Evil As Humans

Chapter 92: Play dead


From the discovery of the strange vision to the inference of the current situation, Yin Ren's mind only turned around for a moment.

He didn't have time to confirm with Zhong Cheng, and the nail in the coffin was immediately set in motion. The ghost contract was activated to the maximum extent, and Hu Tao and Grandpa Lu appeared at the same time. Before they could figure out the situation, they were forced by the contract to grab the two girls and drag them up with force.

Hutao picked up Ge Tingting like a chicken, while Grandpa Lu went to catch Qi Xin. The two ghosts rushed towards the light at the exit like a hurricane, but Lu Tanfei looked at his hands in confusion as soon as he took two steps.

His green and white withered hands were empty, and he failed to catch Qi Xin.

Qi Xin lives in a closed town where evil things are everywhere, but he is actually a good science position.

Yin Ren made a prompt decision and made a gesture. Grandpa Lu helped Hutao capture Ge Tingting. With the support of the two ghosts, Ge Tingting shot towards the entrance of the cave like a cannonball. The little girl ignored her language barrier and let out a series of unexplained screams.

Qi Xin heard the sound and left the single room. She held on to the wall of the cave with doubts on her face.

It's hard to tell whether her decision was right or wrong.

Because the moment Ge Tingting rushed toward the light, the scenery in front of everyone changed suddenly. The deformed tunnel tilted over, turning from a tunnel into a huge bottomless well. The strong evil spirit blows wildly from bottom to top. The summer heat has not dissipated, but the cave is as cold as winter, making people unable to straighten their knuckles.

The lighting completely disappeared, and you couldn't see your fingers inside the cave.

Countless ghosts condensed into invisible needles and instantly pierced Ge Tingting's eyes. Ge Tingting was so shocked that his scalp was numb and his feet were so weak that he couldn't move.

Yin Ren jumped into the air and hung in mid-air. As soon as he stabilized his body, he heard a sound of rubbing of earth and rocks behind him -

Looking again, she didn't know whether her heartbeat should be steady or accelerated.

Xiang Jiang said this, and they seemed to have nothing to refute.

"Yin Ren and the others are in trouble." Ge Tingting barely regained the strength to control his limbs and played the voice again.

After that, he clapped his hands, and the fierce ghost Xiang Hai disappeared.

Then Yin Ren turned around and put his back into Zhong Chengshuo's arms.

Ge Tingting was almost shot out of the hole as an intercontinental missile. Fortunately, the two ghosts were conscious and remembered to slow down her at the end. After finally stopping the car, Ge Tingting couldn't breathe evenly, and there was a sharp whistle in his breath.

"Oh, there are colleagues from the Emergency Management Department in the cave. They are performing other tasks and can take over the rescue." Xiang Jiang said, "There is no need for you to rush over and hold back until the situation is clear."

Xiang Jiang's voice came from a few steps away: "I understand."

Qi Xin was wearing a professional suit that was inconvenient for movement, and he didn't even have a pen on his body. At this moment, he could only fall along the cave wall in a daze. Yin Ren hurriedly reached out and grabbed Qi Xin's wrist, barely stopping her from falling.

Xiang Jiang snorted meaningfully, turned around and walked out of the cave.

Xiang Jiang's face was pale and pale, and the blood vessels under his skin turned a strange purple-black color, like poisonous roots. He had a twisted expression on his face that was half-smile but not a smile. He was turning his head at an angle that was impossible for a living person and "looking" here up and down.

Ge Tingting tensed up his body vigilantly and rubbed his eyes vigorously - something was wrong with Xiang Jiang, he was too tall, and there was something leaning against him.

The fierce ghost named "Xiang Hai" finally gave up his evil intentions and turned around again.

The ghost spirit around that thing was so thick that it seemed like substance, making people feel as if they were immersed in ice water from head to toe. Hu Tao and Lu Tanfei couldn't bear it and took two steps back, then disappeared in a whoosh.

"Hold my waist." He said in a deep voice, "This matter is not over yet."

"Let's go. We can help those two people by finding out the true identity of the evil thing as soon as possible." Huang Jin patted Ge Tingting on the shoulder.

Xiang Jiang ignored her and quickly dialed a phone number: "Enemy attack, unknown enemy. Nine groups of partners and an unrelated citizen have lost contact."

Ge Tingting and Huang Jin: "..."

One of them, Xiang Jiang, still had a human expression on his face. He held yellow talismans between his fingers and looked into the cave with a solemn expression. The one without eyes is floating behind the person, leaning down at the moment, with his lips close to the other person's ear. He covered his right hand with sharp nails, and the eyeless "Xiang Jiang" hissed and whispered.

