Evil As Humans

Chapter 86: Gengsheng Town


After getting on the train, Yin Ren firmly believed that his sick leave was short.

Even if he could avoid the first day of the lunar month but not the fifteenth day, he still wanted to postpone it until the fifteenth day - at least there was a gap of two weeks.

He still has a clean and comfortable nest to sleep in, rich and delicious takeaways to eat, and a warm and strong lover to hold. Why can't he think of just taking one day off? Fortunately, now, he is being dragged out of his comfort zone again and headed to another place where nothing matters—

In the green train, nine groups of four looked at each other.

It’s hard to imagine that this type of car still exists in this era.

The carriage vibrated to the rhythm, and outside the window was the continuous low mountain. The vegetation on the mountain is sparse, and there are scar-like cliffs in many places. Against the gray-blue sky, the scenery cannot be compared to the word "pleasing to the eyes". There were very few passengers in the car, which made Shi'an and his group even more miserable.

Food was available on the train, but it was overcooked and turned into an unappetizing mess. During lunch time, four bowls of braised beef noodles were placed on the synthetic board table, each with a luxurious three-piece set of pickled mustard, braised eggs and ham sausage.

Except for Ge Tingting, the rest of the people had varying degrees of disgust on their faces.

There wasn't even the slightest bit of life in Yin Ren's eyes.

As for how long this "given time" will be, people in Zhi'an have defaulted to "until Minister Fu collapses from overwork."

Zhong Cheng said he didn't care at all about Xiang Jiang's attitude and touched the tiger's butt openly.

The good times did not last long, time flew by, and the mines were emptied. Gengshengzhen is like an old man who has run out of gas and sees that the air coming in is less than the air going out.

Yin Ren said the instant noodles with a grimace. He put the information on the table and told Zhong Cheng to read it next to his head while dealing with his stomach.

Xiang Jiang: "Then you have questions."

But its situation is awkward.

"Haigu branch is one of the strongest branches of Shi'an, and you are also a practitioner with a high reputation in Shi'an. Gengsheng Town is so close to Haigu, why did it become the site of the Sinking Society?"

Xiang Jiang still didn't look back, and Yin Ren almost suspected that this person had cervical spondylosis, or that there was actually another back of his head on his face.

In the headphones of the four of them, Lu Xiaohe let out a well-hidden "hum."

"I have always been in charge of this place. It's hard to say whether there are more evil things or more people in the town. Your task this time is to simply investigate and record, so as not to cause me any trouble."

There was a hint of reserved excitement on Zhong Cheng's face as he spoke, just short of writing "This is what I joined Shi'an for."

Gengsheng Town, a small town under Luotian City. Luotian City is right next to Haigu City. This small town is located at the junction of the two cities, not far from Haigu.

To make matters worse, this time there is an outsider who is difficult to deal with in their team -

Like the remains of insects.

When Xiang Jiang said this, he only left them with a messy look on the back of their heads. His shoulders were stiff and stiff, and it was difficult to notice even his breathing.

A field ghost master of the Emergency Management Department, Haigu's "genius".

Yin Ren flipped through a few pages of information dejectedly, but couldn't find anything about the customs and customs of Gengsheng Town.

Xiang Jiang didn't even raise his head, just thinking that Ge Tingting was some kind of off-screen commentary.

Even entering the archives is not so strict, Yin Ren thought sadly, taking a sip of instant noodles.

Decades ago, this green train was the pride of Gengsheng Town, but now, this train can only be regarded as the only evidence of its glorious past, which seems funny and bitter.

After saying that, the man lowered his head and started scrolling through his phone, his whole body filled with the aura of "Don't mess with me."

"Why, you think I'm useless and can't be managed well?" Xiang Jiang snorted.

Zhong Cheng said: "I just have some doubts."

Leaving the boundaries of Haigu City, the mountain scenery outside the window became increasingly gray.

"I don't see anything special." Ge asked if she didn't understand. Her AI voice was adjusted to a girlish voice.

Xiang Jiang sat alone in another row of seats, his back to them, with clear impatience in his posture.

Zhong Chengshuo and Ge Tingting both looked puzzled. Only Huang Jin looked at the ceiling of the train, with a calm expression on his face as if he was about to be put into a coffin.

"In addition, let me say it again. For the next actions, you must obey the command completely - if I and Lu Xiaohe issue orders at the same time, my order will take precedence."

Gengsheng Town once produced a rare mineral deposit and became extremely rich in the last century. It is known far and wide as a "rich town". It took the lead in building a mountain railway for itself and also built a subway in the town. The mayor of the town at that time was very smart, and the development of the town made all surrounding towns jealous.

The Ghost King is sitting next to you, okay? Yin Ren decisively reached out his hand, grabbed Zhong Cheng's cheek, and turned the man's face towards him. After two seconds, the dignified ghost king let go of his hand, ending this harsh "staring" punishment.

