Evil As Humans

Chapter 87: Fight


Xiang Jiang snorted at the platform in the night - under the pale light, the evil things were once again motionless. If you don't see them turning in person, these things are close to station sets.

"Pretend you didn't see it." Xiang Jiang took the first step.

Thick fog billowed behind me, and the platform was filled with cold air.

Ge Tingting put the protective spiritual weapon Xiang Jiang gave her on her chest and straightened her back as much as possible. Huang Jinzhu was at the end of the team, looking like he wanted to make a pavement on the spot.

The four metaphysicians walked cautiously through the thicket of evil things that looked like cornfields. Zhong Cheng said, but he walked straight, passing through the strange and evil things one after another.

The moment they were passed through, the evil creatures trembled, and their deformed faces showed varying shades of displeasure and condemnation.

Seeing this outrageous scene, Huang Jin, who was at the bottom of the team, couldn't help but click his tongue. In the quiet night, an earth-shattering "tsk" sounded.

The night was too quiet and he couldn't control the movement.

Yin Ren turned his chuckle into a polite cough. Neither Ge Tingting nor Xiang Jiang understood, and the other was too lazy to understand. No one responded.

It's a pity that Comrade Huang Jin didn't escape the attention of the person he should have avoided the most - Lord Yama, who turned around with interest.

Lord Ghost King fully demonstrated his concern as a dangerous evil being. He retreated to the end of the team and patted Huang Jin's shoulder comfortingly. The latter's whole body was shaken, and he looked like he wanted to drag the soles of his feet to the floor.

Zhong Cheng said he couldn't see anything, Ge Tingting was young and innocent, and she didn't hesitate to see Xiang Jiang leave, so she followed with peace of mind. Huang Jin's steps became slower and slower, and his expression became more and more painful. Yin Ren couldn't help but think of the Shiba Inu whose face was flattened by a collar.

"...I remember you wanted to die at first, why are you suddenly so precious about your life?" Facing Huang Jin, who was dawdling at the end of the team, Zhong Cheng asked sincerely.

The remaining "conspicuous landmarks" are not of this world.

"This is Ren Jiying, the current mayor of Gengsheng Town. We will live here during the investigation."

"Why is it inconvenient?" Zhong Cheng asked seriously.

Xiang Jiang gave him a rare sideways glance, and the exaggerated earrings on his ears swayed with his movements: "What was the name of the mayor of Gengsheng Town? It's in the mission information."

Do you know there are two things walking around you? The ignorant are fearless, Xiao Ge!

"Huh? Okay."

Xiang Jiang took them to a B&B.

The evil-infested platform was left behind by Xiang Jiang, and mist flowed down the ankles of the group. In the night fog, Yin Ren could vaguely see the outline of Gengsheng Town.

"Ms. Ren."

Mayor Ren waved to them and spoke as fast as pouring beans. She looked to be in her thirties, with a thick nose and narrow eyes illuminated by the street lights. She was not pretty, but a little lively. Ren Jiying has short shoulder-length hair, and her clothes are printed with very bright cartoon patterns.

"Huang Jin is scared again." Ge Tingting concluded.

Mayor Ren led the five people to his yard, shaking his head as he walked: "I shouldn't say this, but Gengsheng Town is actually quite exclusive. You guys are all outsiders, and you will definitely suffer if you live out."

"Hi, what's your name, ma'am? Just call me Sister Ren. Madam, you sound so reserved."

Huang Jin looked like he wanted to roll his eyes, but he held on firmly.

Mayor Ren's eyes narrowed. She seemed to have misunderstood Yin Ren's expression and smiled a little uncomfortably: "Is this your first time here? Our town is in a special situation. Regular hotels may not be very... ahem, convenient."

The B&B is located on the edge of the town and has two floors. It has an old-fashioned blue-tiled sloping roof, and a small courtyard filled with tree crowns surrounds the front. There were very few street lights next to the B&B, and the entire building was bathed in a medicinal darkness, with only a few windows weakly lit.

Huge human skeletons were huddled in two tall buildings, and thin figures about the same height as the buildings were walking between the buildings. Strange and unknown objects floated across the sky from time to time. They were said to be clouds that were too low, or creatures that seemed too tall and too big. The evil spirit is like waves hitting the rocks, hitting and splashing between various buildings.

Yin Ren curiously looked at the accurate stronghold in front of him.

Just looking at the building type, it is not much different from ordinary mountain towns. Except for the density of high-rise buildings, there is only a circular line in the center of the town. At this time, the track lights did not go out, the subway did not stop, and long trains kept running on the circular line.

