Evil As Humans

Chapter 77: See you


Kong Wanqing was not in a good mood.

After cooperating with Guo Wei, he originally planned to sit back and watch the fight. In the past few days, Kong Wanqing has been hiding in the "radio station" constructed by Guo Wei to observe the two negotiating partners.

It shouldn't be like this.

Isn't Yin Ren an evil creature? This guy's behavior is completely different from that of an evil creature, and he even wants to save a dead person.

Isn't Zhong Cheng an ordinary person? How can an ordinary person be indifferent in such a place and not have any problems after losing his memory

These two people are too risky, and he can't see through any of them. There is no need to negotiate at all. It seems that he was sent to test them.

Kong Wanqing wanted to provoke the evil creature first, and then make it go crazy and kill his teammates. Unexpectedly, the evil creature reacted very quickly, and the other three were pushed to the school gate in an instant.

That is where the magic fluctuations are strongest.

"Idiot." Kong Wanqing spat out a mouthful of pus and blood, and the red rope shot out.

They formed a spider web in the darkness, trying to stop the three people. A bunch of black hair like a blade emerged from Zhong Chengshuo's chest, breaking the red web into several large pieces.

Green and red light flickered in the thick mist, the light was gloomy, blue and white like the boundary between yin and yang. In the distance, there were twisted mountain shadows and cliffs, underfoot was wet and rotten mud, and low and dilapidated houses were looming in the mist.

At the same time, a blazing fire door frame appeared at the school gate. Under the dim firelight, Zhong Chengshuo held Ge Tingting with one arm and Huang Jin with the other, and rushed towards the door.

Kong Wanqing gritted her teeth and ran towards the exit of the security structure.

The sound in the mist gradually became clearer, and the soft tone was accompanied by a chill that froze one's heart and lungs.

The thing was covered with red cloth and yellow talismans of varying shades, all written with sealing spells and stained with old blood. The black jade pieces engraved with spells jingled and collided, and the bone chain was wrapped around the red cloth again and again, stained with black and red stains.

The scene in front of him seemed peaceful, and the voice was also very peaceful. But the abyss of fear bit Kong Wanqing fiercely, and his internal organs seemed to be ground by cold fangs.

In front of him was a three-meter-high blood-red object.

This is an illusion, just an illusion, Kong Wanqing kept repeating to herself.

The thing tilted forward and hit the wooden door next to Kong Wanqing. The wooden door shook three times, and the green light in front of the door trembled crazily.

The tune of the ballad was sharp and strange, and it rushed with the fog, and Kong Wanqing's scalp tingled. As a senior ghost master, he had an almost instinctive intuition about the dangerousness of evil things.

It stopped in front of Kong Wanqing for a while, tilting its body slightly. Kong Wanqing trembled and closed her eyes—

The temperature dropped sharply, and the darkness turned into a thick mist. The real campus was covered by a vast illusion, and in the mist, the illusion quickly extended into the distance.

It looked like a deformed, strange pupa.


Almost instantly, the red rope shot out and pushed Kong Wanqing nearly a hundred meters away.

Then they shivered and retracted in the direction of Yin Ren.

This was just an illusion in the evil creature's memory, but it carried a terrifying aura. As soon as he approached, he was overwhelmed by an unprecedented fear, and Kong Wanqing's heart almost exploded.

Swish, a gentle rubbing sound came from the center of the village.

Must go, he must go.

The thick fog in front of Kong Wanqing kept rolling, and the muddy road became a maze. The sound of bells kept ringing, and opposite him, something was stumbling in the middle of the road, its shadow shaking stiffly in the fog.

At the bottom of the seals, the edge of the torn red cloth revealed a pair of human feet. The feet were pale and beautiful, with warning bells around the ankles, which swayed as the creature staggered.

The poisonous panic penetrated deep into his brain, shattering his thoughts. He couldn't even maintain his flying ability.


Kong Wanqing clenched her teeth, her mouth filled with the sweet and fishy taste of pus and blood.

It was too late to flee. He would rather face Shi An head-on than stay in this hellish place.

Behind the "human pupa" followed several monsters in the shape of children. They were dressed as men and women, wearing big-headed doll masks, and jumped around near the houses. The big-headed dolls were crudely made, with cracked surfaces and suspicious dark stains.

Something is wrong.

Kong Wanqing was paralyzed on the spot, cold sweat instantly soaking his back.

[The rooster crows, and the sound of its feet can be heard far away. It will come back next year to announce peace.]

[At midnight, the fruits are sweet, be careful when you turn your back to the door. ]

Kong Wanqing ran away, almost losing his grip on the red rope. But he hadn't run a few steps when he encountered some strange things -

The sound spread to the surrounding area of the village, as gentle and noisy as the tide... Maybe he was crazy, Kong Wanqing always felt that "Yin Blade" was getting bigger.

