Evil Emperor’s Poisonous Consort: Divine Doctor Young Miss

Chapter 45: Taiyi Divine Needle


The old housekeeper walked into the room with a strange expression: "Miss Ye, Doctor Zhou's master is said to be a first-grade alchemist. This man can't afford to offend him."

Ye Yuxi glanced at the old housekeeper: "A first-grade alchemist, do you think I will be afraid?"

Only then did the old housekeeper remember that the person in front of her was not just Ye Yuxi, but also a mysterious master behind her!

"Go get a basin of hot water, prepare a bowl of wine, and bring a pack of silver needles." Ye Yuxi looked at the face of the city lord's wife. Her face was red but with a hint of purple. It was obviously poisoning and not a disease.

Although the old housekeeper was puzzled that Ye Yuxi asked him to get the needle, he still went to get it obediently.

Qing'er stood aside, looking at the decorations in the room, and said to Ye Yuxi: "Miss, the place where the wife of the city lord lives is too shabby, right? Shouldn't she live in the city lord's mansion?"

The old housekeeper came in carrying these things and heard Qing'er's words.

He sighed softly: "The city lord and his wife became seriously ill a year ago. The city lord's concubine has great power. The Yang Wei who was in the yard just now is the city lord's concubine's son. Now the city lord's mansion seems to belong to the city lord Yang, but in fact It is true that the city lord’s concubine is in charge, and she has the final say on all matters big and small in the house, my wife... ugh.”

"Does City Lord Yang just indulge her concubine like this?" Ye Yuxi picked up a silver needle and wiped it on the arm of the City Lord's wife with white wine.

"A few years ago, City Master Yang used to adjust the relationship between the two of them. However, since the City Master became seriously ill a year ago, he was fed some kind of ecstasy soup by the concubine and he listened to her in everything. In the past few months, he He drove my wife out of the city lord's palace, and the courtyard of Jingxinzhai is still left by my wife's ancestors." Thinking of these things, the old housekeeper's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Just as the silver needle in Ye Yuxi's hand was about to fall, the old housekeeper's voice started.

"Miss Ye, what are you doing!" The old housekeeper has lived for so many years, but he has never heard that silver needles can cure diseases!

"If you want to save your wife, please be quiet." Ye Yuxi glanced at the old housekeeper. Most of the doctors in this world can only combine some herbs and do not know acupuncture. What Ye Yuxi wants to use now is on earth. Taiyi Magic Needle, one of the three major acupuncture techniques I learned in school!

Under the worried eyes of the old housekeeper, Ye Yuxi dropped the silver needle in her hand, pierced several acupuncture points, and gently twisted the needle with her fingers.


The city lord's wife, who was lying on the bed and fell into a coma, suddenly coughed, turned over suddenly, and spat out a mouthful of dark purple poisonous blood.

After spitting out a mouthful of poisonous blood, the city lord's wife turned pale. She lay on the bed and fell asleep. Her breathing was obviously easier than before.

"Madam!" The old housekeeper looked anxious when he saw the madam sticking out a mouthful of poisonous blood. He stepped forward to check, but Ye Yuxi reached out to stop her.

"Your wife needs to rest for two days. After two days, you can go to my place and get another Yuan Dan. Your wife's illness will be almost gone."

The old housekeeper saw that his wife's flushed purple face had turned pale, and he knelt down with a bang: "Miss Ye, I kowtow to you on behalf of my wife. Thank you for saving your life!"

With the old housekeeper's gratitude, Ye Yuxi and Qing'er left here.

Walking on the street, Qing'er jumped up and down beside Ye Yuxi.

"Miss, when did you learn to treat illnesses?" Qing'er felt that the lady had completely changed since she came back a few nights ago.

Ye Yuxi walked in front: "Don't ask if you know."

"Oh." Qing'er was quite obedient, and she didn't ask Ye Yuxi anything from this time on.

The two came to their yard. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Ye Wen and Ye Man kneeling in the yard.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yuxi frowned slightly, Ye Wen and Ye Man looked wrong!

"Miss, we did something wrong, please punish us."