Since waking up in this era, he has never seen such a standard haunted house - there is something crawling behind the darkened windows. From time to time, a few things that were definitely not branches dangled out from the crown of the tree. Whispers rolled around the building from time to time. They were mixed in with the rustling of the grass and trees, biting everyone's ears.

"This is my home, I have enough room. Come on, come on, come in and have a rest."

"You guys just stay here, I'll be back in an hour. No matter what happens, don't leave the yard without permission."

Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo, who knew the inside story, looked at each other in confusion.

"… Can not remember."

"Ms. Ren, that's all. I remember where the room is." He cut off the conversation roughly.

It's a bit pitiful. It seems that the experience in the archives has left a big shadow on him.

It's like a modern evil thing exposition.

Xiang Jiang put away the impatience in his words and reluctantly gestured to several people.

"If you don't read the information, you are not qualified to ask questions." Xiang Jiang snorted and turned his head, as if he had everything under control.

There are more than a dozen three-meter-high figures standing at the entrance of the small courtyard, making the only living person inside stand out like a broken half tooth.

Zhong Cheng said he seemed to want to ask again, but was stopped by Xiang Jiang coughing.

Seeing them approaching, the slightly fat figure ran all the way and rushed in front of the group of people.

Huang Jin looked at Zhong Cheng in silence for a while, then murmured with a guilty conscience: "You have to choose the right way to commit suicide, okay?"

The rooms in Ren Jiying's house are adequate, but they are almost full. It seemed that Mayor Ren was more of a science-oriented person. Yin Ren looked at the windows filled with all kinds of evil objects and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, their destination was not far away, and Huang Jin's entanglement did not last long.

A few hours later, Xiang Jiang said this to them and went out alone.

"Xiang Jiang from Shi'an?" The man's voice was quite loud.

"Mr. Xiang, where are we going?" Huang Jin forcibly changed the subject, "Why are there so many evil things here? What happened to the fog just now?"

This execution mission was different from what they imagined. So far, except that the place itself has some big problems, their mission can be said to be unremarkable -

The first task of the nine special teams coming to Gengsheng Town was to clean the room.

Of course, this "cleaning the room" is no better than regular cleaning. The job content includes but is not limited to packing, classifying and throwing evil things in the room outside the yard. After finishing the work, an exorcism formation should be drawn on the doors and windows to prevent the view and exit from being blocked.

Comrade Xiao Zhong is entirely responsible for the physical cleanup.

It can be seen that this B&B has not been used for 800 years, and there is enough dust on the floor that you can grow sweet potatoes. Yin Ren and Zhong Cheng said that after living there for so long, this person sneezed ten times more today than in the previous two months combined. The man chirped behind him, and Lord Ghost King was even a little worried, fearing that Zhong Cheng would blow his brains out.

Until Xiang Jiang left, Zhong Cheng said his nose was still red.

While the two teammates looked away, Yin Ren couldn't help but reach out and poke him. Zhong Cheng said he didn't hide. He blinked and his nose felt warm and flickering. Yin Ren's index finger closed at the touch, and the touch on his fingertips remained for half a minute.

"I'm sorry, I was too busy at work today and didn't have time to clean up. You've all worked hard. Let's have something to eat."

Not long after Xiang Jiang left, Ren Jiying came to visit. She made a pot of honey water in front of everyone, and put down a large box of fully packaged meat floss biscuits.

However, except for Yin Ren, no one has the strength to support Mayor Ren's midnight snack work.

Ge Tingting sat down on the floor that had just been cleaned, his eyes widened from exhaustion. Huang Jin squatted in the corner of the room, holding his breath and concentrating, holding a compass spiritual weapon for warning, pretending that he was part of the debris.

The compass weapon was spinning around like crazy, and Huang Jin looked at it with almost despair.

Ren Jiying was happy. Seeing that the two of them were not in a good mood, she did not force them to chat about something. The young mayor put away the tray and stood up to leave—

"What's going on, you stab me if you dare?!" A hoarse and angry roar ripped through the night, sounding like a middle-aged man.

"You still have the fucking nerve to scream -?" Another voice was louder than the one in front of him, "Idiot, if you yell again I will chop off your head!"

The two yelled and cursed near the yard, and Ren Jiying's figure froze in front of the door.

"Say it again? Who are you calling a fool? Say it again?"

"Your family is looking for something first, right? Huh? The car I just bought was damaged. How can I make trouble for you?" A shrewd female voice joined the battle, and her voice was enough to be heard ten miles away.