That was exactly where Yin Ren was.

The doors and windows of every house were closed, corpses leaned against the remains of the earthen walls, and the air was filled with the stench of decay and burning. Rotting cold food and miscellaneous items were placed in front of every house, and vague songs echoed in the illusion.

Shadows were everywhere, and the "worst memory" of the evil creature slowly emerged. An indescribable sense of oppression spread, and Kong Wanqing's back felt like it was being scraped by a blade over and over again.

[Red lights are on, green lights are lit, and every household closes their doors. ]

The buildings were of very old style, with green and red lanterns flickering under the eaves without wind.

What on earth is Yin Ren? !

The sound of "Shua La La" continued without stopping, and fear pierced through him from head to toe. Kong Wanqing's neck was stiff, and he didn't dare to look back at all.

He immediately held his breath and instinctively stood against the wall. But the thing did not let him go—it suddenly stopped in front of Kong Wanqing and slowly turned around.

[Pray for peace, make a wish, close your eyes and you will not see. ]

Ordinary evil things cannot easily destroy the source of pollution of evil power.

Clear breathing and laughter could be heard from inside the hood.

"Bang!" After the human pupa knocked on one door, it went on to knock on the next one.

Swish, swish.

The aura of "Yin Ren" was slowly approaching. Kong Wanqing's limbs felt as heavy as a dead person, and it seemed as if countless invisible hands were grabbing and tearing at his back.

There was a faint hint of blood in the thick mist, and Kong Wanqing clutched the red rope in despair. He forced his legs to move and continued to flee towards the edge of the illusion.

Human skeletons solidified into tall and short beasts, with empty eye sockets at the top of their skinny limbs, and non-existent sights raining down like a torrential rain. Strange and fierce ghosts lined up in a silent team, all with their heads lowered, following behind the human pupa.

Kong Wanqing ran without caring about anything.

He moved backwards in the huge array of evil creatures, violently piercing through each phantom.

The half-human-high dried corpse kicked and stomped, and the edges of the vines were studded with beautiful eyes. The dark lights were floating in the air, and the snow-white banners were spotless, opening one by one in front of the fugitives. The bag-like alien beast turned its only eye, and the fleeing figure of Kong Wanqing Wolf was reflected in its pupils.

Swish, swish.

Behind him, the strange sound was still spreading. The phantoms of the evil team continued, the stench of corpses in the air was as thick as soup, and the damned song was getting closer and farther away.

Kong Wanqing lost his shoes and stepped into the mud. His eyes bulged out and his mind was in tatters.

Must... escape...

On the other side of the "artificial gap", Fu Xingchuan looked solemn.

He stood in front of the "door", his hands moving non-stop, and one defensive formation after another lit up, firmly protecting the artificial gap.

The ghost fetus changes dramatically again.

Different from the playful campus elements before, it seemed to be polluted by something, and the surface turned into a flat, opaque black. It no longer smoked, but fell into an ominous silence.

The blood vessels on the surface of the ghost fetus suddenly expanded and turned into black flesh pillars as thick as tree trunks. Millions of flesh pillars rushed into the vortex in the middle of the sky, and the speed of the vortex suddenly increased.

The "campus tumor" that originally occupied a small area has expanded a lot. It extends in all directions, and he has to adjust the position of the "artificial gap" at any time.

The sound in Guo Laifu's consciousness almost disappeared. There was only a slowly growing black hemisphere on the street. It gradually devoured the street, like a slow-motion explosion. A thick evil spirit overflowed from the surface of the black ball, and the terrifying pressure made it difficult for people to breathe.

Fu Xingchuan's fire cage magic was shattered in an instant, and amid the flying sparks, none of the monsters outside the cage rushed forward.

They stood there like statues, motionless.

"There's human presence, get ready!" Bao Linlin shouted.

Wang Zhou reached into the artificial gap and grabbed the girl's thin wrist. The person inside supported her body, and Wang Zhou pulled Ge Tingting out and grabbed Huang Jin's arm with his backhand.

Huang Jin was much heavier than Ge Tingting, and Bao Linlin also came to help. The rescue artifact deployed a protective shield, and the two people from Group 9 were quickly protected.

"Quick!" Wang Zhou's face was covered with sweat, and he reached into the "door" quickly. "Something is wrong here, we have to evacuate quickly!"

But this time, he caught nothing.

Zhong Chengshuo's head and shoulders poked out from the artificial gap, and his eyes looked at Fu Xingchuan.

"The injured have been evacuated. I'll go back first." Zhong Cheng said as if he was making a report.

Where the hell are we going back to, Paradise? Wang Zhou almost choked out his breath. Bao Linlin frowned, and just as she was about to say something, Fu Xingchuan stopped her with a gesture.

"My partner is still inside." Zhong Cheng said calmly.

