Evil Child Black-Bellied Mother

Chapter 16: food poisoning


"Miss, are you alright?" Luhen stepped forward to support Su Ying, with a hint of concern in his expression.

Who would have expected such a thing to happen on a good night? If it wasn't for the young lady's calmness, I'm afraid there would be a big mess in the yard.

There was a slight smile on Su Ying's face, and she looked gentle: "It's okay, it's getting late, let's pack up and rest earlier."

Lu Hen goes in with Su Ying, while Hong Bo stays to deal with the aftermath.

After several years of secret investigation, Mrs. Su's eyeliner was completely removed by Su Ying. These people left in the Furong Courtyard can be trusted, otherwise, this matter will definitely be exposed, and it would be bad for Mrs. Su to catch her at that time.

"Be careful in the future, because things like tonight...may happen again." Su Ying's voice was flat.

still happen? Has the lady offended someone? Lvhen looked stunned, a little puzzled.

She really wanted to ask Miss, who did what happened tonight. Because with Miss's intelligence and wisdom, she must have seen the clue.

However, seeing the young lady's gloomy expression, Luhen closed his mouth consciously, and replied: "Don't worry, young lady, the servant girl and Hongbo will definitely pay attention to it, so that there will be no trouble in the courtyard."

"Especially the things you handle, such as food and use, you must pay special attention to it, and don't miss anything." Su Ying secretly clenched her fingers, paused, and emphasized again.

The man in black who appeared at the beginning, and the person who came out to save him later, who are they? What exactly do you want to do

inner room.

Su Ying sat quietly in the armchair, holding a cup of steaming tea in her hand.

The white smoke at the mouth of the cup was filled with hot air, curling up, and the faint light in the black eyes slowly melted into the smoke.

This night, no one knew what Su Ying was thinking.

Early the next morning.

Su Ying sat in the courtyard.

Today, she is wearing a pale pink cotton damask skirt, with only a green and transparent jade hairpin with floating flowers slanted on her head. The red plum embroidery on the hem of the dress is very delicate, and the whole person looks clean like the dew of spring.

Following Su Ying's order, the entire Furongyuan was busy.

Food, supplies, clothing... All the maids and women checked them one by one after sorting them into categories.

The result of the inspection was as expected by Su Ying.

Seeing what Hongbo brought up in a mahogany tray, Su Ying smiled faintly: "What's going on? Tell me slowly."

At this time, Hongbo's face was extremely ugly, she knelt down with a thud, and two lines of tears rolled down her eyes: "Miss, it's all because of Hongbo's negligence, and he didn't realize that the food contained poison, Hongbo really deserves to die!"

Toxic? The stir-fried rabbit meat she eats every day actually contains poison

The smile on Su Ying's face gradually disappeared, and she looked at it coldly: "This rabbit meat..."

It was a bowl of braised rabbit diced from the kitchen at noon. It was placed in a blue and white porcelain plate. It looked oily and shiny, exuding a faint aroma, which made the index finger move.

"This rabbit meat is poisonous, but the poison is very subtle!" Hongbo's expression flashed a chill, and he said in a hateful voice: "The other party sprinkles a small amount of poisonous juice on the grass every day for the rabbits to eat, and then slaughters the rabbits to make food. Cheng Caise was sent to our Furong Yard! This kind of method is much more meticulous than ordinary poisoning methods. If it weren't for this big investigation, we don't know when we would find out!"

Hongbo has been taking care of Su Ying's diet and daily life. Now that there is a problem with the food, she is the one who blames herself the most.

Su Ying nodded secretly.

Hong Bo is right, this method of poisoning is indeed very subtle and discreet, and it is extremely difficult to be discovered.

Even a fly could not fly into the Furong Courtyard now, but the other party still let the poison be presented to her table openly.

Because the toxin is fed into the rabbit's belly, the toxin travels everywhere in its body, and it is presented after being made into heavy-tasting dishes by the chef. It is really difficult to detect it with silver chopsticks.

"Won't the rabbit die after eating the poison?" Luhen asked with blank eyes, puzzled.

A cold and ironic sneer flashed across Su Ying's clear eyes, and said: "Herbivorous animals and birds have a certain immune function to poisonous plants, especially rabbits, whose resistance to toxins is much higher than that of humans. , even a rabbit can withstand a hundred times more poison than a human, so as long as it is eaten, ordinary rabbits can survive."

With her bright eyes hanging down, Su Ying smiled wryly.

Now she is really besieged on all sides, with enemies everywhere, and there are also several waves of unknown enemies.

Someone pretended to be a ghost to scare her last night, and now it was discovered that someone had poisoned her food. What will be waiting for her in the future

However, what Su Ying deliberately affirmed was that the prankster and the person who poisoned the rabbit meat last night were definitely not in the same group.

Because what she saw was that the former was just scaring her, while the latter really wanted her life.

who is it? Who is so impatient to want her life

Su Ying looked up at Songtao Garden, which was deep in the courtyard. There was the main house where Mrs. Su lived.

He remembered what Mrs. Su had inadvertently said to Su Luan that day.

She said that her biological mother had offended a great personage, so she was implicated innocently.

During her growing up, Mrs. Su assassinated her more than once. If she hadn't changed her powerful soul in the 21st century inside, the former Su Ying would have died a hundred times long ago.

So this time, Mrs. Su should be the one to do it, or, the big man in her mouth can't wait anymore

Just because there was an invisible person hanging around her neck in the dark, Su Ying was very worried. So these years, she has been low-key and cautious, but no matter how careful she was, she still fell for it accidentally.

"Miss, let me help you feel the pulse." Hong Bo's eyes were red with self-blame.

She claimed that she was born in a medical family and had read a few books on medical skills, thinking that she could handle the methods of her wife, but now she realized that she was still far behind.

If the young lady's body is really damaged, she really cannot escape the blame, and will live in self-blame for the rest of her life. Hongbo secretly vowed in his heart that he must study harder in the future.

Su Ying looked at her as coldly as Gu Jing's eyes: "You learn a lot from a pit, this incident is to remind us that enemies are everywhere and they will use them to their fullest, so we must be more cautious and careful in everything we do in the future." .”

Both Hongbo and Lvhen nodded, indicating that they were taught.

After seeing Hongbo take the pulse carefully, Luhen asked urgently: "How is it? Is it serious? Does it matter?"

"Fortunately, Miss has always been careful. Each dish is no more than three chopsticks, so rabbit meat is rarely eaten. It will be fine when I prescribe a prescription to expel the remaining poison in Miss's body." After Hong Bo felt his pulse, he relaxed. With a sigh of relief, there was a trace of a pure and flawless smile in the corner of his eyes.

Lu Hen patted his chest, and let out a long sigh of relief: "This is the best, I can finally rest assured, I was so scared that I was scared to death by you just now."

Su Ying narrowed her eyes, and a faint sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "This matter is not over yet. Green Mark, I will leave this matter to you to investigate. Use all available connections to investigate thoroughly! Just from the kitchen Start checking, understand?"

[Author's digression]: I don't know if you can see the pattern. Our update pattern is twice a day, one at 0:00 am and one at 8:00 am. Putting it up so early, I hope everyone can see the author's good behavior as soon as they get up in the morning, right? Haha, it’s all taught by the editor. Master Douzhi V587