng, even if there were problems, it wouldn't be too troublesome to take action. Moreover, entering the archives can avoid "snipers" to a certain extent.

"Oh, and also." Lu Xiaohe scratched his cheek, "In order to ensure your cognitive stability, two people with special abilities, Ge Tingting and Huang Jin, will also accompany you this time."

Yin Ren: "..."

"Also, the items in the archives are inedible. We have prepared water collectors and seven days' worth of compressed food for each of you." Lu Xiaohe continued cruelly.

Yin Ren: "...can we not accept this mission?"


The author has something to say:

Now that the market is open, who will be more out of control and embarrassed when the time comes (?)

A.Xiao Yin

B. Xiao Zhong

C. Xiao Yin and Xiao Zhong

D. Know the security leadership

(End of chapter)