Evil As Humans

Chapter 71: Four pieces of rubber


Shi'an Park.

Lu Xiaohe typed quickly on the keyboard. The air conditioner in the room was turned on, but sweat dripped from the tip of her nose and pattered on the keyboard.

The signals of the nine specially tuned groups disappeared at the same time.

This situation is unprecedented. Shi'an's communication is based on Guo Laifu's brainwave frequency modulation. As long as Guo Laifu is alive, communication cannot be lost. Even if people from Group Nine committed suicide inside, she would still receive a very clear death signal.

Are there traitors

That's not right. There will always be a time lag when removing the monitoring equipment. The anomalies just now were not sequential. The four figures seemed to sink into the depths of the swamp at the same time, without any ripples.

Abnormal band? Unknown interference

Her eyes instantly scanned the rows of Guo Laifu's physiological data. Except for occasional nightmare-like mood swings, Guo Laifu's brain showed no abnormalities.

Lu Xiaohe immediately contacted Hao Wence, her immediate superior and the first rear commander of Shi'an.

Hao Wence is a programming master who specializes in the field of artificial intelligence and is considered one of the strongest scientific positions in Shi'an. He is currently serving as the rear command of the Emergency Management Department. It is difficult to say which one is more difficult to communicate with, him or Professor Li.

"Major anomaly, the communication signal in the archives was lost." She made a call directly without using the internal communication software. "The signals of four people disappeared at the same time, requesting emergency support."

The man on the other side of the phone said, "Evil energy index? Traces of evil power?"

"But it's impossible." Lu Xiaohe was in a daze.

Lu Xiaohe's fingertips froze: "Wide area FM? But..."

"I don't care if it's possible or not, I just gave you the results." Hao Wence hummed perfunctorily, "So do you want calculation support?"

Hao Wence was silent for two seconds.

In less than half a minute, one of her screens went dark. When it lit up again, there were countless fast-flashing data and waveforms on it.

Four erasers were neatly placed at the door. The eraser is the most common square white eraser, with "teacher", "family member", "school worker" and "student" respectively engraved on it. They are evenly spaced and stand at the door like four tombstones.

"Welcome to Qingjiang City No. 16 Middle School, welcome to the last day of life."

The next moment, a vision struck.

Lu Xiaohe wiped the sweat from his face vigorously: "Yes!"

Guo Laifu only has one brain. Even if he is schizophrenic and controlled by a ghost, it stands to reason that communication will not be affected. Shi'an has never had such a precedent before. "One brain, one channel" can be said to be an iron rule related to archives.

"Hello? Ah, mom." After a while, Lu Xiaohe picked up the phone and dialed another number. "I'm a little busy at work today. I won't go home for dinner."

"Assuming there is no problem with the communication equipment and there is no abnormality in the brain itself, the most likely cause is a change in the channel."

"Try wide-area frequency modulation." He said, "If you need my AI algorithm support, I will give you temporary permission."

This thing is called the "brain juicer" internally by Shi'an. The operator must concentrate throughout the entire process, monitor every feedback in the calculation, and make instant judgments. It is equivalent to a major surgery with only one doctor. Once it starts, there is no possibility of replacing the doctor.

The moment he saw them, Yin Ren felt a buzz in his head.

The loud noise from the loudspeaker disappeared, and the door of the staff dormitory shook loudly, as if someone was banging on the door unceremoniously. However, Yin Ren didn't feel any aura outside the door, and there weren't even ghosts on the other side of the door in the normal sense.

Guo Wei's voice floated in the darkness.

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon. Discovering that there was a problem with Lu Xiaohe's communication, the four of them immediately tried to leave the campus. But just like when they first tried to enter, they were firmly trapped in the school by invisible barriers and were unable to take a step.

It's about five o'clock in the afternoon. The four of them decided to go to the staff dormitory to set up a stronghold. The world in front of Yin Ren was instantly shattered.

That weird Guo Wei was not their first investigation target.

Lu Xiaohe opened his bag wordlessly and ejected two cans of energy drinks. After quickly finishing a can, she took a deep breath and stared at the screen.

Lu Xiaohe's fingertips paused on the Enter key for a moment.

The moment the broadcast rang, the three people in the staff dormitory suddenly woke up. Huang Jin grabbed the cloth bag beside his pillow, and Ge Tingting listened with bated breath. Zhong Cheng said that his body had already been in a fighting posture.

[Permission confirmed, Hello, Lu Xiaohe. The cracking is about to begin, please always pay attention to data changes and correct the calculation direction.]

