Evil Saint of the Three Realms

Chapter 40: Heizhu and the little girl


Looking at the dark and transparent beads, Liu Qi had an inexplicably familiar feeling. This was the second time he felt this way in his past and present life. The first time I encountered the Black Dragon Sword, now that he felt familiar again, Liu Qi couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Why does his soul feel familiar with these two things in the depths of his soul? Liu Qi knows that there are many things that are unclear in this world. He has lived in the Holy Realm for a hundred years and has seen all kinds of incredible things, but such things he I really don't know how to describe my feelings.

"Could it be that these two things are related to me?" Liu Qi looked at the black bead in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, just treat him as if he has a relationship with me, anyway, I can't figure out why I want to break my scalp."

Liu Qi could only attribute the black dragon sword and the black beads to'fate'. If he couldn't figure it out, he would no longer be entangled with this crux, but instead focused on what kind of bead it was.

He tried to use his soul consciousness to probe the situation inside the beads, but the black beads seemed to have a protective film to keep Liu Qi's soul consciousness out. Even the force entering the beads is sinking into the sea, which shows that this is not an ordinary bead. Even Liu Qi tried to break the black bead, but the black bead was not damaged in the slightest when it was chopped with an ordinary sharp weapon.

At this time, Liu Qi thought that the Black Dragon Sword seemed to react to this black bead, so Liu Qi prepared to take out the Black Dragon Sword to try to split the black bead.

"Come out, old man, if you look like you are very interested in this black bead, then you can let me see what kind of bead it is!"

The black dragon sword in Liu Qi's hand appeared. When the black dragon sword came out, he immediately became active, shaking constantly in Liu Qi's hand, as if he had encountered a delicious food.

Immediately, Liu Qi placed the black bead on the table, and then he held the black dragon sword and slashed at the black bead.

The black dragon sword was regarded as a divine weapon by Liu Qi. When he was in the holy world, he was extremely sharp. With Liu Qi fighting for hundreds of years, the black dragon sword has never destroyed other people's weapons, and the black dragon sword itself will not cause any damage. Liu Qi thought that the black dragon sword should be okay to split the black stone.


When the black dragon sword hit the black bead, there was a violent bang. The black dragon sword and the black bead were intact, but the table was already torn apart.

"Young Master, what happened?" Outside the room, the subordinates from the General's Mansion heard the noise in the room and asked in a panic.

"It's okay, my son is studying things, don't come in."

Just as Liu Qi's voice fell, the mutation happened!

A black air current gushes out of the sword body of the black dragon sword, enveloping the black beads. The black beads are dragged by the black air current and float directly into the air.

"Grass! Black Dragon Sword, you are hungry, you don't want to eat, you even want to swallow an unknown thing, what if it is a scourge?"

Seeing that the black dragon sword was about to swallow the black beads, Liu Qi immediately scolded, and quickly retracted the black dragon sword.

But Black Dragon Sword was desperately breaking away from Liu Qi's palm, and it also pulled Liu Qi's hand towards Hei Zhu.

"Old man, you are so unkind! You didn't even listen to Lao Tzu's words, bullying Lao Tzu's strength did not recover?"

Liu Qi immediately became angry, and the black dragon force in his body instantly poured out, and he pulled the palm of the black dragon sword furiously.

Roar! The black dragon sword seemed to make a dragon chant, and a black streamer flashed across it. The black dragon sword dropped from Liu Qi's hand and directly pierced the black bead in the air.


A fine line appeared on the surface of the black bead in the air, and then, the fine line spread rapidly.

Liu Qi was stunned. This black bead was really hard, and only cracks appeared when it was pierced by the Black Dragon Sword.


The black bead cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and when the cracks spread to the whole black bead, the surface of the black bead cracks like an eggshell. When the black bead broke, a black streamer passed by and pierced Liu Qi's eyebrows.

Liu Qi's face changed drastically, and he wanted to block the black streamer, but unfortunately the black streamer was fleeting, and directly penetrated into Liu Qi's eyebrows.

"What the hell is this? Why did it get in between Lao Tzu's eyebrows?"

Liu Qi became a little nervous, and quickly checked his physical condition. After the black streamer entered the center of Liu Qi's eyebrows, it directly penetrated into Liu Qi's upper dantian.


Liu Qi suddenly felt that the entire Dantian shook, just like the Big Bang. The black light exploded in the center of Liu Qi's upper Dantian, and the explosion caused Liu Qi's entire upper Dantian to vibrate violently.

"Ah... It hurts!" Liu Qi suddenly hugged his head in pain, and instantly burst into cold sweat from the pain.

I don’t know how long it took, Liu Qi’s upper dantian finally stabilized, and the black light also calmed down, turning into crystal clear black round beads, and the black dragon force inside Liu Qi actually happened to the black beads. After the connection, the black dragon force surrounds the black bead, enters the black bead from time to time, and then flows out of the black bead.

This situation made Liu Qi a little at a loss. Hei Zhu actually replaced the role of Shang Dantian

For the martial artist, the dantian is the container and source of their strength, but Liu Qi's upper dantian disappeared and was replaced by black beads. What is the situation with Nima

Peng! The black beads swelled suddenly, and a large amount of black dragon force gushed out from it, and then hit the meridians all over Liu Qi's body.