But this did not affect her AI's voice: "Something happened inside, there was a magic attack, and Qi Xin did not run out."

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

Xiang Jiang's turbid eyes paused on Huang Jin's face for a moment.

Ge Tingting's face froze: "What should we do with those three people?"

There was a vague message on the other end of his cell phone. Xiang Jiang pursed his lips, said "ok" and hung up the call.

Xiang Jiang in front of her had no eyes, and there was thick darkness under his eyelids.

Huang Jin: "You have read my information. We criminals are so hard-hearted."

"Continue to investigate the evil objects in the cave. Until the situation is clear, the three of us will forward external information to investigate."

"Interesting, you don't seem to be worried about them at all." He answered seemingly unintentionally.

"Don't go there." Huang Jin looked ugly.

In the thick darkness, the three people were hanging in the air. The mine is still twisting and squirming crazily. They were like flying insects trapped in a Rubik's Cube, and they could only watch in vain as the heaven and earth twisted into a ball.

"Xiang Hai." Xiang Jiang warned.

Zhong Cheng said silently and hugged Yin Ren's waist tightly - Lord Ghost King's waist is strong and thin, which can hold him tightly.

The moment the light disappeared, Zhong Cheng said he drew his knife in an instant and pierced the rock crevice closest to him. He stepped on the raised stone with his feet and regained his balance in less than a second.

There were two Xiang Jiang in front of her.

Ge Tingting wiped the cold sweat from his face and looked in the direction of Xiang Jiang. Seeing this, she almost choked to death.

outside the cave.

Ge Tingting swallowed. She subconsciously wanted to step forward, but Huang Jin held her back.

Before he finished speaking, Li Gui "Xiang Jiang" noticed Ge Tingting's movements. He turned his head away at that terrifying angle again, opened his jaw abnormally wide, and let out a threatening growl.

It was a fierce ghost that looked exactly like Xiang Jiang.

"Stay away from Xiang Jiang's ghost." After confirming that Xiang Jiang was far away, Huang Jin turned to Ge Tingting, "That fierce ghost is very bad. It is rare to see such resentment among people walking at night. If you didn't know Shi'an's style, I almost doubt that this person knows how to dig from sinking.”

Ge Tingting rubbed the goosebumps on his arms: "I think it's okay."

"Because that thing left you alone." Huang Jin raised his hand, and there was a conspicuous black corrosion wound on his forearm, "Look at this... When it first came out, I just leaned over and took a few more looks. Eye."

Ge Tingting was speechless.

She learned a lot of basic knowledge in Shi'an, which naturally included the basic introduction to the ghost control master.

Corpse servants and ghost masters are very similar in one point - the stronger the "karma" between the corpse or ghost they use and their own, the greater the ability they can exert.

In order to pursue power, some evil practitioners will even deliberately kill their close relatives and friends and turn them into the best weapons.

The ability of a ghost master is largely determined by the quality of the ghost. With Xiang Jiang possessing such a powerful ghost, it is not surprising that he can become the "No. 1 Ghost Controller in Haigu".

"Sister, are you here?" After a while, Ge Tingting tapped one earphone and asked, "Are Brother Yin and Brother Zhong okay?" "I just contacted them. They are okay. You two follow Xiang Jiang's command first." Lu There was an inexplicable sense of exhaustion in Xiaohe's voice, "When you...well, when you all come back, I will definitely write a salary increase application."

Ge Tingting: "..."

Lu Xiaohe still had the energy to joke, so it seemed like everything was really fine over there.

In fact, strictly speaking, the three people in the cave were not okay.

The twisting performance in the mine lasted for about ten minutes, and Yin Ren was forced to fly left and right. After the rock wall stopped crawling, Comrade Xiao Zhong brought a heavy message -

"We are deep underground." He turned on the light he carried and said with certainty.

Qi Xin: "How do you know?"

"Calculating Yin Ren's flight, we are now probably in the southeast direction underground in Gengsheng Town."

Zhong Cheng said that he would bundle the bag with the lighting lamp and fix it on his head like a miner's lamp. He tapped his earphone and clearly reported the coordinates.

At first, Lu Xiaohe's communication was a bit noisy, but she quickly adjusted the channel.


Lu Xiaohe's voice was very clear. Faced with the pure evil spirit, Shi'an's communication equipment finally had a stage to perform.

"I found that place. The underground structure there is very complicated. Take good care of Qi Xin and don't run around."

Having experienced the storm in the archives, their rear command sounded like they wanted to be nervous but couldn't.