"All the indices are normal, only the communication-related data suddenly dropped. There is no difference between the four people, and it is suspected of environmental impact." Lu Xiaohe held his mobile phone on his shoulder, and his fingers were still jumping on the keyboard. "I am checking more physiological indices, but there is still no problem found… "

"You don't have to wait for me tonight... Yeah, I'll stay at the company overnight. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll die first."

Yin Renchong said to Zhong Cheng and shook his head gently, and he took the lead towards the door. After opening the old-fashioned padlock, Yin Ren cautiously pushed open a crack in the door.

[Cracking cannot be stopped after it is started. Please ensure that you have sufficient physical strength and a normal mental state. Do you want to start now?]

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon. After some discussion, everyone decided to make peace with the situation and continue to search for the "cause" - when Shi'an discovered that they had lost contact, they would definitely take action.

But she didn't have much choice.

Lu Xiaohe's tone was particularly brisk.

She bit her lower lip and readjusted her breathing.

The banging on the door suddenly stopped. For a while, you could hear needles dropping in the room.

Without brainwave monitoring, finding unknown channels is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Just like letting someone crack someone's fingerprints, iris and other encrypted data from a distance, it is impossible to do it manually.

As expected, there was no figure outside, but there was something extra on the ground—

She pressed enter with a snap.

[Shi'an auxiliary computing system starts... Loading...] A dazzling dialog box pops up on the screen.

"Teachers, family members, school staff, students. You have four chances left. Please try to leave the school."

A bunch of fragmentary images suddenly popped into my mind.

The phone touched the table and made a soft click. The dialog box was waiting quietly in front of her, and the word "Start" was set in red as a warning.

Amidst the banging on the door, Zhong Cheng said in a steady voice: "Who?"

Like being penetrated by an invisible bullet, something hit his temple and spurted out from the other side. Several pieces of rubber flew out of their heads, bounced a few times on the stone floor, and rolled into the dust.

Yin Ren looked at them in shock and planned to warn his companions immediately. However, the moment he turned away his eyes, this idea disappeared in his mind. He forgot everything and continued to walk leisurely towards the staff dormitory.

Now seeing them again, his memory returned instantly.

Yin Ren grabbed four pieces of rubber. The piece with "Family" written on it disappeared into the air as soon as it touched his hand.

The other three were in similar condition to him.

The first time they saw those erasers, everyone immediately remembered the lost three hours. The erasers disappeared one by one, and their memories were no longer lost.

Except Zhong Cheng said.

This person resolutely refused to touch it immediately. Zhong Cheng put on his gloves carefully before grabbing the eraser with "teacher" written on it.

This method of attack was so weird that no one said anything for a while. The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing, with only the soft sound of Zhong Chengshuo playing with his rubber.

"Is this... a warning?" Finally, Huang Jin spoke with difficulty.

Even though he knew that Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng were said to be powerful, Huang Jin's tone was still full of worry: "I have never heard of this type of attack."

Ge Tingting's face was also ugly, and there was not much space. She simply used text-to-synthetic speech: "I didn't hear any strange noises at that time."

"I'm sorry, vigilance is my main job." She lowered her head and added.

"It's not your problem." Yin Ren patted her shoulder, "'Guo Wei' is proving to us that he has the ability to interfere with us. If he doesn't do this, we may not play his escape game."

If Ge Tingting could guard against such a trump card, there would be no way they would be trapped here.

The situation is not optimistic.

It's okay to lose irrelevant memories, but if important memories are taken away, it will cause a huge mental impact. In this strange world, being alone can still make people feel trance-like, and no one knows what consequences mental confusion will have.

Using evil force to lift the chessboard can only be used as a last resort. Now the "cause" has to be put aside later, and they must deal with Guo Wei first.

Zhong Cheng said he remained silent. Yin Ren looked at the rounded and flat piece of rubber. It was hard to tell which one was more worried or helpless.

Encountering such a strange thing, Zhong Cheng said that there was no fear or panic on his face. Rather, he could be said to be in high spirits at the moment.

"This is a good opportunity to see what the other person is capable of. You provided enough examples that I need to try more."

As if feeling the scrutiny of everyone, Zhong Cheng said while observing the rubber while explaining.

"Guo Wei can use some means to objectify our memories. When we look at the object, we will restore the memory. After we look away, the relevant memory will still disappear."

Comrade Xiao Zhong continued happily: "Huang Jin, can you see the thinking on this?"

