Evil Emperor’s Poisonous Consort: Divine Doctor Young Miss

Chapter 94: Fire Spirit is finally useful


Ye Yuxi actually smiled in a rare way: "Secret."

Standing on Ye Yuxi's shoulder, Huo Ling saw the fat man approaching and chirped at him, not knowing what he was talking about.

When the fat man heard Huo Ling's cry, he shivered all over. He suddenly remembered that the last time his boss asked him to invite Huo Ling to dinner, Huo Ling seemed to be screaming like this. Could he be inviting Huo Ling to dinner again this time

Thinking of Huo Ling's glorious achievements in Ningyuan City Pharmacy, the fat man quickly caught up with Ye Yuxi: "Boss, boss, don't walk so fast. Tell me, I heard Huo Ling's scream. Panic, you have to tell me clearly, I can’t afford to treat him to dinner again!”

Ye Yuxi looked at the fat man with a pained expression on his face: "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to invite Huo Ling to dinner."

"Oh, that's good." The fat man relaxed and realized immediately, "No, there's something in the boss's words. If you don't invite Huo Ling to dinner, you still have to invite him!" He quickly asked: "Boss, if you didn't invite the Fire Spirit, who would you invite?"

Squeak, squeak.

The little monkey leading the way heard the fat man's words, turned around, and pointed a little paw at himself to make eating gestures. Of course, he meant to treat me to a meal.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he understood what the little monkey meant. He finally felt relieved and wondered how much a monkey could eat.

Ye Yuxi looked at the little monkey and suddenly had a question in her heart. Can this little monkey directly understand human language

"Fire Spirit, come here." Ye Yuxi waved to the Fire Spirit flying in the air and let it fall back on her shoulder.

Huo Ling tidied his feathers gracefully: "Master, I'm not hungry, so I don't need to eat."

Ye Yuxi: “… “

"Master, did I say something wrong..." Huo Ling looked at the speechless Ye Yuxi and blinked her little eyes.

"No, ask the little monkeys how they can understand human language. Aren't ordinary spiritual beasts unable to understand human language?"

The fire spirit flew close to the little monkey and started chatting with the little monkey.

The fat man and others looked at the chirping fire spirit in front and the little monkey who kept chirping in response to the fire spirit. They looked curious and said to Qing'er beside them: "Qing'er, do you think this fire spirit has anything to do with the little monkey? The cries are different, are they speaking the same language?"

Qing'er rolled her eyes at the fat man: "Why do you have so many things to do?"

After a while, Huo Ling flew back with excitement on his face.

Before he could fly to Ye Yuxi, he hurriedly reported the good news: "Master, master, something good is going to happen!"

Um? Ye Yuxi's heart moved. Not many people could be called good things by Huo Ling!

"Master, the little monkey just said that they have gradually evolved after eating a kind of fruit in the past few years. At first, they could not understand human speech. Later, as their strength continued to improve, they gradually became able to understand human speech."


Ye Yuxi's eyes lit up. Although the pharmacies in Ningyuan City sold medicinal materials, they were all ordinary products. At most, they could refine some first-class elixirs, and more of them were slightly more advanced medicinal materials for doctors to treat diseases. You have to go to the market to buy it.

As for the medicinal materials that are at the level of geniuses and treasures, we can only place our hope in the auction house. But even so, in the past ten years, the three auction houses in Ningyuan City have not auctioned a single treasure of heaven, materials and treasures, at least not one that can be auctioned. A treasure that allows spiritual beasts to evolve.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuxi's mood improved greatly. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a treasure when she went to the mountains to practice. The performance of the fire spirit also made Ye Yuxi very satisfied. This little guy can only cry and eat. Finally it has a use, at least as a translator!