"The situation inside is still unclear, and Zhian will not rush in to rescue at all costs."

Fu Xingchuan's tone was extremely stern, and for a moment he sounded a bit like Professor Li.

"The artificial gap can only last for a few minutes. We need six hours to complete the next one. In addition, the situation here is unstable. We may abandon you and evacuate at any time. Do you understand this risk?"

"I understand."

Zhong Cheng raised his eyes and said, "I won't do anything that I'm not sure of." He didn't wait for the reaction of Shi'an Zhongren. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Cheng plunged back into the darkness.

On the other side of the darkness, he was greeted by strange fog and dim illusions. Zhong Cheng said he was walking on the muddy road, wearing a suit that didn't fit in with the ancient village.

Is this Yin Ren’s “worst memory”

Songs with strange accents lingered in his ears, and the green and red lights were stained with mist. The terrifying sense of oppression was very strong, but Zhong Chengshuo seemed to be unaware of it. He walked over the broken walls, stepped over the rotten cold food and corpses, and headed towards the direction with the thickest mist.

Judging from the location, that is the center of the village, where Yin Ren was originally.

Gradually, a group of swaying figures began to appear in the mist. Zhong Cheng said that before he could take a closer look, he saw a ferocious man rushing towards him like a wild boar.

Kong Wanqing lost control of his bladder while running, and his pants were covered with dark stains. The red rope was still tied around his wrist, and Guo Wei was floating at the end of the red rope, like a human-shaped balloon.

"Get out of here!"

Kong Wanqing's mouth was oozing with pus and blood, his eyes had turned red, and his eyeballs were trembling in his sockets.

"Let me out!" He rushed over regardless.

"No." Zhong Cheng said without moving, "You know too much and need to process your memory." And at this time and place, only Yin Ren can modify the memory.

When two cars met on a narrow road, the muddy narrow road was severely blocked by Zhong Cheng.

"You have to come with me to see Yin Ren." He said seriously.

"You're fucking crazy!" Kong Wanqing roared.

He braked suddenly not far from Zhong Cheng, and before he could even catch his breath, he grabbed in the air. At the end of the red rope, Guo Wei twitched in pain. At the same time, the red rope quickly entangled in Kong Wanqing's hand and turned into a crude red gun.

What about immunity to spells

The situation in the archives is special. Guo Wei is the owner of this consciousness and can influence Zhong Cheng, saying that he can borrow this power.

Worry, hatred, fear... As long as negative emotions are magnified a million times, even the most rational person will go crazy. This is the ability given to him by the evil force!

Kong Wanqing pulled the trigger on the spot.

A bullet hit Zhong Chengshuo's forehead, and Zhong Chengshuo's head tilted back. However, under Kong Wanqing's expectant gaze, the man slowly turned back and rubbed his forehead with a calm expression.

"It hurts a little." Zhong Cheng commented honestly and took a step forward.

The bullet only left a small red mark on Zhong Chengshuo's forehead.

Kong Wanqing stumbled back several steps. Behind him, the fatal "Shuala La" sound came faintly.

Can't retreat anymore.

Kong Wanqing shook his head vigorously, and with his strength, dozens of rope knots shot towards Zhong Chengshuo. Under the infection of the evil power, his seven orifices spurted out a large amount of pus and blood.

But Zhong Cheng said he still didn't stop.

The man threw off his suit jacket, instantly covering his relatively fragile facial features. The next moment, the black cloth was thrown away, and the dark red rope knots bounced all over the floor.

Zhong Cheng walked towards Kong Wanqing calmly. He showed no signs of collapse, and his steps were neither fast nor slow, as if he had some kind of destiny.

In front of him was a terrifyingly abnormal scientific research station, and behind him was a strange, cold sound. With physical exhaustion mixed with fear, Kong Wanqing's vision was filled with silver stars.

There is absolutely no way back!

At this moment, the sound of bells penetrated the thick fog, tinkling, and the faint song and footsteps on the mud, the mighty team of evil creatures kept moving through the fantasy world of memory.

They are here too.

This time, the evil creatures came from behind Kong Wanqing. They passed by the two people in the middle of the road, and strange limbs emerged from the mist and fell beside them from time to time. The cloth strips of the banners brushed over the heads of the two people, and the floating lights made the surroundings look spooky.

The cold and gloomy air swirled around, distracting Zhong Cheng for a moment.

Good opportunity!

Negative emotions were magnified, coupled with the "worst memory materialized". Guo Wei's twitching almost formed an afterimage, Kong Wanqing vomited a large mouthful of blood, and rushed to Zhong Cheng to say that he had been shot dozens of times in the chest.

In a trance, he had the illusion that he wanted to use all his life. This time, the two were very close, and Kong Wanqing didn't waste a single bullet.