"No, it's no different from anything else here." Huang Jin hesitated, but considering the other party's status as the "King of Hell", he finally answered honestly.

"Very good." Zhong Cheng said, taking out a knife and pointing the blade directly at the "teacher" eraser.

Before Yin Ren's consciousness moved, his body grabbed Zhong Chengshuo's wrist first, his movements full of warning.

"It doesn't matter." Zhong Cheng said firmly, "Someone has to give it a try, and the science post is the least likely to be affected."

The pair of dark eyes quietly turned to Yin Ren, Zhong Cheng said gently and gestured. [I trust you.]

Yin Ren wished he could sigh on Zhong Chengshuo's face.

But I have to say that this person's attempt is indeed necessary. Facing the unknown Guo Wei, there is never too much information.

Lord Ghost King let go of his hand angrily: "Okay, you can do it."

Aren't you just protecting this guy? He is familiar with this matter.

The scene a few hours ago was repeated, and Yin Ren tried hard to get rid of the impression that Zhong Cheng was just having fun and fighting monsters. He made the secret with his left hand and decided to knock the piece of rubber away if he made a mistake.

Zhong Cheng said that he cut it very carefully. He cut the rubber into pieces as thin as cicada wings. Every time he cut a bit, Zhong Cheng said he would stop and look at the rubber carefully, and Yin Ren would also look at his partner carefully.

"More than 50% of the items are missing. Observation will not evoke memories... but it can be basically put back together."

Half an hour later, Zhong Cheng said he took off his gloves.

"This situation is more like 'suppressing memory' than 'physically removing memory'. Well, it's a bit close to hypnosis or mental suggestion, no wonder it affects me."

After confirming that Zhong Cheng said it was okay, Yin Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then there's only one question left."

Yin Ren withdrew the hand that was testing the body temperature from Zhong Chengshuo's forehead, and said in a slightly unhappy tone: "... What does that 'Guo Wei' want to do?"

"There are not enough clues." Zhong Cheng said, taking off his nightcap. He dipped a towel in cold water and wiped his face twice. "Let's go out and take a look first."

As a result, before he finished speaking, his sleeve was grabbed by Ge Tingting.

The girl shook her head very slowly, pointed in the direction of the window, and typed quickly with one hand.

"There is a sound." The synthesized voice sounded again, "There is a very noisy sound outside the window."

Zhong Cheng was slightly startled, and he opened the curtains -

Seeing the scene outside, the four of them fell silent at the same time.

The street lights in the school turned on, and the window was no longer ink-like. The streets were empty, with no trace of students. The sky was perfectly normal, maintaining the darkness of the night.

But this is normally only within the campus.

The staff dormitory is diagonally opposite the door, and the scene outside is like hell.

In the darkness, strange limbs crowded together and squirmed. The sharp long legs were covered with mucus, and were twisted into a ball of gray and black, rising and falling one after another. Among the densely packed small monsters, several huge strange hands squeezed into the gaps and scratched inward silently.

In the remaining gap, the pupils of huge monsters flashed from time to time. They turned convulsively and peered openly.

In this way, the monsters stood outside the "protective shield" of the campus one layer after another, and their bodies formed a new wall, wrapping the small campus into a narrow-mouthed alms bowl. It was completely different from the scene when they were in the hotel. They seemed to be trying hard to squeeze in, but they couldn't.

At the edge of the normal night sky, a corner of a huge whirlpool was faintly revealed, like a game where the modeling went wrong.

Yin Ren: "..."

What's going on? This scene makes people really want to leave school.

Having said that, after the buildings outside lit up and the monsters retreated like a tide, they rushed to the campus gate. Unlike the outside world, which is always light and dark, the day and night in the school seem to be consistent with the real world, which is a bit touching.

The doorman was still the same old man with a strange face. He slowly opened the window and stared at the four people in front of him.

"What are you doing at night?"

"The child is seriously ill and must be sent to the hospital immediately." Yin Ren said sincerely, "Human life is at stake. Please do your best and help me."

He and Zhong Cheng said that they helped Ge Tingting, who was pretending to be faint, while Huang Jin clutched a handful of spiritual weapons and followed them closely.

The guard chuckled: "You can't leave even after you die. This is the rule."

He didn't give the four of them a chance to continue their performance and closed the window angrily.

And at the moment when the guard booth was closed, Huang Jin suddenly threw out the spiritual weapon in his hand - each square wooden sign was attached to the metal sliding door, which exploded in an instant. Smoke and dust scattered, and more than a dozen fire dragons soared into the sky. The explosion range is not large, but the power is no less than that of plastic bombs.