However, Liu Qi did not feel the pain of the expansion of the meridians, but rather felt comfortable. If the original force of the black dragon in the meridians was just a cloud of mist, the original force of the black dragon gushing from the black beads became a lot more solid, and it was even close to a liquid state.

This feeling is so familiar and so cool!

"Haha! I didn't expect this black bead to help Lao Tzu raise the "Black Dragon Art" to the third level, and his cultivation level also jumped to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm. It was only a little bit before he could reach the Houtian Realm. This black bead is really amazing! "

Liu Qi laughed and said cheerfully.

At this moment, Liu Qi has reached the pinnacle of the Qi Refining Realm. If he encounters the Cloud Swallowing Zodiac again, Liu Qi is confident that he can kill them all, instead of being as embarrassed as tonight. Liu Qi cultivates in the upper dantian. The original force level is higher than that of the mortal world. Coupled with Liu Qi's exquisite martial arts, he is not surprised that he has exploded out of the mid-level strength of the Houtian realm with the peak cultivation of Qi refining realm. .

Now Liu Qi can deal with the mid-level Nie Zhongqiang in the acquired realm.

Happy to happy, but Liu Qi is deeply afraid of the black bead that replaces the Dantian. I don't know what this thing is, and it quietly occupied the position of the Dantian as if it was nothing. Even the Black Dragon Sword calmed down when Hei Zhu replaced Dantian, and obediently returned to Liu Qi's soul consciousness.


Just as Liu Qi was thinking about the replacement of Dantian by black beads, a charming child's voice awakened Liu Qi.

A little girl fell from the spot where the black bead was just out of thin air.

"Hehe, I finally came out, and I slept really comfortably!" The little girl got up from the ground after falling down, then touched her head and laughed.

Liu Qi looked at the little girl who appeared out of thin air incredibly. What's the matter with Nima

The little girl looked like eleven or twelve years old, with an exquisite and flawless face, two playful braids on her head, and a little golden pleated skirt on her body, which made her look like an aristocratic little princess.

"Who... who are you? Why do you suddenly appear?" Liu Qi looked at the little girl solemnly. He probed the little girl with his soul consciousness, and found that he couldn't see through the little girl at all. This little girl was in his eyes. Like a thin layer of mist.

"Brother Qi, I am Xiao Jinjin! Brother Qi asked me to stay inside and sleep. Did Brother Qi forget?" The little girl blinked her big eyes and said to Liu Qi innocently.

Liu Qi was taken aback, pointing to himself in surprise and asked: "I let you sleep in it, could it be said that you were sleeping in that black bead?"

"Yes, it was Brother Qi who let me sleep in it. Although Brother Qi's appearance has changed, your breath and soul are Brother Qi!" The little girl nodded with her big eyes flashing.

Liu Qi's heart was shocked, her appearance changed, her breath and soul remained the same, could it be said that this girl could see through that she came from the Holy Realm

"Little girl, did you admit the wrong person? I am indeed called Liu Qi, but not your brother Qi." Liu Qi shook his head and said.

The little girl tilted her head and looked at Liu Qi, blinked her eyes and continued: "It looks like Brother Qi has forgotten what happened before, but you are really my brother Qi. It was Brother Qi who let Xiao Jinjin sleep in it, saying that one day Brother Qi will open and wake up Xiao Jinjin!"

Liu Qi was about to faint. He had just experienced the black beads replacing Dantian, and now a little girl suddenly appeared and said that she knew herself, the conscience of heaven and earth, and Liu Qi really didn't remember having a relationship with this little girl.

"I think you really admitted the wrong person. By the way, who are you... No, you are definitely not a person if you can come out of the black bead. No, you are not an ordinary person. Forget it, who are you?"

"I am..." Suddenly, the little girl frowned, and then pursed her lips, "Brother Qi, I... I overslept and forgot who I am. I only remember my name is Xiao Jinjin, and Brother Qi made me sleep. inside."

Liu Qi suddenly fainted, and he could still forget who he was, oh my god, whose little girl is this!

"Well, you said I was your brother Qi, then tell me who I am?"

The little girl blinked, then pursed her small mouth and shook her head and said, "Little Jinjin also forgot. I only know that you are my brother Qi, and it was Brother Qi that let me sleep in it!"

Puff! Liu Qi fell, he had been conquered by this'naive' little girl.

Afterwards, Liu Qi communicated with the little girl for a while, and found that the little girl hardly remembered anything, only that she was called Xiao Jinjin and brother Qi.

Liu Qi didn’t know what to do. This little girl came out of the black beads and was definitely not a mortal. From Liu Qi’s inability to detect the little girl’s cultivation level, it can be seen that this is also Liu Qi’s deep fear of Xiao Jinjin. s reason.

"Xiao Jinjin, I am not your brother Qi and I don't know you. What are your plans in the future?"

Xiao Jinjin blinked his big eyes innocently, then his mouth collapsed, and the crystal tears burst out instantly: "Woo... Brother Qi doesn't want me anymore, Brother Qi doesn't want me anymore..."