But unlike the time with Yin Ren, Kong Wanqing was unable to recall any memories.

This person... not only has no negative emotions, but also no bad memories? !

Zhong Chengshuo turned his gaze back and took the last step -

With a flash, he spun in front of Kong Wanqing and punched him in the stomach. Before Kong Wanqing could come to his senses, his back hit the mud and he slid back several steps.

Zhong Cheng said that the blow was very heavy, Kong Wanqing spurted out a large pool of purulent blood and almost couldn't breathe. Just as he was about to raise his gun, a foot wearing a leather shoe stepped down steadily, and Kong Wanqing's right wrist made a muffled sound.

The red rope became a tangled mess and he immediately let out a miserable scream.

But that's not enough.

Zhong Cheng ignored Kong Wanqing's weakness and collapse and lifted her up. He decisively dislocated Kong Wanqing's joints, and his movements were frighteningly skillful.

Tears of pain filled her eyes, and while struggling, Kong Wanqing tried to tie the red rope to Zhong Chengshuo's body. Who would have thought that the man would pull it casually and directly grab the source of the evil power in his hand.

“It’s pretty solid.”

Kong Wanqing almost collapsed when she found out that this man was planning to tie her up with the pollution source.

"That evil creature is out of control. You don't understand. If we go there, we'll be seeking death... You don't understand..." The sound was getting closer and closer to them. Kong Wanqing endured the severe pain of a dislocated joint and retreated in the mud like a worm.

Zhong Cheng nodded perfunctorily, dragged Kong Wanqing back, and tied his limbs tightly.

After making sure that the person was tied up, he dragged Kong Wanqing like a suitcase and continued to walk towards the center of the thick fog.

"I'm here to negotiate with you! I was a bit rough just now, it's my fault... Zhong Cheng said, stop it! I'm your cousin!"

In the cold and wet mud, Kong Wanqing twisted his body desperately: "I am your cousin! Your uncle is the manager of the Sea Valley Sinking Society, you... cough cough..."

Zhong Chengshuo stopped walking.

Kong Wanqing raised her head hopefully, but did not find any shock on the other person's face.

"I know, so what?" Zhong Cheng asked curiously.

"You...what on earth..."

Seeing that the other party did not give an answer, Zhong Chengshuo obviously lost interest. He turned around and continued to drag Kong Wanqing like a corpse.

They passed through countless parades of evil creatures, through deformed bodies and limbs, and through tall and short spirit-calling banners.

Zhong Chengshuo walked at a moderate pace, without any hesitation or avoidance. His hard leather shoes stepped on the mud, making a sticky sound like blood and flesh.

Kong Wanqing never gave up the struggle. After a moment of silence, Zhong Cheng took the initiative to speak.

"Kong Wanqing, the second son of Kong Que. He is a ghost master of the Shenmu Society. He mainly plays an auxiliary role and carries out activities across the country, directly or indirectly causing the deaths of 216 people."

He said as if chatting.

"You've hurt countless people, why are you so scared when it's your turn to get hurt?"

"Isn't this, ahem, nonsense?"

“That is, you understand other people’s fears but decide not to respond to them,” Zhong Cheng said in conclusion. “… That’s very common.”

Kong Wanqing: “…”

Perhaps they all underestimated this man, he thought vaguely. Kong Wanqing had come into contact with many crazy people, but this cousin was particularly creepy to him.

“Shuala la.”

The strange noise was very close. In the middle of the chaotic village, at the end of the parade of evil creatures, a huge silhouette appeared in the thick fog.

Zhong Cheng said he was still moving forward without any hesitation.

"No, no!!!" The chaotic pressure almost squeezed her into a pulp. Kong Wanqing screamed uncontrollably, "Please, don't..."

Zhong Cheng said he stopped again.

Kong Wanqing panted wildly and instinctively raised his face—

The moment he saw the thing in front of him, his pupils suddenly dilated.


There was a very soft sound, and Zhong Cheng said the rope in his hand loosened, and something splashed on his cheek.

He turned his head in confusion and saw only a few bloody clothes.

Kong Wanqing's clothes were scattered among the red ropes, stained with a reddish thick liquid. Looking closely, it was a flesh paste that was so fine that it was almost liquid. They were soaked in the mud, leaving not even bones or hair.

Like a punctured water balloon, Kong Wanqing exploded to the ground.

Zhong Cheng said: “…Ah.”

He turned around and looked up.

"This reaction is more serious than looking directly at evil."

In those dark eyes, the figure of a huge creature was reflected.

"I'm here to pick you up, Yin Ren."

The author has something to say:

Cousin, take your lunch. Goodbye.jpg

Xiao Zhong: Ah, my cousin exploded.

Xiao Zhong: But I finally understand why my partner eats so much but doesn’t get fat (×

Xiao Yin: Wuwu—

(End of this chapter)