That sounds nice, Yin Ren thought. In a town where even the Emergency Management Department has not investigated, it is impossible for a real Class C investigation team to find useful clues. They are no longer hot-blooded young people, especially Zhong Cheng...

What is this doing? Suspecting that they are moles, has Shi An even cut his business trip expenses? Before leaving, Lu Xiaohe repeatedly ordered not to bring unnecessary luggage, but he didn't even bring much food.

"The situation in Gengsheng Town is very special." Lu Xiaohe hurriedly came to the rescue through his headphones, "I can't explain it in a sentence or two. You will know when you get there."

"No matter what happens, don't separate and seek death. Follow me."

"The town is effectively controlled by the Sunken Society. In recent years, they have taken advantage of its isolation and used it as a testing ground."

Yin Ren didn't need to hear about Xiang Jiang's deeds. He could tell by just seeing that this man was powerful. There is even talk within Shi'an that Fu Xingchuan regards Xiang Jiang as his disciple. Given time, Xiang Jiang might be able to take over Fu Xingchuan's position.

He changed into a messy outfit, but it was still asymmetrical. One of this person's ears has a sober and elegant silver earring, and the other has a large punk-style earring that goes through the ear bone. The style is completely different, and the shape is enough to make obsessive-compulsive disorder faint.

Yin Ren: "?"

Gengsheng Town, which was once a bustling town, became deserted. Young people retreated one after another, leaving only a bunch of empty companies and factories.

I hope there are some delicious specialties there.

"Read all the information about Gengsheng Town again. I will do random checks after getting off the bus."

A special place that "can't be explained in a sentence or two"... and they don't know what kind of "execution" is waiting for them. Yin Ren yawned and closed his eyes as the train rocked like a cradle.

When Yin Ren woke up again, the sky was completely dark.

He was resting on Zhong Chengshuo's shoulder, and the latter had just closed a professional book. Yin Ren shook his head and looked out the car window.

The scene outside the car window stopped.

The green car stopped at the old platform. At a glance, there were dense crowds of people outside and it was quite lively. Maybe the town wasn't as declining as they thought, so Yin Ren cheered up and decided to experience the town's customs.

He was about to move out of his seat, but Xiang Jiang turned around and blocked his movement.

The ghost control master glanced at him. He put his index and middle fingers together and nodded a few times around the four people. Every time his fingertips touched the air, there would be a buzz in the car, and something tight was slowly loosening.

Finally, Xiang Jiang's fingers stopped at the center of his eyebrows and tapped three times.

There was a cracking sound in the void - Yin Ren recognized it, a typical barrier being lifted.

The next moment, Huang Jin and Ge Tingting were shocked in their seats.

The moment the protective cover collapsed, a tsunami-like evil spirit poured directly into the car. It was full of cold malice and had an extremely obvious smell of evil power.

The evil aura was so strong that it was like there were about a hundred Kong Wanqings full of murderous intent surrounding him. One of Huang Jin and Ge Tingting covered his eyes and the other plugged his ears. Their bodies twitched and barely managed to avoid falling to the ground, but their faces turned red with extremely clear pain.

Xiang Jiang silently took out two amulets and placed them between their eyebrows.

Looking at the strength of the protective spells, Xiang Jiang really had two tricks up his sleeve. Yin Ren retracted his secret hand, turned his head, and looked out the window seriously -

There are many dark shadows outside the window, and those figures are crowded on the platform, as if they are welcoming relatives and friends returning home. It's just that those shadows lack some necessary limbs and facial features, and their body shape doesn't look like a living person can twist it out.

They are dressed in old-fashioned clothes, with eyes or mouths randomly embedded in their heads. The clothing material of some figures has grown into the black and blue skin, and is inseparable from the flesh and blood. Some heads were tilted ninety degrees, with half of their faces embedded in their shoulders, like clay figures that had been crushed by children.

The things stood quietly in a row, motionless. It was as if I were boarding this old train and the next stop would be hell.

There was no one alive inside.

At the same time, the town center of the town was upgraded.

In the center of the town, you can see the famous landmark of Gengsheng Town - the above-ground circular line that has stood for decades.

The subway is speeding on the circular line. It goes around and around tirelessly, as if it is going to run until the end of the world. There are dilapidated buildings on both sides of the circular line, with not even a few intact pieces of glass left in the window openings.

The spaces between the buildings are crowded with small shops that look like weeds, many of which are still open for business.

For example, a wonton shop that is half indoor and half open.

The bungalow of this wonton shop is old, and the signboard has been faded by the rain. The four words "Lao Zhang Wonton" have been corroded into "Lao Gong Chaos". Outdoors, the store owner used plastic sheets to build a tent and set up two or three sets of overly bright plastic tables and chairs. Whenever the subway passes by, these plastic tables and chairs also rumble and tremble.