Even though the metal sliding door was stronger than they thought, it was still blown to pieces. The sliding door rolled miserably to the ground, and the dull metal surface was blown black.

The doorman quickly opened the window, he stuck his head out, and curse words that were not repeated came down on his face. It's a pity that the four guys in front of him all go in one ear and out the other -

The school door opened wide in front of the four people.

It's that simple

Amidst the dirty words of the old guard, Yin Ren stretched out a foot tentatively. The foot crossed the sliding door and was about to step on the ground, but was forced to stop in mid-air.

He stepped on the invisible barrier again.

Huang Jin took a hidden breath and picked up the pieces of wood on the ground, his movements showing deep distress.

"It seems that the gate is just a decoration." Yin Ren retracted his feet and said listlessly, "I guess the courtyard wall is about the same -"

He raised his hand, and the twisted metal sliding door suddenly took off. There was a loud bang, and the door slammed into the nearest courtyard wall like a missile, opening a huge hole in the wall.

The old guard's curse suddenly became louder.

Yin Ren grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands and tried to stick his body out of the hole. Unfortunately, the Ghost King's forehead hit the transparent barrier before his shoulders even crossed the wall.

"Hey, it really doesn't work."

Yin Ren rubbed his head, and there was no surprise in his tone.

"It seems that leaving requires other conditions." Zhong Cheng said thoughtfully.

While the three of them were busy working, Ge Tingting had already climbed onto the window sill of the guard booth, and a synthesized voice rang from her mobile phone: "Grandpa, what time does school start here?"

Guard: "Aren't you suddenly ill?"

"Yes, a sudden illness caused by dizziness." Ge Tingting's synthesized voice made it difficult to hear the rise and fall of his tone.

"Early self-study starts at 7:30 in the morning." Maybe it was because there were children across the street, but the old guard stopped cursing and his tone became slightly softer. "Tell me what you can do in the middle of the night, and you are not afraid of waking others up."

Ge Tingting read the words on the phone for a while and asked again: "No one comes out at night?"

"Where can anyone come out?" The old man shouted, "Go, go, go, you should go back when you have nothing to do, really."

Facts have proved that your uncle will always be your uncle.

What the old guard said was true. The four of them wandered all night without finding a breakthrough. Except for faculty dormitories and public toilets, all building doors have chain locks. The windows were all dark and dark, and there was not a single soul on campus.

The time soon came to around seven o'clock in the morning.

The school gate still maintains its distorted appearance, and the phantoms of students appear again on the playground.

The members of the special group nine were wandering around the campus with compressed food in their mouths and their own thoughts.

Several groups of students ran circles around the playground, shouting vague slogans like "one, two, three, four." More students were coming in and out of the cafeteria door, carrying steamed buns, fried dough sticks, tea leaves and eggs in their hands. The aroma of breakfast made Yin Ren's nose sore.

The cold beef jerky in his mouth instantly lost its taste. No matter how good the snacks are, they can't compare to the steaming big meat buns.

Isn't this an escape drama? Isn't it interesting that the food is so tempting

Yin Ren tried to enter the cafeteria to take a look, but as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by a vague-looking aunt.

"Are you the new teacher's family member? Don't you know the rules?" she said in a loud voice, her illusory saliva almost spraying onto Yin Ren's face. "Teachers and their families have to go to the teachers' cafeteria. This is the student cafeteria. You can't enter."

Yin Ren: "..." The experience of this unfortunate game is extremely poor.

He returned to the team with a sigh of relief.

"It seems that not only the time here is the same as the real world, but the activities of 'people' are also similar." Zhong Cheng said, ignoring the extraordinarily fresh and real food, "Rather than blindly exploring, we need to find out..."

"Wait a minute, isn't that Guo Wei?" Yin Ren suddenly interrupted his partner.

He glanced at the door of the canteen - Guo Wei was holding two steamed buns in his hand and was walking out with his head lowered.

This Guo Wei looks very lively, and his facial features are particularly clear. Although he is not "handsome" at all, he still has the unique childishness of a young man.

He passed by the four people without even looking at them.

The author has something to say:

[Mysterious character announces weird game rules]

Standard unlimited flow role: analyze the rules immediately.

Special Group Nine: We are all here, work is urgent, tentatively we will continue to find the cause of the disease.

Guo Wei:? Beat your brains into rubber and give them to me to play with.

From this we can conclude that this is not an infinite flow (

(End of chapter)