"Who the hell is causing trouble? I won't hesitate to argue with your family about that shabby car-"

"Stop making noise, wuwu, dad, stop making noise..." A child's voice could be heard faintly amid the roaring and cursing.

Before the child finished speaking, there was another female voice in the noise: "Okay, husband, put the knife down quickly!"

"Son..." the old man sighed in a long voice, "Who will save me? Save me..."

The clanging noise outside the yard became louder and louder. "Fighting Symphony" is a full mix of adults' yelling, children's cries, and old people's laments. The rhythm and intensity are just right, making people upset.

Trash cans fell over and railings were smashed. More than ten minutes passed. Instead of calming down, the people outside became even more noisy.

This house is the largest one in the B&B. It has three semi-partitioned bedrooms and is as large as 100 square meters. The sound insulation of the building is quite good, but unfortunately the double-glazed glass cannot block the sharp noise outside.

Seeing the endless noise outside, Yin Ren picked up the half-eaten biscuit and ran to the window to watch. Zhong Cheng said, following closely behind him, his dark eyes also looking out the window.

Huang Jinren squatted in the corner, his butt a little unsteady: "How about calling the police?"

"Don't mind what's going on outside." Ren Jiying still stopped near the door. She changed her lively voice from before, and her words were a little heavy. "Believe me, don't interfere. This is not the first time these two families have been like this."

"How do you say it?" Yin Ren took advantage of the situation and answered.

"... There's nothing worth saying. Xiao Xiang told you not to leave the yard no matter what." Ren Jiying's voice was full of fatigue, almost being drowned out by the curses and screams outside the window.

After saying this, she held the tray tightly, lowered her head and left the room in a hurry.

This task is getting more and more interesting.

Yin Ren turned his head and looked in the direction of the argument again. Not surprisingly, he found that he still couldn't see anything -

The small courtyard was full of evil objects, not counting the ones Xiang Jiang had just thrown out.

The evil creatures gather here at some unknown time. The thin figure squatted outside the wall, like a dark pine forest. The huge skeletal head was leaning against the door, its holey eye sockets seeming to swallow everything. Countless evil ghosts with crooked noses and slanted eyes stood on the courtyard wall, standing shoulder to shoulder, surrounding the courtyard of Mayor Ren's house. The evil objects are alternately tall and short, creating some kind of weird layering.

At first glance, I thought they were staying in a cabin in the forest.

Not to mention the people fighting, even the street lights at the entrance of the courtyard were tightly covered by the evil creatures. Yin Ren could only see the objects and furnishings in the courtyard.

Fortunately, it was almost the same as the station. The evil creatures just looked at them quietly and made no further moves.

But outside the "wall" formed by evil things, the noise continued.

The noise outside was getting louder and louder, and Yin Ren had no intention of intervening. He felt for the first time that there was no murderous intent in this fight. Judging from his experience, the gang would have broken one or two ribs at most.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at Zhong Cheng beside him and said - as an outstanding citizen of Haigu City and the first alarm madman of the ninth group, I wonder if Zhong Cheng will interfere.

Zhong Cheng said, standing next to Yin Ren, looking straight at the direction where the quarrel broke out.

In Yin Ren's memory, there was a streetlight near the conflict site. But with the Evil Forest as a cover, Yin Ren really didn't remember how much "visibility" the science post would have.

All he knew was that Zhong Cheng said there was no expression on his face and he didn't seem to have any intention of taking out his cell phone.

Time passed by, and Zhong Cheng said he had enough of looking out the window. He returned to his luggage bag and took out the professional books he had not finished reading on the train. Then he stood close to Yin Ren, flipping through the book in his hands.

This person's posture is very relaxed.

"It's no big deal, we'd better listen to Xiang Jiang's arrangements." As the only scientific post, Zhong Cheng said while reading a book, he expressed his position concisely.

Outside the dark window, screams, screams, and roars mixed together, and something hard broke. "Brawl Symphony" reached its most shocking stage, but this person seemed not to hear anything.

"What did you see just now?" Yin Ren lowered his voice.

"They didn't get into fights."

Zhong Cheng said turning the pages of the book and mumbling under his breath.

"Two pairs of adult men and women, one child and one old man. Six people stood in a row on the nearby street, at least one step away from each other. They were just shouting and smashing things around with their hands. In fact, they didn't touch each other."

Yin Ren: "...Standing in a row?"

"Yeah, right in front of our window."

Zhong Cheng said calmly.

"It's like waiting for us to come out."

(End of chapter)