Fu Xingchuan and Li Nianwen were sitting at one of the plastic tables.

Fu Xingchuan changed into a dazzling water-red gown, and his short ponytail on the back of his head was messier than before. He and Professor Li sat across from each other at the plastic table, each holding a bowl of wontons. Compared to Fu Xingchuan, who was inhaled by the Xilihulu storm, Professor Li took one spoonful at a time and ate a bit slowly.

"Boss, another bowl of mushroom meat, no shrimp skin!" Fu Xingchuan wiped his mouth and raised his hand in greeting.

"Okay!" The boss bared his teeth and wiped his blood-stained apron.

"Xiang Jiang came with information. Group nine has arrived." Professor Li continued to chew slowly.

"oh oh."

"Two of them fell down at the beginning. Ge Tingting and Huang Jin both need time to adapt." Li Nian said, "Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said they accepted it well, which is about the same as you guessed."

Fu Xingchuan took a sip of the hot soup and said, "It's pretty good."

In this way, Xiang Jiang can give the protective spiritual weapon to Ge Tingting and Huang Jin openly and openly, without appearing too abrupt.

"Then we will proceed as planned."

Li Nian rubbed the ring on his hand.

"Xiang Jiang has marked the evil thing in the east of the town. Find a reason to lure them there, and half of the task is completed - Fu Xingchuan, if those two people defeat the evil thing, are you sure you want to let this matter go?"

"What if they are really that good? Even if they are moles, I have to keep them. At worst, I can keep them away from the core secrets... Get a C-level salary and do A-level work. This is not someone else's house. Is it disrespectful to you?”

Minister Fu changed the wonton bowl and happily scooped up a wonton in the steaming heat.

However, when he lowered his head again, his movements paused.

"Lao Li, help me look at what's in the spoon."

"Wontons, no flying insects."

"Very good." Fu Xingchuan muttered and stuffed the wonton into his mouth. "It looks like a freshly chopped off thumb. Hey, that's a pretty good illusion."

After that, he poured out the mineral water bottle, dipped it in the water, and drew a few runes on the not-so-clean tabletop, his movements almost leaving an afterimage. After finishing that mouthful of wontons, Fu Xingchuan tapped the tip of his index finger on the center of the array—

Minister Fu's red tassel earrings swung, huge ripples erupted in the air, and a turbid shadow was thrown out of the wonton shop owner. The shadow quickly dissipated, and the fat boss stood blankly behind Fu Xingchuan, before he could even lift the sharp knife in his hand.

Li Nian lowered his eyes and continued eating.

"But I'm a little worried."

Fu Xingchuan's face showed a hint of melancholy.

"The bad luck of the ninth group is a bit too bad. Even the seventh group can't confront them head-on. What if it happens again this time..."

"That can only be Yin Ren's problem."

Li Nian wiped his mouth with the napkin he brought and pointed out ruthlessly.

"Science posts will not have such unscientific influence."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, your subordinates will never ask...fuck!"

Fu Xingchuan cursed loudly.

This time, Li Nian also raised his head.

There was fog in the town.

The mist was very strange, as if seeping from cracks in the ground. They are like silver ghosts, crawling close to the ground. They soon covered all the ground around them and were diluted by the evening breeze.

Farther away, the fog rushed toward the town's borders, swallowing up the distant mountain scenery. Only the buildings in the town were barely clear, as if they had been torn out of the human world.

"Very good, it's definitely your problem." Professor Li concluded coldly.

"The communication is normal, but the evil spirit is a little bit over the standard, and the excess is very even. I can't locate the source of the evil spirit. Hmm, look at the way the evil energy flows, I bet on a 'giant ghost hitting the wall'."

Speaking of which, Fu Xingchuan couldn't eat any more of his wontons. He put the spoon down hard and wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Old Li, why do you think my life is so miserable... How can something happen? The ninth group just got off the train..."

Li Nian: "It's a shameful waste, eat it quickly."

Two seconds later, Professor Li spoke again almost with pity: "The plan remains unchanged?"

"...I'll think about it again." Fu Xingchuan stirred the wonton soup, his face hurting like constipation.

"Then you think about it." Professor Li took out his phone and edited the text message calmly, "I'll tell my family first."


Yin Ren silently stared at the changes in front of him.

As soon as Group Nine got off the train, a burst of mist suddenly rose from the track. The thick fog completely swallowed up the scene on the other side of the track, a bit like the border of the map he had played.

The evil creatures who had been in a daze on the platform just now started to move. They slowly turned their bodies, and their deformed faces all looked at the four people who had just gotten off the car.

For just a moment, they seemed to become the center of the platform.

The author has something to say:

Minister Fu: Damn it, why.jpg

(End of chapter)