"I suggest you find a dry place to camp," Zhong Cheng said, and pay attention to the toxic gases and oxygen content in the air - I am analyzing the nearby terrain map, and the results will be available in four minutes. There are senior employees of Shian nearby, and they We will be able to go to the rescue soon." Lu Xiaohe made arrangements in an orderly manner.

Zhong Cheng said: "Assailant?"

"I don't know." Lu Xiaohe sighed, "If you didn't notice anyone or something evil approaching, it may have triggered the Sinking Society's magic mechanism. But I'm just guessing. It's hard to make a conclusion without evidence."

Zhong Cheng nodded, the light on his head rising and falling with his movements. Qi Xin was still very quiet. She let Yin Ren hold her arm without complaining a word.

The mechanism is good, Yin Ren thought.

The question is "who" and "when" the agency is deployed. For the mine, the so-called mechanism was too shallow and too powerful. Moreover, when the accident occurred, there was no magic wave around them that would trigger the mechanism.

This thing was weird from head to toe, and Shi'an was probably even more surprised than them.

It was a pity that his all-manual guidance mission was over. Yin Ren sighed deeply in his heart and carefully landed on the "ground".

This place is no different than a dry mine. There is four fingers of water underground, and stalagmites like snake teeth stand around it. The accumulated water looked like ink under weak lighting, black and without luster.

There is a weak reaction of life under the water, and the devil knows what is inside.

There is a raised stone platform not far away. It is about the size of a double bed. It is not dry, so we can stay away from the water for the time being. The three of them climbed to the top of the stone platform and began to control the water in their shoes and socks.

Yin Ren lit a fire in the center of the stone slab and simply baked the shoes and socks. Zhong Cheng said that he took out a lot of equipment from his backpack and measured it bit by bit.

Qi Xin sat there obediently, like a plant that had been accidentally implicated. Her hair was damp with sweat, and she smoothed it away from her ears, revealing a conspicuous stitched scar on her forehead.

In the dancing firelight, the shadow of the protruding scar swayed, as if it had life.

Noticing Zhong Cheng's undisguised gaze, Qi Xin straightened her hair again to cover up the scar.

"Car accident." She explained briefly.

Zhong Cheng said: "Oh."

He turned his back and tinkered for a long time, then took out three cups filled with water: "I mixed some rehydration fluid."

"You can't drink the water here." Qi Xin frowned.

"I filtered it carefully." Zhong Cheng said sincerely.

Yin Ren tugged on the corner of Zhong Cheng's clothes and leaned his head towards it: "It's better not to drink. This place has a strong evil spirit, and there may be evil insects in the water. It's useless to boil it. People will get sick if they drink it."

Not to mention that something unexpected happened and they didn’t have the equipment to boil water.

"I've really dealt with it." Zhong Cheng muttered. He maintained his turned away posture and lifted up some of his trousers.

Under the loose trouser legs, under the weak firelight, a red and cold glow appeared on the edge of the fabric.

Yin Ren: "?"

This man actually brought the short sword with him. This is good news, but does it have anything to do with whether the water can be drunk

"I stir every cup thoroughly with the blade of a knife." Zhong Cheng said, avoiding Qi Xin, and muttered seriously, "This is a top-level cursed weapon, and the microorganisms and evil things inside will be completely annihilated."

Yin Ren: "..."

Very good, this is the first time he has seen someone ruining a top-level cursed spiritual weapon like this... Is this how this knife is used? This doesn't seem to be how this knife should be used! For a moment, he seemed to hear the wail of the short sword.

Boss Yin couldn't help but take out the dog thing to make it realize how generously he received as an employee.

The dog was lying in the phone case, and the screen was completely black. The hamster pendant on the shell dangled back and forth, casting a shaking shadow in the firelight.

[Did you notice anything just now?]When you show up, you have to work, Boss Yin typed out a sentence.

[Siren: I don’t seem to understand. If there's anything else I can help with, please let me know. [*Note]]

[What are you talking about?]

[Siren: Maybe I didn’t understand what you meant, please try asking me again. [*Note]]

Yin Ren choked.

The dog didn't respond to his questions, as if it had become a real artificial intelligence.

The firelight illuminated the small stone platform, and darkness enveloped them in layers. The sound of water is endless, and thick evil spirit surges like mist.

The originally peaceful scene suddenly took on a sinister flavor.

And deep in the darkness, less than two thousand meters away from them, there was a breath approaching quickly.

The author has something to say:

[*Note] This is not my original work, it was a live interview with Siri (fuck


Xiao Zhong: Sterilizing and disinfecting water subjectively and deliberately

"Shocked, the King of Hell killed tens of millions of people in three minutes! 》

The life of microorganisms is also life.jpg

(End of chapter)